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11009465 No.11009465 [Reply] [Original]

What's been on your mind lately /lit/?

>> No.11010196

Cunt slash
Bitch been flashy
Like marshmallow in my jizz
Juicy monk of sour lemon potato
Killing of Pope won't resurrect God of meat balls

>> No.11010229

Why are Americans still retarded and neurotic colonists?
How come Jews run American news networks?
Will we colonise Mars in this century?
Will dark matter be explained soon?
What book should I read next?
Is Trump really faking his contempt for Russian interests in Syria?
What will Brexit do to Europe?
Will PIE ever be fully reconstructed?
Should I buy that house?

>> No.11010299
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A couple things right now

This beauty from school smiled at me, but I frowned in doubt wondering what she found so funny.

Made my beighbor's brat cry because he throwing stones at my cat again.

Mother called asking how's life here but I had hardly anything to tell her.

Trying to study some geography because I realized how ignorant I am on the subject.

>> No.11010601
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Guess my writing style

Im currently in a state of contemplation, discerning the notion of my being, as well as following the natural course of action based upon previous experience whilst elevating beyond what is known and understood. I find myself at a crux in life, yet this one way path decides my fate as ever present as the very inclination to thought of my nature. I currently am in a space where my thoughts and mind are separate, and action is of the truest intent; the way I mean to be. Drunk and sober, I lose a part of myself that i never held on to. Repeating my own mistakes, they are mine to make by my own and others design. Crafted so intricately by the way of God to create, as He does the beautiful fabric of life. Gone is will. Gone is faith. Now only remains the pretext of living; Breathe. Yes I breathe for the sake of life, not to live but to be alive. Faithlessness or not, I breath, therefore I too think, and I Am. But I am not. Gone is the way of self, I am become of the world. And I must not be. Never to be, for I am truly not.


>> No.11010612
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I've basically been sitting on my ass for the past couple months at Uni, just coasting through all my classes. I work a day a week or so, sometimes two. I haven't even got any significant writing done, though I have a bunch of ideas and sketches I'm excited to work on. I just find it hard to write here, especially when it's so grey and dreary outside. I leave for summer vacation in a couple weeks and will be glad to be somewhere sunny for once.

Other than that I've been very wistful this past week. I don't understand the feeling at all, as I've come to realize that I'm nostalgic for times I was deeply unhappy. The other night I was listening to Three Imaginary Boys and caught myself reminiscing about a time last October when I sat up on a similarly rainy night listening to it. I hadn't eaten or slept for days, my GF had left, and I felt completely broken. I had tied some sheets around a pipe on my ceiling, trying to form a noose. It was probably the lowest I've ever been in my life. And I missed it. Why?

>> No.11010622


>> No.11010626

I hate the fact that Im 22 and have never kissed or fucked a girl before.

>> No.11010629

So retarded /pol/fags are behind >muh americans posting this whole time

>> No.11010637

wait until your approaching 30

>> No.11010642

It's not that hard lad. What's going wrong for you?

>> No.11010647

April 13, 2018 - The New York Public Library has announced finalists for the eighteenth annual Young Lions Fiction Award, honoring the works of five talented young authors. This year's finalists are:

Lesley Nneka Arimah, What It Means When a Man Falls from the Sky
Venita Blackburn, Black Jesus and Other Superheroes
Gabe Habash, Stephen Florida
Emily Ruskovich, Idaho
Jenny Zhang, Sour Heart

>> No.11010671

Truthfully, I'm fat and Im scared to talk to people. I'm afraid of any type of confrontation even if it doesn't involve me. Years of being made fun of in High School took a toll on my self esteem that every time Im in public someone laughs I get a mini panic attack.

>> No.11010684

I am 58 kg and still a khv so being fat is not the issue there, buddy.

>> No.11010708

Ya its a contributing factor. But the social anxiety is the biggest reason. I can tell my mom really wants to ask me about my love life but she knows and it makes her sad

>> No.11010951
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The rising popularity of "thicc" is a result of Americans trying to rationalize the majority of their population being overweight.

>> No.11010960

i live in america but i only like sticc

>> No.11010963

I hate this world. America is lost. I see degenerates everywhere, on everything, and I fear for my children's purity. My white children are growing up in a society for niggers. I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

>> No.11010966

You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, Mr. Beale, and I won't have it! Is that clear? You think you've merely stopped a business deal. That is not the case! The Arabs have taken billions of dollars out of this country, and now they must put it back! It is ebb and flow, tidal gravity! It is ecological balance! You are an old man who thinks in terms of nations and peoples. There are no nations. There are no peoples. There are no Russians. There are no Arabs. There are no third worlds. There is no West. There is only one holistic system of systems, one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multivariate, multinational dominion of dollars. Petro-dollars, electro-dollars, multi-dollars, reichmarks, rins, rubles, pounds, and shekels. It is the international system of currency which determines the totality of life on this planet. That is the natural order of things today. That is the atomic and subatomic and galactic structure of things today! And YOU have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU... WILL... ATONE! Am I getting through to you, Mr. Beale? You get up on your little twenty-one inch screen and howl about America and democracy. There is no America. There is no democracy. There is only IBM, and ITT, and AT&T, and DuPont, Dow, Union Carbide, and Exxon. Those are the nations of the world today. What do you think the Russians talk about in their councils of state, Karl Marx? They get out their linear programming charts, statistical decision theories, minimax solutions, and compute the price-cost probabilities of their transactions and investments, just like we do. We no longer live in a world of nations and ideologies, Mr. Beale. The world is a college of corporations, inexorably determined by the immutable bylaws of business. The world is a business, Mr. Beale. It has been since man crawled out of the slime. And our children will live, Mr. Beale, to see that... perfect world... in which there's no war or famine, oppression or brutality. One vast and ecumenical holding company, for whom all men will work to serve a common profit, in which all men will hold a share of stock. All necessities provided, all anxieties tranquilized, all boredom amused. And I have chosen you, Mr. Beale, to preach this evangel.

>> No.11010967

I know you're larping but it concerns me people like this exist and have children.

>> No.11010973


First world problems and complaining like that.

You and people like you are weak.

>> No.11010989

I am back on 4chan for the first time in like 6 years. I clearly have a lot of memes to catch up on.

>> No.11010996

just leave man
it's all fucked

>> No.11011010
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Boohoo quit being a fucking faggot that can't handle when someone has a worldview different from your own. Not larping, btw.

I'm still mourning the loss of my country. When I was a kid I really believed that America was invincible but in the last few years I have seen the true heart of minority peoples that steadily outbreed whites.

Leave. In 2014 something called 'GamerGate' happened and a flood of redditors invaded; they never left and the site's overall quality has taken a dive that it will likely never recover from. Also, fucking phoneposters.

>> No.11011011

but sometimes theres funny stuff

>> No.11011019

those are nice digits lad

>> No.11011029

>When I was a kid I really believed that America was invincible

Nothing lasts forever. Even if the US maintain dominance for more 1000 years, nothing is permanent. You have to be happy while you still have a conscience.

>> No.11011041

I'm going to my first interview boys. wish me luck

>> No.11011075

Just a shit ton of dirty weird sex.
Pretty much all that is ever on my degenerate mind.

>> No.11011087

Degeneracy doesn't exist
They just want you to feel bad for having better taste then them

>> No.11011101

If you're overweight obviously change your diet and exercise routines.

As far as your social problems go, try being more likable. That sounds really vague but I'll explain. I was bullied through pretty much all of my pre-university education and quite violently in high school. Despite that and me not being very classically attractive most people viewed me as part of the "in crowd" by my junior year of high school and by senior year some would say I was "popular". The first step to that was freshman year and every year after I did 3 sports. That took care of fitness, something that makes everybody more attractive. But beyond that I learned how to be more likable.

Being likable is fairly congruent with having tact, being kind, and humor. Being kind is self explanatory. Humor takes some finesse. Tact is something you can work on. Be yourself but you also don't always have to be completely transparent to everyone; you need to know which parts of yourself to bring forward. Are you work buddies into sports? Instead of trying to inject anime or current events into the conversation try instead to talk about an outdoor hobby you have. This is just an example.

Lastly, it's okay to change. Round out your character with social or interesting hobbies. It's okay to spend a few hours a week on 4chan but if that's all you do then there's no reason for anyone to want to have a conversation with you if they don't share that specific interest. Same goes for TV/vidya/etc.

>> No.11011159

I'm growing my hair out and it's at the awkward length where it's long enough to get in the way but too short to effectively tie.

>> No.11011258
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I dislike 'The Kite Runner' yet can't fully explain why.
A girl who was explicitly told I had no feelings for her has made it something of a point to ruin a good thing with someone else I had going.
Depression does not entitle people to the right to not being insulted.
How can I know the difference between false confidence and actual confidence?
God damn it feels good to wok out again.
I want to read 'King Lear' in June.
That job interview could have gone much better.
I feel guilty for living my life.

>> No.11011354

Maybe so.
Why are people always kink shaming?

>> No.11011399

I'm in a really strange situation with this female friend of mine. She's going through a very tough grieving process after her father's death, and has found in me the only person she can share her feelings with. So we've created this rather deep bond of mutual trust and affection. We read sad poetry together, listen to depressing folk music and end up crying on each others' shoulders to those platonic "I love you"s. The other day she told me I remind her of her dad, and it was one of the most heartbreaking and hearthealing things anyone has ever said to me considering the context and the way she told me.
I feel a slight feeling of guilt though. I am scared of developing too much of an attraction for her because she has a boyfriend, but it's really really hard not to fall for someone like that. I'm also under the impression that it's not impossible for her feelings towards me to escalate as well, and I'm pretty sure that's not really a good thing at all. She complains a lot about her boyfriend, but -apart from her being WAY out of my league- I'd feel like taking advantage of this situation if I were ever to get closer to her in any way other that friendship.
I have this painful indecision inside. Do you guys have any advice for me? What do you think of the situation and how should I proceed?

>> No.11011415

lok up transference and counter transference. remember your boundaries. if you're not a moralfag tho just tap your qt new exwife

>> No.11011433

I hate being a 5'10 manlet reeeeeeeee!

>> No.11011458

because it reminds them of the darkness that is potentially in themselves they do so well at hiding, and it is disrespectful to the high dedicated elegance of their lifes to be surrounded by crass monkeydom and have that be an exalted and obsessed and celebrated aspect of humanity. Because it diminishes all intellectuality and achievement into the simple brutality of rod and whole and pleasure juice synapses. Because some kinks are scary and mean and gross. Because some involve people giving up their agency and intelligence and being silly crazy dumb. Because the power dynamics are frightening and its grotesque that these events are part of the fabric that makes up the whole community. Because people can be taken advantage of. Because people lessen their dignity and integrity and pride and honor. Because it is not constructive, as in, degenerate. Because it is not real, as in fantasy. Because it is disrespectful that a woman might in a moment shun the entirety of society that was built for her in exchange to be tied up and sexually tortured, because it is incomprehensible.

Would help if you gave some examples of some of the kink shaming you have seen.

>> No.11011463

and because there are things that blur and push the lines of legality.

>> No.11011473

real nigga say what
real nigga on the cut
staright memeing it up
real nigga eating a truff

>> No.11011556
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>meet cute sociology student on omegle
>she likes Dickens and Joyce
>we talk about our last readings, life and future projects
>hour passes
>she has to go but asks for a contact first
>have none so she gives me her discord and incourages me to make one so we can continue chatting
>"yeah, sure"
>don't actually make one
>loose her contact

I keep doing it lads, why am I so afraid of starting a serious relationship ?

>> No.11011654

>Do you guys have any advice for me? What do you think of the situation and how should I proceed?
she has lost her father man, you help her through that.

>> No.11011798

talking with a girl on omegle is not a serious relationship you sperg

>> No.11011814
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How do I attempt suicide in a way that doesn't kill me or hurt me, but might get my some psychological help and support

>> No.11011834

Are you a grill?

>> No.11011838

Call a psychologist's office and say "I need help and support."

>> No.11011866

Everybody I know in the world lives in one state and I don't want to live in this state anymore. I want to move somewhere new but I would have no help or support at all and it is very daunting. I feel like my parents are purposefully trying to make me stuck here forever. It's like they don't want me to have my own life. They're divorced and hate each other but they independently treat me this same way, telling me I need to focus on getting a good job here, and that there's no reason to want to live anywhere else. All my friends live in this state's biggest city, about an hour away. It has a lot of crime and is ridiculously overpriced to live there. It has a terrible yuppie culture and seems like very few people there share my philosophy. Where I live now has a lot of rural and natural beauty, but there is almost nobody here my age, and it has a very rednecky culture, which is fine, but it isn't me.

>> No.11011892


>> No.11011900


>> No.11011910

Nope, other side of the country.

>> No.11011921

on my mind is runescape nostalgia, of the old days were i used to play for hours to end, making friends and travel the unknown lands. As i write this, might joy of the unknow is gone, the excitement for something new is gone. life is dreadful, plainly boring, everything is the same. Oh, i wanna be a kid again. i really wanna be a kid again.

>> No.11011931

I hope you find what you're looking for anon -- I feel similarly about where I live, hoping to move away sometime early next year.

>> No.11012305

I feel the same, it's funny to think back then that I yearned to grow up and become an adult for all the extra freedoms it could bring me. The things that stressed me out back then seem so small and harmless now.

>> No.11012345

follow your heart. you don't have to be perfect

>> No.11012356

Me too and it's driving me crazy

>> No.11012365
File: 88 KB, 1500x1000, enzsi_a_védelmező.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The EU is in a crisis. It's been in it for a while. People point at Orbán for being a "fascist", and his communication definitely has such elements, but this is besides the point. All of Eastern-Europe is being kept in the EU because it doesn't matter what happens there. What matter is for them to manufacture the cars, provide the West with skilled immigrants and shut the fuck up. Can't do it? Ok, here, take this money. When the immigrant crisis arose, the problem wasn't if we should keep them out or let them in. The real problem was: who decides this? There isn't an authority for this! Well you could say: well defined rules, that are being held up can take the place of a leader in such a case. Yeah, they can, for a while. If they're being held up! But they aren't! Because, as I said earlier, it doesn't matter what goes on in the Eastern states. They are only needed as colonies. So: no structure -> no defined responsibility -> no working union. And no, you can't run away from this to Sweden. This crisis is as real there as it is in Romania.

>> No.11012374

Where do you live?

>> No.11012385

>tfw was really eager to move away from my home state for uni
>tfw hate my uni state even more
>tfw home state doesn't feel like home anymore
>tfw don't know where to go
I'm basically aimless at this point. I've lost whatever tethers I may have had to any location.

>> No.11012443
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I love these threads, even though a response isn't guaranteed, just the fact another person might see this and have some good advice for me gives me hope. Anyway, here's my daily blog. I find myself and extremley perplexing person, I have things that I think I could not live without, yet do absolutely nothing to maintain them. My drive to do well seems to be entirely based on some complex that I have to make other proud of me, and its led me on a path of the least resistance in every single one of my choices. I have nothing that I would call a hobby or a passion. I want to get into reading literature and poetry, hoping that I may find something that may spark something to change inside of me, but I'm rational enough to realize it will probably never happen. Most of the time I am content with escaping to another reality in hopes of avoiding the problems of this one. I am most relaxed when someone is telling me what to do in a work environment, and unfortunately do to my "gifted" math and science abilities, I am in engineering. I am at my first internship experience right now in the middle of my junior year I don't think I am doing well. I find the work incredibly boring and feel like I was set up to fail from the beginning with the project. I will accept the blame for the failure of it though as I'm sure another student of better caliber could have succeeded just fine. The job in itself wasn't related to my major, I knew it when I took the job but I was more worried about having something on my resume and again pleasing my parents. Part of me wants to go back to my highschool/early college years summer job, manual labor, where someone told me what to do and the task was simple enough to where I couldn't fuck it up. Also getting to interact with the citizens of my town in a helpful manner was also pleasant. But throughout all of this I am afraid this is simply because I am lazy and would rather do something easy and slide by then work at something and improve. I can see areas of my life where I defy this expectation and principle of myself, but I can't let go the possibility.

>> No.11012513

>I don't think I am doing well. I find the work incredibly boring and feel like I was set up to fail from the beginning with the project. I will accept the blame for the failure of it though as I'm sure another student of better caliber could have succeeded just fine
You shouldnt let your self fail, let the project fail, risk messing up serious work, you should ask people for help. Or else you are just wasting everyones time, money, resources, potentially putting people at risk, neglecting your own learning experience, and giving yourself bad resume.

>> No.11012533

I still want to quit my job but I haven't gotten another one yet. The place I applied to hasn't called me and I have gone there to talk to them twice. I am absolutely miserable at work to the point of sluggishness and even my colleague asked if I was okay yesterday.

The job is simple but terrible. Cleaning a mall on third shift. The music is always on, and so are all the lights. I have been told I cannot recycle on company time and that really bothers me since everything is plastic. No one gives a shit. The mall is always a mess and no matter how much we clean it the public will just fuck it up again and we have to do the exact same thing again the next night. The mall manager wants it spotless but half our equipment doesn't work and we are understaffed by four people. Five most nights.

The only good part about my job is my colleagues and the fact I can listen to music and audiobooks but I can only have one earbud in so I am still hearing bland mall music.

I'm lying in bed right now. I don't want to get up to make food. I don't want to get up. All I want to do is sleep. All I do is sleep and work. My hobbies have died. I just want to quit.

>> No.11012535

I don't plan on just accepting the project as a failure. I am however and conceding some of my former goals as far as when the project will be done, both the original goal and the more likely goal are within my allotted time at the company.

>> No.11012565

Perhaps I inaccurately described the state of the project. The project is only in danger of not being complete by a presentation regarding my project, which is 2 weeks before my time is up with the company. I am unsure as to whether this is regarded as a failure in relation the internship program at the company, but I will guess it is not standard.

>> No.11012594

I still don't really know what you are talking about. Your project is a presentation? A part of your project is a presentation? You are at risk of failing the presentation? You feel like you were set up to fail the project/presentation? There is noone you can/could have asked to help with what you are uncertain about?

>> No.11012622

I apologize for the lack of clarity. My project is the essence of my internship at this company. There is a presentation with the topic of my project, all the work I have done this semester next week. Due to my own error and the possibility the project wasn't well thought out before its inception and my choosing of it, I will not be able to finish the project by the date of the presentation. But I am in no risk of failing the project. I will complete the project, just 2 weeks late. But within my allotted time of working at the company. I am unsure if this is something expected by the company, that not all projects will be completed or I will be in bad standing with the company. Hopefully this clears things up.

>> No.11012663

honestly, ive wrote a wall of text here but i deleted it all
now i'm just wonderin if theres any kind of strategy, method or procedure i can apply to relieve anxiety and stress besides prayer, exercises or meditation

>> No.11012691

when faced with work, say to yourself: always today, never tomorrow. As for your forlorn longing: maybe you're a sentimental masochist? self-destructive? Currently inert and in want of some feeling, even if negative?

fuck your neighbor's brat.

Yeah dude, this is bad. Like really bad. Why don't you do something about it? I hadn't lost my virginity by the time I turned 18, and thought that was unacceptably late, so I hired a dutch hooker and took care of it. Do something like that. Tinder could also work. I'm not exceptionally attractive, but i've slept with like 10 girls from it this semester alone. You just have to put yourself out there—and pussy begets pussy. It get's easier and better as you accrue confidence

but 'thicc' originates from social media culture in referencing artists like rihanna and beyonce. The word has a clear denotative distinction from merely 'overweight,' particularly implying a certain fertile indicating curvaceousness, rather than amorphous fat surplus. You could try and argue that its solely a byproduct of the obesity epidemic, and more specifically the fat acceptance movement (which would be a much stronger argument) but even despite that obesity still isn't accepted as attractive. I think the emergenct us of 'thicc' more accurately reflects a return to a pre-1920's ideal of feminine beauty, just prior to first wave feminism's challenge of the victorian, post-plague idea of feminine beauty. Also: black dudes just really like thicc bitches and use twitter a lot, where trends pick up speed incredibly quickly

directed by Roman /pol/anski

Network is so choice, and this is my favorite scene by far. In fact, I performed this monologue in front of an acting class once in college. Ofc I came nowhere close to nailing like Beatty, but it was a fun dropping bloodcurdling bombs on my fellow students

your post number is 221 in decimal, like Baker street. How /lit/ is that holmie

what's on your mind, not your head

no ones entitled to not being insulted, no matter the circs.; you can't blame a broad for losing another broad, that was on you; true confidence is marrow-deep, false is dermal; wok?; why don't you read king lear now? why june?; and lastly you should only feel guilty if you're ungratefully squandering it, otherwise buck-up

scared because of a boyrfriend? You really shouldn't be, girls are authors of their own fate, if you happen to incidentally ingrain feelings into her over her bf, then by all means do so. This is a mating game we're playing—fuck the competition. And I get not wanting to be a homewrecker, but unless there's a ring on it, it's fair play. You're not responsible for anyone's relationships but your own. period. Also: i say this under the assumption that you legitimately care for this girl, rather than see her as merely a hookup. THat's the key.

>> No.11012786

>tfw have degree and working a job a retarded high school student could do
>tfw applied to like 50 jobs
>tfw get no responses
>tfw friend who has shitty fake online degree applies to 2 jobs and gets one immediately

>> No.11012796

Sex, creative output, masturbation, socialization (depending on your temperament), music, film, any hobby (I really enjoy go-karting for stress relief), and lastly, verbalizing the causes

Get yourself out of that soul-draining fluorescent swamp as soon as you can, anon. Maybe consider a job outdoors, even landscaping (which can make you jacked). You should also look into work as a private eye; prereq's are pretty slim for a gig like that. Also: anything with people, i was mildly content during my summer as a barista. Tips are decent too.

it seems blaringly clear that your current motivations for doing are entirely misplaced. You should really consider reevaluating your core virtues and desires. Hating what your doing isn't a sign that there's anything wrong with you, it's a sign that you're doing the wrong thing for the wrong reasons. Shift your motivations to the intrinsic, not the extrinsic sources such as what your parents want or even job-security. If your knee hurts running a marathon during the first mile, it'll only be infinitely more painful during the 26th. Changing course, no matter how uncomfortable, the sooner the better. I took business through university, and by my second year, decidedly hating it, thought: well, it's too late now, I might as well stick it through. Only became more insufferable. Never succumb to the sunk cost fallacy. And I know this all only makes sense if you have an ulterior target, a passion, but the truth is you have to contrive your own, try things out. Evidently engineering is not your thing, so whats the point of spending 38% of your life subjecting yoruself to misery to support the other 62% which you hate due to existential fatigue. Struggle is inevitable, and even the key to success: but the struggle must by the means, not the end.

best of luck!

manufacture your own novelty. the world didn't stop changing, offering up new excitements every day. you did, anon, you did.

To be daunted is to be daring: to dare is to live. rofl, but seriously, after a certain point, your parents literally can't *make* you do anything. if you think they can, then you're bestowing that power artificially upon them—relinquishing your agency with each passing breath. Tomorrow the final frontier is. Godspeed heheh

taking about 12 vicodin should do the job. That, or ibuprofen or acetaminophen. But seriously, that's a stupid and stupidly prideful way to ask for help. Whether you believe it or not, the vast majority of people, esp. those who know you, only want the best for you. Lifting others up is our natural tendency as communal creatures. What's your main issue, if you don't mind me asking?

maybe because your perception of what constitutes the beginnings of a "serious relationship" is painfully askew. Can't you at least try to meet a girl on tinder before self-imploding? You'll accrue legit experience that way: *body language*

>> No.11012826

yes, alright, best of luck, and I still think you should have tried talking to anyone, fellow internshippers or if there is someone in charge of the interns, asked about stuff, if its allowed to be late. What is the project? So your presentation will be done. Well best of luck

>> No.11012832

im so sick of everything but not enough to want to kill myself. considering enlisting and stepping on an IED.

>> No.11012837

Girard's mimetic theory

>> No.11012844

Do not do those things
take a vacation, go to another country or at the very least another city. Get a change of pace and explore the world a little

>> No.11012858

You're above average. The only person that cares about your height is you, and tall cunty women that you shouldn't even want anything to do with in the first place. The truth is, women generally—and you can look up the statistics to back this up—like men that are only about 4 inches taller than them. Girls rarely like being towered over, esp. when it comes to the mechanics of a kiss, or fucking

Here's a fun anecdote you might like, despite being inextricably marooned in the friendzone: my swiss father came to America 35 years ago. One night, he went to a pool party. At the party, he spotted a girl he fancied sitting alone at a table. He went and sat next to her, beginning to talk to her. After a while, a guy came up and mildly accosted him: "what do you think you're doing? That's my girlfriend." My dad, brandishing an unbridled Swiss-style aplomb, further invigorated by a sparky conversation with this potential mate, responds, as boldly as one could: "not anymore she isn't." The guy stumble over his words, claiming as a women she could make her own decision, which, after failing to fight for her honor, she had done. Obviously, the woman was my mother.

Now, I know this story seems cinematically absurd, but I promise it's true. And the message is clear: if you truly connect with a girl, it shouldn't matter if she's the next in line to the Nigerian throne, or working as a prostitute for the most villainous pimp in all of the Bronx; you make her yours, no matter what. To exemplify how far I've personally been willling to take this principle: I recently hired a private detective to uncover the contact info of a girl I had a cosmic crush on 4 years that worked at a coffee shop I often frequented. As insanely as it sounds: I'm currently planning a "serendipitous" run-in with her, where I'll pretend to forget her name, but then suggest that we should grab a drink sometime, because why not? It's such a coincidence! I realize how sociopathic this sounds, but my friend: all is fair in the art of love.

>> No.11012866

thank you. I guess im just looking for permission to go searching. Ill see what I can do. I have spoken to my father and it seems like hell support me doing anything which gives me a lot of comfort.

>> No.11012871

I spent a lot of time getting help, and trying to learn as best I could. and thanks, I could get a major break through and be done in time. thanks for the advice anon

>> No.11012882

>To exemplify how far I've personally been willling to take this principle: I recently hired a private detective to uncover the contact info of a girl I had a cosmic crush on 4 years that worked at a coffee shop I often frequented.

I should've fucking guessed this was you holy shit

>> No.11012909

Don't be such a puddle-brained outline of a human: elaborate—! If something's on your mind, surely a three-letter phrase isn't the only thing bouncing around the inside of your skull, repetitively lighting up your neurons like a pin-ball machine. Explicate, expand, and, finally, expiate.

Firstly, don't listen to a word this moron says >>11012844 A vacation is one of the worst possible suggestions I can think of. Rewarding yourself when you hate yourself does nothing but reinforce whatever behavior caused the self-loathing in the first place. I've tried to do this with drugs; it doesn't help. The fact that you've considered enlisting as a route to suicide implies to me that what you want most isn't actually to end-it-all, but some kind of sense of purpose. If you only wanted to delete yourself, you'd be fantasizing about blowing your brains out, or self-immolation. Ask yourself what EXACTLY it is that your'e sick of, then determine what you can personally do to change it. Sounds obvious, hard in practice, which is the key: the road to contentment is paved with hard-fucking-work. You won't get their lollygagging in Maui soaking up the sun. Changing scenery doesn't change your problems or their roots: your problems will always follow you where you go unless you directly face them. And again: don't kill yourself, despite what the Japanese want to claim about the honor in seppuku, it's a coward's errand. Living's far scarier.

>> No.11012912

whats the point? i will just carry this toxicity with me wherever i go.

>> No.11012921

LOL, you remember that post?

Yeah, no regrets in that domain as of yet—I'll definitely share whatever happens when it happens. Who knows, could end in asteroidal disaster, or transcendental epiphany: probably neither. Something something Gretzky statistical shot saying

>> No.11012925

If you're at least 20, then you're the only person whose permission you need to get, my man. Expectations should be the exception, not the rule (in both senses of the word). Never forget that you're a goddamn man goddammit, not the marionette of future-regrets.

>> No.11012936
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hahahaha it was _almost_ inspirational until that point. Holy shit anon. I feel for you though, I really do. You're a romantic, just like me. I've been there, thinking that my love trumps everything and that if I just keep at it everything will work out and everything will be just as pretty and nice as it is in my mind. But trust me, that's not how 99% of people work. She's not going to view it as beautiful or noble, it's going to look sociopathic like you suggested.

Fuck, I'm rooting for you though.

>> No.11012944

>What's your main issue, if you don't mind me asking?

I'm 28, my only friends are my immediate family and a couple of middle aged dudes from work, and I'm a virgin. I've been extremely isolated for a long time, and I don't see any way for it to get any better

>> No.11012952

thanks anon. You're right. I guess I'm just scared of making a mistake and hes been helpful for decision making. But i think its time I start making my own.

>> No.11012966


The problem is I'm already tired of working for someone else. I get paid pennies to do a mostly impossible task in the time allotted with the manpower we have. I hate it. The boss above my direct boss doesn't give a shit about our broken equipment. The mall manager doesn't give a shit that we don't have equipment or manpower and wants the mall flawless despite the fact that even after we're done people still track shit everywhere. Everyone leaves all their trash everywhere. Fuck the mall. Fuck everyone that just leaves their shit everywhere.

I did landscaping for a friend once but that was horrible because the humidity for the state I'm in is out of control. I hated it.

I just want to do something I want to do on my own time with my own stuff that I can take some pride in. Something creative that I can actually use my brain on instead of just numbing it and going on auto-pilot. Tomorrow is my last day before my "weekend" and I'm really debating whether I want to quit. I want to, but everyone is going to be like "WELL NO YOU NEED THIS JOB AND WE NEED YOU HERE" and damn my mental health.

Fuck capitalism and fuck American society. I want to work but 99% of the options are soul sucking to me and I just have to suck it up and waste my life doing it? Oh boy.

>> No.11012968

Fellas. Be honest. I'm about to turn 21. Does life actually get better or is at all pretty much downhill from here?

>> No.11012971

honest question. i fucked up my early 20s with depression and a ketamine addiction, so I never finished my degree, should I just get a fake one?

>> No.11012974

Struggling with guilt about my past and related anger at my father. I can't shake the feeling that he shaped me into the villain I was.

>> No.11012984

>Fuck capitalism and fuck American society. I want to work but 99% of the options are soul sucking to me and I just have to suck it up and waste my life doing it? Oh boy.
Are you me desu? The system is so fucked, I hate it. But what I hate more is all the brainwashed normies going
>lol grow up
>lol you're just lazy
>lol what a loser
You're not even safe here for fucks sake. Luckily I've found software jobs to be tolerable, so I'm not a NEET.

>> No.11012998

depends entirely on you

get a good job, some good friends, make good decisions, and take care of yourself, and it will be great

>> No.11013026


I'm not lazy so much as unmotivated to do things I don't want to do. I don't want to work for someone else who makes all the money and gives me a pittance. I don't want to work with equipment that doesn't work either to which no one cares. I don't want to work for someone that demands impossible stuff that we can't do because of manpower and equipment.

I don't want to do the same thing every single day only for it to be fucked up again. There's no creativity in my job. There's no thinking. There's just nothing. It's Sisyphean and completely futile. In a place I absolutely loathe because I hate consumerism. And wastefulness. I was trying my best to take just ten minutes in total out of my eight hour shift to recycle the shit that people leave behind. I would put it into a bag and then take it home to my own bin (which quickly filled) just to recycle it. The person who isn't even my boss then told me, "no more recycling on company time. I know you're passionate about it but if you want to do it you're welcome to come in early but not on your shift." It killed me. I don't even know why entirely but every bit of residual wanting to work there just drained. I don't want to go in early. I don't want to go in at all.

I'm not lazy. I can do things just fine when I'm motivated no matter the conditions or factors or any of it. I personally hate programming and couldn't imagine not being miserable in it.

>> No.11013032

Oh hey I remember you. What a strange life you must live.

>> No.11013048

Well that's what my friend did. Just some online IT degree. Now he's making like 50k.

>> No.11013055

Thats quite a lengthy but very eloquently put response my dude.
And you are, of course, correct.
Im just using degenerate in a broad social way. Im not actually into anything that would be taboo or such.
Okay, example #1. I like feet. More specifically feet clad in tights or knee length socks.
I brought this to light once in a group conversation that consisted of around 8 people, male and female.
Now one of the females spoke openly about how she loves guys to go down on her. Loves it. More than intercourse.
Fine. Good for her.
Another guy likes minor pain. Biting, slapping etc. Also fine.
A girl likes being spanked while calling the guy daddy.
A bit weird for me but good for her.
I mention feet/socks and bam, im the freak of the group and get ridiculed.
Wtf dude??

>> No.11013062

You need to change your perspective on your situation, your emotions aren't helping you either see your situation clearly or adapt to your environment to your advantage

blaming capitalism is like blaming the reptilians for things you don't like. go out and talk to people and try not to speak over people who give you their time to express their own perspective

>> No.11013068

there was a murder in my neighborhood on sunday and one of my roommates (who is always here 24/7 smoking weed and making noise) has been gone since sunday night...freaky.

>> No.11013070

you’re all such weak spirits lol, unbelievably hollow insights, piss poor diction, disgusting obsequiousness which rears its head anytime pussy or professors come up. hope you all enjoy the cold

>> No.11013072


There is no adapting to the environment. It's shit. The job is shit. It is the fault of capitalism. I work in a fucking mall. A mall that wouldn't exist if not for rampant overconsumption of stupid shit no one needs.

>> No.11013080

Dude, are you crazier than me? If by some wild stretch of the imagination the best case scenario occurs and I actually land a date with this broad—then I'm taking that shit to my grave. "Anon, femanon, how'd you guys meet?' "Omg, such a coincidental run-in!"

I'm well aware of the statistically likelihood the thing will go bust, btw

>> No.11013088
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Don't you mean his behavior is not optimal?
What would you know about his values?
Are you ironically ignoring his plight to demonstrate some bullshit narrative you think he does to others?
Are you a woman?

>> No.11013095

malls dont exist because of capitalism, malls exist because white people were to racist to keep shopping downtown where there are black guys, manhattan is capitalist as fuck without malls, you can walk in from the sidewalk into a gucci store, but when you go outside some schizophrenic black guy might ask you if IT GOES IT GOES IT GOES

>> No.11013109

Well my dude, I'm only 24, but one thing I'd suggest is fixing your virgin status as soon as possible (by hiring a hooker, if nothing else, as I did at 18 (which I gladly tell people about)). At this point, I imagine that being a virgin is a concretely fundamental aspect of your self-identity, most likely in a shameful and generally negative way. Once you stop seeing yourself as an INCEL beta, you'll be reinvigorated by a fresh new air of confidence, and thereby possibility. Change how you see yourself and your outlook on the future will radically shift, subtly at first.

How much job-hunting are you doing? Research? Actual applying? I get the frustration, but your success is entirely dependent on what you do. You can't blame your discontent on others.

It's pretty standard, except for the wrinkly dog—the dumb bitch I love her so much.

>> No.11013120


I'm not job hunting because I don't want to work under someone else. I have a small amount of capital to do something with and if I decide to quit then I'm going to put that to something I want to do and see if I can make money from it. If it doesn't work then at least I won't want to kill myself doing something I hate.

>> No.11013123

I'm not telling you to not consider changing every aspect of your life, I'm saying that you're in your own way for seeing capitalism as some huge enemy when your job is just one building with other people who I guarantee aren't thinking about the things you're thinking right now.

Not optimal at all, engaging a victim mentality to avoid introspection.

>> No.11013129

I'm hoping to pursue a Fulbright fellowship in a couple years, after my graduation date. I am giving myself plenty of time to do research and create a great grant proposal, along with learning the host country's languages (Switzerland). Although I think I have a legitimate shot, I find myself filled with anxiety when thinking about the ordeal, as being accepted will strain some relationships at home. This project is something that I feel deeply passionate about, yet at the same time I feel bad trying to pursue it.

>> No.11013133

>I mention feet/socks and bam, im the freak of the group and get ridiculed.

because traditionally feet are thought of as very gross and smelly, swamped in socks all days, touching the ground, everyone knows by the mud room or door where everyone keeps their shoes or if anyone has sniffed some shoes before how uniquely rare the smell of absolute terror is. All of these real and abstract associations turned into yea distaste. Then there is the guy reaction due to thinking there will be harsh female reaction 'ew wtf you weirdo freak' guys thinking average girl would respond like that so they respond like that. maybe it has something to do with being so far removed from the face. Tits are ok, and ass, standard, but once you get really far from the face its like, hello...im up here...you love the furthest part from me... is the rest of me not good enough... no you gotta like it all equally, tits, ass, neck, hands, face, belly, armpits, behind the knees, thighs, are all gateway drugs to the foot junkie, been burnt out on every other part now you have reached the woman mountain peak seeking your fix.

As you know not all woman are adverse to this, but there is just a stigma of abnormality, for if you are normal you can enjoy and make use of all the others and never really need to go about the feet, whereas maybe abnoraml guys have to try to jump through different hoops to entice the female 'I will give you a foot massage, and lick your feet, in between the toes, and look how subservient I am, and will worship even the lowest part of you'.

Then there is the bother that it almost appears some foot fetish peeps are like contrarian, or memers, doing it to seem weird, badass, edgy, like 'look at how weird and crazy and silly I am, but nope this is real, and I pride myself on weirding you out and being different and unique XD, im so randumb lololo I want to FUCK A FOOT"

But the concept of a female wanting a foot massage is not all that uncommon (especially due to the nature of their often challenging footwear). I would guess 50-70 (to maybe 85%) of "sexual" females would not mind foot massage, and maybe a lower number would not mind you kissing their feet. Then there is the popular association of unbearability of ticklishness. Then there may be a point when they may get weirded out if they let you rub and kiss their feet once, or twice, in the relationship, and then it turns into that being the go to foreplay, and you stop romancing and kissing her and just go straight to playing with her feet, as if each time you went to your girlfriends house right when you got there she answers the door each time you bend down and start playing with her dog 'coochie coo whos my little good boy who do I love the most'. You just gotta find that right girl who is down with the foot play. But yeah theres no real reason for those normie girls to get weirded out when they have been getting banged in the ass by the football team since 8th grade.

>> No.11013137


I don't care what everyone else is thinking, though. They're not me in my situation with my thoughts.

>> No.11013139

Standard in what way? Standard life living people don't hire private investigators to track down crushes. You actually have made me curious, since we're the same age. I wonder how similar/different our lives are.

Do you live in a city? Do you have a good job? Do you have lots of free time?

>> No.11013170

stem degree and over 350 applications in 5 months. 1 callback, 1 interview. Told me I was overqualified because I got a perfect score on the test they give you at the interview. Just slipped a disc at my minimum wage job carrying 50lb boxes all day. About to an hero

>> No.11013218
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>tfw talking to a girl on tinder on my phone while browsing wizardchan on my pc

>> No.11013220

Stick in there my fellow /lit/ bro, we'll get through this.

>> No.11013239

Idk what to do with my life. I'm transferring to an architectural school. I plan on learning Japanese craftsmanship in my free time to gain an intuitive understanding of practical form. Possibly even get a masters in tokyo

But I don't think I can dedicate my life to aesthetics. I need something more idea based to challenge me. I just don't know what I like I guess

>> No.11013334
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I've got myself Dante-tier obsessed over a girl. It's absolutely 100% never going to happen, so how the fuck do I get over it? Fuck it's hard, it's like I've thought about her so much my brain has rewired itself to focus on her. She's always fucking there at the back of mind. I can't stand this. Life is hard enough when you've lost the one thing that motivated you, I don't need to be tortured with reminders.

>> No.11013344


>> No.11013347

the only way is to find someone else that you like. your biology is going to scream at you to get with a girl you like, you can't fight an aspect of yourself that's so low level and fundamental

>> No.11013376

Ok, this is good long-term but how do I do this when I'm spending the next three months in West Bumblefuck, population 2000 where I already know everyone and the next four after that traveling around constantly?

>> No.11013393
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I've wanted to go to EMT school for a while now but I found out a coworker who I kind of dislike is also doing it and now I'm worried everyone at my job will think I'm trying to emulate him even though I'm quitting soon and will probably never see any of them again

I have constant bouts of intense anxiety over stupid inconsequential shit about how people perceive me. Sorta wonder if it's some undiagnosed NPD or OCD

>> No.11013424
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I'm struggling with this weird idea that no matter what rational course I put myself on to accept responsibility for others, other agents in whatever capacity in order to bring myself happiness, that no matter what course I take, the future intervenes upon the legitimacy of any choice, a new grand event, not a disaster but a state of technological bliss in which we are all spoiled, can remove the burden from responsibility, or that, in the opposite, a disaster or social conflict, creates societal or environmental changes that make other responsibility, other loyalties central, that the legitimacy of any rational course of action that takes responsibility for agents is not going to be more than a purpose for living that lasts as long as the legitimacy of the responsibility lasts, and that I'm not in control of that legitimacy, that no one is in control of the legitimacy, that I will live pragmatically and that most of the time that will entail living in a delusion of purpose.

I know that this is how materialists come to grips with doing good, maintaining good, being open and flexible, communicating and bargaining, but this delusional thinking that isn't really delusional [democracy is the least worst option] is an absurdity that is exhausting. I understand why religious people convert, I get how the aesthetic binds your belief, how you get past the pragmatic and into the divinity, I just don't think I have the patience for either delusions anymore. I'm at a point where I know I'm going to hate how unconcerned I am right now later when I'm full of vigour and pride, but how does anyone live without grandeur, not even the majestic painting above, but the eye that sees the painting, the vision of the painting as I look up, grandness felt, special place, here, home.

You really have to learn to hate spring, to hate nature, or at least be indifferent to spring, to nature, as it is to you. That a tree doesn't speak except that I speak, that an animal appearing at your side is coincidence, that I can momentarily be inebriated enough to view this world as I once did, to get myself to feel awe...and, I need to focus, to get better at maintaining my purpose. That's what i need, a way to maintain this purpose, [that I know can be gone tomorrow, can have all legitimacy removed from it, that the conditions can change and take everything away, that I could be a new farmer at the beginning of a hundred year drought, that my body will fail me, that my eyes and ears will deceive me, that the conditions for love will always remain unspoken by individuals, groups, communities, nations, that I'll wander in thought through a few decades of peace and watch my children meet with unprecedented challenges.]

In arms, surrounded by those who would fight, I could sleep, in faith, surrounded by Him who would protect, I could sleep, in material, surrounded by the wealth earned over a life, I could sleep. What brings me to my place and not another is easy to see, legitimacy.

>> No.11013482

I had an idea for a novel, not sure if it's original or not, but I'd like to read something like it. I don't intend to write it, so feel free to steal.
>modern/sophisticated man ends up in a primitive society (idk how, he just does)
>can't escape, has to get along with the strange people
>constantly assesses his environment, the people and their social structures in a philosophical manner
>slightly biased judgments, but not too critical, still wishes to be home
>slowly embraces his new lifestyle, either passively, forgetting about mental exercise and just being, or even through philosophy
>loses himself in this new world, participating in all the traditions

>> No.11013560

Trying to figure out if I made the right decision about my degree. I'm 2 semesters away from graduation and I can't help but feel like I'm going to end up whoring myself out to corporate entities who don't care for me, getting fucked over pay wise for forever, ending up in a cycle of consumerism that so many Americans do. All I want is a house in the woods wtf am I doing

>> No.11013569

This is like my dream scenario
where my tribal drum circles at

>> No.11013605

What's your major?

>> No.11013675


suffering and personal war makes you strong and gets you money and pussy

ie being valuable

mind body spirit

>> No.11013684
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I spend with my bf every monday, Wednesday and friday 8 hours at day after uni. I can't get apart from him. I feel I need him all the time.

>> No.11013687
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does lit have a discord

>> No.11013691

are you going to get pregnant?

>> No.11013696

Too young.

>> No.11013712

have that babeh just like that Aliens movie. make a whole spawn

>> No.11013720

(What’s the difference between mind and spirit? You mean mind, body, soul? Pneuma=nous)

>> No.11013740

i used to call it soul but the word spirit is more applicable for me.

inner strength, attitude, beliefs, spirituality, conscience, drive, passion etc

>> No.11013759


mind and spirit i view kind of like the turbo on the engine. vice versa.

one of the top usa generals described the spirit as a weapon, until then, i used to use the word 'soul' instead of spirit.

>> No.11013795

I'm getting a bachelor's degree in automotive business and field service. I already have an associates in applied science in automotive from a CC. Auto industry is gross but I love cars. The people I work with are so ignorant it hurts though, I have a hard time connecting with people in this field. And I can't help but feel like my potential is greater than working at Ford corporate or whatever. In another field maybe I'd click with more people. But I'm only 22, who knows what I'll do.

>> No.11013797

To me it seems that you understand your future is far more important than the fleeting thoughts your coworkers will have of you, but you still let the idea take control you. I know that feeling too anon, and I'll tell you what: just power through it.
You know what to do and have the logic to back yourself up, so believe in yourself and the right choices you are making. Godspeed anon.

>> No.11013808


ah yeah automotive people are ignorant as fuck. first hand knowledge here.

>> No.11013821

Most of my interests aren't profitable but automotive was my most profitable interest so I went with it. Idk. I wasn't about to get a degree in philosophy or biology or history. Or music. And rack up all that debt for nothing. Fuck no.

>> No.11013850

Well, you better have a really good idea and the drive to match

Boston, finishing school, a decent amount of free time which I try my best to structure by forcing things like exercise, reading, and yoga into it. After I graduate, I'm going near Lima to take Ayahuasca and volunteer with the Shipibo Indians, after that finding a job. Considering: Boston, NYC, Seattle, Montana, Alaska, and Colorado. Looking for an advertising gig, but also I've been sending poems and the like to publishers to try to make that happen, which would be nice, as well as trying out open-mic nights at comedy clubs. Still, I have yet to seize my passion—it may never happen, in which case I simply must keep myself busy.

>> No.11013862

I appreciate the sincere reply anon, will try to get through this.

>> No.11013864

profitable comes from suffering. i might be wrong?

>> No.11013871

I think I've figured out an idea. A young man is estranged from society and consumes a lot of shit like Evola and Spengler. He figures that he needs to die in an honorably way and so he enlists in the army but unfortunately for him he survives so now he looks for honorably deaths within the real world

>> No.11013888

like batman

>> No.11013893

That's nothing like Batman; this character doesn't care about fighting crime necessarily and Batman isn't looking to die

>> No.11013897

what fucking goo ball upload a 28 hour audiobook as one mp3

>> No.11013899
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>tfw no gf

>> No.11013903

I really like 70's black r and b, but I feel embarrassed blasting it on my car stereo when I have the windows down so I can smoke a cig on the way to work.

Stay shameful or play Keep on Truckin with pride?

>> No.11013905

>Batman isn't looking to die
3rd movie

>> No.11013908

Haven't seen it, but eventually the character figures that living with honor is better than dying with it after stopping a girl from killing herself

>> No.11013912

i think u should blast this instread


>> No.11013913

was there an argument for letting her die?

>> No.11013924

kek, thanks anon, I can't believe I just discovered all this shit in the past few weeks. So soulful. I think deep under my white skin and college degree my soul is part 70's Harlem black man

>> No.11013925

What do you mean?

>> No.11014004

the stories about living with honor so there was no question that maybe she shouldnt as opposed to should die?

>> No.11014058

I still don't really understand what you're asking. To explain further she's basically just some junkie that doesn't really see any value in living any more, but the main character's views on life are different. His whole point is about not wasting your life dying alone as a nobody so he takes it upon himself to change her mind

>> No.11014110

kinda sounds captain america-esque

wheres the interesting bit? honor is white bread

he did a 180 degrees on his values yes? i like that bit

>> No.11014121

Basically he realizes eventually that he was an idiot idolizing values he really didn't believe in. He was a loner and afraid that he would eventually pass away alone and no one would ever remember so he tried to find a grand way to do it himself instead. Eventually he figures out how to actually lead a meaningful life

>> No.11014136

Seems like a narrow choice of major to me, especially if you're already doubting it this early, why not major in something more broad like business or econ? That way, you have a lot more leeway in terms of career opportunities, but you'll still have the option of entering the automotive industry if you want, especially since you already seem to have somewhat of a background in that area.

I think you're being a bit too dismissive of liberal arts degrees. I know political science, philosophy, and other lib arts majors who've gotten jobs in marketing, consulting, finance, academia, etc.. Lots of colleges just want someone with a degree and somewhat relevant experience, you can spin a liberal arts major into almost anything (which might be a good idea for you to do since you already feel uncertain about what you want to do).

>> No.11014168


>> No.11014176

sounds pretty cool

>> No.11014185

isnt 50lb 25kg? bro what.....

>> No.11014189

and why is that

>> No.11014192

Is it possible that a careless indifference to any greater power, or god has pushed society to a level of nihilism so great that it will destroy us all.

Currently bordering on an existential crisis brought round by the fact that possibly the new order we put our faith in, (corporatocracy, democracy, communism and capitalism) is far more dangerous than we first anticipated.

At least most religions are underpinned by the notions of compassion and love, the others? an end to a means. The exponential growth of big business and the lawlessness it can create is probably going to be the end of us all.

>> No.11014310

No. Nihilism is a smithy for creating new values. The value of human life has increased over the last fifty years. You catastrophise too much. God probably shakes his heads laughing most of the day, holding back from telling people to chill the fuck out. Calm yourself and drink more water. When's the last time you walked alone with you thoughts for eight hours?

>> No.11014342

lots of chaos, big changes around the corner and a fear of breaking beneath the pressure of change

>> No.11014351

I was thinking about the March of the Living trip I did when I graduated high-school, and remembered a crazy half-baked plan we had to escape from our teachers and stay in Israel. So I wrote the following. Might make it a whole story. Tear me a new one.

A pile of burnt passports on a street in Jerusalem, when its late at night and no one hears the embers crushed beneath the kids’ shoes. Breeze pushes off the documents, they’re gone. Parked by the tour bus they have stolen, precipitating a hangover, they open three more bottles and pass them around. One of the boys fishes a joint from his pocket, tosses it to a girl. They dance with no music. They fuck with no respite. Their teachers and guardians are asleep in the hostel, thirty miles north of here. Come morning they will be searched for, they will be hunted. But now the sky is purple and orange awash with the glow of the Jewish quarter, the sad, empty wall in the distance, a cat murky ascending from the sewage openings. The children, the high school seniors from different countries called together by a heritage they don’t care about, they watched the last few flames consume their identities. Argentina, Panamá, snuck between them, Americans, and Brazilians. They speak in English and half of them know Hebrew, while the Americans are left outside when the rest whisper in Spanish to each other. In the warm night they become lethargic, they’ve smoked too much, they drank too much. A lanky, long-haired boy from Buenos Aires stumbles into the bus, on an acid comedown, can only see the blue glow of the overhead lights. At the wheel, the former driver, a Panamanian kid who’s drunker than anyone else, lays asleep. In the back Melanie lays splayed on Camila’s lap, Yae’s head resting at her thighs. The acid broken kid watches them, sees a strange pyramid of half-undressed women, stoned and laughing, caressing each other in interrupted silence, obscured. The kid trips on my feet. I am lying face down, straight in the middle of the bus, in the ground, feeling my skin weigh me down as I struggle to hold my cheap camera. He turns to me, sitting up, rubbing his face. “Che, tipo uno no ve a donde va, ¿no?,” he says, frustrated that the dying colors and bouncing circles were in the way. I tell him to calm down, and reach into my pocket. “Pilla,” and I produce a downer, and break it off in half. I hand it to him. “Pa que duerma,” I say, and we both take it. He lays back in his seat, melting. I go back to my camera, to documenting all the near-sleeping girls. Melanie. Melu, as they all call her.

>> No.11014544

I've been studying IT at a community college, but it's hard to stay focused and interested in any of the material. Many other subjects interest me, but many of them are liberal arts or social sciences, though. I don't know what to do. I don't want to be stuck working in a field that I end up hating.

>> No.11014577

I'm only two semesters away from graduation though.. I might as well just graduate right? And if I have to go back to school then do that?

>> No.11014607

life is so boring at this point

>> No.11014971

I'm also wondering about buying that house. I already have a small farm but I want something else as well. Another loan before I turn 21 doesn't feel that great though.

>> No.11015092

Black and white shapes flicker.
An erratic metronome on the window.
A ticking jumps from the pattering,
bright beads cling to the glass.
A deep blue all around,
while the shapes sit waiting.

The image crackles.
Beeping at the counter.
Blue hat on my head.
A white light from above,
yet it hangs so low.
"That will be 3.50."
3.50, was it?
The green numbers look back at me.
"Thank you for your hard work!
I'll take things from here!"
The doors slide closed.
how cold the money feels in my hands.
Yet how warm her hair seems.

Black spots flash at the edges.
The frozen blocks clink at the edges,
the man pours something in.
Quiet yellow room,
the weary people rest.
"What's got you down today?"
"A woman, maybe?" I said.
"Ah, that Victoria woman you work with?"
That was right.
"It would be nice to know her," maybe hold her too?
How silly! I laughed, so did the glass.
That's not for people like me.

Reel runs thin.
Deep blue again.
Buttocks on pillow,
the room becomes bluer.
In the distance a snow-capped mountain,
blue as ever,
it's base's trees hidden by homes.
Yet they were there nonetheless.

I will be there, nonetheless.


I was thinking about that suicide note from the Aokigahara forest, the one that described their life as a black and white film about nothing.

>> No.11015122
File: 281 KB, 440x668, F65C7687-13DD-40E5-9500-2433BD24D835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw never even held hands with a girl, or even been on a date @20 years old
When do I start getting my wizard powers bros

>> No.11015138

Fucking hell 5 minutes later I reread this and it's all cringy shit - I'll leave it up anyway, I don't think it's good to hide things.

>> No.11015214

seems your in the wrong field now. study something you enjoy. I studied English lit, dint wanabe a teacher, i just enjoyd it. had a great time, got a good job totally unrelated.

>> No.11015371


Where do you work now?
-t. someone who's about to graduate with BA in english

>> No.11016190

Somehow I pulled out. Almost. My dream of lions was far more prescient than I first thought. Note to always trust my unconscious.

>> No.11016235

I'm curious as well. How'd you get the job that you currently have?

>> No.11016348
File: 24 KB, 500x368, 938D8C1F-58E6-4891-BF9C-B0D416DC2FC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to go to my second round job interview with some legal services firm a few blocks from home. Hopefully they hire me. I’ve never needed a break as badly as I do now. Why the fuck is it so hard to find work? I have a college degree and job and internship experience. My savings are running out, and I can’t keep asking for help from my parents. Fucking hell. Feels bad, mane.

>> No.11016504
File: 156 KB, 1000x1000, bbf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conservative "thought" is intellectually worthless. When pressed on these issues right-wingers will invariably end up stating:
>I don't like this group of people!
>I'm better than this group of people!
>Society has been like this for a long time so it must be right!
>Change scares me!
All their beliefs are rooted in one of the above. They might try to be sly and avoid admitting it directly, because deep down they know their positions are irrational, but it's easy to see through.

>> No.11016549

Cite examples

>> No.11016920

I guess I'll post my last journal entry. Bully me if you feel like it.


I don't want to follow in anyone's footsteps. I want to do my best. And hopefully do this right. At this rate I'll probably run myself into the ground. I don't want to do that. But I'm so restless and I can't help but feel all alone. I have nothing. There is nothing to work towards. Nothing to work on. I've done nothing but lay around and smoke and try to write but nothing comes. I am nothing. It has to be easier than this for most people. I don't know what to do with myself anymore. And the things I try to devote myself to just seem to be a waste of time. Everyone has something, I have nothing. What's going to happen to me? I feel empty. And lost, and alone. I don't know who to ask for help. Or what I need help with at all. Or what anyone could possibly do. I can't just sit around the house anymore. At the same time, nothing helps. If it helps, it doesn't last. Nothing does.

>> No.11016993

after three dates i felt all went well she says she wants to be just friends

>> No.11017009

Brainlet. Neither left nor right are right. The act like a dialectal machine in which society is maintained operative thanks to the continual dialectic process. The non status quo part unveils the inherent contradictions in the machine and the status quo part acts both as a cushion and as a legitmizer.

>> No.11017048

Honestly anon I don't want to be rude but all of your depressed and sad people sound like fucking robots. Not only in what you say, but how you say it. You all way always the same thing.
The way you write is tremendously full of cliche, and since you don't want to follow in anyone footsteps you need to get rid of cliche. Cliche is thought that isn't your own, it's a mere performative act that has no substance behind the mere performance. When you perform cliche you are just reproducing ideas, not thinking them. Language is the space in which one inhabits and yours is slovenly. Read more poetry.

>> No.11017054

all of you*
you always write*
Fucking phone

>> No.11017098
File: 76 KB, 640x646, not this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've written 60k in about 3 months
>it's a fanfic
why am I like this

>> No.11017275

That's a surprisingly accurate observation. In my defense, it's only a journal entry. I'm not trying to avoid cliches, or be prosaic in any way. It's simply me, jotting down my thoughts.

I'm actually a musician struggling to write his own material. I've locked myself into this mode of covering other artists work just by doing it for so many years that I can't break out of it and find my own voice. Cliche, right?

I read a lot of poetry, by the way. I'm sorry you think that my slapdash journal entry is slovenly, or that my particular sadness is cliche. It probably does seem that way on paper.

>> No.11017301
File: 45 KB, 1024x683, Typhoid_facies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im afraid ill only wake up from my depressive slumber when its too late and only then will i realize how much time ive wasted.

>> No.11017373

I am currently alternating between being a pretty cool guy and being autistic. I want to get rid of the autism part but the roots are deep. Also had a chance to bang this qt petite girl but failed to get an erection.

>> No.11017402
File: 97 KB, 841x1200, Napoleon-23-lieutenantcolonel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The reading of history very soon made me feel that I was capable of achieving as much as the men who are placed in the highest ranks of our annals."

>> No.11017411

god I am the greatest son of a bitch this side of the god damn pacific

>> No.11017592
File: 329 KB, 1170x918, c820ce0eb570859df2e774452e26d3ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've decided that spending time on internet communities is pointless and ultimately pathetic. From now on I'm going to use the internet solely for research and communication with people I actually know. It's probably going to fucking suck at first since I'm pretty sure I'm addicted to this place, but I think it will be worth it in the end.

See ya around /lit/. I hope you get that postmodern novella published and convince that girl that books are cool.

>> No.11017610

What sort of creative projects could you imagine centered around the human voice? I find listening to people talk at length to be a very relaxing experience, and I've got a nice microphone, but I'm unsure of what to do with it.

>> No.11017618

be less self conscious and more self aware

>> No.11017619

I don’t believe in you. you’ll be back. or maybe you are greater than myself...

>> No.11017718

I thought the same, I waste less time on internet communities today and I learn more and get more stuff done. I try to visit only once a day and never do this daily micro visits that drain all energy and thought out of you. If you succeed leaving permanently, you will be very competitive in whatever you do against the antisocial media slaves. Good luck anon!

>> No.11017793

Reading (especially history and philosophy) has made me disillusioned with democracy. I think I'm becoming an unironic monarchist.

>> No.11017893

the fact that i do not have a qt3.14 enfp thinspo art hoe gf with small tits is proof that there is no god

>> No.11017902

Read a bit more and you'll take the Mao pill

>> No.11018031

Hahaha, it's already too late, m8

>> No.11018038

>tfw no philosopher king to rule America

>> No.11018123

OP is a fag

>> No.11018162

I said I would do this for 2018. It didn't happen. Nearly 6 months in and I'm still here every day for hours. My dopamine response is shot, nothing feels good upon completion. Oh well lmao

>> No.11018164
File: 138 KB, 901x461, 1515802828621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mao pill