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11009343 No.11009343 [Reply] [Original]

is it good

>> No.11009347

make sure u read crippled america first, then after fire and fury u need to read comey's book and the trilogy will be complete

>> No.11009428

Who even reads this shit

>> No.11009481
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>> No.11009511

The problem with FAF is it contains literal fake news which the author took tons of heat for and admitted was fake news.

I recommend What Happened by Hillary Clinton (skip all the feminist bullshit parts) for a hilarious read. I'm truly sincere when I say it's the funniest book I've ever read.

>At one point she actually describes Alex Jones videos relating to her kidnapping and raping children.
>Describes how her and Bill don't have a system in place since they don't love each other
>Talks about how she worried if she'd be going to jail with all the chants of "Lock her up".

>> No.11009707


>> No.11009714

Hillary did nothing wrong. Conservative media is evil and poisoned the public against her.

>> No.11009884
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>> No.11009890
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>> No.11009907

Lies of a jew.

>> No.11009919
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>> No.11009933

Trump did nothing wrong. Liberal media is evil and poisoned the public against him.

>> No.11009980

The drama of all this is for each side the increasing inability to talk to each other. This is how you ruin a country.

>> No.11009994

That doesnt make FaF not funny.

>> No.11010018

Reads like an episode of House of Cards/The Thick of It and it's great even if it's not entirely accurate (depending on your political persuasion). There's definitely some truth in there but it just depends on what extent, something kind of fun to speculate over.

There'll be better books in the future about the shitshow of the Trump administration though but this is fine for the time being.

>> No.11010022

When did Michael Wolff admit this book was fake news? Every interview he gives he swears on it like it's the pure unadulterated truth.

>> No.11010029

mexico gonna pay for that fence then? :^)

>> No.11010104

As Trump himself would say "WRONG".
It is an opportunistic book, however, timed for the biggest blast of current event publicity, because it's ALL about the money.

>> No.11010125

Donald Trump is the last bastion of western civilization and anyone who says otherwise is an enemy of this country

>> No.11010130


American politics are for literal retards.

>> No.11010153

Based Oklahomans

>> No.11010228

I'm unable of seeing 'this country' with its vaunted laws and institutions as anything but an increasingly flimsy fiction covering up for the all mighty consumer-industrial-war-surveillance apparatus. 'Democracy'does not exist in any meaningful way and hasn't for a long time

>> No.11010251

What about Comey's book? Will it 'bring down the Drumph for good'?

>> No.11010370

He's a complete dumbass who's not even halfway qualified for his position. He's destroying the last little bit of American dignity we still have, not restoring it.

>> No.11010382

Please, Amérikkkwa never had even a shred of dignity. Let it all burn to the ground already

>> No.11010492

I agree with you, but the part you're missing is that there are a varying degrees to the "all mighty consumer-industrial-war-surveillance apparatus".
The orange boy is accelerating the process of making things worse, which was avoidable.

>> No.11010510

did Obama, Bush and Clinton do anything but accelerate the process? would Hillary have done any differently? At the very least, Trump functions as a wild card, a spanner in the works. Even if he's an idiot, the fact that he's there in the oval office represents an obstacle to the spook freaks, the globalists and the bankers.

>> No.11010556

Do you want your nuclear facility to be run by competent assholes, or stupid assholes that are unnecessarily dangerous ?

>> No.11010566
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I just want to blow it all up as soon as possible.

>> No.11010692


>> No.11010853
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>wasting your time with political books

>> No.11010876


>only boys get to be Ghostbusters

more of these please