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/lit/ - Literature

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11008817 No.11008817 [Reply] [Original]

I do sincerely believe a few of the individuals on /lit/ will be some of the best writers of the 21st. No, no I do not jest.
Here me, oh so hear /lit/.
The western canon has been quietly paused as the media took over the entire conscientious of the writers will.
See, /lit/ is underground, the internet is still 'underground', it is still a front for the freedom that the West ideal propagates.
See, we are about to witness the fruits from which the first seeds have been spilt. The age, with the rise of the members on this board starting to mature into dignified people who are leaving the hivemind into individuality and it's right-hood of originality.
Most people on 4chan, struggled, and for those times they will find retribution into their work.

I sincerely believe, /lit/ is to be a cornerstone of what is to come.

>> No.11008855

There are a handful of great writers here who post every once in a while. Most suck, but there are a few I believe are actually really good.

One guy is writing a long poem about Appalachia and growing up as a redneck, he posted the first canto and it was extremely good. Wish I could find it again, you could tell after the first two lines that he had “it.”

Another anon posted some excerpts from a novel or short story, I can’t remember which, that was an abstract impressionist/stream of consciousness story about World War One and being in the trenches. It was dope. If someone has either of these saved please post them.

>> No.11008863

I'm really interested in these works, and hope these two continus their work.

>> No.11008869

I always hope some one will remember any of poetry or long winded posts.
I usually just banter with other poets in ryhme and verse, and I've been getting way better.

>> No.11008870

Honestly even with the anons that suck, having the confidence to post your work and accept criticism puts you leagues ahead of a large majority of the population. They're willing to get shit on to improve their craft, it's something that has to be admired to some extent, even if it's anonymous.

Of course, this is ignoring the anons that disregard any advice and criticism thrown at them.

>> No.11008882

I feel bad spamming my stuff on here in all honesty, but it's the only place to get good critique. If not overzealous

>> No.11008891

Criticism is the only way you'll get better, don't feel bad.

>> No.11008894
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>> No.11008901
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All offers to the golden god have been either insignificant and unworthy of consideration or worse, actual pestilence, putrid and foul, placed at my beautiful alter. Their offerings are not just unworthy but are displeasing to me. I shall have none of it until my alter is cleaned or another better alter is built to suit me.

>> No.11008908

I want to post my stuff here because I do enjoy and learn from criticism, but I'm hesitant to do so. I'm actively submitting right now, and if I put my poems and stories in the critique threads literary journals probably won't take them.

>> No.11008912

Are you him?.

>> No.11008913

really hope this anon keeps at it

>> No.11008919

Pretty good, hope it gets finished and published

>> No.11008925

Bah I am glad, Not a sheep
But for like many, but alad
I become strange when mad
Jealously, admiring strengths
Accute and sharp I diminish
Fact from farce, judgement
Lengths of written wrought
Tear thoughts raw, for mop
Strength and power, deciding
Filament of actualization
Self demoralization, mirrors
Into the courts with a glea
Into the journal for a fee

>> No.11008929

pretty cool

"i think it's just anxiety" felt a wrong to me

>> No.11008935

a little wrong*

>> No.11008940

*i have a little dong

>> No.11008944

Unironically “holy... I want more.”

>> No.11008948
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preach. pic related

>> No.11008959

don't bully pls

>> No.11008973

I could see. But I think the real question is whether they would ever admit that they frequented this board. If I become successful as one, I don't believe that I ever would: there's risk in doing that.

>> No.11008974

what if i get off on it?? faggot