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11007241 No.11007241 [Reply] [Original]

Is Nietzsche's idea of the ubermensch literally just "Just Be Yourself"?

>> No.11007251

No you faggot and you clearly don't even understand the context that ubermensch is used in.

>> No.11007258


>> No.11007261

Think Lebron James and other highly competitive and extremely well trained humans.

>> No.11007265

Can God Make A Rock So Big Not Even Him Can Lift It

>> No.11007266

I believe he was referring to human beings' misguided concept that we are the pinnacle of evolution. We're really just an evolutionary dead end

>> No.11007273

>when the eugenics penetrate the average reading of Nietzsche so thoroughly this post could actually serious
>fucking using a basketball player as an example of physical achievement instead of a weight lifter, body sculptor or even a fencer
The absolute state of medieval argumentation.

>> No.11007287

Nietzsche's whole philosophy is about there being no more self to refer to and hence the necessity of having to create one for yourself as if it were art.

>> No.11007293

Are there square circles nigga?

>> No.11007294

>I believe he was referring to human beings' misguided concept that we are the pinnacle of evolution
How many brainlets actually believe this though

>> No.11007299

>weight lifter, body sculptor
these two are useless physically though

>> No.11007307

Only if you're capable of actually creating your own system of values, which generally only aristocrats are capable of doing.
If a prole like yourself tried to "just be himself" he would end up doing whatever his pastor/priest/talking head/corporate overlord told him to do.

>> No.11007310

>the "bodybuilders are actually weak lol xD" meme

>> No.11007313
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That's pretty much what it all boils down to when you take away the fancy wording, like a lot of philosophy. all those years all that pussy forgone for "be urself m8" .

>> No.11007321

Isn't it more like "overcome yourself"?

>> No.11007369

Absolutely not.

The Ubermensch is way beyond you or I and is not "being yourelf". Cause you arent the superman, you are a stepping stone.

Become what thou art and you will live a fufilled life. Not the Superman's but a stepping stone towards that ideal.

Did thou even read Zarathustra?

>> No.11007386

Lebron james would literally lead the Earth against an alien invasion and your pale ass would follow

>> No.11007422

why don't you read it and find out

>> No.11007606

the closest thing in the world to nietzsche's idea of the ubermensch is the United States Marine Corps

>> No.11007628

lebron is a bitch just like any NBA player

>> No.11007633

You're thinking of Micheal Jordan

>> No.11007648

For nietzche the closest thing to the ubermensch were the ancient greeks, especially Odysseus,
he had both muscles and brain

>> No.11007656


>> No.11007662
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>> No.11007666


>> No.11007758

yes you faggot and you clearly understand the context that ubermensch is used in
>implying basketball players aren't the greatest athletic specimens in year current
>literally states bodybuilders & fucking fencers come close to lebron james
the absolute state of the soylent /lit/ nerd

>> No.11007768

Nietzsche's idea of the Ubermensch is men who create their own values and seek self-improvement, the Marine Core has its core values of Honor, Courage and Commitment and you have to improve yourself if you want to be promoted to the next rank.

>> No.11007784

>create their own values

Exactly, why should the overman care about being a servant to the state.

>> No.11007797

No, he saw Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe as the closest thing to the Ubermench. Also people like Montaigne, Julius Caeser, Napoleon.

>> No.11007808

and based Cesare Borgia

>> No.11007865

Hey, now. What I personally appreciate about professional athletes is that theyre absolutely the best in their fields. There are always better musicians, actors, presidents, etc.

>> No.11007909

Thats what they advertise, but in reality you are going to become a government paid hobo.

>> No.11007922

It's more like "constantly overcome yourself", the ubermensch is constantly in a state of self-transcendence.

>> No.11008208

They can't do anything except lift something in a specific, limited motion. Therefore: physically useless. Further, in other activities this bodybuilding often decreases ability due to it limiting flexibility, speed, and power.