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11003587 No.11003587 [Reply] [Original]

Did you make progress on writing your novel today?

>> No.11003624

400 words on my short story in 2 hours... hmmm

>> No.11003626

Nope :3

>> No.11003741

I put it through a words to pages converter and found out it’s at 551 pages

>> No.11003745

Taking the weekend off after submitting my three chapters to an agent who offered sound advice for a rewrite.

>> No.11003748

I'm not currently writing a novel
I'm not currently writing a novel
I'm not currently writing a novel
I'm not currently writing a novel
I'm not currently writing a novel

>> No.11003750

1411 words yesterday, nothing today

>> No.11003752

don't have the confidence. Feels like a crap

>> No.11003766

Its like I'm scared to start because once I do and I might actually realize I'm in way over my head and I'm a terrible writer lol

>> No.11003789

My novel is as big as the world, for put them, word for word, and one will easily contain the other.

>> No.11003958

I wrote 1.5 chapters

>> No.11004070

in the middle of writing a book about film (already month 2 in progress), instead of writing it today, I just ended watching Happy End and The Square.
I gave Happy End - 8.5/10, & The Square - 7/10

have no progress for my fiction works today.

>> No.11004147

There’s this contest by some run of the mill leftist SJW rag looking for some fantasy/sci-fi works against TOXIC MASCULINITY or some crap, but I need money and they’re paying ten cents to the word so I’ll throw my hat in the ring to see what it gets me.

>> No.11004195

1411 words yesterday, the order today

>> No.11004212

I submitted my short story tonight. It was rejected once before, but I reworked about 50% of it after coming at it with fresh eyes.

I'm proud of it, but won't be offended if it gets rejected again.

>> No.11004222

>The Square
The Australian thriller with David Roberts? How obscure.

>> No.11004226


I sent it off to the copyright office on Friday.

>> No.11004242

>ten cents to the word
What kinda word limits we talking here? Shouldn't be difficult knowing the mentally ill halfwits who follow that kind of shit.

>> No.11004247

no it's Ruben Ostlund's, a Swedish film

>> No.11004425

1k-7.5k. It shouldn’t be too hard to look up on Google knowing the buzzwords but the deadline’s tonight.

>> No.11005859

19 double spaced wide ruled pages in a composition notebook.

>> No.11005981

where is her lower half

>> No.11006123

I’m about half way done with my first draft. I made good progress last night but I haven’t started writing today. I work best in the evening so I’ll start sometime after dinner.

>> No.11006143

kek, writing anything besides scientific or philosophical papers are a waste of time

>> No.11006151


>> No.11006159

How much should an aspiring writer read before they start writing any long term or complicated projects? Should they just say fuck it and write? Or should they read the 200+ books that's on their to-read list?

>> No.11006325
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Should I basically just assume that my first book will be an unpublishable pile of shit and treat it as a practice novel?

>> No.11006351

no, take it seriously. maybe youll pump out a gem. at worst youll have learned many lessons no teacher other than experience could teach

>> No.11006638

I think she's kneeling at the edge of the sofa

>> No.11006650

No. I was reading through my diary last night hoping to write another entry but I fell asleep before I finished.

>> No.11008352

In the midst of figuring out which of ((Human)) or ((Borg)) would be better suited as the loligagging Republic and the ambivalent-yet-gg Commonwealth in a non-cliche way.

>Feels like ((Borg)) should be Commonwealth, otherwise ggHumans at it again becomes the norm.
>On the other hand, ((Humans)) in the religiously-biased Repiblic seems... dead? Oh joy, another fanatic zealot, oops.

Suggestions are welcome.

>> No.11008356

I decided that I'm not a completely hopeless writer which is a big step.

>> No.11008478
File: 115 KB, 619x800, William_Blake_by_Thomas_Phillips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been writing a lot of poetry recently, actually. Just wrote another poem today. At this point, with the way I keep writing them, I think my best bet might be to make it to 20-25 poems and compile a chapbook, try to get that published.

>> No.11008895
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God I fucking hate writing dialogue.

>> No.11008998

Why? Good dialogue is such a wonderful escape from other styles of writing. I wanna getting playwriting because of this. Plus it's easy if you've talked to more than 5 people before.

>> No.11009002

Please tell me you're not like every other shithead here writing in 18th century style and actually talk about relatable human subjects

>> No.11009004

Nigga what is you on off?

>> No.11009007

Most writers basically write the same novel over and over. Unless you're literally rivaling Ulysses, just try and have fun with it. If you like reading it, chances are someone else will too.

>> No.11009097

Didn't kill myself

>> No.11009104

God I fucking hate writing

>> No.11009290

is 20-25 poems enough for publishing? I had more than 20 well written poems that I wrote along these past 3 years.

>> No.11009643

it's enough for self-publishing

>> No.11011504

Google says that that's about how many poems are in the average chapbook.

>> No.11011530

Made progress with my survey; will finish my report in november.

>> No.11011582

I haven't yet but I'm going to turn my laptop off in a bit and get to work.

Seinfeld Method really works, bros.

>> No.11011589

>Seinfeld Method really works, bros.

>> No.11011603

>purchase a calendar and put it in a place where you'll see it often
>write every day, even if only for 30 minutes
>mark off the day with a sharpie
>before you know it you have a row of successful days and a constant reminder to keep it up
>imagine how ugly it will look if you miss a day and break your chain

Maybe this only works if you're autistic / obsessive but right now I'm almost to 2 months of writing every single day.

>> No.11011625

good luck, anon
great attitude

>> No.11011626

>and yet here I am still

>> No.11011633
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Same man. I'll start then feel like its super shit after a while. Just have to push through it to improve though

>> No.11011647
File: 228 KB, 750x749, 6BEE73F2-60E3-44DA-867D-DFFD5B9DD60B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A thousand words this morning and another 500 at lunch. 104k

>> No.11011712

22,000 words in. I will slay this beast one day at a time.

>> No.11011722

Story doesn't seem like something I'd care about, but im glad to see you constantly making progress. Good luck friend

>> No.11011739

Thanks, brah. Nice dubs.

>> No.11012202

does anyone want to start a writing support/critique group

only good writers please

>> No.11012303

Sounds interesting but we would just devolve into unproductive chitchat.

>> No.11013152
File: 367 KB, 800x800, 1406870113968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I stop doubting myself so much? I'll write a paragraph and read it again and it's just garbage. But when I show it to my friend (who is actually well-read) he tells me it's good.

>> No.11013261

I'm a terrible writer. I wouldn't know how to make a good story if you held a gun to my face

>> No.11013290


Write anyway, man. It's literally the only way to increase your confidence.

>> No.11013341

yeah my diary is coming along quite nicely

>> No.11013928

what about a good green text?

>> No.11014276

I actually wrote something today of my own accord. Just a page of some mild political opinion shit but I felt proud of it. I wish I knew enough about political science or sociology to do research into it.

>> No.11014281


Yes I did and I posted it here. I'm making a compilation of (apparently very) short stories based on sexual themes. I'm going to try to keep most of them from using profanity but it's hard when I get a good, funny idea

It will be called Dog Porn Planet.

>> No.11014282

The more I continue my story the more it evolves into something I didnt intend in the first place. I like its new direction but I have to delete a shit ton of stuff from the beginning that is utter psuedo-indulgent depressive trash.

How do you guys keep track of character details and plot points n shit. Right now its all in my head but its getting a little complicated. Maybe Ill start a character list or web thing.

>> No.11014335
File: 1.60 MB, 1748x1332, __hakurei_reimu_and_yakumo_yukari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you make progress on writing your novel today?

I am at a lost on how to start my Novel properly.

I already have everything written down the story outline as well with the characters motives and principles. Nevertheless, I simply cannot write the beginning Chapter of my novel whether it's my self-perceived mediocrity or actual mediocrity as a writer I don't know. Whenever I do attempt to write my beginning Chapter I last no longer than a week before I Erase it and start anew only to find myself the same place I was months ago.

I thought about changing the story of my Novel to see if that's the problem but I am rather reluctant on doing it. I just don't know what to do.

>> No.11014445

I have been writing everything exclusively in notebooks since personal computers aren't allowed in my office and we can't print or use email or any hosting services, I have been too lazy to regularly enter it all into my computer at home so now I have 3.5 notebooks of handwritten shit and the idea of typing out 300+ pages sounds unbearable. It would have taken me less than 5 minutes to do it everyday.

>> No.11014779

>personal computers aren't allowed in my office and we can't print or use email or any hosting services


>> No.11014788

Feel like I'm having a problem with details. eg. Two characters have dialogue, it feels too empty, then I add something like "X throws a rag across to the other person and falls short of Ys hand," and this fills up the interaction and gives it a double meaning. How often should things like this be done?

>> No.11014795

I can't bring my own laptop/tablet/typewriter into work and internet usage is very heavily monitored to make sure I'm not leaking confidential information

>> No.11015386


>> No.11015672

In the same place anon. I don't really lean towards poetry normally, but my ideas are too short to be full stories in their own right. I guess its better this way because I can distill the essence of what I want out of the scene I'm creating without having to clutter it with a surrounding plot, but still it feels like cheating. Also I haven't read enough poetry to know if what I'm writing is shit or not.

Any poetry charts/recommendations?

>> No.11015749

ever heard of Catch-22?

>> No.11015768

how can white men even compete