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11000178 No.11000178[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Wow anon, you read a lot, you must be so smart
>haha y-yeah
Who here /brainlet/?

>> No.11000373


eat shit and die

>> No.11000379


>> No.11000389

Nah I'm really smart but I don't read enough. Got a bad attention span and orginizational skills atm so I'm working on those aspects currently. Sorry anon :(

>> No.11000394

what is the evidence that you're "really smart"

>> No.11000397

>anon you're so smart!
t. my aunt who still loves me despite me being a 23 yr old khv NEET
I feel like such a fraud

>> No.11000423

I'm dumb as fuck, OP.

>> No.11000424

Winning every diplomatic situation I've encountered in my life.
Finishing all my tests, and work before others In class, and always getting the highest marks.
Talking about topics people have done their masters on while holding my own.

>> No.11000427

So, only by comparison? K

>> No.11000434

I also write poetry, and can jump into most mathmatical concepts with ease, the only issue I run into is remembering the sign and symbol system that's being used.

>> No.11000437

I'm dumb as fuck. I also don't read too much though. My poor trash family thinks I'm smart, I feel bad about it. I've recently been playing some puzzle games and it's kinda driven home how dumb I really am.

Not to mention I can never pick up on shit like themes in a book or work of fiction. I never think about what the color of the drapes mean. I just imagine some pretty drapes in my head.

>> No.11000446

Puzzle games are literally just time spent playing them, they get easier the longer you waste your time on them.

>> No.11000452

Intelligence is a concept that only exists by comparison.

>> No.11000490

the standard for intelligence is a concept that only exists by comparison
you probably aren't as smart as you think lad

>> No.11000548
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Question from a brainlet who has been reading philosophy, mostly Plato dialogues
Am I supposed to instantly agree with what is said? Like in Phadeo, when Socrates, Simmias, and Cebes discuss something, and have differing opinions, I find myself finding insight when one of them says something first, but then another will go and disagree with them sometimes in place of their own ideas. Do I look for what is considered right or what I consider truthful to myself?

>> No.11000552
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We aren't talking about 'standard' the entire idea is about if people are smarter than each other by comparison, you utter brainlet.

>> No.11000561

You're supposed to find your own arguements against them, you don't want to agree with any of them.

>> No.11000564

At least I know I'm smarter than you, you subhuman retard

>> No.11000583

fuck this happens to me too, from what people have said I think it's important to look at how they dismantle the original argument rather than the actual subject matter itself

bear in mind i'm also a brainlet so i could just be wrong

>> No.11000644

you have to find the right solution

>> No.11000759

I can tell if people are brainlets, they say I'm smart

>> No.11000765

Shag your aunt m8

>> No.11000778
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reporting in
>literally read for 8 hours today
>only got through 50 pages of novel and 50 pages non-fiction

>> No.11000784

Which two books mate?

>> No.11000786

Just dig.

>> No.11000787

I try to read it as if I am part of the conversation and whenever I have something to say or ask I write it down, usually an objection to something that was said or why I disagree with it. It's a good way to keep myself focused and engaged. After I'm done with the dialogue I write a summary and try to expand on the topic based on my notes. It might be a bit excessive, but I'm a beginner as well and my goal is to improve my critical thinking skills.

>> No.11000799

Lolita and A New History of Western Philosophy

the latter has really big pages in tiny font so i guess it's more like 100 regular pages but that's still a shit score

>> No.11000807

Well you also didn't read for 8 hours

>> No.11000818

That's one of the difficulties with reading philosophy on your own, it's easy to just read things and say ok unless it's blatantly retarded since you don't have some J Crew wearing chode forcing you to discuss or write about what you read. I find it helpful to go for a walk or drive and reflect on things.

>> No.11000821

what? yes i have, i'm a neet with the whole day to myself
i'm just a slow brainlet reader

>> No.11000830

Okay, sure. How many hours spent reading each book individually?

>> No.11000843

let's stop this pointless exchange now, i'm going to bed anyway

i promise i'll try to do better tomorrow sensei

>> No.11000848

>nother package of backlog books comes in
>wow anon youre gonna read all of this.

>> No.11000850

Has there been a time where you completely agree with what someone has said and another person refutes it but you still agree? Like do you ever dissect someones idea and still agree?
>I find it helpful to go for a walk or drive and reflect on things.
Last night I laid awake for awhile thinking over what I had read, I will try and make it more of an active thing by trying a walk or talking to myself

>> No.11000854

Dude, stop worrying about how fast you read. That will destrot your enjoyment and motivation for reading really fast.

>> No.11000901

I don't find myself completely agreeing with something very often. Usually what I do is pause for a few seconds and try to understand what was said and how true it is to me based on my own experience. A lot of times it happens that someone says something that causes me to shift my perspective amd consider new ideas, though.

>> No.11000906

Plato primarily wants to instill philosophic exploration in the reader. You are supposed to react against most of what the characters says, and further question their conclusions on your own.

>> No.11000911

Impostor syndrome. You're doing ok, anon.

>> No.11000919

you are self-absorbed. to say you’ve won every diplomatic situation in your life isn’t to say you’re smart, it’s to say people have given you what you want. to have held your own against Masters in their subjects is delusion on your part

>> No.11000927

To be frank, you have to be a bit of a retard to be reading books anyway.

>> No.11000939

What should we do?

>> No.11000949

get crossfaded and fuck college-aged thots

>> No.11000952

many of you compensate for your lack of work ethic or accomplishments with your supposed intelligence. many of you only have time to read because you live off others’ money, and probably spend more time jerking off and browsing 4chan anyway

>> No.11000961

The true delusion is your projection on to me, you don't know me.

>> No.11000964

stop this

>> No.11000968

nothing I said couldn’t be inferred from your post

>> No.11000987

I probably am. I dunno if I'm full on brainlet, but I wish I would question myself less. I don't mean to value the opinions of others so highly, but I can't help it. I'll sometimes read a book and absolutely love it, and I'll be able to at least somewhat properly articulate the reasons why. But then I'll look up the book's reception or other people's thoughts on it, and find their interpretations to be completely different. I know there's nothing wrong with that, but then I find myself wondering if what they've said is the more "correct" interpretation and I've just understood it incorrectly, or if I've missed the point of things completely. And then sometimes I find my opinions shifting towards that of what I just read, and I'm just left wondering if I actually do agree with them and they've just put it more articulately that I could, or if I'm just a brainlet who can't help but automatically believe what is fed to him. Really frustrates me, but I'm not sure how to stop it.

>> No.11000989

>"Anon, you speak so philosophically"

>> No.11000992

>Impostor syndrome

>> No.11001013

>"Wow anon, you're so deep"

>> No.11001014

But it's simply incorrect, I'm not bullheaded, I'm actually really flexible in situations. I don't know how you even can infer how I can't talk to people about their master thesis.

To me that just says you are projecting that that is a difficult thing to do, when it's not at all.

>> No.11001037

>"Anon, i like your intelligent smile"

>> No.11001078

>"Anon, I love you with all my heart"

>> No.11001142
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>> No.11001261

>many of you only have time to read because you live off others’ money
oh no the horror

>> No.11001276

>posting on 4chan
simply epic