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10998888 No.10998888 [Reply] [Original]

I kinda feel like a deist at the moment. Any books that will convert me to Catholicism again?

>> No.10998892

The bible

>> No.10998895

Dangerous - MILO
12 Rules for Life - Jordan B Peterson
Thus Spoke Aquinas - Friedrich "Benedictus" Nietzsche
And the TRUTH behind the crusades episode of Stefan Molyneux

>> No.10998897

Never change larpers. Never change.

>> No.10998898

I cannot understand the virulent strains of Catholicism on this board and in varied discords. The modern church is so hand-wringing and corrupt that to assume it is the highway to salvation is laughable, and the historical church was essentially a secular power. The individuals who follow the actual correct teachings of the church are around .0001%, and they are mostly pseudo-falangists in eastern Europe. And even if you are following the teachings of the magisterium, the pope ultimately is flipping a coin and siding on social justice over correct teaching, leaving the morality aside. And if he commands you to go against the magisterium, he becomes an anti-pope. Except for the 99% of mouthbreathing pew sitting middlebrow catholics who love him and have been taught since childhood not to question him.

Fuckin garbage answer from a 10 year old

Journey to Rome by Belloc and The End of the Affair by Greene make me actually want to be Catholic again until I see whats going on.

>> No.10998901

Stop watching Peterson videos. You can wash your penis without God.

>> No.10998903

It's just deus vult larpers of /pol/

>> No.10998907

>he hasn't read the Decameron

>> No.10998910

No I disagree, there are many who are sincere. But when you look at the shitshow that is the American sex scandal, the grotesque Irish orphanages scandals, the tacit support of real fascists (not the ones on /pol/ who look longingly at reproduction iron crosses hanging from their rosary), the immensely powerful gay lobby that effectively controls the vatican bank and forced Ratzinger's resignation, and the demonstrably pharisaic component of early modern catholicism that carries over vatican 2 in the face of critical readings of the synoptic gospels, I cant help but smile and laugh when they claim to be the true faith. If I was going to go back to being a pseudo-catholic I would at least join a Syriac orthodox church in communion with rome. the small community at least provides a degree of oversight and self-honesty.

>> No.10998914

SSPX is probably fine too, except that they are always two steps away from being heretics themselves (especially with the new rage in papal critique which is pissing off Francis). Even if you are rightly guided, getting excommunicated is just that.

>> No.10998915
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Side note:

She was an altar girl in my church. I don't have a chance with this even if I go back, do I?

>> No.10998918

>dating christian asians and their mothers

You need to watch Gilmore Girls in its entirety

>> No.10998935
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Used to go there until high school. Didn't have a crush on her back then though.

>> No.10998954

No there are not

>> No.10998955

I'm new to /lit/ so I can't rec you books,

but if you want films, I will rec The Diary of Country Priest

>> No.10998960
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>> No.10998962
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>> No.10998966

I can buy a prettier girl from Thailand as a "wife" for 1k, lets get back to Catholicism stimuli

>> No.10999057

>alter girl
>girls "serving" God

>> No.10999072
File: 120 KB, 645x773, wojakdestroyed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no pretty young thing will ever look at me like that
>tfw too broken to ever form a real relationship

I wish upon your quads, OP. I wish for a gf.

>> No.10999088
File: 32 KB, 300x250, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wheeeeen you wishhh upoooon a quuuuaaad, makes no differeeeeence who you aaaaaare, aaanything your heart desires will cooome to youuuu

your wish is granted[\spoiler]

>> No.10999095

not him, but is Gilmore Girls quality? it looks like low-brow popcorn for normies who wish they could shop at Neiman Marcus but must settle for Target instead. the whole thing reeks of worshiping idealized bodies, relationships, property, and one's own identity. in short: consumerism.

>> No.10999100
File: 79 KB, 482x427, wojakdead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dubs confirm!

...oh shit. a gf is coming to me. fuck I have to get a job. and start working out. dammit pepe why did you do this to meeeeeeeeeee.

>> No.10999105

last season is typical american comedy crap, the first 3 are pretty patrician

>> No.10999126

I had seen this exact face somewhere before.

>> No.10999130
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Your dubs confirm that a job will be acquired. You are doubly blessed this day.

>> No.10999137
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Something like 800 instagram followers

>> No.10999154
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>mfw I am no-shit actually in a several-months-long hiring process right now and going for an interview next Thursday.
t-thank you pepe...

>> No.10999157

Being and Time so you stop being a deist

>> No.10999159


>> No.10999162

how would that happen?

>> No.10999164

OP made a thread on /his/. I actually saved some of her pics lol she is cute

>> No.10999173

Kierkegaard's Sickness Unto Death to drive the wedge between Christianity and natural religion, and elucidate the concept of despair you are suffering.

Could also read La Bas by Huysmans for shock therapy. Neither Deism or Positivism have an answer to Gilles de Rais or the phenomenon of Satanism.

What type of doubt or despair are you feeling that makes Deism appealing anon? If it's acedia (spiritual apathy or sloth) then the Noonday Devil by Charles Nault:

>> No.10999194

First you read the book. Then you automatically stop being a deist.

>> No.10999195
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>> No.10999198

>meet qt who seems nice
>turns out she is shallow and boring
why does this always happen

>> No.10999202

True awakening is realizing that the only women with worthwhile personalities are ugly or bookish christmas cakes

>> No.10999206

almost everyone is shallow and boring, anon. if you weren't shallow and boring yourself, you would have recognized this.

>> No.10999229

>if you weren't shallow and boring yourself
i knew someone would give this meme answer

>> No.10999237


>> No.10999254

words hurt
like fists
misogynists get out of /lit/

>> No.10999268

Because women have been sexually selected to be vacant mirrors of the group since the dawn of man.

>> No.10999288

stop getting your hopes up - basically all pretty women your age will be like this.

>> No.11000015


>> No.11000334
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>> No.11000601

Why be Catholic when you can journey to all points of the Christian spectrum? Heck, you could even become Goth.

>> No.11000840
