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/lit/ - Literature

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10996567 No.10996567[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10996579

>"literature camp"
>"AI camp"
is this an American thing?

>> No.10996591
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>it was extremely anime

>> No.10996694

every word that comic makes me rage how do i join a jewish monastery

>> No.10996703

I hate this fucking attitude towards reading, I don't even know what to call it but there's such an unbelievably awful type of "avid reader" that exists in droves. The worst part is these people are like 90% of the young publishing industry

>> No.10996711

is this an American thing?

>> No.10996717


>> No.10996757

What are you testing? Was 4chan/4chanx acting up for you too?

>> No.10996762

Jewish monasteries don’t exist. It is one of the 613 commandments to have children with a woman.

>> No.10996788

That's from that tranny webcomic that got memed into oblivion, isn't it?

>> No.10997131

Yes. He makes ten grand a month off of Patreon for it, on top of merch sales.

>> No.10997137

>502 Bad Patience

>> No.10997147

>last panel
>Liturature people don't fuck around, Clinton
>first panel
>literally fucking around

What's the punchline? Are they self-aware of their own hypocrisy?

>> No.10997150

based Emily Gordon btfo out of charlotte "the harlot" bronte
Emily Bronte is best Bronte

>> No.10997151

>Jeff Jacks has even worse literature than music opinions

Definitely worth a thread to discuss this revelation

>> No.10997152


>> No.10997186

It's an inverted punchline you brainlet

>> No.10997191

I wish Japan got nukes first and nuked America out of existence, you fuckers shouldn’t exist.

>> No.10997214

Every girl who reads loves basic Jane Eyre. Withering Heights is the best book to come out of the Bronte family.

>> No.10997220

But what's the joke?
Is she implying her friends are not literary because they had sex at camp and argued with chairs?
Or is it that she is hiding the truth?
>Friend seems to have the notion that SHE had sex in a way that he was told she did. Then, has her eyes closed as she spouts off her opinion on the credentials of being literary whilst the every staring Eyes of God (cashier) pierce the screen?
Or am I grasping at straws here.

>> No.10997232

>you fuckers shouldn’t exist
I'm not American but I'd be flattered if someone said this of me.

>> No.10997243

>Me? God, no.
Defensive, yet not to aggressively as if accused.

>Wait, don't they hate each other?
>Yes, it was *extremely* anime.
SHe diverts the question to an even more improbable cause, and give's an (what's the basic grammar school word for using another form on writing to describe something, help) to anime while her Big Black Gauge is in full profile.
There's more than just words in a comic, that's why she choose this medium, dolt.

>> No.10997251

Use of God, too.
The Glasses billboard in Gatsby is a very well known allusion to God's judgment (or really, any judgment) that I'm sure this author is familiar with

>> No.10997256

but can you imagine what 21st century Imperial Japan would be like

>> No.10997262
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>$120,000 USD a year for THAT

>> No.10997266

Can you imagine what a world without Jewmerica would be?

>> No.10997279

dude the world will end soon anyway. The Jew S of A and its cronies, Britain and France, are striking Syrian chemical weapon sites as we speak. Based Putin will respond and it'll be all over, red rover.

>> No.10997283

>Oh, there was arguing. Mary Bateman threw a chair at Emily Gordon for saing[sic] Charlotte Bronte was the "basic" Bronte.

This is Bate. Perhaps the author is haunted by some act at camp and in order to release this pain she has hidden it in her comics. The "joke" really is a dry one, and the "meat" of this comic is a distractionary word bubble that is full of juicy tidbits for "scholars" to understand, and the plebs are caught on "saing" to out people who judge solely on spelling errors.
This fucking comic is Women incarnate, and the fact that you all get caught up in the alt look truly shows why you have such difficulty with women.
t. 19 year old boy.

>> No.10997327
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Hope so, desu

>> No.10997340

There is no real punchline. The guy is just continually surprised about how "extreme" literature people are, because that isnt expected, but instead of a punchline it just keeps upping the ante. The whole joke has been, look at how extreme these nerds are, with the final line being just another example. "Wow, this literature girl sure is serious, she says it like it is, literature people dont fuck around!". She is just reiterating what is supposed to be funny from the first line, that nerds fuck at lit camp.

You are reading far too much into this shit

>> No.10997345

The look of disinterest in panel 3 proves that the speaker doesn't really care what comes out of her mouth, as long as it is enough fluff to get her fly caught.
Her jacket becomes unzipped while his remains closed. He is too lost in "picking her brain" about the trip that he enters a building and leaves his coat on. She, on the other hand, is unzipped, totally relaxed, knowing her pal is too caught up in the deceit shes sewn to be a threat.
You are all pseuds to the highest level. Gosh I can't even imagine how autistic you all are in person if this is how hot your blood gets from a COMIC of real life.

>> No.10997351

It's the one read by the kids in the computer lab who wore fingerless rainbow gloves and charity shop neckties draped over gaudy Hawthorne Heights t shirts

>> No.10997378

You have your beliefs. I have mine.
I've laid mine out, albeit not as clean and clear as I would like, but nonetheless the information is there for you to look at.
I'm not going to try to prove you wrong, because frankly, that is the overlying "dry joke" I mentioned to keep people just like yourself away from her "precious eggs". Not all women are this calculated that they show you their "partner formula" right there in Red and Green, but, whatever. You'll learn, everything has a purpose and every purpose has a reason

>> No.10997399

>You are reading far too much into this shit
You're all mad. Have you forgotten that art exists? Symbolism? All just machines. You see this alt art and don't what to put it into critical thinking at all. "A woman could never write anything of value"
okay. Well, isn't this a tranny anyway? It's a man, who has a mental disorder leading himself to believe he is actually female. He had the biology of a man and conditioning of a woman. That is probably why this one is so fucking easy to understand because a man wrote from a woman's perspective quite well.
Or, if I am reading too deep and the author had absolutely no intentions of putting a second meaning into their work, then it is a fantastic example of the subconscious arising in art. Art, imitates life, we just don't notice until it has changed us.

>> No.10997501

>tfw realizing a majority of /lit/ posters aren't old enough for this

>> No.10997957
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On a related note, why are webcomics so fucking godawful? It took 80 years for newspaper comics to go from Little Nemo to zombie strips, 40 years for comics to succumb to the unholy tag team of McFarlandesque crap commercialism and SJW worship.

Webcomics? They started sucking their own (shemale) dick less than 10 years after they got popular.

>> No.10998035

Why does he hate cooks and plumbers?

>> No.10998063

Because Everett finds everyone objectionable, sir.

>> No.10998079

A high school education is usually enough to work as a teller, but if you want to rise higher, consider a degree in finance, accounting or business.

>> No.10998155

It's always flattering to inspire such fervent emotion in someone. God Bless America!

>> No.10998512

>You have your beliefs I have mine
>Follow this up with some passive aggressive patronizing

Just pathetic, really

>> No.10998635

>there are ch*rlottefags in this board right now
Feels sad desu

>> No.10998883

I died when I read that

>> No.10998887

A good thing desu. I want my kid to do fencing camp this year

>> No.10998896
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>it was extremely anime

>> No.10998921

I can't believe this horrid webcomic has been around for maybe over ten years and the art is still atrociously bad.

>> No.10998936
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pls delete

>> No.10998967

What I really hate is when they don't even try to be comics (i.e. the one OP posted).
The art is completely uninteresting and charmless, it's just background for a few boring text bubbles. What's the point?
You can do anything, you don't even have to answer to an editor and can set your own deadlines, and you make stuff like this?

>> No.10999257



>> No.10999312
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>get laid
>hook up
>anime comparation
I do not feel angry because of the transgender nature of that character, but I do feel mad that the author virtue signals his degenerated and promiscous "dating" culture.

I dont mind people being mindless liberals, but can't you be faithful and loyal to your own fucking partner, whatever its gender may be?

>> No.10999334

stay mad incel

>> No.10999492

"virtue signals". Simply by using that term, you, yourself, are doing the signaling, kind Sir. Quit drinking the kool-aid. Rumor has it, it's poison.

>> No.10999515 [DELETED] 

>he has now taken to righteously dressing down deviant-art web comics
That isn't meme equally worthy or anything. Good post.