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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 50 KB, 500x500, 51ZA6T0G19L._SS500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1099541 No.1099541 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, first time poster here. I've been roped into a weekend getaway with some people I don't particularly care for, so I'm expecting to do a lot of reading.

I'm guessing this might be the kind of question you guys don't like around here, but I'm just looking for some light, mildly entertaining reading. Y'know, something I can jump in and out of in idle moments. If it helps any, I've been enjoying Stephen King and Neil Gaiman recently. Weird, off-the-wall shit is also more than acceptable. Thank you in advance!

>> No.1099559
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This is now a Scary Stories thread.

>> No.1099562
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>> No.1099563
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>> No.1099566
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>> No.1099567

That's cool too, I loved those books as a horror-junkie kid. I was already reading "adult" horror novels when I was in 3rd or 4th grade, and I found that none of them could terrify me as much as Scary Stories to Read in the Dark. It was the perfect fusion of storytelling and horrifying art, and still gives me chills to this day.

>> No.1099572
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>> No.1099574
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>> No.1099579
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Come on, I know you guys read these books too. My childhood was both built and ruined by them.

>> No.1099580
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This specific drawing was probably the one that scared me the worst as a kid. Holy hell it terrified me, and the vague, unresolved nature of the accompanying tale filled me with a grim feeling of foreboding I could not quite identify at that young age.

>> No.1099582
File: 123 KB, 427x476, h3242dfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one was just a brickshitter all the way through.

I still have those books somewhere.

>> No.1099589
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>> No.1099603
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>> No.1099604

Is this a new piece by Stephen Gammell? I don't recall seeing it in any of the Scary Stories books.

>> No.1099664

Scary Stories is awesome and all, but I'd love some reading suggestions too.