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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 19 KB, 448x337, 53305115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10993593 No.10993593 [Reply] [Original]

>art is meant to provoke :^)

>> No.10993594

It is. Otherwise it's just a product for mass consumption.

>> No.10993596

>art is meant to be compelling

>> No.10993600
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>art is meant to

>> No.10993625

>hi im a midwit tryhard and whenever I'm asked to give my thoughts on a work of art i just aimlessly list the "questions that the artist raises" about society, culture, expectations and, indeed, the-very-purpose-of-art-itself™ but i wouldn't dare say anything beyond just blind posturing or even attempt to really answer those questions because i was PROVOKED and thats all that matters.

>> No.10993627
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>> No.10993630

art should go against the status quo.

Unfortunately the fine art world is a sterile neoliberal hell world filled with aging boomers who dont realize they are the status quo and their art is just entertainment and a chance to launder money for the 1%

The best way you could be an artist in 2018 is by robbing a bank

>> No.10993640
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>> No.10993647

its the system we have live under since the 70's

>> No.10993674
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>No one knows what it means; it's provocative; it gets the people going.

>> No.10993677

It's a tired cliche that has become dilute in meaning.

>> No.10993683

Its only a tired cliche if you are a neoliberal

You dont like that people know that word and when people say it its like shining light on a vampire

>> No.10993685

What's it like being a 28 year old unemployed philosophy major?

>> No.10993686

wew lad
i bet you're the type of person that only enjoys still life portraits and 60s-70s rock/pop because they're straight forward enough art for your tiny mind to grasp

>> No.10993688


>> No.10993705

ahh but yes ahh don't you see ahh my post raised those questions didn't it? hmm yes very very provocative work. really calls into question the entire trajectory of the post-Utopian thinking of leftist aesthetics here in the 21st Century - we are left in a state of confusion by the artist which is exactly the state of modern man.

>> No.10993706

But anon, I am a neoliberal, and proudly. Doesn't make the use of neoliberal by monarchist LARPers on 4chan any less of a tiresome cliche.

>> No.10993712

t. i know nothing about any post modern art movements

>> No.10993714

>But anon, I am a neoliberal
Daily reminder that neoliberalism is the gay version of ordoliberalism

>> No.10993715


>> No.10993723
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>the work is meant to start a conversation

>> No.10993726

now this is some real dirty talk

>> No.10993738

Why is everyone here such a pretentious wank

Die you pseuds

>> No.10993741
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>It really makes you think

>> No.10993743

god you must sound like such an insufferable cunt when you talk about art - do people laugh right in your face or do they wait for you to leave first?

>> No.10993747

>proud neoliberal

>being proud you are milquetoast status quo managerial garbage dump

You have the classism of the rightwing and moral policing of the left wing. You are a person without soul.

>> No.10993774

explain why it isn't

>> No.10993778

0-2, so far.

>> No.10993779

God I fucking hate these philosophy students on /lit/

If it were up to me you’d all be culled

>> No.10993783

>post modern awt chawenges muy bewiefs it no gweud >:(

>> No.10993810

>moral policing
See, this has nothing to do with neoliberalism. Morals don't enter the picture.

>> No.10993823

but dude like what even are beliefs though?????

(am i postmodern yet?)

>> No.10993828

no you're just a faggot that refuses to read anything written past 1900 that challenges your reality in any way

>> No.10993835

you dont have any actual arguments besides saying "STOP USING WORDS I DONT LIKE :_:"

>> No.10993839

Provoke aesthetic emotion, yes.

>> No.10993841

>that challenges your reality in any way
meanwhile you guys keep banning topics from academia lel

>> No.10993849

>challenges your reality
hmmm this has really got me provoked now. i can feel my cultural preconceptions just tumbling all over the place. YOU sir are a connoisseur.

>> No.10993859

learn to differentiate between postmodernism and authoritarian leftism
i'm not even a postmodernist but dismissing an entire movement of art and philosophy due to personal bias is idiotic

>> No.10993865

trollin ebin style xD

>> No.10993866

>culture is a thing outside of political showbockery

>> No.10993869
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>> No.10993874

well you're dealing with an idiot here bud, maybe you should learn to navigate idiocy-discourse before dismissing novel forms of social interaction due to personal bias

>> No.10993877

>i called it 'ebin' - does that count as a reply?

>> No.10993887
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>this piece of art is garbage
>WOAH THERE! Triggered by the bravery much? Did you check your aesthetic privelege, universalist scum? Stop Kantsplaining and fuck off back to your romanticist cave, museum dweller, before I call the counter-culture police!

>> No.10993895

>art is meant to provoke
>usually some bs i have seen/read 6million times on the internet before

>> No.10993910

i was born in le wrong generashun :'( people just turn to postmodernism now <:( it's almost as if they are tired of all the art movements from 300 years ago that have been done to fuck :(

>> No.10993924

>didn't read any aesthetics written past Kant and the romantics
Oh sweet child of summer

>> No.10993926

I structure :D my “arguments” >:D with emojis :( and purposefully misspelt WORDZ ;) it’s called irony xD it’s a postmodern... thing..

>> No.10993957

To all the fucking pseuds on /lit/: what is art? Is it not meant to invoke emotion? Does your contrarian disposition have to manifest itself completely in every popular facet of opinion?

>> No.10993958

Have any of you faggots ever seen a provoking artowkr?

>> No.10993969

>invoke emotion
You cant ever guarantee that.

>> No.10993981

this whole thread is terrible

>> No.10993982

anger at bad writing is an emotion though. it means nothing.

>> No.10993983

There’s an epic trole in this very thread who doesn’t realise that smiley faces, brash insults and shallow irony is outdated.

Somebody should probably inform this loser before he starts torturing animals or something.

>> No.10993999

but he did provoke you into a discussion concerning the development of contemporary internet dialogues surrounding art. VERY provocative.

>> No.10994008

Wow, this really makes me think...

>> No.10994015

thats what art is ALLLLLL about, pal. provoke and stay woke.

>> No.10994023

I was pondering your digits you buffoon

Get with the project, art means nothing but I enjoy reading... so get over it old buddy old pal... do one...

>> No.10994029

It's not

>> No.10994031

>Proud neoliberal

Do people actually say this IRL

>> No.10994046
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>my name is Art

>> No.10994048

I said it to your girl last night bro when I FUCKED her ASS!!!!

>> No.10994055

You’re trying too hard, it’s glaringly obvious for everybody who has a shred of social intelligence (something you lack) and honestly just radiates second-hand embarrassment

>> No.10994056

>second-hand embarrassment

>> No.10994072

Ahahahha wow he does it again everybody BBTTFFOOOO!!! Ahahha woaaaaAAAAaaaa how will /lit/KEKS ever recover!!!!!!!??????!!!!!! Ahahahha woahHHHhhhhhh what a retort! A retort of groundbreaking magnitude! A riposte of the slyest machination! Simply epic, can I get a HELL YEA! Up in this bitch??

>> No.10994080

>this poster is calling into question the social ability of others

>> No.10994082

>I have become Art, the destroyer of worlds

>> No.10994091


>> No.10994102

This is what postmodern prose looks like
This is how books will be written in the postmodern era
This erratic style of dialogue is quintessentially postmodern

>> No.10994121

I demand cuckoldry of the highest order right this instant

>> No.10994132

Kuck me, do it now!!!

>> No.10994162

oh no you got me

>> No.10994169

i just want to take this moment to thank everyone who posted in my thread

>> No.10994176


>> No.10994191

>This is how books will be written in the postmodern era
the postmodern era has already passed you utter philistine

>> No.10994202

is a shower curtain with flowery design art?

>> No.10994210

ahhh, there we go

>> No.10994213

is this thread art? Is every thread art? is everything art?

>> No.10994222

did the poster of that meme attempt to provoke the reaction interpretation that art is meant to provoke that facial expression reaction?

>> No.10994238

Beliefs are assumptions about reality

>> No.10994291

This thread is worse than normal.

>> No.10994306

Badiou disagrees

>> No.10994382


>> No.10994404

Now is that an argument or just an assumption?

>> No.10994862
File: 43 KB, 415x358, 1477000544435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-but contemporary art is le pretentious!!!!
>muh archaic realistic paintings
>muh greco-roman paintings

>> No.10995185
File: 44 KB, 852x1000, Bugs_with_braphog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh pointless forms
>muh non-intuitive meanings
>muh pee pees and vagees
Modern art is mostly shit.

>> No.10995216

the point of contemporary art is to see how well the plebian masses and those who think they are slightly above can be tricked into accepting pointless tasteless tacky grotesque mediocrity as being anything worthy of their attention or dismissing a grand point of art being the sublime beautification and inspiration of divine life
ps im joking

>> No.10995241
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>art is meant to

>> No.10995245
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>art is

>> No.10995247
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>> No.10996171

can i get some more opinions on this

>> No.10996174

its ok

>> No.10996181
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>art should

>> No.10996325
File: 131 KB, 629x1173, evenmoreanger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another "OP doesn't know shit about art but has strong opinions about it anyway" thread
read an art history book and shut the fuck up.