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/lit/ - Literature

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10993153 No.10993153 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Fiction you consider your bible

>> No.10993289

Kerouac's Big Sur

>> No.10993294

War and Peace

>> No.10993432
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I'm a hobo

>> No.10993440

The bible is already fiction. My bible is On the Road or something by Marx.

>> No.10993492
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The only logical answer.

>> No.10993507


>> No.10993534

Finnegans Wake

>> No.10993564

yeah desu

>> No.10993567

Wilhelm Meister or Butcher's Crossing

>> No.10993573
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it helped me embrace how broken i am and contextualize my place in a fucked up advancing society

>> No.10993597

>Wilhelm Meister
this has so many great pieces of wisdom but as a novel i found it to be so dry and flat. its so barebones.

>> No.10993606
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>> No.10994040

what book is this OP?

my answer is probably finnegans wake or pound's cantos

>> No.10994141

No Longer Human

>> No.10994159

Dennis Cooper's The George Miles Cycle

>> No.10994185

Brother's Karamazov

If there ever was a novel that could unironically and effectively be studied as a religious textbook, that one is definitely it.

>> No.10994207

thanks anon, will look it up

>> No.10994281
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Still searching for a literary equivalent.

>> No.10994461


>> No.10994638

Welcome to the NHK

>> No.10994744

The Outsider by Colin Wilson
The Perennial Philosophy by Huxley

>> No.10994754

what is inspiring about burning out and drinking yourself to death?

>> No.10994808
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I've started killing young men.

>> No.10994859

The Sound and the Fury
Focault's Pendulum

>> No.10994875
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>> No.10994888

Petersburg by Bely or Being and Time

>> No.10995505

have you read moby dick? im a big bk fan for similar reasons and moby dick struck all of the same chords for me as dostoevsky did

>> No.10995530

The Trial by Franz Kafka

>> No.10995582

Isn’t the Quran arguably fan fiction of the bible

>> No.10995694

Pickwick Papers. It's got an answer to every question.

>> No.10995964

>considering no longer human your bible and not just the story of your life
kys faggot

>> No.10996021


>> No.10996060

Wow, I actually didn't expect to see this on here. I own a hardcopy myself.

>> No.10996205

The greatest fictional work of all time; Hamlet

>> No.10996212

My Bible desu

>> No.10997334

American Psycho

>> No.10997360

Phenomenology of Spirit by Georg Fredrich Wilhelm Hegel

>> No.10997397
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>not the hobo bible

>> No.10998807

have you read it?

>> No.10998927
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>> No.10998931
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>> No.10998996


This, The Once and Future King, and Anna Karenina

>> No.10999213
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