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/lit/ - Literature

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10991431 No.10991431 [Reply] [Original]

Is /lit/ ready to admit that he has earned a place alongside Pynchon and McCarthy as the cream of the current American literary crop?

>> No.10991433


>> No.10991436

Why does /lit/ hate him so much but suck James Baldwin's (him but from half a century before) bbc?

>> No.10991439

> le negro diversity token hire
Not OK.

>> No.10991447

Bait thread but he is a good writer. His "First White President" essay in The Atlantic was excellent I thought, and one of the best pieces of writing about Trump I've seen. I'm a liberal though. Haven't read any of his books yet but will probably check out his most recent one eventually.

>> No.10991448

>Reading Americans

>> No.10991453

So what you're saying is that you've never read Baldwin.

>> No.10991487

Because Baldwin is a good writer who writes coherently. Coates is a fine prose stylist, but his polemics are so focused on 'muh racism' and scattershot on everything else that they often contradict themselves. Baldwin was a clear-headed thinker; Coates isn't.

>> No.10991498
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This is negro-kino

>> No.10991564
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>Coates is a fine prose stylist
He's a person who believes himself to be a fine prose stylist, while the consequences of his fierce delusion are etched on readers bodies etc

>> No.10991565


why were white liberal elites so quick to embrace the bleakest afro pessimism after the hysteria of Obama's first term? Maybe because you can't really have 'hope' or 'change' after the end of history. post war managerial liberalism was always an uneasy compromise between this vague ideal of 'equality' and the bureaucratic military industrial death machine. Everything solid melts into the air, all traditional bonds and social structures, leaving behind a world of atomized formally 'equal' monads. White guilt is a secularised christianity without redemption, a psychopolitics of personal atonement. You have nothing going for you except smugness and dubious 'psychological studies' about 'implicit bias'. psychopolitics is incompatible with the autonomous individual that forms the basis of liberalism. Liberals hae been forced into the role of burkean conservatives, desperately trying to salvage the last remains of Authority, ie. the presidency, women CEOs, black actors playing white slaveowners in edutaiment broadway hiphopera.

>> No.10991596

Baldwin is an excellent writer. Coaytees is a waling baby.

>> No.10991602

Hmm, I'll have to look into that.

>> No.10991606

On a sentence by sentence and word by word basis, his writing is well constructed and occasionally intriguing or surprising. It just doesn't add up to anything coherent.

I don't begrudge him his writing style, but I do begrudge everyone who looks at the style and then just assumes the content must be good, even though it isn't. Thomas Chatterton Williams often has pretty good takedowns of Coates' works.

>> No.10991631

>sentence by sentence and word by word
We'll have to agree to disagree. I find Coates has no control over tone, or if he does has appalling taste. Mundane things are floridly over-written, and he seems to be aiming for hysterical emotion at all times. It might be an American thing because lots of other American journalists seem to do the same thing. Can't be doing with it myself.

>> No.10991660

Literally who?

>> No.10991719


>> No.10991788

I don't think this paragraph actually means anything

>> No.10991803

This nigga sucks. The dude that wrote the sellout is pretty good though

>> No.10991816
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>> No.10991817


>the cream of the current American literary crop?

Sure, everyone ITT can be part of that in virtue of the posts they've made. About the same quality, although Pynchon does win in the pun department - potsage instead of postage in a novel about paranoia - LOL.

>> No.10991836

Read Cristopher Lasch and Paul Gottfried


>> No.10991924

Baldwin only blew up posthumously because he had retroactive sjw cred (black dude who sucked cock) - Coates is pleb-tier victimhood porn for pseuds who unironically use the term "woke"

>> No.10991950

Coates is a nigger. Just see john mcwhorter views on him.

>> No.10992232
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*blocks your path*

>> No.10992290

Cary Grant hated Arsenic and Old Lace. He thought it was shit. Don't ever post him in that movie again.

>> No.10992401

I find his writing quite tiring. Strings of bloated metaphors and notnnuch else.

>> No.10992534

It's the opposite of that line about Flaubert that quality prose knows how to withdraw, like a good valet. The authors fingerprints are *always* visible, you are always aware of the act of reading. It's not just Coates, Franzen and Zadie Smith do it too, especially in their non fiction

>> No.10992542

Baldwin writes beautifully has a much more interesting take on race, seeing an insidiousness in our very conception of it. Coates isn't bad, but I don't think he has that same beauty in expression or thought provoking quality of Baldwin

>> No.10992550

Although I'm pretty sure you answered your own question, this is a good post

>> No.10992565

Cornell West is the fucking man. I have a deep admiration for the way he can get shit on and see some of the worst examples of what humanity can do and still come out calling everyone his brother

>> No.10992738

Wow living vicariously through James Baldwin. Really, people know the Toni Morrison blurb before they know his actual work.

I too have seen The Examined Life

>> No.10992751

aren't you just so above it all

>> No.10992754
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>> No.10992807

imagine hating black people so much you make these baity threads so that your fellow loser racist assholes come and make shitty comments. Imagine being so miserable that you revel in bringing down other people who have achieved and will likely achieve more than you ever will.

How's that trap porn these days Anon

>> No.10992843


>> No.10992871

ah reddit please leave

or at least make an effort to think your own thoughts

For instance: automatically assuming that all accomplishments are equal, even of the same kind or degree, is a sign of being unthinking

You think all racists are closeted homosexuals or that only homosexuals are interested in traps (I do too, but im not going to explain my logic to you, because its mine, i didn’t steal it from my jewish aunt or history teacher or reddit threads)

you think its purely collective, bu i immediately think “dumb nigger” when i see a black intellectual, this has nothing to do with other people

you say “miserable” but not only is misery not necessarily inappropriate as an internal state but there is little doubt you do not have access to the knowledge of their internal states you claim to

we can go on, but if you want to contribute, you must think, or eventually someone (Me) will call you an unthinking bug and then make fun of your pet niggers

>> No.10992887

>I too have seen The Examined Life
I've actually never seen it

>> No.10992897

reddit spacing telling me to back . Goy I never said black people are equivalent but I hate threads like these that are obviously designed to shit on black people. Like wtf is the purpose of them.

>> No.10992905
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>or at least make an effort to think your own thoughts
>Proceeds to write out the same /pol/ screed I see twice a day at least

>> No.10992914
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listen buddy boy i know you want /lit/ to be exclusively the domain of dead straight white males but can we have this one thread out of 150 dedicated to a writer of color?

thanks and bye felicia

>> No.10992920

>political worldview
>desperate need
>actual reasoning
>some kind of identity
>unfounded opinions
>desperate losers on the internet
and >the clincher:
>parrot phrases
how do we escape the trap of clichéd phraseology?

>> No.10992921

larper... do you niggas not have lives.

>> No.10992947

>Imagine being so miserable that you revel in bringing down other people who have achieved and will likely achieve more than you ever will.

This happens all the fucking time on this board and fucking website. But this guy gets the special pass because of his melanin levels? Fuck off tbqhwyf

>> No.10992970

this is some unusual damage control
this is not what /pol/ niggers say at all

the argument against accomplishment is my own, something from /lit/ or /his/ and requires abstract reasoning, understanding of time as lifetime spans

the second argument for misery is completely my own, and again maybe Cioran or some depressive on here has said it, and it probably happens to be posted on /pol/ but its hardly anything to do with /pol/ logic, its much closer to blackpill which is /lit/

the thing about traps is a quibble i have with the reflexive accusation of homosexuality, and i agree with them. so its not /pol/ at all

the individualist argument might be vaguely related to /pol/ but at this point are you really certain its not a reflection of my own principles?

i think you got caught being a robopathic pseud and you’re projecting right now onto me the lack of mental effort you put into your expressed feelings about the world.

And this is not reddit spacing at all you dumb fucking niggers. look at the top lines idiots

>> No.10993020


why is /lit/ so pleb

>> No.10993158

yes, actually, which is why you are responding to me

>> No.10993169

i'm responding to myself

>> No.10993170

i too am you

>> No.10993184

I actually read between the world and me and my favorite part was when Coates assaulted a guy in a subway station over some minor argument and the guy said he could call the cops if he continued assaulting him and somehow Coates is able to twist this into a story about how he was being persecuted.

>> No.10993215
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i am you
you am me
we are all tvat tvam asi

>> No.10993248

tennis coats is a neoliberal stooge working the upperclass libtard circuit for sheckles by telling them everything they want to hear.
I know this is a bait thread but he is truly an awful person and i would gladly bitch slap that nigga and say "cornell sent me"

>> No.10993270

This is the worst. Pol has a persecution complex but they are the ones who keep making the shitty outrage porn. They are just as mentally ill as the sjw's they castigate

they get mad at things and then turn around and promote and propagate the same outrage

>> No.10993307

pol don't ban sjws from posting on pol so it's hardly equivalent

>> No.10993335


nice horseshoe bro you've solved politics

>> No.10993338

they are part of the problem. They get off on being outraged just as much as the social justice tards. And they spam every board with this type of shit. They are the jews they rail against.

You know, when i hate something, i just ignore its existence. this is what an adult does

>> No.10993885

It's a real Shane because I do appreciate his pessimistic outlook. Reading his work is such a damn chore that I can hardly manage it.

>> No.10993900

what is 'the problem'

>> No.10993929

So...this is the power of horseshoe theory

>> No.10993941

Um, sir, he is a Negro.

I do not read books by Negroes.

>> No.10993949

who is that random ass niggy?

>> No.10993960
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time is the problem. our only real possession.

>> No.10994578
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best african book coming through

>> No.10994593

Is it about a black father

>> No.10994600
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Fuck all you stormfags and bbc suckers. Racial politics really makes me hate being American, I guess as we become Brazil 2.0 it's going to become an all encompassing part of life. What happened to /lit/'s misanthropic post-marxist disdain for identity politics? I'm probably imagining a /lit/ that never existed.

>> No.10995471

>His "First White President" essay in The Atlantic was excellent
Let me guess, yet another spin on "the gravy train for my people is running out of steam and I am upset"?

>> No.10995489

I'm a libertarian if that matters.... was going to read his and Cornel West's books... what should I expect?

>> No.10995495


>> No.10995618
File: 29 KB, 250x297, B9E6BE49-29B9-43F8-BDDE-2C7369BDF78C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s a God

>> No.10995692

I will say that Coates is an immaculate stylist but a poor thinker from what I have been exposed to.

>> No.10996201

I think the opposite. He might have some things to say but he dresses his thought in that overblown clumsy and exhausting prose. Reminds me of Thomas Carlyle

>> No.10997648
File: 41 KB, 600x450, D2EB2B38-7424-4F31-A348-302D6B84CEE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The man is a genius!!

>> No.10999011

I, too, tend to be a mature adult and ignore that the house I'm in is on fire. Any response is immature. Fire is our strength

>> No.10999020

Like 3 pseuds in a pod

>> No.10999032

> In order to understand what’s wrong with the right, we must first understand the basis of its appeal.
I swear I've read this before. Is this a fairly popular essay?

>> No.10999058

Coates is the kind of shit-tier writer a dumbed-down America deserves.

No, Ta-Nehisi (is there any name more narcissitic, more attention-seeking?) does not rank alongside great writers. He is not a great writer. He's a NYT-backed opportunist who foments racial hatred to make a dollar. Baldwin is 1000x better.

Also can anyone recommend a GOOD writer on the topic of American blacks? Maybe a study on how their culture has developed in a vacuum after the emancipation proclamation, and why they give their children made-up kang names?

>> No.10999068
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>Coates is becoming the main Captain America writer in May

>> No.10999107

if he makes Captain America black that's it. I'm moving to Israel.

>> No.10999135

Nah he's just gonna be a dude trump sucks character probably