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10990269 No.10990269 [Reply] [Original]

>want to read this
>but am a vegan who hates animal cruelty

what do...

>> No.10990272

Don't judge whalers via modern morality.

>> No.10990275

moby isn't as cruel as the human cruelty, that's just ahab's lies. believe the whale

>> No.10990280

It's a historical book, you shallow roastie. I'm a vegetarian too and such stuff doesn't turn my panties into a twist so I can infer that you're a roastie. I don't like seeing gore right before my eyes either, I enjoy my death metal nevertheless. Squeamish weakling.

>> No.10990284

If it makes you feel better the whale deserved it.

>> No.10990292

I hate this mentality so much. I don't have the energy to tell you why, so just kill yourself please.

>> No.10990316

You were born a heterotroph and you will die a heterotroph. It doesn't matter whether your food is plant or animal matter, you will kill to eat.

Do some rudimentary research on the subject of banana republics and the way farmhands are treated.

>> No.10990319
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You just got caught

>> No.10990324


Veganism isn't about never killing anything, it's about taking a stand against the rampant animal suffering happening throughout the world.

Meat eaters are massive hypocrites when they say they care about animals when they kill several thousand of them a year (each!) due to supply and demand alone.

Whaling is absolutely one of the most abhorrent parts of our culture.

>> No.10990391

Not everyone cares about animals. I like my own pets and that's about it. I don't even care about other people's dogs.

Also you did a fantastic job of presenting a countermarket to my point about the fruit industry being worse than the meat industry. Either boycott nestle or shut the fuck up, because every food industry causes mass suffering.

Without whaling cartography would be years behind. Cultures like the Brits, Japanese, and Inuit have all relied on whale fat to keep them fed and warm.

Unless you can photosynthesize, you can't brag about the morality of your food.

>> No.10990413

bad bait, but people who think covering a subject implies consent of subject are fucking idiots

everyone except ishmael dies, who the fuck thinks this is glorifying anything?

>> No.10990419

You know people won't assume you have flip flopped on your senseless crusade against flesh consumption because of what book you are reading, right? You know people aren't that stupid or shallow, and if the people around you are then you should find better people to interact with.

I have moral and idealogical objections to transexuals but it doesn't keep me from reading about or interacting with them because I'm not afraid of being mistaken for a transexual or homosexual for having a conversation with one.

Vegans try so hard to be nice to animals that they forget to treat humans decently half the time, they disgust me

>> No.10990458

just don't read it, faggot. there's plenty of whale murder.

ahab could hardly be held to the same standard as an average whaler from the same period.

that's a tough call, really. the chapter where they kill their first whale is pretty unabashed in its heroic depiction of the ordeal, especially when the whale begins gushing blood from its spout and coating the sailors. there's also the chapter where ahab initially swears them to the cause and has them drink grog out of their harpoon heads while chanting to the death of the whale. the fact that they all die in the end (though ishmael AND queequeg live) can only make up for so much.

>> No.10990460

Once I read Moby-Dick everything in my life started revolving around that book. My usernames, e-mails, passwords, writing themes, drawings, decorations, interests, world view...

>> No.10990479

At first I read this as "Don't judge whales via modern morality."

>> No.10990498

Grow balls

>> No.10990614

>Whaling is absolutely one of the most abhorrent parts of our culture.
Whaling's far better than the pork industry, that shit's fucked up.
Whales are dumb and feed many. Pigs are abused in the most brutal ways imaginable by the freaks who work at slaughterhouses, provide relatively little meat, and are possibly sentient.

>> No.10991649

Whales, are much smarter than pigs. Especially cetaceans.

>> No.10991650

Don't be a faggot

>> No.10991654

I don't enjoy seeing people get hurt yet i read books that involve it all the time.
Stop being a pussy.

>> No.10991661

>whales... especially cetaceans
Oh dear

>> No.10991724

Whaling is not part of our culture.

>> No.10991979

>Vegans try so hard to be nice to animals that they forget to treat humans decently half the time, they disgust me

This is the most pathetic incel thing I've read in a while, especially considering that you outed yourself as a dipshit /pol/ naziboo.

>> No.10992015

Kill yourself OP.

>> No.10992019

You are definitely a woman

>> No.10992020

Excellent bait

>> No.10992046

the whale wins

>> No.10992124

>Meat eaters are massive hypocrites when they say they care about animals when they kill several thousand of them a year (each!) due to supply and demand alone.
>supply and demand
Well maybe we should get rid of capitalism then instead of indulging lifestylist bullshit such as veganism which is only possible thanks to western exploitation of the third world in the first place.

>> No.10992130

I was vegan when I read Moby Dick and enjoyed tremendously.
Trust me you're going to enjoy the whale fighting scenes, it's like they're fighting monsters from another world

>> No.10992132

i could never reconcile the obvious immorality of eating animals with the fact that I didn't give a shit about doing so, so I ended up concluding morality is a meme. I dont mean in an edgy way, clearly we have empathy and such, selectively applied as it is, but morality is just nothing at all

>> No.10992168

Congratulations, you've made it.

>> No.10992615
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unironically end your life please thanks

>> No.10992621
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wholesome post

>> No.10993233

Me too, lol.

>> No.10993242

Jokes on you faggot, I don’t care about animals.

>> No.10993446

Where do vegans stand on the petrol issue, as crude oil is an animal product?

>> No.10993487

>posts cartoon

>> No.10993497

Vegans are the worst kind of scum. Your discomfort at your self-imposed dilemma is delicious.

>> No.10993764

>AND queequeg live

>> No.10994098

Read the book and hope it cures you.

>> No.10994105

I care about some animals, I don't know why you would see it black and white, either or.

>> No.10994115

Just don't get it in paperback or hard cover. Those are made out of destroyed animal houses.

>> No.10995508

You're from the Vega system? You aliens are weird.

>> No.10995526

Read things that scare or challenge you. Do things that scare or challenge you. This is the simplest way to grow and become a stronger person. Read books you don't agree with or have themes you don't agree with. Study their themes and if you must use them to justify your beliefs or to solidify them.

>> No.10995567 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.10995573
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bait is next level on /lit

>> No.10995586

>Unless you can photosynthesize, you can't brag about the morality of your food.
I shall merge with a lichen. Bazinga

>> No.10995592

I thought it was mostly about health. I'm pretty sure this is the case for 90% of vegans. Don't pretend your self-aggrandising delusion is the standard.

Do you think this guy cares about some pathetic moralising bullshit?