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/lit/ - Literature

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10990166 No.10990166[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>one shot at uni
>fell for the STEM meme
am I doomed to be a pleb? Please tell me how I can become an erudite man of the arts without a uni education. There is just so much that it is overwhelming and I do not know where to begin.

>> No.10990170

Read anything and everything considered a classic

>> No.10990174

Have you read the /lit/ starter kit?
Is there a field you’d want to read about in a non fiction setting?
Why not start with the Greeks, or maybe get a psychology textbook, or read biographies of people in your field?

>> No.10990179

>Have you read the /lit/ starter kit?
a bit of it.
>Is there a field you’d want to read about in a non fiction setting?
My interests(in order) are
>prose fiction
>philosophy (aesthetics, music, language)
but I picked up plato and I am struggling to get it on my own

>> No.10990181

Who says you only have one shot? The only reason I haven't ended it is the hope of going back.

>> No.10990188

>Who says you only have one shot?
I really don't want to go back to uni in my late 20s. Plus I'm not sure how that works since I didn't do so well with my first BS. No schools would probably accept me

>> No.10990197

are you a brainlet with no AP credit? Half of your schedule should still be open for learning.

>> No.10990198

im a senior already, just discovered my deep passion for the humanities quite late in the game.

>> No.10990199

not true if OP goes to a remotely competitive school. OP should jusy change majors like a normal fucking human if he's that concerned. But also I know fucking industrial engineers who read Don Quixote on their lunch break. OP just has a weak perspective.

>> No.10990202

>OP should jusy change majors like a normal fucking human
>im a senior already
plus my school's humanities dept is abysmal. we only do stem

>> No.10990210

transfer or go back for a second degree if its that big a deal. if it isnt, youre just being a pussy.

>> No.10990220

You based a major life decision on a meme

just fucking kill yourself

let us real scientists do the work

>> No.10990225

>real scientists
nigger no

>> No.10990241
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Where do you go? I'm at Georgia Tech and have fucked up so badly that my friends reported me to the Dean of Students as a suicide risk. I have to meet with him on Friday morning. I haven't left my room for anything but one meal a day in the middle of the night for weeks. I don't know what's going to happen to me.

>> No.10990250

Sounds pretty normal for Tech tbhq. At least you're not like that one faggot who started stabbing people last year for being misgendered, or that other guy who got stabbed by a bunch of niggers down in Vine City.

>> No.10990251

I will never understand why people say stupid shit like this. There's no reason at all it wouldn't be true.

>> No.10990253
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>Where do you go?
I fucking hate this school and myself for coming here

>> No.10990255

Because you're a fucking whiny faggot who will never work beyond the scientific prowess of William Sanford Nye that's why

>> No.10990261

Just go hang out in the library and read books you faggot. It's not that hard if you have even an ounce of willpower.

>> No.10990268
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fuck it you're right. I was just being a baby.

>> No.10990270

I understand. Our educational system tries its hardest to set you on a path early and keep you there. I plan on taking some community college classes while I'm working, so I can cobble a decent enough transcript to transfer to the school I want to attend. That's pretty much all I can do.

>> No.10990300
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The guy last year didn't stab anybody, he threatened to because he was mentally ill and wanted the cops to kill him. I feel bad for him and bad for the cops.
And it is sadly very normal for Tech. My ex tried to OD on pain meds last semester and would've died if her friend didn't make her vomit. One good friend has had panic attacks for the past year because his boyfriend jumped off a building. Today alone in a groupchat of most of the school of physics, one girl was in tears about how she might drop out and a senior got drunk and started shitposting then veered into how anxiety and lack of social skills made him hate his life.

>> No.10990303

>i'm a loser so everyone else must be too
lol. anyway op just read fuckin books in your free time it's not hard

>> No.10990312

I'm sorry anon. I find time to read but am also failing every class and will probably be either kicked out or allowed to stay on condition of being forced to take antidepressants and get therapy. I hope you feel better soon.

>> No.10990320

see >>10990255

>> No.10990327

Education is meme.
Just read all you can get.

>> No.10990425

Don't fall for the "STEM is a meme" meme
It's not a golden ticket but do you really think a liberal arts degree will get you anywhere but freelance Buzzfeed gigs unless you're the best of the absolute best?
You can become adept at just about anything without having to major in it. My friend's a literature/philosophy double major and the lit part sounds like absolute hell, endless "writers of color" workshops, and papers that revolve around telling superiors what they want to hear, with as little original thought as possible
Philosophy sounds more interesting but I'm too much of a brainlet to understand the advanced stuff. He says prospects for that are pretty bare too unless you're either teaching or have "connections"

>> No.10990435

You don't need a uni education to be an artist, that the stupidest meme araund.
Just practice your art, they much more like crafts than any stem meme.

>> No.10990437

Why do you think shit like that is so common to the uni?

>> No.10990449

Something a lot of artists need though is food.

>> No.10990467

The school is full of people who are told they're geniuses and get As with zero effort for 18 years, then come here and compete with the rest of them, then hit a wall. Very high-strung people with their egos suddenly shattered while still being emotional teenagers leads to lots of substance abuse, lots of depression, and lots of suicide.
I can't really pin down what happened to me. Hitting the wall didn't make me depressed, it was the opposite. Something inside me broke and killed any motivation in me to function, and that led to the failure. This is probably my last semester here.

>> No.10990490

>going to college for a career
lol pleb

>> No.10990505
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>MFW law school.

Who else /philosopher king/? I fucking love law school. Its so engaging, stimulating, incorporating of philosophy and psychology, and fun making god-tier arguments.

>> No.10990516

>Hitting the wall didn't make me depressed, it was the opposite. Something inside me broke and killed any motivation in me to function, and that led to the failure.
I'm at UGA and this is exactly how I feel and I have no clue why.
There's no realistic hope for the future and the dread is just creeping through me as I waste more time heading towards nothing.
I don't even feel depressed, I just feel constantly disgusted by myself for being such a fucking loser.

>> No.10990520

If you are American you won't get a job and will be in 100k in debt
If you are not American you support a government that doesn't secure its citizens basic rights and is akin to tyranny.

>> No.10990523

Unless you fall for the trade meme it's pretty much required, even grunt work for any vaguely stemmy field requires a degree because of how oversaturated everything is

>> No.10990524

do you want money and happiness or poverty and enlightenment?

well you can have both, just go into finance haha!

>> No.10990534

>Very high-strung people with their egos suddenly shattered while still being emotional teenagers
This happened to me when I was still in secondary education. Right as I hit high school in fact. I was able to come to terms with my mediocrity long before I ever went to college, so I was able to make more informed decisions about what I studied. It took me 6 years to finish 2 degrees, but I enjoyed my time in higher academia and I wouldn't change it if I could do it over again.

>> No.10990535

Sounds way too familiar.
If you go to UGA, where are you from? I'm from Kennesaw and know dozens of people at UGA. My brother and sister both went there.

>> No.10990556

>Unless you fall for the trade meme it's pretty much required
My family is very wealthy, so no, it's not required. I went to college because I wanted to.
>even grunt work for any vaguely stemmy field requires a degree because of how oversaturated everything is
This is also false.

>> No.10990590

A small town a little outside Atlanta, did the IB program in high school and all of my friends went to UGA, so I figured why not.
Got raped by my first real chemistry class and now my GPA's irredeemable due to a series of freakishly unfortunate misunderstandings with multiple classes (email inexplicably not going through and prof not accepting late assignment even with proof of time sent, shit like that). Now I'm scraping by for a degree that's useless if you're not pre-med,which sailed three years ago.

>> No.10990653

I hope you can feel better soon, anon. If I had any advice to give I'd type it out for you, but we're in the same boat.

>> No.10990657

>citizens basic rights
>Zucc effectively sutting down 1st ammendment
>Corporate America on the verge of destroying 2nd amendment
>On the verge of going to war with another middle-eastern country against the will of most of the population for SECOND time in 15 years.

Yanks need another Revolution. They are in a worse position than they were in 1774.

>> No.10990667

It's too late to fix. As a whole, we don't give enough of a fuck anymore and are too easily manipulated by the media bubbles we've made for ourselves to do anything to change the situation we're in.

>> No.10990683

I'm about to commit to this school, what's the problem with it. I know it's STEMy as fuck but is there nobody to talk about literature with?