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10988799 No.10988799 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesnt his work interest me at all?

>> No.10988853

cause it's false, pretentious and tedious.

>> No.10988856

Do you benefit from the current economic order

>> No.10988859


>> No.10988861

Are you sure

>> No.10988872

Well, I do as much as all the people who are interested in his work do
Can you be more specific?

>> No.10988880

>all the people
Thats dumb
Some people*

>> No.10988885

Who built the roads?

>> No.10988890

People who were paid to do it

>> No.10988943

Probably because you're a retard who watches too much Fox News.

>> No.10988951

But I don't

>> No.10988964

There are people who actually has a good or at least liveable life, dumb marxist

>> No.10988988

The contractors from my local NAP-syndicate.

They had to shoot down a machine gun caravan while doing it, but they held their ground and defended my new road, so I paid them an extra twinkie.

>> No.10988994

Why would anyone be interested in something that has been repeatedly proven false at the cost of millions of lives? Only academics divorced from the real world pay Marx any mind.

>> No.10989005


>> No.10989006
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>Why would anyone be interested in something that has been repeatedly proven false at the cost of millions of lives?
>It's OK when Capitalism does it

>> No.10989022

Nice false dichotomy. And no-one lives in a Capitalist state so it's doubly irrelevant.

>> No.10989026

>Anon makes Marx thread
>i'm not interested hurr
>u must watch fox news durr

This is the state of 4chan's analysis.

>> No.10989033


WTF, I'm moving to Venezuela/Cuba/North Korea now!

>> No.10989039

Is there any theory that addresses the fact that people don't wanna be saved? I know there's the old expression 'people feel comfortable in their chains', but at this point people are well aware of the insane exploitation occurring across the world. What is the point of dedicating your life to saving the average dickhead would do nothing for you and yet can't even save themselves from capitalist exploitation? Is there any reason why martyrs and doomed men should toil away for their entire existence while the people they are trying to "save" spit on them and renounce them? It seems to me at this point that epic "proletariat" will literally eat shit and still call you a faggot for mentioning the shit.

>> No.10989041

I know it's off topic but Fox News is so fucking pathetic. Just reading about them makes me a bit angry. Apparently yesterday instead of reporting about Trump's lawyer's office getting raided by the FBI they were covering some bullshit about pandas. How fucking shitty can this country be? It's infuriating.

>> No.10989042

>I've just read Atlas Shrugged and I've gotta do something about it, the post

>> No.10989049

Nah fuck you mate, I'm still a leftist and I was asking a genuine question. It just feels like the whole thing is so hopeless sometimes and people are so fucking cruel and terrible. But whatever xD he must read Ayn Rand if he even questions why the proletariat is so fetishised.

>> No.10989050


>> No.10989071
File: 41 KB, 216x350, bookchinreader.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marx is outdated and it shows, plus he really was a neet and thus didn't know what he was talking about.
If you want a proper understanding of non-capitalist mindset, then read Murray Bookchin.

But to your original question: you're not interested because you're not, there's no reason to BE interested other than curiosity, if you're not curious about it enough to get into it, you're not going to get into it. As long as you are happy to believe whatever you are already believing, which includes "marxism is wrong" then you are never going to get interested, because it's more satisfying to feel correct than it is to actually do work and learn something.

In the end, you'll probably find you don't agree with him.
I don't agree with him. But the difference is, I know WHY I don't agree with him, and all you have is a vague superficial assurance based on social pressure.

>> No.10989080

I'm aware of ideology, I've read Althusser. I guess I'm just questioning the futility of it all at a time when the left just seems more concerned with maintaining some sort of puritanical image of who can say the least naughty things meanwhile everyone around them thinks they are straight up retarded. I mean honestly how is the average leftist supposed to inspire a worker's revolution when they probably couldn't talk to the average worker for more than 10 minutes without said worker trying to kill themselves? Why the fuck would you lay down your life because some suburbanite furry with a Lenin fetish talked to you about Judith Butler.

>> No.10989090

>Venezuela is socialist
>Cuba is a bad place to live
Why do we allow Americans on this board again?

>> No.10989092

>Is there any theory that addresses the fact that people don't wanna be saved?
>Jean Baudrillard
>Jacques Ellul
>Christopher Lasch
>Neil Postman
>Karl Marx
>Rene Guenon
>Julius Evola
>Nick Land
>Rene Girard
Read all of these authors and synthesize your own theory why we are all so irrevocably fucked.

>> No.10989109


>tcc un europeo sin idea te quiere sermonear sobre tu gente


>> No.10989113

Thank you this is what I'm looking for. I read Simulacra and Simulation a few years ago and I've read some Marx but the rest of these I haven't delved into.

>> No.10989124

La gente que viene de Venezuela a mi país viene con hambre...

>> No.10989125
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>> No.10989129


Y por supuesto, claro que un gringo retrasado que vive con plata de papi nunca va a entender esas cosas.

>> No.10989136

>how is the average leftist supposed to inspire a worker's revolution
You're not, according to Marx. The revolution occurs naturally.

>> No.10989141
File: 7 KB, 236x214, anydaynow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...any day now

>> No.10989152

You just have to accelerate le capitalism

>> No.10989171
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*mr burns voice* exceeelleeent

>> No.10989185

Por lo menos la plata de papi vale algo acá

>> No.10989210

Because you are not retarded

>> No.10989219

None of those countries are socialist. Don't be an idiot. What I don't understand is why don't they try? I'm sure the people in power are aware everything is going to shit. Why instead of sinking with the ship don't they try to create an actual socialist country? With the oil money Venezuela could literally turn into a socialist utopia in a few years if they tried.

>> No.10989220


He was certifiably insane and there have been better “historical materialists” for decades now. Try Schumpeter, Tainter, etc.

>> No.10989225


Meh bait.

>> No.10989237

Bait, but because America would rather nuke them before that happening. Not to mention their politicians are corrupt to the core and don't actually know anything about real socialism.

>> No.10989259


>> No.10989262

Because power corrupts.

>> No.10989269

Because people don't want socialism, they think they do, but they really don't

>> No.10989285

>Because people don't want socialism, they think they do, but they really don't

didn't trump win because he said he wouldn't touch boomer's medicare and social security

>> No.10989314

trump won because he signalled to white people that he was their guy, while everybody else shit on white people

>> No.10989335

Maduro doesn't win since 2013

>> No.10989390

North Korea might actually be trying, they're so isolated we couldn't really know, Juche is kind of interesting desu, but i can see how it's a recipe for disaster, the region doesn't really have the resources necessary to modernize like the rest of the world has.
Anyway a lot has been written about international socialism vs socialism in one state. The classical position is that global trade has unified the world to such an extent that the workers as a class are essentially nation-less. Capital travels almost seamlessly across borders, whereas workers are confined by their respective states. Im paraphrasing badly, but the argument against socialism in one state follows from that, the engine of global trade would eventually crush you, see North Korea.
Even if you wanted to be a little more pragmatic than that, like in China's case, you still end up as a State Capitalist economy in order to operate on that existing global stage.

>> No.10989471

Redpill me on Bookchin. Why should I read this book if I'm interested in politics?

>> No.10989495

Except capitalism works in quite a few countries without ending in people dying because of it in those countries. More specifically New Zealand, Iceland, Hong Kong, and Singapore are all very safe and easy to live in unlike non-capitalist countries which are never easy or nice to live in

>> No.10989499


You're a capitalist-supporting cuckold who should be gulaged.

>> No.10989519
File: 516 KB, 1170x904, fyodorpasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why doesn't his work interest me at all?
Because you have been fooled by the idiots whom his philosophy appeals to that it's so simple and crude that you can learn nothing from it, and even trying is a colossal waste of time.

Marx was truly a genius, and precipitated the most destructive cult of ressentiment in human history. Unfortunately, he connects strongly to the vulgar hero complex inside every single person. The Communist Manifesto is a masterful work of rhetoric. His style actually reminds me a lot of Hitler's speeches.

>> No.10989533

It's largely garbage that's why, you'll find that while conceptually his arguments hold a value the reality is that they are pointless outside of theorizing.

>> No.10989534

>Hong Kong, and Singapore are all very safe and easy to live in
if you're rich maybe lmao
In hong kong for instance you have people living basically as slaves at the dregs of society,

>> No.10989543

Unironically because all of those dictators are secretly supported by USA and other imperialist powers to make socialism look bad. The last thing they want is for the workers to realize there's a better alternative to capitalism.

>> No.10989549

Pretty sure you're a first worlder to say this, only first worlders would say something like that

>> No.10989572

There isn't a politician alive that would suggest touching medicare and social security while running for election, you stupid child.

>> No.10989580

>5 years in Serbia
failed before it even began

>> No.10989588

>Americans confusing socialism with state capitalism and a welfare state

Can you go back to eating your deep fried butter and let adults talk now?

>> No.10989609

kek, i didn't make it. I saved it purely for 'epileptic retard brain'

>> No.10989613

Holy fuck nigger, go South of Auckland CBD and tell me New Zealand is 'safe and easy to live in'

>> No.10989617

"No men does a revolution to liberate"

>> No.10989627
File: 8 KB, 300x300, 1425779156730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact, Dosto had religious visions because of his epilepsy, it can cause powerful hallucinations in rare cases. I'm sort of envious.

>> No.10989628

when the revolution comes ill turn 360 degrees and walk away

>> No.10989640

You probably have an IQ over 120 or under 80

>> No.10989645

that works on so many levels, leave it to a faggot who didn't work a day in his life to lecture on what working people ought to dothe second pun is that his philosophy itself doesn't function, it never works

>> No.10989676

His writtings have inspired Kurdish leadership and he was very preoccupied with environmentalism which is now more of a mainstream political issue than ever before.

So he has actually been becoming more and more relevant over the last 10 or 20 years, despite being pretty underground during his lifetime.

>> No.10989685

He is just Fauerbach brainliticized

>> No.10989691

The Kurds are losing tho.

>> No.10989704

But why a socialist nation needs to be highly developed? If a country tried real socialism even if it were "poor" or "undeveloped" compared to the neoliberal countries it would still be better than anything that Marx could have dreamed back then.

>> No.10989721

Socialism is not economically viable. The economy is built bottom up once the required infrastructure and conditions are given. At the end economics is just the supply and logistics of material needs to a population, and as such it requires a level of specialization that can't be planned throughly. A planned economy can't react to market demands and changes in time and as such a black market will always appear. Don't bring up market socialism. It is just a retarded concept that relies on goverment concessions creating pseudo-guilds

>> No.10989801

That's Tucker for you. The guy is a russian shill. I wouldn't be impressed if Putin himself told him what to say. There's a reason why /pol/ likes him so much.

>> No.10989922

Sort of related, but have you read anything out of A Writer's Diary? I heard toward the end of his life, his mental problems caused him to publish some pretty extreme religious beliefs.

>> No.10989956

>why a socialist nation needs to be highly developed
Again, because global trade is so far advanced, well beyond Marx's time even, it would be crushed by a more advanced capitalist economy. Like, best case scenario there is that it becomes a completely insular state, which is both not great for citizens and not likely to be tolerated by the international community unless you're sitting on no real resources (in which case good luck becoming self-sufficient)
That's why I mentioned North Korea before, because I can't see a situation where it doesn't necessitate some Juche levels of isolationism which needless to say, is unlikely to turn out well

>> No.10989967

>capitalism means muh free market
>socialism is when the governement does stuff

>> No.10990187
File: 37 KB, 960x326, bookchin-endquote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's fucking BASED

>> No.10990287

probably because you're not jewish or a faggot (congrats btw)

>> No.10990346
File: 208 KB, 304x405, paulcockshott.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.10990714

Entry-level. See you on the flip-side, political virgin.

>> No.10990715

>Marx was a NEET
So was Bookchin for half of his life as an imaginary professor and wiseman of the bygone picket lines, complaining about how he met all the Situationists, and yelling at Hakim Bey for being a pedo.

>> No.10990817

Yeah, well, my grandma was a NEET after she was 62, as well.
What the fuck kind of criticism is "well he didn't do ENOUGH of the right KIND of work"
Last I checked teaching is an actual job too.

My point was that he worked in a Foundry and an Auto factory through the 40s.
I know from experience that this kind of work is super hard on you, I spent many years doing 12 hour shifts in a factory in the 2000s, and you know what man, that shit was even MORE dangerous and shitty back in his day.

>> No.10990818


>> No.10990878

because it's the same shitty concept that he applies to everything. when you read it you're just reading the same thing over and over again.

>> No.10990891
File: 151 KB, 328x392, HisSmile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pessimistic communism is a pretty defensible position. I can think that Marxist socioeconomic critique is correct without hoping that the self-abolition of the proletariat will ever actually happen. I think that important movements could happen in the third world, but I'm too cowed by the expert ability of western governments to appropriate and kill radical ideas.

In any case, only a complete retard would deny the great strides in labour rights and political freedoms made as a direct result of the socialist movement. Early USSR was the most progressive state in history, and the unionizing efforts it caused benefitted the material interests of any wage worker in the west. The New Deal was a compromise to hold off communists giving the US burgeoisie a much worse deal. Also, I'm from ex-Yugoslavia and the anti-communist propaganda slides off of me like water, I'd trust my family's experiences far more than some neoliberal puppet today. The proles had an objectively better condition and a better culture.

>> No.10990900

This is some high level bait.

>> No.10990901
File: 867 KB, 853x1009, marxbtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he was NEET so he's wrong

What is with this dumb argument? You can apply this to most intellectuals. You need ample leisure time to actually produce something of worth intellectually in the first place. Do you think Marx could have written as much as he did if he had to work?

>> No.10990911

Probably because you're a fucked up ideologue who doesn't really care about philosophy but is instead obsessed by """politics""".

Try studying his Materialism.

>> No.10990919

How about you respond to any particular claim? I came to my position after reading a lot of economic theory, historical research and reflection, it was not at all easy to switch from the comfy position of social democracy to Marxism. It definitely causes me a lot of social conflict whenever I bring it up, and it's lost me some friends. I'd be delighted to retreat to the reformist left, but I just think their cause is hopeless. A socialist economy is more efficient and provides a higher living standard given the same level of technological development - any comparative statistic of socialist countries will prove this.

>> No.10991113

>and all you have is a vague superficial assurance based on social pressure.
Everyone in college thinks he is like some sort of ultimate philosopher

>> No.10991123

>saying you don't benefit from the current economic world order on your slave made device on the internet

Please reconsider.

>> No.10991124

I really don't care about politics at all
I care about the greeks

>> No.10991125

See >>10988872

>> No.10991129

I gave a specific example desu femme.

You're likely a first world Westener and in the top 10% of wealthy people


check it out

>> No.10991131

I'm middle class spic

>> No.10991133

Two scoops.

>> No.10991141

that's still pretty good i'd say, living off of of of the same cheap Chinese tech labour and Bangladeshi t-shirt extravaganzas

I'm a first world welfare neet but profiting nicely from being in the top rich bully countries

>> No.10991210

Why does he look like he just got shot in the cock?

>> No.10991365

Socialism requires goverment intervention to crush an underground economy that doesn't adhere to its principles

>> No.10991378

>social democracy to Marxism.
You went from shit to autistic horseshit. Both theories are brainlet tier and hardly have a grasp on economics. Pick up some ordoliberals and all your meme believes would fall like a house of cards

>> No.10991382

>socialist countries
wut? where?

>> No.10991385

Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher provides a very solid answer for why many people don't feel as if they have any choice regarding living within a capitalist world

>> No.10991401

Leftovers of theology, nonetheless with a redeeming strain of a deep scrutiny of 19 century's economies. Modern people who never read Hegel will never fully understand what it all was about.

>> No.10991435

Every sane form of economy requires a government to keep it in check, retard.

>> No.10991443

>Every sane form of economy requires a government to keep it in check, retard.
One thing is keeping the economy running and the other one is repressing economic activity so it adheres to your definition of production. Socialism requires the latter, and that is why you always have an undeeground economy in socialist countries

>> No.10991449

I feel this heavily anon

>> No.10991459

You have black markets in capitalist countries too though.

>> No.10991467

That depends on your cute assumption that economic activity is a natural phenomenon in capitalism, but any other form is unnatural/repressed. Not hard to argue from such an axiom. Sorry to burst your bubble though, but public ownership is historically far more prevalent than private ownership.

>> No.10991475

>You have black markets in capitalist countries too though
In very undeveloped/undercapitalized economies. In advanced capitalist countries the only black market is related to drugs or prostitution which comes from a ban on those things,not the incapacy of the economy to provide those.
On the other hand in East Germany or Czechoslovakia (highly capitalized regions that turned their economy into a socialist one) you had black markets for practically anything from food,to clothes or books.

>> No.10991482

>Do you think Marx could have written as much as he did if he had to work?
No, but some of what he wrote might then have been grounded in reality.

>> No.10991497

>That depends on your cute assumption that economic activity is a natural phenomenon in capitalism, but any other form is unnatural/repressed
In a capitalist society any person is allowed to enter any market under his own responsability. In socialism you need the state to give you a grant at best, and at worst you will just have to work in what they tell you to
>Sorry to burst your bubble though, but public ownership is historically far more prevalent than private ownership.
In a primitive economy were the only economic activity is farming such a simple organization makes sense. In a heavily industrial society it is just a wet dream. Bringing up neolithic villages as an example of economic activity is simply put stupid and there is a reason why the most advanced economies were the ones with a thriving bourgouise like England or the Netherlands while countries that supressed those groups of people like France or Spain end up turning up to Colbertism, which is still miles better than socialism from an economic point of view

>> No.10991511

How would I know that? Maybe no political or economic writing interests you, how the fuck would I know.

>> No.10991546

any person is able to enter any market under his own responsibility
That's precisely why excessive market liberalisation is bad - the arbitrariness of the labour market, your whole livelihood is based on unforeseen forces and movements in the economy. This causes incredible social unrest and insecurity, unless it's softened by public spending, and it's by far the main cause of social dissolution under neoliberal policy. We don't NEED to have an economic system where everyone has to make it or break it individually - even the poorer socialist countries provided full employment, state-subsidised vacation and housing, universal acess to public goods etc. to their citizens. Is finding work a privilege of the current state in the labour market, or a universal right which is managed by rationally distributing socially necessary labour? I pick the latter, I'd rather have the spooky state instead of constant wage insecurity and corporate domination thanks.

>> No.10991599 [DELETED] 

>and hardly have a grasp on economics
how to spot a brainlet

Böhm-Bawerk was BTFO by Bukharin a long time ago btw

>> No.10991610

Economics is a science, while also being social philosophy. You need to understand integrating factors to comprehend most economic analysis. And I’m not even talking econometrics, brainlet.

>> No.10991612

I can't take his work seriously due to how much of an ironic pop culture symbol he's becoming. It's just too sincere for me to deal with.

>> No.10991619

>Economics is a science
that's what pomos believe

>> No.10991635

>That's precisely why excessive market liberalisation is bad - the arbitrariness of the labour market, your whole livelihood is based on unforeseen forces and movements in the economy. This causes incredible social unrest and insecurity, unless it's softened by public spending, and it's by far the main cause of social dissolution under neoliberal policy
The labour market has to adapt to new capital and the advancement of the economy. This isn't the X century were you knew that you,your son and your great grandson will be peasants. Unless you believe in luddism you simply believe in an utopia. People are not only labour free in capitalist societies, they can save and invest freely which most people usually forget about. You should be able to adapt to market changes if you had been responsible with your wealth
>We don't NEED to have an economic system where everyone has to make it or break it individually - even the poorer socialist countries provided full employment, state-subsidised vacation and housing, universal acess to public goods etc. to their citizens. Is finding work a privilege of the current state in the labour market, or a universal right which is managed by rationally distributing socially necessary labour? I pick the latter, I'd rather have the spooky state instead of constant wage insecurity and corporate domination thanks.
You do if you want to trade and be incorporated in global trade. Socialist economies relied on huge tariffs and USSR subsudies to keep their inneficient economies from collapsing. In the 80's a country like the Czechoslovakia which was as wealthy as Austria when WWII broke out didn't even have a 10% of Austria's GDP per capita and an economy that was worthless for trade making their aquisition of foreign currencies and thus imports extremelly expensive. Socialism is not viable unless it is applied internationally and on a global scale,and even then it would be a really inefficient system of production

>> No.10991751

>You should be able to adapt to market changes if you had been responsible with your wealth
I really can't take this argument seriously, you've based your argument off of some weird ass model where the labor market is a bunch of comfortable suburbanites who enter into the model with an excess of wealth and educational opportunity that allows them to pick and choose their education and employment at will like some kind of DnD character.Whereas in reality we've seen time and again that the capitalist mode of production concentrates wealth into fewer and fewer hands without government intervention

>> No.10991804

>I really can't take this argument seriously, you've based your argument off of some weird ass model where the labor market is a bunch of comfortable suburbanites who enter into the model with an excess of wealth and educational opportunity that allows them to pick and choose their education and employment at will like some kind of DnD character.Whereas in reality we've seen time and again that the capitalist mode of production concentrates wealth into fewer and fewer hands without government intervention
Personal wealth has been increasing steadly since the postwar period and most families in the west can afford holidays abroad,a house of their own, to safe plenty of money monthly and to invest. The accumulation of wealth is mostly a myth. The assets of rich people increasing doesn't really mean that they have more disposable wealth, it means that their companies are doing well and so do their shares. Big companies doing well translates into better paid jobs as you can check in any stadistic. There is a reason why their is a strong correlation between a countries multinationals and the wealth of the country as a whole. Stop reading trash like Piketty and actually try to interpret data, not just put everything in terms of a huge zero-sum game

>> No.10991940

>everything in terms of a huge zero-sum game
Did you just imply that resources are infinite?
>More people than ever in a single part of the world can afford to buy houses and take vacations
Hardly means that that wealth didn't come from somewhere else. Besides, do you have a source for this? Because last I checked home ownership amongst younger generations hasn't exactly been exploding. And equity has plummeted in the last generation

>> No.10991944

This is true, I'm enjoying these NEETbux because the government was scared to death of communism becoming popular with the proles in Western Europe and started expanding the welfare state to curb revolutionary sentiment.

Thanks based Soviets.

>> No.10991971

>Did you just imply that resources are infinite?
Not all wealth comes from natural resources
>Hardly means that that wealth didn't come from somewhere else. Besides, do you have a source for this? Because last I checked home ownership amongst younger generations hasn't exactly been exploding. And equity has plummeted in the last generation
Global poverty has plummeted in the last 50 years. Your argument is based on pure feels. And house ownership amongst the youth is lower because they are flocking big cities thus rising property prices in them. They can still afford a life style much superior to the one of a Belarussian steal worker in the 70's

>> No.10991984
File: 105 KB, 1085x1217, 765d34552e85a0183e1fc43d71dbebeee0f80aa686f42d897944be8f49d4f0ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically think people don't deserve socialism desu

Why are you conflating relative poverty with absolute poverty?

>> No.10991991

Damn Marx btfo by some random internet shit poster

>> No.10991995

We're not mind readers faggot how am I supposed to know what you like and don't like do you really need strangers on the internet to tell you everything?

>> No.10992008

>not false
damn Marx defended by some random internet shitposter

>> No.10992035

>Why are you conflating relative poverty with absolute poverty?
Relative poverty has also decreased globally

>> No.10992091


Yeah, if you continually redefine the notion of poverty, then poverty has decreased however much it needs to.

>> No.10992245

wholesome post

>> No.10992306
File: 129 KB, 900x729, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, I'm from ex-Yugoslavia and the anti-communist propaganda slides off of me like water, I

>> No.10992313

Missing the point: the post.

>> No.10992390

>Why are you conflating relative poverty with absolute poverty?
I started this discussion by objecting to the notion that the labor market is a happy voluntary system where everyone responsible makes money and doesn't run afoul of shifting demands. I'd argue that the disparity of resources and conflicting interests between employers and laborers creates a very coercive system regardless of wherever or not they both own a refrigerator.
The best predictor of wealth is how rich your parents were, because in the real world you have to be sitting on a sizable amount of wealth to meaningfully negotiate with a guy who could buy out your family with his grocery bill. Your average person born poor doesn't have the leverage

>> No.10992409

Meant for

>> No.10992488

So then why didn't you say that earlier instead of shifting the topic to absolute poverty? And no relative poverty is on the rise as wealth disparity is increasing.

>> No.10994530

>thinking Cuba is a good place to live
sincerely i hope you fucking kill yourself

t. Cuban expat

>> No.10994558

>Economics is a science

>> No.10994570

>as wealth disparity is increasing.
that's because the rich are getting richer. the poor aren't getting poorer

>> No.10994929

There is no proof of a falling rate of profit, it's basically empirically impossible to calculate. Your whole revolution is contingent on that economic trend, and there's no indication it's happening.

>> No.10994952

I mean no one in modern academia really takes Rothbard or Rand seriously. There's this little thing that happened in economics called the neo-classical synthesis and you aspie leftists can't process that other people besides hardcore ancaps and fascists exist. General Theory's much more important/influential than Capital. As for Friedman, he's probably the second most important economist of the 20th century. Engulf a chode

>> No.10994958

The point is that no one in the real world gives a shit about what a few larping revolutionaries say about capitalism online.

>> No.10994959

>wahhh wahh they didn't let me exploit people on my plantation
Go fuck yourself.

>> No.10994962

Wages for sweatshop workers are actually higher than other local jobs lmao.

>> No.10994969

>A socialist economy is more efficient and provides a higher living standard given the same level of technological development - any comparative statistic of socialist countries will prove this.

>> No.10994974

not meant for OP

>> No.10994997

read Burkhauser's paper on inequality little man

>> No.10995959
File: 192 KB, 501x445, nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it is nothing but ressentiment and you can feel that.

>> No.10997473


>> No.10998750

Because his work leads to destruction of culture, tradition and eventually civilization

>> No.10999487

Your question is ambiguous. Have you tried reading his work but found it dull and boring? Or have you been too uninterested to even try reading it?

He does have a reputation for a dull and wordy writing style, and his conclusions are garbage due to his overreliance on the labour theory of value. But despite all that he had an innovative methodology, so his work's worth reading if you have a professional or historical interest.

>> No.10999509

Rate of profit shouldn't be too hard to calculate because taxation law requires profits to be reported to the government.

AIUI it's currently rising.

If it occurs naturally then it's more likely to be evolution than revolution.

>> No.10999516
File: 56 KB, 621x702, rothbard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10999801

You probably have a job.

>> No.10999958
File: 20 KB, 500x499, 1519440764408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also a butthurt faggot NEETjew santa claus that got baited so hard that he even wrote a whole fucking book trying to refute Stirner and failed miserably,truly a pathetic little bitch preaching falsehoods for dumb goys while sucking Engels cock daily for a living smhTBQHWYFAM...

>> No.11000033
File: 36 KB, 400x460, hahaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That pic with that quote.

Woah! Dude thats deep AF!!! *rips bong*, hell yea! what a visionary "Bookchin"(fucking anime name character) was , truly a gentleman and a scholar of the highest degree! Praise the leftist "thinkers".

>> No.11000105

>muh quantum cumpooping
Come back to me when he actually addresses Mises's argument instead of sidestepping it.

>> No.11000400

>Why are you conflating relative poverty with absolute poverty?
As a materialist, wouldn't absolute poverty be of greater concern to you as well?