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10988184 No.10988184 [Reply] [Original]

How to write a sex scene and never say
>I placed my dick on her hymen and rammed it inside.

>> No.10988200

what's wrong with that?

>> No.10988206

she placed my dick on her hymen and rammed it inside

>> No.10988223

If you're not writing smut just imply it

>> No.10988225

Just get inspiration from your own memories of having sex

>> No.10988233

read lolita desu

>> No.10988234

Implying it as vague as possible is much better.

>> No.10988275

you killed 4chan

>> No.10988327

she placed her dick on my boypussy and rammed it inside

>> No.10988869

Thanks anon I'll put this advice to good use

>> No.10988900

I don't know. I've written 9001 sex scenes and they all inexplicably have the phrase 'I placed my dick on her hymen and rammed it inside', it is one of the biggest literary problems of our age, anon.

>> No.10988930

>I tore down her last defense, like the Romans did at Salamis against Cyrus.

>> No.10988946

Same problem different sentence anon I cannot for the life or me stop writing this
>i put my pee pee in hir vaginer and she smile and the BRAAAAAPPPPPP

>> No.10988965

Just copy a sex scene from a movie or your favorite BLACKED scene

>> No.10989897

Then, we had sex.
(End of chapter.)

>> No.10989901

get a load of this edgelord.

>> No.10989903

Too obscure, our readers won't get the reference. Revise it.

>> No.10990600

Metaphors galore or write around it without describing anything. Graphic sex in text is not great to read most of the time, but implied sex is cherished by those who like a romantic subplot

>> No.10990616

are you retarded? cyrus killed all the romans at salamis with his war elephants

>> No.10990619

i gotchu senpai
>i fucked her in the pussy

>> No.10990972

She placed her dick on my hymen and rammed it inside

>> No.10990988


>> No.10990995


>> No.10990999

I kicked the door in with a battering ram evoked by pure, unadulterated, sexual anger.
The screams from her windpipes shuttered her temple.
The waterworks began as the cherries began exploding around inside the sanctum.

>> No.10991095

Just don’t write sex scenes, just say

>then they went to bed and fucked until the morning sun cast low shadows on their entwined figures

>> No.10991158

Yeah, I think I'll do something similar. The sex isn't important but the feelings he has during it so I'll just make him think about it afterwards instead of making my protagonist autistically think about life during sex.

>> No.10991209

>You placed your dick again her winking marecunt and rammed it inside.

>> No.10991214

oh look its cyrusbot again spreading fake history.

>> No.10991242
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I always start with a description that suggests that two characters are about to fuck, and then I go on to describe the room around them, or something sensory. Then I write the finishing actions in a non-medical way (usually the guy cums quick). I try to avoid the following words: ass, cum, dick, hot, orgasm, panting, penis pussy, sweaty, thrusting, tits, vagina, etc. That way I can avoid being crude or falling into cliches.

>She maneuvered her way behind him, taking him in her left hand. Quite the grip, he said. She chuckled, not sure how to take that comment, always on the defensive. The trees provided ample cover from onlookers and, save for the wind and the mosquitos taking shade, there was silence. They were alone, with no evidence any human had ever found their mid-summer retreat. She worked her free hand up under his shirt, feeling his abdomen, finding her way toward his chest. He jerked forward, and then relaxed. It was over.

The grip thing is because the woman is a trap. He knows, don't worry, and you would have too if you didn't skip to the naughty bits. Lewd.

>> No.10991264

2666 by Robert Bolano deals with sex quite well. At least the first 140ish pages have a lot of it.

He does suck the soul out of it a bit, but then again, the sex they have is soulless so perhaps thats why,

>> No.10991271

y-yeah good idea....

>> No.10991274

>The dick, likeDemetrius Poliorcetes at Rhodes, then lay siege to her hymen.

>> No.10991280
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>Quite the grip, he said.

>> No.10991282

Sorry, you're welcome to steal this of course.

>> No.10991296
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I'll publish it one day.

>> No.10991315
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take inspiration from Japanese literature

>> No.10991320
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>> No.10991334

Don't lose hope, anon! 50 Shades of Grey started as a fanfic of Twilight.

>> No.10991347

This just sounds like he came after one thrust.

>> No.10991350


that cant be real.

>> No.10991356

Nice. Sauce?

>> No.10991358


>> No.10991375

It's a translation so take it as you will

>> No.10991409

On her hymen I placed my dick and rammed it inside.

>> No.10991410
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I was writing that from memory and condensing a longer scene just to use an example. In the real thing there wasn't the corny 'quite the grip' line either. I had spent more time describing temperature, smell, etc. - just being more indulgent to extend the scene. But really, some guys are inadequate and I enjoy depictions of men who cannot perform. At least I'm trying to help OP.

Eventually I'd like to be able to do in words what Jim Steranko can do in images (pic related).

>> No.10991432

My dick was diamonds.
she said "Simon,
won't you climb in,
pop my hymen?"

>> No.10991490

I put my thingie deep inside her.

>> No.10991535

"Yes, now I can remember that night when I fucked you for so long backwards. It was the dirtiest fucking I ever gave you, darling. My prick was stuck up in you for hours, fucking in and out under your upturned rump. I felt your fat sweaty buttocks under my belly and saw your flushed face and mad eyes. At every fuck I gave you your shameless tongue come bursting out through your lips and if I gave you a bigger stronger fuck than usual fat dirty farts came spluttering out of your backside. You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one out of her. I think I would know Nora’s fart anywhere. I think I could pick hers out in a roomful of farting women. It is a rather girlish noise not like the wet windy fart which I imagine fat wives have. It is sudden and dry and dirty like what a bold girl would let off in fun in a school dormitory at night. I hope Nora will let off no end of her farts in my face so that I may know their smell also."

>> No.10991920


>> No.10991928

>He jerked forward, and then relaxed. It was over.
holy fuck I'm dying

>> No.10991969

You're joking right?

>> No.10991989

Yeah, I like a good giggle. That was a poor example, to be fair, but forgive me for having just woke up when I threw it together.

>> No.10992005

>"Connie had a wry, compact intelligence, a firm little clitoris of discernment and sensitivity."

>“What had been his diffusely warm world of domestic refuge had collapsed, overnight, into the hot, hungry microcosm of Patty’s cunt. Which he still couldn’t believe he had such cruelly fleeting access to.”

>“How the honey flowed from her. He dipped his finger in it lingeringly, then his sex, then he moved her so that she lay on him, her legs thrown over his legs, and as he took her, he could see himself entering into her and she could see him too.”

>"I gave her to hold in my awkward fist the sceptre of my passion.”

Sex is hard to write.

>> No.10992210

Read Updike if you want to write about sex

>> No.10992218