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10986792 No.10986792 [Reply] [Original]

When did the field of psychology go from the practice of philosophical self-discovery, education and a profound journey through the unconscious with the therapist to Dr Goldberg prescribing you mind-numbing goy pills like Zoloft and Prozac?

Given the demographic of this website, my guess is that a substantial number of /lit/ users are on anti-depressants right now.

>> No.10986798


>> No.10986812

the philosophical writing was fine but really going to a psychoanalyst was like getting super-jewed. especially when you started getting into the excesses of lacan and so on, "variable-length sessions"! fine stimulators of thought and theory, but the scarce brushes i've had with these sort of eccentric councillors, compared to more level-headed goys who practice cognitive behavioural therapy inclines me to the latter camp when it comes to psycho-medico treatment...

>> No.10986813

When it got into the hands of anglos

>> No.10986819

The market ruins everything. Look at the music industry...

>> No.10986823

are you implying that despacito and taylor swift are not the epitome of song because that would be incorrect

>> No.10986828

Just ban all advertising and the market will be fine. But ads ruin everything.

>> No.10986833

I was on them 2 years ago. Not anymore.
Wrong, it’s the Jewish process.

>> No.10986835

Was the cigar a phallic object?

>> No.10986838

Empiricism has proven so persuasive that most fields of inquiry have at least nominally adopted it.

>> No.10986844

I know I will sound like a shitty marxist, but I unironically believe it became a drug dealing market once capitalist profit motifs caught on to the field, you never see a psychotherapist addressing why you're depressed (the social aspect of it), instead of that it is now just because your brain chemicals need serotonin (and while the latter bio-chemical explanation is true, it doesn't address the reason behind it)
CBT as this the epitome of capitalist conformist psychology since it does not ask socio-political questions

>> No.10986852

No anon, sometimes it's just a cigar

>> No.10986855

Always is and was a cult.


>> No.10986856

It tends to examine the individual's circumstances, including the social, moral and financial pressures upon them. I think it would be demanding a bit much of the hordes of psychotherapist drones to confront political and philosophical problems - more room to err in the treatment of the patient.

>> No.10986867

Does orthodox freudism exist?
I believe Freud was by default right about everything because great men snape the world and he is the biggest name in psychology.
Goahead try and prove me wrong

>> No.10986868
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That's a (natural?) common process of commodification that everything, not only psychology/psychiatry have undergone. Every academic practice (even and specially the "hard" empirical ones such as physics, etc.) have went the way of the market, with professors/thinkers/researchers becoming exchangeable units of intellectual capital inside institutions. The institutions are now instrumental and not terminal, they are there merely to churn out papers for the sake of churning out papers. A dozen of them will be profound in any area while the others are going to be filler to self-justify the existence of such a massive organization. The same logic applies to all industry from where it started to where it is now. Whether or not we are reaching a convergence point of every single aspect of humanity finally being commodified is up for arguing, but you can bet Psychology (as both psychoanalysis and psychiatry) has already reached that point.

>> No.10986870


>> No.10986874

T. Daddy issues

>> No.10986879

>Freud concluded himself that people smoke as a substitution for masturbation. However, based on Freud's own theories on psychosexual development it could be concluded that Freud developed an oral fixation as a result from him receiving too much, or too little satisfaction during the oral stage of his childhood.

>> No.10986882

Wrong. Maybe your assertions are wrong because you're not a big name in psychology so thanks for proving my theory

>> No.10986900

The case of Little Hans shows the downfalls of Mr. Freud's practice of psychiatry. He, and his acolytes (or sycophants) are too eager to prove and implement his novel theories. Ironically, their own psychic phenomena become the principle subjects of interest in the case study of Little Hans; the way they implant ideas of their own creation into the child's imagination, confabulate neuroses, project and treat received ideas - and a prefiguration of the issues that psychiatry would have to confront with controversial practices such as the intentional resurfacing of "repressed memories".

>> No.10986926
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>What will it be today senpai?
>Just fuck me up Dr Freud.
>Say no more.

>> No.10986958

Jews, that's why

>> No.10986966

jews.. anglos. Is there any difference?
Jews control the anglo countries anyway.

>> No.10986974

Don't you losers ever get tired?

>> No.10986984
File: 7 KB, 250x250, supertard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By this logic, Isaac Newton was by default right about quantum mechanics.

>> No.10986988

>jews.. anglos. Is there any difference?
Not to a retard, apparently.

>> No.10986990

When the unrelenting march of Western dogmatic materialism finally reached the inner minds of men, who had through the previous millennia unlocked the untold riches of the universe through entheogenic, and perhaps more importantly, spiritual journeys that taxed his soul in pursuit of the Hero's Drive, man was force fed mind-numbing chemicals by the masses in order to cut off the flow of passion from his heart so that there would never be another Buddha or Jesus Christ ever again.

>> No.10986992

>oy vet shut it down goyim

>> No.10986996

Newton didn't talk about quantum mechanics

>> No.10986999

psychology has always been subversive Jewish peeudoclecisnce

>> No.10987000

Is this a Petersonian?

>> No.10987038

Not really, I'm just an animist.

>> No.10987059

Psychologists don't prescribe meds, psychiatrists do.

>> No.10987065

They don't prescribe them, but they endorse them and push them on their patients, even over more simple, ascetic solutions like meditation.

>> No.10987069

>they endorse them and push them on their patients
Those are some shit psychologists you're going to then.

>> No.10987078

Checked, and correct.
Freud was a cokehead projecting his sexual deviancy onto others. It's nonsense, always was.

>> No.10987083

Freud didn't invent psychology though.

>> No.10987093

Peterson is on antidepressants

>> No.10987104

>I think it would be demanding a bit much of the hordes of psychotherapist drones to confront political and philosophical problems

I would love to see this attempted.

>> No.10987117

He also admits he doesn't clean his room. 'Too much happening.' lmao

>> No.10987142


Fuck off brainlet

>> No.10987143

>The market ruins everything
Embarrasing comment!

>> No.10987157

you don´t know what you are saying!

>> No.10987159

See : Lacan

>> No.10987169

>haha if I name drop horkheimer it'll sound like I actually read him so I don't need to formulate a proper response
Textbook pseud practice no.67

>> No.10987181

>and I'm the one who decides

>> No.10987513

>especially when you started getting into the excesses of lacan and so on
this is only evidence that lacan style was pushed to be an accelerationist toward the current soma status quo

>> No.10987564

traditionally the spirit of the church was a psychological institution, priests were psychologists, religious community and ecstasy was the pill

>> No.10987602

Psychiatry had been trending that way before Freud, so it was natural that it would swing back that way once his findings started to be questioned. It was never going to shift into Adlerian or Jungian psychology, which is what OP seems to want, as they have results that are even more difficult to verify than Freudianism.

>> No.10987610

It started caring about being scientifically sound instead of sounding profound
>Given the demographic of this website, my guess is that a substantial number of /lit/ users are on anti-depressants right now.
It would explain the staggering stupidity.

>> No.10987633

>Psychiatry had been trending that way before Freud
especially if you consider shamans to have been early psychiatrists

>> No.10987637

and you know, herbologists

>> No.10987681

>dr goldberg
most psychiatrists are not jewish
>goy pills
both those pills were synthesized by white scientists and both of them were manufactured and are still manufactured by whited own pharmacorps

why do you impulsively repeat things that you hear from others?

>> No.10987698

OP, your therapist hates you

>> No.10987716

are there any negative side effects of standard psychiatry pills? for >1% of users?

>> No.10987719

a good white person knowing all the goodness about good white people cannot fathom that a white person could not be good

>> No.10987722

cbt is full of retards. lacanians and jungians are also retards. "freudians" who have trained at an APA approved analytic institute (there aren't many) are good. if your analyst is doing more than 80% of the talking in a session he probably isn't great but there are exceptions.

>> No.10987747

>"freudians" who have trained at an APA approved analytic institute (there aren't many) are good.

>> No.10987750

step to me irl and id turn your face inside out

>> No.10987778

lol im sure

>> No.10987833

I might go to a shrink, but atleast I'm not on fucking meds for my imaginary problems.

>> No.10987846

Psychiatrists are medical professionals who treat mental illnesses with the most proven course of treatment. Psychologists are people who conduct psychotherapy. If you have a legitimate mental illness going to some Dockers wearing faggot who overcharges bored yupees to whine about their parents isn't going to help you.

>> No.10987854

I’ve seen this, in Cuba. No joke: people’s psiques are less fucked up by the embargo than by the non-stop add barrage

>> No.10987927

>but atleast, I'm not on fucking meds for my imaginary problems.
its a happy pill, most people rightfully are miserable and its to do with their selves and their surroundings, much too difficult to change the self and surroundings so just inject some happiness every day and life is bearable

>> No.10988102

Yes lol jesus fucking christ

>> No.10988129

>Who is William James and bf skinner

>> No.10988140

My psique is fucked up by your horrendous orthography

>> No.10988170

>side effects
side effects don't exist. If you are feeling an effect of a drug you ingested (as long as it is not placebo) then it is a direct effect of the drug itself.

>> No.10988191

for what percentage of users, how often, what sideeffects?

>> No.10988240

you arent this dumb. I am depressed, the desired effect is to cure my depression: person says ingest this substance and the effect will be your depression cured. Negative side effect is a any bad changes in my existence that comes along with the maybe depression disapearing

>> No.10988242

easy answer: when free market capitalism took over. is psychoanalysis a multi-billion dollar multi-national business? no? then it has no place in the modern world of muh gdp growth
multinational businesses equals multi-ethnic personnel. don't be retards, please.

>> No.10988312

I will never take antidepressants
they mess you up

>> No.10988421

Those are not side-effects just extra effects whether you want them or no. The medication does ABCDE, not A "with the side effect of" BCDE.

>> No.10988439

>It would explain the staggering stupidity.
Nice unscientific conjecture, c-cunt..

>> No.10988447

When people realized happy pills are cheaper than years and years of psychotherapy which even then yield mixed results.

>> No.10988455

The term sideeffects is used to denote undesirable effects: TO THE SIDE, of effects that are desirable:

I desire effects A B C D ... to the SIDE OF THEM

E F AND G... undesired... would be called SIDE effects

>> No.10988461

How much is what, once a week or every two weeks therapy session for x amount of years vs. pill prescription for x amount of years?

>> No.10988484


>> No.10988498

Side effects is a misnomer to downplay the negative aspects of a drug, like maybe it gives you cancer. But it cures migraines. Instead think of it like a drug that causes cancer with the potential benefit of alleviating migraines. Does that make it sound prettier or raise more cause for concern? Don't treat anything as a side-effect rather than a primary effect, it downplays the risk and is a propaganda tool by pharma to make sure people keep taking their shitty pills. At the end of the day it should just be regarded as, are my migraines so bad that I'm willing to risk cancer for their relief?

>> No.10988619

Side effects vary from person to person and usually don’t last, if they present at all. Of course, one might say the same for the intended effect of the drug too.

>> No.10989012

Extreme insomnia, for one

>> No.10989032

TRANSLATION: everyone but me is a dumbass lol

>> No.10989095

A psychologist can't prescribe any medicine. That's a psychiatrist's job.
>lmao the Victorian era, everyone is a fucking repressed sexual freak like me
>little Hans is afraid of horses? he wants to fuck his mom lmao

How and why is this man in any sense a respected "intellectual"? Why is psychoanalysis still a thing today?

>> No.10990132
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