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10985584 No.10985584 [Reply] [Original]

There is no good and evil. There is only power, and those too weak to see it.

>> No.10985590


Humans interpret actions as good or evil through the lens of whether it is helpful or harmful to the survival of the species, in the eyes of the beholder.

Power exists as a social structure that promotes stability or chaos. Stability, generally, is conducive to the survival of the species. Chaos, generally, is not.

>> No.10985599

>those too weak to see it.
I first read it as "those who seek it". Fucking brain.

>> No.10985607

Power of what tho,?.

>> No.10985608
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Power is often very quiet.
Very quiet.


>> No.10985613

It's the Power of Love

>> No.10985680

t. stupid faggot Glaucon

>> No.10985682
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>> No.10985683

Hmm, how can love even have a dichotomy to use as an arguement?

>> No.10985688

muh order muh chaos
*infects you with treatment-resistant lice*

>> No.10985996

>Humans interpret actions as good or evil through the lens of whether it is helpful or harmful to themselves

>> No.10986014

A reminder that Thrasymachus was right

>> No.10986245

>Implying you wouldn't pay $1 to ensure the future survival of humanity, for a generation you will never meet
(Also presume your memory of it is wiped and no one else knows it happened, so you can't use social standing or smug self-satisfaction as factors for helping yourself)

>> No.10986273

What is power tho?

>> No.10986280

>for a generation you will never meet
But is likely to include my offspring. It's all about the selfish gene, man.
>inb4 pic of someone in a hat

>> No.10986286

>Stability, generally, is conducive to the survival of the species. Chaos, generally, is not.
This is precisely backwards. Evolution favours species which are most able to adapt. In stable societies this tendency is not encouraged, while in chaotic ones it becomes essential.

When you say "the species," what you mean is "societies" or "civilisations," which do indeed endure through stability ... right until until the moment they die out.

>> No.10986293

Ah that's true
Would you then not pay $1 if you had no offspring?

>> No.10986294

muh survival of the species
Since certain animals became human and went beyond their economy of animal necessity, their modus vivendi consisted almost entirely of reproducing the material culture of excess that has nothing to do with the task of their basic survival, for they surpassed their natural environment to such an extent that the term "natural environment" itself has no meaning for the man and his culture.

>> No.10986322

power over one's own being (thoughts, feelings, affects, dreams, desires...) or power over others?

>> No.10986364

Well, $1 isn't much. Anything over $10 would be pushing it.

The thing is, what's good for humanity is usually bad for the animal kingdom. There are far too many humans on the planet already, and I don't want to see more species elbowed out of existence by the likes of us. Which is why notions of good and evil are innately subjective .. what's good for me could well be bad for you (or the white rhinoceros.)

>> No.10986382

>the material culture of excess that has nothing to do with the task of their basic survival
Objectively wrong. Material wealth bestows status, and higher-status humans are more likely to survive and prosper. It's evolutionary competition in action.

>the term "natural environment" itself has no meaning for the man and his culture
Nonsense. This is anthropocentric 19th-century thinking. Humans are animals, and they act according to their nature. Everything we do is "natural." It's ludicrous to suggest we are not part of nature.

>> No.10986406

You see, now this guy gets it