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10985084 No.10985084 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there something rather than nothing?

>> No.10985128
File: 45 KB, 625x417, 86a1e17c-8462-45e3-a6b3-009f7a492c02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me tell you something

>> No.10985131


>> No.10985143

I can't even conceive nothingness. Practically, it's a meaningless word. The most I can imagine is empty space; which is still something in the strict sense.

That probably proves God.

>> No.10985151

So you can ask this question

>> No.10985190

Why make the assumption that nothingness can be the only thing?

>> No.10985198

DAE think how strange it is to be anything at all

>> No.10985207

Life is just an strange illusion

>> No.10985212

GOD IS ENERGY NIBBA or both like light or something. Or maybe even meat.

>> No.10985251

tell me

>> No.10985264
File: 1.17 MB, 480x270, 1523125102180.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Parmenides, Hegel, Heidegger, and literally everything in between.

>> No.10985268

>reading heidegger
>reading brainlets

>> No.10985279
File: 264 KB, 900x750, martin-heidegger-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you haven't studied Heidegger you can't even talk about Being in a modern philosophical context; he's that influential.

>> No.10985282

I'm sorry but he's just not.

>> No.10985298

What Kant did for epistemology Heidegger did for ontology, not even memeing

>> No.10985301
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No one knows
some people claim to know but they don't really know, they just think they know when they actually don't know

>> No.10985303

Is there really something though? In Reality?

>> No.10985306

heidegger obfuscated his entire work when he picked up and made his own diction

>> No.10985311

let's say everything disappeared but a thought form from an infant, it would still exist.

for example math does not rely on actuality to exists, it's a phenomenon outside what is, with a source.

>> No.10985342
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It has something to do gravitational singularities.

>> No.10985367

He did it specifically to distance his terminology from the established philosophical terms and their millennia of baggage. If Heidegger is obfuscation than pretty much all postmodern philosophy is obfuscated too because they do the same thing. Hegel did the same thing using established terms and it's a (beautiful) nightmare to parse though.

>> No.10985379


In some places (for lack of a better word), there is nothing, and therefore no one to recognize and comment on the nothingness.

>> No.10985381

nah, he was afraid his work would be taken apart to quickly.

I do not condone how people reacted with a like manner

>> No.10985389

I remember when I was sixteen.

>> No.10985406

Read a bit about his time in the black forest, bringing his manuscripts to Husserl over and over only to destroy them when Husserl didn't get it. He wrote the Being and Time 4 times anon, trying to make the project as coherent as possible. I don't know why he wasted so much time debating the system with motherfucking Husserl if he was just trying to trick people with his clever words.

>> No.10985417

It’s like trying to see with your elbow

>> No.10985419
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On the other hand

>> No.10985420

Why is irrelevant, focus on the how.

>> No.10985426


>> No.10985431

that would involve thinking.

>> No.10985430

Why cant they speak normally?

>> No.10985433

dunno lol
i dont think it's a legitimate question

>> No.10985436

People from Alabama? They just made their own diction.

>> No.10985481

He needed the backing of the canon, that is literally all that matters.

>> No.10985492

because nothing cannot be

>> No.10985495

Is there, though?

>> No.10985528

I agree.

>> No.10985574

damn, oscar knows that real shit

>> No.10985806

The fact that nothingness can be conceptualized inherently makes nothing something. If there was no universe at some point in tine there were always concepts but never nothing. If nothingness as a state could truly exist like a black hole but everywhere and no observers then it would have. Nothing isn't real only conceptual.

>> No.10985876
File: 42 KB, 419x608, Parmenides2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excellent post

>> No.10985877

Ah, but what of Less Than Nothing?

>The Freedom of a Fatalist-
>Fatalism turns out to be a precondition not only for thinking contingency proper and for avoiding attachment to natural causations, fortune, for getting rid of hope and fear, but also for freedom.
>What does this mean for the notion of freedom?
>If the essence of human beings at least partially consists of the freedom of the will, and if this very freedom can be thought by thinking God as that which I cannot think, in that case my own essence is beyond my grasp. For the same reason this essence is no longer a substantial essence, since I can think it only as that which I cannot think. But it is also not nothing(ness). Although Sartre argues otherwise, Descartes is not a Sartrean. My essence is neither a given essence nor its negation, as both of these options can quite easily be thought. Rather, if I am most God-like in my essence, then this essence must be neither something nor nothing. It must be something that is more than something and less than nothing. If God is the creator of nature, then my essence can neither be simply natural nor simply nonnatural, that is, cultural, for, again, both can quite easily be thought. Only one option is possible: my essence is unnatural. But at the same time, as The Passions of the Soul demonstrates, I am not simply my free will but also a body, and I appear in this world as a natural being with a body. My freedom is unnatural, and at the same time I am a natural being. Thus one must infer that there is in some sense no relation between body and soul, between the two different substances of which I am composed. Yet there is an embodiment of this nonrelation or, in short, there is an unrelation. This ultimately means the following: The human being is the embodiment of the unrelation between nature (which is determined by external causality) and unnature (freedom). It is important that here the un- appears twice in this formula, since this reduplication indicates the difference between a Cartesian and a Spinozist position. For the latter, to cut a very long story short, ultimately the human being is a relational embodiment that is related to something unnatural at its core (God), whereas the former emphasizes the constitutive embodiment of an unrelation between the two and only thereby avoids substantializing (or naturalizing) it.
(Ruda, Abolishing Freedom)

>> No.10985957


>> No.10985985

>Nothing is impossible.
The proof is cause that there's something.
Nothing isn't a state, or space, or period.
There can't be something here and nothing over there, this would give nothing a boundary thereby becoming something.

>> No.10985989


>> No.10986020

He is literally the chad meme that does homework while consuming beer because alcohol just doesnt affect his brain

>> No.10986025

Fucking anglo sub-humans get out!

>> No.10986052

The only plausible explanation I can see is a magic man who lives in the sky who made us all and made sin and then got one of the women he made pregnant with his son so we could kill him, for our sins, that he made.
It's the only reasonable, logical reason.

>> No.10986060

>Specifically refuting the Christian God, not the idea of god in general
Low hanging fruit

>> No.10986107

There is no refuting a Spinoza God. It is useless to try.
Why however is this God not a deistic deity that created the world and walked away? Even if you grant the deistic idea of a creator it doesn't follow that it even cares about anything.

>> No.10986234

(Playing devil's advocate here)
Life is a temporary test for the eternal afterlife
As for why the test exists, only God knows, and we're not meant to.

>> No.10986238

All that is is and cannot to be. All that is not is not and cannot be. Now fuck off with your nonsensical question.

>> No.10986261

Specifically refuting the god that fools on 4chan get upset when you refute. I thought it was silly going after the others as Christians on 4chan have repeatedly pointed out, the other 3000+ god invented by man over the years couldn't possibly be true, they're all based on silly ideas and believed by morons. It's so lucky that by the geographical coincidence of where you were born, you were brainwashed from birth to believe in the one true god. Phew.
If it makes you feel any better, I find each religion as ridiculous as the next. I just find the constant butthurt replies hilarious, considering how if I were enlightened and knew god was real and I was going to heaven and had absolute faith in that, someone else's comments on the matter just wouldn't upset me. I would 'turn the other cheek' as your book says.

>> No.10986313


> Hegel

I'll stick to muh Max Stirner Ego Book thanks

>> No.10986320


Because there must be something to conceive of that question.

It's not a satisfying answer.

>> No.10986325

It just is. No need for dull metaphysics, current physics is enough, and nullifies 90% of questions of the past philosophies.

>> No.10986329
File: 35 KB, 486x600, c0218d9513cb086b3b5fe97f8b4f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Existence are the space through which God loves all.


Listen and you shall know.

>> No.10986349

metal tube make loud noise god talky to me

>> No.10986357
File: 615 KB, 963x1100, Pharoah Sanders new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen here you little shit

>> No.10986361

oh hey descartes, how's the skull?

>> No.10986373
File: 4 KB, 212x218, 1415110660115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one anon constantly shilling the Abolishing Freedom book

what hte fuck evne is that book

>> No.10986391

A Love Supreme is one of my favorite albums but I can't enjoy that desu, I'll have to try it when I'm high sometime

>> No.10986466

but if it is in a place it is there already so it's not like it does not exist

>> No.10986657
File: 96 KB, 706x699, basically this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being, pure being, without any further determination. In its indeterminate immediacy it is equal only to itself. It is also not unequal relatively to an other; it has no diversity within itself nor any with a reference outwards. It would not be held fast in its purity if it contained any determination or content which could be distinguished in it or by which it could be distinguished from an other. It is pure indeterminateness and emptiness. There is nothing to be intuited in it, if one can speak here of intuiting; or, it is only this pure intuiting itself. Just as little is anything to be thought in it, or it is equally only this empty thinking. Being, the indeterminate immediate, is in fact nothing, and neither more nor less than nothing.

>Nothing, pure nothing: it is simply equality with itself, complete emptiness, absence of all determination and content — undifferentiatedness in itself. In so far as intuiting or thinking can be mentioned here, it counts as a distinction whether something or nothing is intuited or thought. To intuit or think nothing has, therefore, a meaning; both are distinguished and thus nothing is (exists) in our intuiting or thinking; or rather it is empty intuition and thought itself, and the same empty intuition or thought as pure being. Nothing is, therefore, the same determination, or rather absence of determination, and thus altogether the same as, pure being.

>Pure Being and pure nothing are, therefore, the same. What is the truth is neither being nor nothing, but that being — does not pass over but has passed over — into nothing, and nothing into being. But it is equally true that they are not undistinguished from each other, that, on the contrary, they are not the same, that they are absolutely distinct, and yet that they are unseparated and inseparable and that each immediately vanishes in its opposite. Their truth is therefore, this movement of the immediate vanishing of the one into the other: becoming, a movement in which both are distinguished, but by a difference which has equally immediately resolved itself.

>> No.10986663
File: 30 KB, 800x600, 1512001611173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there this instead of something else?

>> No.10986919

Excellent post.

>> No.10986938

Smaller Logic? Good shit my man.

>> No.10986946

This but unironicly

>> No.10986950
File: 15 KB, 400x400, syd barrett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not?

Who do you assume nothingness should be the default and somethingness should be justified?

There has literally always been something, the idea that there being nothing would be normal is something you made up for no reason.

>> No.10986963

>Why is there something rather than nothing?
because nothing can't is

>> No.10986997

And how is the asking built into the hunting?

>> No.10987186

I believe these paragraphs are virtually identical in the Encyclopedia and volume 1 of Science of Logic. The 'greater logic', or whatever it's called in English isn't a different kind of logic, it's only more expansive in that it offers pages upon pages of commentary and responses to popular criticisms Hegel had to deal with.

>> No.10987342

Greater Logic is the Science of Logic
Smaller Logic is the first book of the Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences.

>> No.10987352


Place (for lack of a better word) doesn't have to mean somewhere physical. It can't simply mean where there is not something. It could merely be a place relative to time, or relative to matter, where those things do no have any physical expression.

>> No.10987486

>It's so lucky that by the geographical coincidence of where you were born, you were brainwashed from birth to believe in the one true god

The fact that you believe in evolution, heliocentrism etc. is also an accident of birth. If you were born in another country or era you would not believe them. Does that make them false?

>> No.10987763

>Accepting explanations of observable phenomena is the same as accepting an unobservable phenomenon that explains everything
What people believe is has no influence on what actually is.
I can't even imagine this is a good faith argument

>> No.10988042

Nothing is a concept of the absence of presence.

Like many words in the English language, it is not meant literally and can only be conceived through obvious human faculties such as touch, taste, feel, sight, and hearing.

Quit being a little shit.

>> No.10988632

There is only arising and ceasing. The Buddha solved this centuries ago bros lol

>> No.10988918

So that questions such as this one may be posed and amount to

>> No.10989009
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>> No.10989015

Is-ing by neccesity denotes something. You're playing word games with your tiny brain and penis.

>> No.10989058

>dude just stop asking questions lmao
>look the questions are nullified
brilliant, amazing that you're the first person to think of this

>> No.10989068


>> No.10989072

Is there?

>> No.10989187

Get the fuck out of here, you filthy normie

>> No.10990702

T-Pain said that on twitter, not the baseball player. It's quite obviously ;) a meme, dear redditor sir.

>> No.10990708

Because there is no such thing as "nothing".