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/lit/ - Literature

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10985025 No.10985025 [Reply] [Original]

>write a YA book about how prejudice is bad and, naturally, include characters that are prejudiced so you can refute these ideas
>people jump on you for being prejudiced because you dared to write those things
When did reading become like this /lit/? When did the author having a character who they disagree with not become a thing that readers thought about? Do readers nowadays think that Joyce was an antisemite because of the Cyclops, or that Nabokov was a pedophile because of Humbert?

>> No.10985035

My little brother is 10 years old, he gets fed bullshit by shitlib teachers at school and those lgbtqia positive racemix cartoons on tv, and I'm just thinking, how can I reach that kid? what books can I use to redpill a child /lit/?

>> No.10985325

The Lord of the Rings

>> No.10985887

>When did reading become like this /lit/?
Maybe the last 5 years? I simply blame it all on twitter.
Before you had small echo-chambers like tumbler or 4chan and so on, where people fringe groups would wallow in their pits but few people in the outside world actually gave a shit.
But now with twitter these ideas share the same platform as politicians and it seems to give news outlets the idea that it stands in similar importance.

Twitter is the absolute worst among all social media outlets and I curse it with every breath.

>> No.10985905
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>When did reading become like this /lit/?
Any art with a focus on narrative has been like this for years now. Characters must be infallible and perfect and completely representative of the author, all while the rest of the cast is proportionally diverse, all while having stories that are interesting but don't offend wut , all while somehow being original and showing your 'voice' double wut .

Meet all these criteria and you'll be fine. Oh, and also don't write YA - it's an oversaturated market. implying any other genres apart from romance/erotica can meet these and still be good .

>> No.10985963

>or that Nabokov was a pedophile because of Humbert?

People have always thought this