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File: 291 KB, 756x512, anna karina y godard 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10984756 No.10984756[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there much romantic benefit in finding an intellectual match?

I've only ever been with my current girlfriend, and she's alright, I mean she reads some and sometimes thinks things I wouldn't, but I suppose I feel like an outsider in many areas. I'm no intellectual but basically I'll never have the chance to say "structural film" or "field recordings" to her and get some sort of response out of it, so I'm not sure how to deal with that, and I'm wondering how others feel about that sort of disparity.

I think a lot of couples like Godard and Karina, and I wonder what united them - assuming here Anna wasn't interested in commenting on film theory or Marxism or whatever. Should one take it as another example of "we don't like the same activities, so what, we love each other still"? Suppose in the end I'm asking - 'what type of thing suffices to attach two people and maintain them happy', but that's quite out of scope.

>> No.10984849

Unironically IQ
Also your example of the issue in your current relationship (referring to jargon and excepting them to understand) is dumb.

>> No.10984864

>Is there much romantic benefit in finding an intellectual match?
no. because the woman has always to be dumber than the guy.

also, you have to separate intellectual capacity from particular interests. ive seen airheaded girls that dont talk about anything but guys and lady gaga, but are super smart and can figure out any obscure shit you throw them, just because they have the capacity for it. also ive seen guys interested in musique concrete that are the most brainlet sheep people, so whatever.

>> No.10984870

>I'm no intellectual but basically I'll never have the chance to say "structural film" or "field recordings" to her and get some sort of response out of it, so I'm not sure how to deal with that
I'm 85% sure this is a bait thread but on the offhand chance that it isn't you are a naive avant-teen who needs to chill out with this pretentious horseshit.
>I can't talk even talk mise-en-scène with this girl I am so le stifled tfw no godard and karina life how will i go on :(((
Most of the art that you're into right now is going to change in a few years by the way. You'll probably wind up being completely indifferent to Godard in five years. Seriously.

>> No.10984880

>Most of the art that you're into right now is going to change in a few years by the way.
?? if anything we are in the most stagnating era for art.

>> No.10984894

I mean your personal sensibilities will shift -- not completely, but substantially. This whole mindset is so prototypical avant-teen. Imagine feeling maudlin because you can't talk field recordings with your partner. Get over yourself.

>> No.10984903

anon, im not that anon, you retarded cum nugget.

>> No.10984910

>mad when one anonymous poster is naturally mistaken for another

>> No.10984912

5/10 you fucked up so hard as soon as you dropped the pseud sigils in the second paragraph

try harder next time, I have always encouraged this behavior becaus it is the closest to meaningful affect you will ever induce in others as a board, and I mean that as a kind word for you all

>> No.10984926

>he doesnt text analyze the posts to know whos who in a thread and to examine their emotional shifts as well as their whole temperament
why are you even here?

>> No.10984950
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>he carefully text analyzes patterns when other posters type and submit and keep it moving
Beta poster confirmed.

>> No.10984953

>he doesnt realize his cadence, mannerisms and affectation are identical to OPs

>> No.10984961

why would it be impossible for you to try to attempt to show her what it is you like about the experience of field recordings, try to ween her onto getting it, maybe have some silent film playing, giver her an oil massage, while they play, and if you so understand why they are worthy to listen to, you should be able to sufficiently explain this to your potential life partner

>> No.10985032

holy shit Anna Karina is still alive and shes a foxy babe I need to worship her body and lick her ass for a long time

>> No.10985232

>also, you have to separate intellectual capacity from particular interests.
Yeah, fairly sure this is right, I kind of wrote the thread expecting someone to say it too.
>also ive seen guys interested in musique concrete that are the most brainlet sheep people, so whatever.
You mean online though, yes?
>I'm 85% sure this is a bait thread but on the offhand chance that it isn't you are a naive avant-teen who needs to chill out with this pretentious horseshit.
Naive perhaps but I'm neither of the other two. I most exclusively listen to pop music and I'm 23. In any way you should have extrapolated whatever air of pretentiousness I gave into a viable example of what I asked, if you really wanted to help...
>I can't talk even talk mise-en-scène with this girl I am so le stifled tfw no godard and karina life how will i go on :(((
That really wasn't the point though. I wouldn't even want that, I don't think... but I do wonder how that type of relation would be. And she does like Godard lol, she even introduced him to me more or less.

>> No.10985245

>You mean online though, yes?
in person, people really involved in the stuff.

>> No.10985248
File: 50 KB, 600x579, IMG_0033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I'll never have the chance to say "structural film" or "field recordings"
made my morning

>> No.10985250
File: 42 KB, 660x445, t4398tw93tw098w0987g09htjt098e4989t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anna, Godard and Jean-Paul Belmondo are all still alive. Anne died last October though.

>> No.10985283

I gotta say since you mention this, I've been pretty fixated with the avant-teen thing for years now, yeah. Always from afar, though. I think it's interesting because these early days of Internet left us with this sort of mix between this democracy of 'everything is available at all times', were Coltrane sits next to Gucci Mane, and 'but still some things may always remain obscure', and I think it's interesting that still so many films, music, whatever, gain texture from 'am I the only person in my city who's heard this album?'. But mostly I'm just in awe that the amount of people interested on this is niche enough that it's in the thousands. It is something, isn't it? Cause I still see being interested in these forms of music and film as a game of sorts, which is to say that it's much harder to know who Michael Snow is not because it's 'a different interest' (on the vein of "I'm into punk, you're into metal"), but that it's an objectively more difficult interest. I think about this a lot in terms of online communities and how there's barely anything active for more serious discussion. It just begs the question - we have millions of people online, is this really the best we can do? Blows my fucking mind.

And again not that it means it's any better. I'm not even a part of this 'scene', and likely couldn't be if I wanted. I'm amazed at the diligence with which these people listen and watch this kind of stuff. I could never do that. I gotta go back to melody and pop and whatnot. In a way they're the real deal. You can only pretend for so long.

>> No.10985292

>because the woman has always to be dumber

>> No.10985295

The amount of retarded niche hobbies people have and obscure places they hang out is truly unending, in that context it's not surprising at all.

>> No.10985300

That's true, she could always marry a 4channer.

>> No.10985321

>Most of the art that you're into right now is going to change in a few years by the way.
This. So much this.

>> No.10985322

It's too unfortunate I hijacked my very sincere thread with nothing at all. How did I came off as affected? Can I blame it on English not being my first language? This really didn't go how I planned, lol
She's cute these days but I not in a foxy babe way, let's be real. Her solo album is good though
This is also a good answer. I think I'm afraid to engage in this so far as I may not like her response to it. Like when you show someone a song you really like and they go... well they go nothing, they don't even try to engage. Because sometimes that has happened with her and I'm disappointment, other times she's very communicative though. So I'm left in a middle were I gotta make a thread here and hope for something.