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/lit/ - Literature

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10983483 No.10983483 [Reply] [Original]

Do you shit while reading?

>> No.10983494

only when i am here

>> No.10983501

>shit while reading
>not read while shitting
In either case: Yes.

>> No.10983604

There is a subtle distinction. To read while shitting, as the conventional usage, is of course to read as a pastime while on the toilet. To shit while reading, placing the shitting as the auxiliary action to the primary reading, entails exactly what you'd think, akin to "cry while reading", or "learn by reading"; a response elicited by, or a derivation from, the act; it is to read something which by its nature and/or its combination with circumstances causes you to shit.

To answer OP's question, I have had a number of such reading experiences, and I don't really consider those who haven't to be true readers. The power of literature is that it can evoke any aspect of being, of living, but on an order greater than life itself, with the exception of a few sacred moments, can reveal to us. It can reveal to us the sublime in the mundane, aestheticize life where life itself is too poor an artist.

This is the truth to which critics and other idiots if only instinctively refer when they make such claims as, literature teaches us empathy for our fellow man, or some such. Rather, it delivers to us the dimension of things in life which make them beautiful, which define them. It articulates the sense of things that can't speak for themselves.

When one cries while reading, one is not simply feeling sad for a character; we have learned sadness itself, and the act and the response are the bonding of this sadness of an extraordinary artistic experience, so that we can know the beauty in its sense (as all things are in their sense, resonant and clear). Likewise with laughing while reading, frustration while reading, and yes, shitting while reading.

He who goes through life shitting, shitting this way and that, shitting here and there, shitting every day, having never had the veil lifted from his eyes that separate his quotidian shits from the exaltation of their natural perfection, what a sorry fraction of life he leads, and how glad he should be to shit himself while reading a book.

>> No.10983607

I'm shitting right now.

>> No.10983610

>read at my desk
>text is cold and distant, thoughts are hard and academic
>read while shitting
>completely consumed by the fictive reality, words touch the senses like hallucinations

>> No.10983613

I don't want to ever have a proustian moment remembering a time I was on the toilet.

>Oh yeah I remember that passage! I was taking a huge dump at the time

>> No.10983864

I've had a copy of Leaves of Grass in my bathroom for like six months and forgot entirely about this scene. It's a good poop book.

>> No.10984248


>> No.10984269

essential poop books?

>> No.10984271

No, I only write while I'm shitting. The violent vibrato of my odious farts and the tempo of my clapping ass cheeks helps break up the monotony.

>> No.10984273

As am I.

>> No.10984321


I lug my fat algebra textbook in the bathroom and try to solve a few problems in my head while I shit. I need to put the book down in between shits because I hate holding things when I poop.

>> No.10984323

I have Letters from a Stoic in my bathroom to read a letter whenever I'm pooping or peeing (I sit down to pee so I can read fuck you)

>> No.10984330

>I sit down to pee so I can read fuck you
based girly man

>> No.10984347


Technically, we're all girls inside. You have sperm that will become a woman someday in your balls. The only reason you act, or think you act, like a man is because of a cultural meme that has been pounded into your head by your friends, entertainment, and culture. You're merely afraid of being assaulted for acting feminine. That is why you are afraid to show your feminine side while still remaining true to your biological destiny.

>> No.10984552

Yee, a lot of the time I end up reading while taking my morning shit. Planting myself on the toilet for like an hour.

>> No.10984598

To my other favorite WW

If I am reading and feel compelled to take a shit I bring it into the bathroom and enjoy a nice shit while reading but I am usually quick about my business so most of the time I just put it down to go instead of getting hemorrhoids.

>> No.10984621

fuck off reiko

>> No.10984638

I'm shitting right now desu

>> No.10985188

Poetry is good for trips to the shitter.

>> No.10985192

Infinite Jest. Save money on toilet paper. Use memes.

>> No.10985234

I read part of Ulysses on the shitter. I know Joyce would approve

>> No.10985661

If I could ever choose a superpower it would be the ability to written something like this randomly about any random fucking thing just for fun

>> No.10985674

A true shitpost. Well done.

>> No.10985685
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>If I could ever choose a superpower it would be
The ability follows the desire. Free yourself. Feel no shame. Write something ridiculous. Burn it afterwards, if needed. It is already waiting inside you. I look forward to your post. Pic related.

>> No.10985736

I shit way too fast to have a good excuse for reading during the ordeal.
It is done within a passing moment and everything else just leads to a cold butt hanging in suspense.

>> No.10985756

>I shit way too fast
A steady diet of Snickers and CocaCola will fix your problem.

>> No.10985859

I read while shitting, if that's what you mean.

>> No.10985888

No, I'm all business when I shit.

>> No.10985958

This post made me shit my self and now I'm reading it as if they were oracle bones.
The splatter says... you're full of it. But also very elegant. 9/10 would shit again.

>> No.10985967

I experience this too, and not just on the Catholic throne. The bathroom is akin to an isolation chamber, in that you're not distracted by the world for a moment. Just you, your poops, and a good book. You're not too serious because your pants are down so you can read a bit more lightheartedly but still concentrate deeply with no threats of sudden barges (hopefully).
Clearly, this thread has proven that the bathroom is, undeniably, The Study for the Upper Echelon

>> No.10986125

Great post

>> No.10986133


>> No.10986175

Same mate

>> No.10986194

>taking a shit while high on mescaline
>ate like four delissio pizzas in the last 24 hours
>giant log of poop sliding out of my asshole like a train with an angry face painted on it barreling out of a spooky tunnel
>infinitely aware of every single democritean hypergonal atom of every cell in my body and every subtly wavering tile on the bathroom floor, mckenna's elves dancing and turning in every shaft of light
>feel the gritty sensation of every single subtle perturbation of my shit log interacting with every single nerve ending in the ring of my anus
>my mind instantly forms a colourless featureless space-filling kantian void image of the event, like daredevil ben affleck fighting a shitty criminal
>in my altered state become aware of the succession of my own conscious states, a layer cake of thought piling up before me
>watch as if from a distance as my mind heuristically overlays onto the 3D darklit turd model an ideological interpretation formed from a combination of a priori instinct and social mores, seamlessly integrated into a perfect synthesis through empirical experience
>witness the pure ideology of my own act of shitting
>realise i am satisfied with the expulsion of waste on a base primal level in the depths of my unconscious, already tinging it with values i did not choose but which were chosen for me by my ancestors' anal experiences
>realise that this raw instinctive valuation is gradually integrated into framework acceptable to my socially formed intellect as it rises and bobs to the surface of my demi-conscious mind, taking on new shades of meaning on its gentle journey from the deep
>witness in concatenation the projection of dozens of introjected drives, my delumeauvian guilt culture denying the freudian anal expulsive joy of hedonistic shitting, my subtle anglo-saxon retentiveness and utilitarianism forcing me to control and subdue the pleasure even as i allow myself to experience it
>the log passes but i already feel another one loading into the chamber, i am already voyaging deeper into my ass and my mind, into the inner colon
>look at the clock
>only 21 seconds have passed since last check
>never have delissio again

>> No.10986235
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>> No.10986385

No. The pages usually get sticky and gets stuck together.

>> No.10986635
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>> No.10986710
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This post sounds like 90% of all philosophy 101 essays. Fucking perfect.

>> No.10986720

I actually never take poetry to the bathroom. Feels kind of an insult to the poet to be reading their most sincere expression while taking a shit

>> No.10986734
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i get in, drop a huge pipe busting log flume, crank the bidet to max, and then carry on with my day.

you negros need more fiber and protein in your diet if you have enough time to read more than a page while shitting.

>> No.10987811

Philosophy 101? Lol u cunt, that was a genius level post, that's publishable material, it's already a footnote in a semiotext(e) foreword

>> No.10988413
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What's the book equivalent to this post?

>> No.10988467

richard dawkins selfish gene.