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File: 108 KB, 353x550, Atlas shrugged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1098331 No.1098331 [Reply] [Original]


Second most influential book after the bible.

Movie drops 2011

>> No.1098336

Meh, I want to see the movie of Brave New World and see how hilariously wrong Hollywood got the book.

It has Leo DiCrappio in it, too. It's GOTTA be good. I mean, look at Inception.

>> No.1098341

Eddie Willers doesn't get invited to Galt's Gulch because he's too poor and stupid despite being a moral person and a non-leech ;__;

>> No.1098344

I wonder what their methodology was. I mean, the Qur'an? The Quotations of Chairman Mao? The Elements?

>> No.1098345


The last scene to include Eddie Willers shows him stranded in the desert. At the end of the book, Eddie isn't dead, nor necessarily even abandoned, but he also isn't shown as having been saved. He might be rescued, or he might die in the desert. We just don't know, because Rand doesn't reveal what he does or what happens to him after he is stranded. This suspense is intentional: Eddie is supposed to represent the "common man," people who aren't inventive geniuses and leaders. His fate is left unresolved at the end of the book to reflect Rand's belief that the fate of ordinary people depends in many ways on the actions of people like Galt, Dagny, etc.

Rand described Eddie's situation in a letter to a fan:

Eddie Willers is not necessarily destined to die; in a free society, he will live happily and productively; in a collectivist society he will be the first to perish. He does not have the ability to create a new society of his own, but he is much too able and too honest ever to adjust himself to collectivism. (Letters of Ayn Rand, p. 564)

>> No.1098354

Probably only American books.

or books that influenced Americans.

You know the only people who matter.

>> No.1098361
File: 11 KB, 258x314, harvey1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leo DiCrappio
he isn't the greatest actor of the 21st century or anything

>> No.1098368
File: 35 KB, 600x496, engteach.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Mon Visage when this post

>> No.1098389

>Atlas Shrugged movie

Dear God no...

>> No.1098392

oh how i miss the days when south park shit all over this book

>> No.1098394
File: 77 KB, 451x773, asasol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1099002

>atlas shrugged movie

i can already see the wave of trolling that will engulf /lit/ when this movie comes out, it's going to be like the ABATAP threads on /tv/, probably go on for months

>> No.1099006

i don't care. i only care if you care, which is just because caring for rand is a sign of the retarded.

>> No.1099007

that came out pretty bad. i only care about the fact that you care.

>> No.1099038
File: 41 KB, 901x550, qed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1099043

Oh, and
>caring for rand is a sign of the retarded.

Good day :3

>> No.1099068

>LOTR is in that list

haha, no

>> No.1099091
File: 11 KB, 300x275, ayn-rand-cigarette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring for rand is a sign of the retarded
No one ever really loved her, did they?

>> No.1099137

At my school, all the sophomores have to do a 20-page formal paper in addition to our normal classes. The guy sitting across from me is doing his on Ayn Rand. I'm not sure if he's serious.

>> No.1099165

Do we always have to discuss this book, despite everyone claiming to hate it?

It'll trigger curiosity and make even more people buy this pile of shit.

>> No.1099172

I often say I hate the book, because I don't want others to read it.

>> No.1099180

The real question is why do we discuss of this book or even know it exists in the first place?

>> No.1099204

Because it is in the rules. I really have to assume that without it being in the rules, it wouldn't get so much attention. Saying "don't this because it's trolling" on 4chan, is as good as saying "this is all we do here" to a regular person.

Was the rule instituted because there were so many discussions of Rand, or did the board come with that rule already in place?

>> No.1099209

The current state is nothing compared to the first few weeks of. Ayn Rand was fucking everywhere, and especially Atlas Shrugged. The rule was written because Rand was in every single thread.

>> No.1099214

/storm/fags fuck off

>> No.1099220

I bought The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged just so I could say I read them. On the liner of Atlas Shrugged someones noted it's bourgeoisie nonsense for right wing capitalists who need something to validate their selfish ego's, and Ayn Rand doesn't even write a story, she merely preaches her views.

>> No.1099223

I haven't read this shit (and won't, so not to worry, objectivist sociopath morons), but with that "second most influential book after the bible" comment, OP needs to die painfully.

>> No.1099443
File: 78 KB, 500x456, clay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of curiosity has anyone ever met an actual Randian objectivist? I think they might be a group of irl trolls.

>> No.1099505


I knew a kid in high school who was reading Atlas Shrugged. Indian, super nerdy, wore short shorts all year round.

>> No.1099549

No one cares about that book or Ayn Rand except you americans, shut the fuck up!

>> No.1099592

I know a few who got jobs at the Ayn Rand Institute.