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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 20 KB, 400x400, michel-houellebecq_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10975949 No.10975949 [Reply] [Original]

Stop loving. Start fucking.

>> No.10975958

tahts the opposite of his messag..

>> No.10975960

But what if I love fucking?

>> No.10975962


>> No.10975980

houellebecq is depicting the way humans abuse each other. sex is a means of love but more often an arena of self-gratification, in which people are apathetic about using others callously. there are constant hints of capacity for love in his fiction, which give the characters some small consolation or edification, before collapsing

>> No.10975988

Did you read his books at all?
In Elementary Particles he unironically dreams of an Asexual race of romantic lesbians reproducing artificially

>> No.10975990

Why this Houellebecqposting all of a sudden? Did he do something noteworthy recently?

>> No.10976061
File: 38 KB, 634x296, houellebecq 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did he do something noteworthy recently?
staying alive

>> No.10976067

>reads houellebecq once

>> No.10976071
File: 322 KB, 1080x1064, Houellekecq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10976080

'd need to start to stop

>> No.10976152

yes that was what they used to call me
that was my name

>> No.10976208


>> No.10976286

Does he need to? He published a novel 3 years ago.

>> No.10976298

Or what if I fuck loving?

>> No.10976748

Literally not his message at all. The opposite of what he's saying, in fact.

>> No.10976985


>> No.10977009

no, he's in favor of sexual/sensual pleasure, he just wants to disassociate it from reproduction. I still remember being impressed when Michel brings back talk about the little papules beneath the glans of the penis that Bruno had told him about after learning about them from his gf.

>> No.10977013

I'm convinced this board is a CIA psyop that mirrors what i'm reading because I just finished a few of his books not long ago, and all of the talebposting was happening when i was reading taleb.

i noticed a bunch of celine threads too when i started reading him

>> No.10977028

no one posts about the books I read so that can't be true
t. your assigned cia agent

>> No.10977168

What are his thoughts on prostitution?

>> No.10977286

I know but it seems people have started to post him a lot in the past week or so.

>> No.10977492

Because there’s a collective unconscious, pal. I’m surprised no one else notices it but me.

>> No.10977527

Damn you,fucking hippies!

>> No.10977590

>attention shifts to those things you're focused on
nothing to worry about, anon ;)

>> No.10977639

Plus there's no way /lit/ could possibly be this slow all the time... 4chan is one of the biggest websites on the internet and used to be much faster, now its as though there's only a handful of posters at any given point and all of them are uniquely suited to your specific personality algorithm.

>> No.10977670

thqt’s because the medium is outdated and dying anon

>> No.10977695
File: 45 KB, 648x595, 1ovscb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the golden age of imageboards is dead

I just wanna go back

>> No.10977705

no actually all that's happening is you're just a really suggestible consumer and buy whatever books are advertised on here

>> No.10977774
File: 519 KB, 629x356, Screen Shot 2018-04-09 at 11.35.51 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be afraid to catch feelings bro. Without love you're like a man running frantically around in the spiritual desert of modern society searching for water. Without the oasis of interior sentiment all the fucking in the world is just mechanical actions devoid of any sensuality, my dude. You just gotta trust these hoes, because to live without faith is too much for any man to handle. Sometimes after having sex with these thots I cry, because no matter how hard I smash that puss she doesn't know my name and I don't know hers. Some day I'll be decrepit and impotent and all of this will have amounted to nothing. Some day we will all die.

>> No.10977779

2007 was ok

>> No.10977781
File: 259 KB, 1080x720, gwen-stefani-harajuku-girls-2004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10977797

The old 2000's internet really is well and truly dead.
>4chan has been taken over by larpers
>youtube has been fully corporatized
>the normies are realizing facebook is just a massive datamining machine
>lebbit has started trying to sanitize itself and is undergoing a redesign to turn it into facebook 2
>forums are dead
>twitter is just inane attention whoring

>> No.10977804

diablo 2 is the new meeting place for oldfags

>> No.10977814

fuck it im just gonna go back to slashdot and shitpost about linux like its 1999 forever...too bad slashdot got sold like 5 times since then and the current owner posts a lot of political stories so for every post about linux on the desktop there are two posts about gun control or global warming

>> No.10977839

also irc is strictly old fags, its like entirely gen xers with a couple precocious millenials and an occasional boomer, its like eternal 1998 on efnet and thats just how i like it

>> No.10977891

are there any good literature or philosophy channels?

>> No.10977912

Let's focus on the important things.


>> No.10978075

so good

>> No.10978099

he has impeccable taste in everything

>> No.10978199
File: 14 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are his hands so fucking small

>> No.10978207

what do you mean "why"? he was born that way.

>> No.10979055

is atomised a good place to start with houellebecq?

>> No.10980083


>> No.10980092

No joke, i know themajority of you can appreciate him but houellebecq is 10x the man many of you pussies are. I dare say, some of you are straight up cowardly cunts who settled for other cowards. He didn’t. That man is worth something.

>> No.10980107

> I dare say, some of you are straight up cowardly cunts who settled for other cowards. He didn’t.
What exactly do you mean? That he didn't settled for cowardly women?

>> No.10980166

>10x the man with 1/10th the teeth

>> No.10980213

He has a terrible strategy. Instead of being pro-active to remove the west or France's demise, his solution is to get sucked into a nihilistic void and to partake in a religion of excessive vices. Fuck this guy.

>> No.10980309

why is that? or are you just drunkposting?

>> No.10980311
File: 865 KB, 2544x4000, 1520862110499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being pro-active to remove the west or France's demise

>> No.10980335
File: 670 KB, 2862x1788, Fra_angelico_-_conversion_de_saint_augustin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've hurt too many people and had enough of that

>> No.10980355

In 1999 I bought a container of 80's memorabilia in preparation for the internet's sell out. It's going smoothly now. Few more tweaks to go before we've got it figured out again and under control. The conversation is mostly still in subsets, which makes my life easy. The hard part is know how long to sit on the merch so that you get top quality prices. I don't want to sell out too soon before we get slick and religious. But I need to dump this merch before I get a few containers of grunge apparel. Long live broadcast television!

>> No.10980425

>or France's demise
Could you elaborate on this? Asking because I hold the belief that France is expanding and quite competitive.

>> No.10980486

Just classic French declinism, we have that shit since 1789, it's boring.

>> No.10980992

Haven't you heard, anon? The Muslims and niggers are coming.

>> No.10981009

I always thought the beer in this image was off-message.

>> No.10981096

UR not fegit

>> No.10982916


>> No.10982920

They're already here actually

>> No.10982928

You've got it backwards. Why do you think his characters are so miserable?