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/lit/ - Literature

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10975856 No.10975856[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw there exists a newly created instagram page called "/lit/ memes and greentexts"

>tfw its creator isn't even aware that any day now we might see an influx of kids thinking this is some chaotic evil tumblr for adults

well, we're fucked

>> No.10975859

>there exists a newly created instagram page called "/lit/ memes and greentexts"
Well I think this is the final straw. Farewell guys.

>> No.10975864

>lit/ memes and greentexts

>> No.10975876

just look it up on instagram, it's public

>> No.10975977


Here it is
Lit memes and green text

I've also found lit Catholic memes



>> No.10975992

I think "lit catholic memes" has the 'lit' as in modern normie vernacular for 'cool'

>> No.10976007

#literature #4chan #books #4chanmemes #harrypotter #thomaspynchon #davidfosterwallace #philosophymemes #greentext #4chan #tfwnogf #jamesjoyce #gravitysrainbow #infinitejest #ulysses #finneganswake

>> No.10976015
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>> No.10976044


>> No.10976048

I'd guess this guy and his ilk are behind those horrible "/lit/ meme threads"

>> No.10976055

profiteers! the amusing thing is that on some level, each of these people investing their time and energy into laughing at the defanged, extracted, properly catered screencaps of le funny 4chan posts knows that they are an object of their entertainer's contempt...

>> No.10976057

>chaotic evil tumblr for adults
>implying it's not

>> No.10976162

it's not meant to be, it only becomes so at times because of /pol/tards with their natsoc fascist trend of calling out all the soyboy cucks white knights

>> No.10976168

>Having an Instagram to notice this.
Literally normgroid scum.

>> No.10976175

>tfw its creator
>referring to self in third person

>> No.10976176

hi soyim

>> No.10976198

I actually criticised both sides in my post

>> No.10976212

This is the end. Goodbye

>> No.10976235

Nice thinly vailed attempt at trying to promote your shitty meme page, cunt.

>> No.10976243

hey one of those posts is mine

>> No.10976397
File: 104 KB, 720x690, 20180409_090733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10976459

fuck off m8, the author of that page is some /fit/ normie who first started "fit memes and greentexts" page.

>> No.10976478
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>> No.10976492

>check follower list
>it’s nothing but twinks and Europoors

I’m not sure what I was expecting

>> No.10976495

The page has little followers, will probably stay very small, and I can't imagine people not familiar with /lit/ wanting to follow him.

>> No.10976516

Which one?

>> No.10976525

this is so fucking terrible. delete before you waste anymore of your life on this garbage.

>> No.10976548

I have a suspicion people are overreacting to this because they think if they don't, they will be ''normie thrash'' or some shit. This page isn't going to be the catalyst for a flood of redditors, and most of you realize that. You can hate the page for it's content and philosophy of summarizing /lit/ in the form of easily digestible memes and posts, but this isn't the end of the board.

>> No.10976553

I, for one, welcome our newfriend overlords.

>> No.10976596

>implying we haven't been getting new redditor friends daily since at least 2014

>> No.10976604


>> No.10976617



>> No.10976623
File: 15 KB, 322x322, 4287118295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't post edgy rants about my love life anymore because there's a chance someone I know is going to see it screencapped on instagram

>> No.10976632


>> No.10976640

/lit/ is a small community, and a really slow board. Most redditors don't hold out here for long, as they have concentration spans most /pol/lacks would be ashamed of. /lit/ has some very dedicated shitposters, but remains one of the most reddit-free boards.

>> No.10976645

Publish your diary no one reads books anymore.

>> No.10976649

I hope you realize this is a meme. If it's a good one is up to you though.

>> No.10976666

Don't pretend that you're not the one who created the shitty instagram page and that you are not flooding this board with your own shitty memes to then post them on your shitty instagram account.

>> No.10976674


>> No.10976684

moot, if you were ever benevolent, smite this nigger

>> No.10976687


>> No.10976688

see >>10976459

>> No.10976731

There's too much privi/lit/ge in this thread

>> No.10976754
File: 888 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180409-130714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10976758
File: 190 KB, 736x1079, 5357B2B4-BB01-41E8-AE70-26A6664003FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he noticed this thread

>> No.10976762

He made the thread.

>> No.10976769

see >>10976649