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10974420 No.10974420 [Reply] [Original]

How long am I supposed to stew after reading a book before moving on to the next one? I just finished this after 3 months, reread several chapters, watched a few lectures about it, but I still think about it daily even though I finished it weeks ago. I really want to stay with the characters and the story but I also want to continue the habit of reading.

I had not read a book in 10 years prior so I'm not really sure.

>> No.10974428

this shit is long as harry potter

>> No.10974458

This is a slightly pedantic question. Obviously you've fixated on a trivial question. No one has any answer for it, its completely individual. Read as much as you want, when you can.

>> No.10974486

900 pages
I just don't want to be that guy who just runs through a reading list and doesn't engage with a book then forgets the lessons a year later.

>> No.10974568

well clearly any man who takes three months to finish reading the brothers karamazov wouldn't have that problem.

>> No.10976864

you can do what you want mostly, no one here has anything to tell you. most people here probably move on to their next book, but if you want to stay with the characters pick a completely different type of book so you can still let this one sit. that's how i mostly do it, i read a variety and then let it sit

>> No.10976925

if it's important, it will stay with you no matter what you do, if it isn't, you will forget about it, some books that I read 7 years ago randomly pop up in my head, because they still got something to tell me

>> No.10976947

I'm about to start this one my dude!

>> No.10976961

I just finished Lolita yesterday. it only took me three days to read but then I started something else today and it seems like such crap in comparison. I think I need a few days off before I can appreciate my new book.

>> No.10976964

aljosha is a trans

sorry for the spoiler

>> No.10977298

that's interesting, it was one of the shittiest books I've ever read.

>> No.10977317

why was Ivan such a bully to Smerdyakov?

>> No.10977327

Which translation did you read? Or does it not really matter?

>> No.10977339

>I had not read a book in 10 years prior
How is this even possible?

>> No.10977360

it's not that hard to avoid reading a book

>> No.10977446

What are your thoughts on BK (I've just finished it myself)?

Some thoughts of mine; I liked how funny it was, especially Dmitri.
My favourite part was the life of Zosima.
Ultimately I think C&P had a bigger impact on me even though BK is definitely the better book. I do intend to reread it in a few years.

>> No.10977776

Why was smerdyakov such a sniveling cowardly lying egotist?

>> No.10977791

I also enjoyed the humor of pavlovich and dmitri and also madame Hohlakov. The scene where dmitri asks money from her was absolutely hilarious to me due to his passionate desperation and her obviousness and general ridiculousness. The life of zosima is a wonderful passage, explicates some of the primary moralistic religious messages of the novel i felt. I really enjoyed the chapter on zosimas stink, especially within the context of the discussion alyoshka and ivan had previously and the death of illyushka. Anyone have thoughts on this?

>> No.10977915

He always got treated like a secondary citizen by Pavlovich. Grew up as a servant whilst knowing he was a full son. And the whole world saw him as a bastard with a retarded mother and a pig for a father. I felt like his attitude was just a reaction to this. He despised everyone around him for despising him.
His clothing, him learning french are all ways to be seen as a superior non-bastardo guy (he even wanted to move to France to start a new life).

What did him in was getting corrupted by Ivans philosphy.

He reminds me of Eliot Rodger in a way.

>> No.10977936

He should’ve driven that bastard to suicide.

Dimitri getting fucked bcs that fucker went full retard mode ..

‘’hur dur no god i can do anything guys’’

>> No.10977944
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>mfw Katerina Ivanova ruins everything
hysterical madwoman

>> No.10977979

Smerdyakov was repugnant