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10973927 No.10973927 [Reply] [Original]

What books do Australians read? Also what's the most Aussie book?

>> No.10973943

Reading's for poofta cunts

>> No.10973960

Possum magic - Mem Fox

>> No.10973964

Wake in Fright.

>> No.10973970

Philosophy/political philosophy. For purposes of roleplaying and shitposting as ideologues on chans.

>> No.10973978


just fukken relax aye

>> No.10973990
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This bloody legend

>> No.10973999


>> No.10975674
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Ausfag here. Here's a few books shitposters like myself have read.
>Edward the Emu
>Mein Kampf: The Stalag Edition.
>New Britannia: The rise and decline of Anglo-Australia
>Possum Magic
Dunno what the most Aussie book is though.

>> No.10975676
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Anita Shreve
Maeve Binchy
Laine Moriarty
Louis de Bernieres
Janet Evanovich
Peter Fitzsimmons
Salman Rushdie
Matthew Reilly
Clive Cussler
James Paterson
Tom Clancy
E.L James
Autobiographies of sports people
and so much self-help you wouldn't fucking believe, also Jordan Peterson is currently on our bestseller list.

t. worked in a book shop in Sydney for 2 years, we are a pleb nation

>> No.10975692

Aw Fuck just remembered pic realted. Whole series of em aswell. Only read Toad Rage and Toad Heaven myself.

>> No.10975696
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Fugg. Here is pic.

>> No.10975703

australia is hella fr*ckin epic..

>> No.10975711

I read this when I was 13, was cash

>> No.10975771

>morris gleiztman
fucking good cunt, got me through primary school
love this shit

>> No.10975794

Ausfag here. We don't read at all, keep in mind Australia is easily the dumbest first world country.

>> No.10975800
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>> No.10975805
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>> No.10975813
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minimalist poetry

>> No.10975820

All Australians are polymath intellectuals and it’s not uncommon to see a primary school child or a common tradesman reading and discussing the great works of literature, both non fiction such as The Theory of Moral Sentiments and fiction such as War and Peace and discussing these with their peers. For example, just yesterday I partook in an avid yarn with a young schoolboy only six years of age about the consequential nature of the impacts brought about by Keynesian economics and it’s abrupt transition into neo-liberal economics under the Thatcher/Reagan governments.

>> No.10975827
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these bloody rippas

>> No.10975828

Aw I loved these books as a kid. I'm from Canada tho and "Bum" was replaced with "Butt."

>> No.10975907

Fugg boys bringing back early 2000's primary school library time nostalgia hard

>> No.10975919

Death in Brunswick

>> No.10975959
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came here to post this, so instead I'm taking it way back to when we were toddlers.

>> No.10976094

Who /East Brunny/ here?

>> No.10976096

of course you are, fucking poofta

>> No.10976179

Fight me Flemming Park

>> No.10976183

> great works
> gay shit
Andy Griffiths or fucking nothing ya gay cunt.

>> No.10976188

This. I've never met an Australian that reads. They just don't exist. Everyone here is so fucking stupid it'll actually give the Americans a run for their money.

>> No.10976202

Average Australian

>> No.10976206

go to any public place with 50+ people

>> No.10976219

Actually, quite a few Americans read. We're not exclusively the offspring of convicts and general reprobates over here, m8.

>> No.10976223

>Australians are stupid
>Anyway near as stupid as Americans

Australia is an enlightened utopia compared to the US

>> No.10976226

I'm Australian and I'm reading Don Quixote

>> No.10976229
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>oi lads check it out, little shitcunts come out of his room
>ay chuck us that book lad
>the gay science? no wonder you dont pull any fucking chicks ahahaha
>oi brah come along tonight me and daron will hook you up brah
>ohh nah dont dog it
>never dog the fucking boys

>> No.10976232

>not Dazza

>> No.10976236

>ohh nah dont dog it
>never dog the fucking boys
Completely accurate

>> No.10976238
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even our alt-right if fucking lame

>> No.10976240

Tomorrow on the South Morang line, faggot. Be there.

>> No.10976247

the only non-brainlet right wingers in the country are underground schizoid rhizomes or machiavellian psychos like howard

>> No.10976254


>> No.10976259

This. Our wisdom and knowledge is passed down orally rather than through paper.

>> No.10976261
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how far we've fallen...

>> No.10976264

I have Santamaria's autobiography sitting on my shelf actually. looking forward to reading it sometime. charming supervillain.

>> No.10976265


>> No.10976270
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>> No.10976271

it's also signed by him, I forgot to mention. quite a find, and I got it real cheap at a second hand bookstore. tfw no agrarian catholic australia... funnily enough catholicism is the biggest christian denomination these days. i don't know if that's happened in any other anglo country.

>> No.10976282
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>> No.10976283

That's awesome and
>tfw no agrarian catholic australia
We'll see ... :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvl_J_Qn5JM

>> No.10976287
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>> No.10976289
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>> No.10976292
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*blocks your path*

>> No.10976294
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>> No.10976296
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*places some pebbles in a line*

>> No.10976299

>Senator Cory Bernardi
Fucking wew lad. On what planet are you living?

>> No.10976300
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more political meme biographies pls

>> No.10976301
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High school wog shit

>> No.10976304
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10 Mary Street

>> No.10976306
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Only the best

>> No.10976307

fuck that way too many pseuds in brunswick

>> No.10976308
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>> No.10976310
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This count?

>> No.10976312

got a 35 in english without even opening this shit

>> No.10976315
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>tfw your entire career

>> No.10976316

you'll get your nobel prize soon, tommy...

>> No.10976320
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>> No.10976321

>the one where he breaks the abo kid's arm
fuark true aussie

>> No.10976324
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the worst

>> No.10976325
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>> No.10976327

"australian" culture

>> No.10976330
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>> No.10976338

Shouldn't that be 'thinking Liberal' with a capital L?

>> No.10976345

Liberal party are liberals. So are Labor though. Small l liberal meme needs to die. Only correction I'd make is removing "thinking"

>> No.10976346
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*triggers a bunch of tradies on Blokes Advice*

>> No.10976350
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When's this madman going to take back what's his?

>> No.10976351

I thought the Libs were neo-cons/centre right these days?

>> No.10976354

Lol I remember that

>> No.10976359

Yeah I suppose. I don't know if the neocon label can really apply in Australia except for the general support for American foreign policy and security shit. Conservatism in Australia doesn't have the same intellectual traditions as in the US. The liberals are certainly social conservatives, and in that sense they contrast with social liberals. Labor and Liberal are just liberals with social democratic or conservative leanings at this point.

>> No.10976363
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*triggers the entire mining sector and Country Party*

>> No.10976376

>Labor and Liberal are just liberals with social democratic or conservative leanings at this point.
and yet people act as though they are so different

>> No.10976399

Controlled opposition

Let's just fuck this Overton window up already

>> No.10976407

I know that feel brother

>> No.10976423

>Labor and Liberal just liberals
>both constantly desire an increase in government control over the lives of individuals
>we live in a nanny state and both parties support it
Anon-kun, I...

>> No.10976470

Yassmin "Islam is the most feminist religion" Magied

>> No.10976477

kick the bloody ball

>> No.10976481

>nanny state
found the lolbertarian

>> No.10976483

I've been reading on the Kelly gang and associated rebels and I've come to believe that bushranging is the past and the future of utmost Australian masculinity and heroism, in parallel to virtuous American cowboys and mythic Greek champions.
>Now Sir Henry I tell you that highway robbery is only in its infancy for the white population is been driven out of the labour market by an inundation of mongolians and when the white man is driven to desperation there will be desperate times. I present my respects to the Sydney police
>yours E. Kelly
Strong stuff. Stuff they don't want you to think about.

>> No.10976497
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found the bootlicker

>> No.10977174

I'm more interested in this: how do australians read books? Do they turn it upside down, read from the end to the beginning or from right to left?