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10973232 No.10973232 [Reply] [Original]

Good evening, /lit/. My name is Thomas Pynchon. Must say, this community is the future of world literature. My faith in you all is immeasurable.

You may ask whatever you’d like about my work, anybody else’s work, etc., but don’t expect the world. This picture is the library from where I am making this post. No, I won’t provide a picture of myself, but I’m always happy to email with a clever student.

>> No.10973301


Hello Mr. Pynchon! I love your books. My favourite is Mason & Dixon.

>> No.10973305


This is obviously an imposter. Only Bill Murray posts here.

>> No.10973314

Why are there no trans characters in your books?

>> No.10973329

What’s up with Pynchon shitposting

I never understood it

>> No.10973335

Why should I read your books?

>> No.10973361

You shouldn’t.

>> No.10973376

Wtf actual Pynchon.

>> No.10973383

There are, friend.

>> No.10973386

Only response I would listen to. Oblidged

>> No.10973392

How do you title your books?

>> No.10973408

Read what you want to read. For some of us, that’s everything.

>> No.10973415

My titles are explained within the first twenty pages of each book.

>> No.10973422

post a pic of yourself with a piece of bread on your head and a timestamp

>> No.10973451

>The auctioneer cleared his throat.
>Oedipa settled back, to await the crying of lot 49.

>> No.10973468

Hey, Mr. Pynch. Under what conditions did you work to create the paranoia that exists throughout Gravity's Rainbow? Also, was the scene between Pirate and Katje in spy hell a scene you visualized? it was one of the notably easy visualizable scenes in the book, and I was curious, I note that there was mention of love found in chaos earlier in the conversation regarding the superior composer.

>> No.10973470

Do I need to read any of your other work before starting Mason & Dixon? Or is M&D perfectly fine to start with?

>> No.10973483

Though they’re all sisters and cousins, you can start with Mason and Dixon.

>> No.10973489

What's the length and girth of Lil' Pynch.

>> No.10973495

>Only Bill Murray posts here.
Yeh but he only does it behind his back so don't blame him, you know. He's a victim of Bill Murray as much as anyone.

>> No.10973508
File: 467 KB, 658x626, grimace_is_a_pimp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10973518

In darkness, half-meditating, an eye on the nightly news.

>> No.10973526

Hey, gang. Pynchon here. The real deal, not OP. Comin' to clarify some slander Salman caught recently. Rushdie's a swell guy, gang. I'm behind the eight ball here, but the weirdo is on my wavelength, y'know? Just one groove's difference and we're dancin' to different songs, but dancin' nonetheless. Oakley Hall on the other hand. We wuz kickin' soil along the sandy loams back in 2006 sendin' buckshots at quail on the pitch of Caldwell's Upper. Good times. Good meat. P. out.

>> No.10973546


>> No.10973551
File: 855 KB, 250x167, Nick Cave Is Not Amused.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10973558

wtf r u talkiong about faggot that kid who gets blasted in the rocket is a sissy

>> No.10973570

fuck what is this from, some rare cave right here

>> No.10973578


Not sure, I saw it posted in /mu/. It might be from one of the Birthday Party-era interviews that Cave was just not in the mood to entertain

>> No.10973586

Don Barthelme. What (by or about him) am I missing? I've tried (you) know but for whatever reason what I've read by him seems caught up in a place from which the majority of your books have somehow managed to escape- call it the Perfect Past.
Any thoughts with respect to Phil Kerr's passing, or the Berlin Trilogy (at least)?
Excessively fond of both V. & M&D fwiw. Thank you, and hope (you) have a swell rest of the evening.

>> No.10973613

i've heard the rumors. cmon papa pynch, where did that filthy sandnigger rushdie touch you? you can tell us we love you :)

>> No.10973627

Would a brainlet such as myself be able to understand your works?

>> No.10973643

What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.10973654

What the FUCK did you just say? Does this incomprehensible garbage pass for written language?! Do it again and I’ll crush you myself, you fucking insect.

>> No.10973876

weak sauce. you're no not-bill murray

>> No.10974004

found it in case you were interested -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUzfolKDxWg -- parisian nutcase probes cave on sideburns

>> No.10974034


Great find, but man that interviewer was asking terrible questions. I can imagine younger Dylan or Lou Reed or Bowie just walking out