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10972539 No.10972539 [Reply] [Original]

What are the main questions of philosophy? What do you think is its purpose, or virtue?
More precisely, what are the most important questions that are asked? And what are the best answers you have found (or even come up with on your own)?
I'll just start off with a simple one, what is the meaning of life? Put simply, it is to connect with your true nature.

>> No.10972556

This picture could be perfect if that guy wasn't there.

>> No.10972600

philosophy's biggest questions are to do with human nature and the nature of things around us. philosopher is just an old word for scientist

>> No.10972605

>What's the point of philosophy
Whatever you want it to be

>> No.10972617

>Does the transcendent self exist?

>> No.10972635

not so

>> No.10972636

Does this mean that philosophy attempts to capture the world as if we were not there?

>> No.10972650


>> No.10972658
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Ok, so what have scientists discovered about our human nature and the nature around us?

>> No.10972659

Philosophy attempts to answer questions outside of the realm of science without resorting to baseless dogma (religion).

>> No.10972663

I disagree, sorry

>> No.10972667

Man is the measure of all things, anon.

>> No.10972678

i legit like that

>> No.10972698

that's alright, but how do you explain all the theories on human nature

>> No.10972704

>What's the point of philosophy?
to fuck up the literature board on 4chan

>> No.10972707

>not baseless dogma

>> No.10972714

It's Protagoras. Start with the greeks.

>> No.10972719

The truth, finding the truth.

>> No.10972721

In reference to humans on nature pics you fucking idiot

>> No.10972733

Why the anger, boy?

>> No.10972747

nowadays its used to justify the metaphysical underpinnings of science and chase what it cannot reveal

>> No.10974030

What is truth? And how does one find it?

>> No.10974345

to realize that you know nothing

>> No.10974356

I already know I know nothing
>thousands of year of philosophy dismissed

>> No.10974363

how do you know

>> No.10974505

If it doesn't help me survive and reproduce, knowledge is useless. Philosophy must confirm what I already know: that which I experience. I know that I desire sex, so my philosophy is purpose lies in having a family, because it is the most optimal way of spreading my genes and ensuring the health of my offspring.
All math is derived from the combination of one object and another, 1 + 1 = 2. One tree, plus another tree, is different from having a single tree alone, so we define that state as 2. But what knowledge did we gain? Only the awareness of a different experience, that is, we can conceive 2 objects as the combination of one and the other, which is different from viewing one alone. I use all knowledge of experience to increase the chance of achieving my biological goals. If philosophy doesn't do this, it lies beyond experience and is therefore impractical and only entertaining to the thinker.

>> No.10974546

Starting a family is the most inefficient form of reproduction.

>> No.10974567


>> No.10974585

Quality > Quantity. I'd rather my genes stay in good condition, so I want my children to be successful and healthy. Otherwise they're not really different from any other human in my eyes

>> No.10974595

what about food for the soul? isn't that also essential for people

>> No.10974603

Doesn't sound like a strong family unit

>> No.10974675

Seems made up to me. Even if I knew the soul existed, I wouldn't know how to feed it.

>> No.10974738

don't you feel it when you read shakespeare

>> No.10975220

His dayglo orange coat sure as hell isn't, though.

>> No.10975247
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Philosophy is tool for improving the human condition. Just as the state's ideal cause is the realization of the individual (and not his oppression), philosophy is a set of investigations which improve your life and prepare you for death (and not bring you to despair).

>> No.10975252

people forget the privelaged position they come from.

When you live in this specific time where you get in a car and drive to the building which houses the food gathered from the four corners of the earth (literally), a certain kind of ennui accumulates in the background, which was not present for man prior to this short span of modernity.
Philosophy had a visceral impact.
That it no longer 'matters' to most only goes to show what sort of world we've created.
It can still matter to people who are not satisfied with this nightmare of a world we've made.

>> No.10975269

What are your biological goals?
How many kids do you have?

>> No.10975283

What is the human condition and how is it improved upon? What areas are improved and what is the measure of improvement? Is this not just tinkering with the material levers, i.e. economy?

>> No.10975308

Philosophy problematizes that which is varying in level of how personal it turns out being--usually very personal. Questions you had previously will seem very insignificant to waste time thinking about if you can rid yourself of thousands of false ideas and false conceptions. What can you do? You can't do anything until you are, because everything happens. Start focusing on being in a fashion depicted previously, begin your study of psychology with a study of mechanics, because for the majority of your day, you are a machine. Even your thoughts, your words, your imagination, it all happens. Never in the way you want to it happen, but in the only way that it can happen. If things could be different everything could be different. Maybe there wouldn't be wars. You're not conscious, and neither do you have a unified will or "self", but rather a multiplicity or bundles of selves. Remember the self, and stop clinging to your symbol-world.

>> No.10975331

Is psychology philosophy?

>> No.10975335

>What is the human condition and how is it improved upon? etc etc
This is subjective. You will receive a different answer from every person [or philosopher]. Different people value different things.

>> No.10975345

A good psychology involves philosophy

>> No.10975346


>> No.10975347

>ctrl-f 'thera'
>zero matches

philosophy is therapy, you fools looking for Truth will only find a meaningful way to pass time.

>> No.10975353

If by therapy you mean increasing contentment with one's condition, I could argue that acquiring money is therapy

>> No.10975371

>what are the most important questions that are asked?
What is beauty?
What is Art? Is it valuable?
What is a good life? What is the correct moral decision in x case?
What is justice, and what type of society do we want?
What is knowledge, and what does it have limits?
Are some types of knowledge more valid than others? Why?
Why is there something rather than nothing? Is there a God?

>> No.10976000

Brainlet. With sperm donation you can get a thousand children and there is no reason your one natural child is gonna grow up to be more successful than all those thousands combined.

>> No.10976331

>What is truth?
It's not what you think.
>And how does one find it?
By thinking. What you find in the end is not what you think the truth is, or you don't find anything - but the truth-procedure itself has the truth of its own.

>> No.10976340

What is life? What is love?

>> No.10976361
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well said

>> No.10976594
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To comprehend the rational unity of self-consciousness, and apply this comprehension to concrete social reality, in order to help us create the best form of community to actualize human freedom.

>> No.10976680

>what are neurosciences
>what is biology

>> No.10976692

>apply this comprehension to concrete social reality

How does one do this? Social interaction?

>> No.10976711


>> No.10976771
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>human nature=brain functioning
>nature around us=biological processes


>> No.10976780

Philosophy solved.

>> No.10976787


>> No.10976798

Philosophy is simply reasoning why things are, and aren't, the way they are (and aren't). Meaning only comes in the situations you personally want to apply it. Essentially, it's up to you.

>> No.10977622

Sure, but I'm asking for your perspective, or one you have read that you think is closest to the truth.

>> No.10977629

Sounds like contrarianism.

>> No.10977641

Isn't this just solipsism and relativism?

>> No.10977730
File: 1.05 MB, 1200x900, P1740519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does the ice look like that? Is it just really cold?

>> No.10977760

It's because you have bad hearing.

>> No.10977763

meaning of life: like a tree, have the firmest roots but also branches of enormous reach, aka. reach your full potential aka. what you already said

>> No.10977785

You mean the cracking? I assume because of pressure cracks, either from air or flow pressure, sinking/rising water.
I camp near a brook in the winter sometimes and you can hear these really loud pops from the ice. I bet they are quite loud on a lake.