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10972348 No.10972348[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When the sun of culture is low, even dwarves will cast long shadows.

>> No.10972355

Yeah but like.. don't normal people also cast even longer shadows....

>> No.10972359

there's hope for manlets yet!

>> No.10972360


Remind me why this clown gets posted 100000x a day? He doesn't know what he's talking about outside of psychology

>> No.10972367

If you shitpost into the abyss, the abyss will shitpost on you

>> No.10972368

he sounds like kermit what more do you need to know?

>> No.10972370

>He doesn't know what he's talking about

Removed redundancy

>> No.10972374

Most philosophers throughout history are Peterson tier. There are like five intelligent philosophers total that I don’t have to put down mid chapter because what I’m reading is so insultingly braindead I’m unable to waste any more of my time on it.

>> No.10972395

hi memedad can i masturbate please i already cleaned my room thank you

>> No.10972417

Its true but those five good ones are worth it

>> No.10972470

I despise JP's philosophy and uninformed ramblings like anyone else, but he's definitely an expert in his field of psychology and doesn't really spout nonsense when he talks about psych. It's just nonsense when he extrapolates to shit he doesn't know about.

true but i'd say there's more than 5 lmao

>> No.10972477

Who are these men?

>> No.10972485

Hume, Kant, Hegel, Heidegger, Wittgenstein

>> No.10972495

Good list but i will add my boy spinoza. Tried reading schipenhauer but he smells like a hack tbqh

>> No.10972496

Top meme friendo

>> No.10972503

Sounds like something I'd read on a fortune cookie.

>> No.10972505

Well, then who is the smartest dwarf today?

>> No.10972506


>> No.10972511

Once I had a therapist who was like Peterson and he honestly was just pathetic. He kept telling me I was depressed because of "critical thinking" but he obviously didn't know anything about it. For him critical thinking was just relativism and that of course was the greatest evil in the world. I tried to explain to him he was wrong but he was a lost cause so I dropped him after a few sessions.
Peterson is a well-meaning idiot who wants to help but doesn't want to lost his privileges in the process. Young people aren't depressed because some postmodernist conspiracy but because of capitalism. If he realized that he could actually be useful, but that's not going to happen. He enjoy his money too much.

>> No.10972513


You "tried" reading him, then decided he's the hack?

How are you people so shameless? You just called one of the major philosophers a hack when you didn't even have the stamina to read a single book by him.

>> No.10972517

Spinoza is fun but his philosophy was proposterous and wouldn't be refined to serious material until Heidegger

>> No.10972534
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you deserved trips

>> No.10972543

Fuck off commietard.

>> No.10972551

We all know the real problem with that list is Hume

>> No.10972559

why do you take a sephardite seriously?

>> No.10972560
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>but because of capitalism

Instantly lost me

>> No.10972574

Plato, Nietzsche, Dostoyevsky, Heidegger, Sartre

>> No.10972580
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> Nietzsche, Dostoyevsky, Sartre

>> No.10972582

Yeah, I've known some psychologist like that obsessed with objectivism and structures. Thankful they are a minority.

It's ironic how Peterson by trying to help is attacking what could actually help people. That happens when a psychologist is too selfish and self-centered to listen to the patients. Instead he convince himself the problem is something only he is aware.

>> No.10972598

ahahahhha go to school tomorrow

>> No.10972652

Care to extrapolate?

>> No.10972677

Well I know many of these so called "postmodernists" Peterson loves to demonize so much and I can tell you their problem is not that they don't blindly believe in some objective order. The problem is having to deal daily with the intrinsic unfairness of the capitalistic system. Most if not all of the so called "natural" roles Peterson loves so much only exists because they are needed for a capitalistic society to work but there's no reason to keep doing it if such society is oppressive and makes most of us miserable. A revolution in the way we perceive ourselves and others is needed and Peterson is in the way.
Peterson thinks he's some kind of hero who's going to save us from our own ignorance but he doesn't get we know ourselves and our pains better than he could ever do. He's not a bad man but he's in the wrong and is too arrogant to see it.

>> No.10972687

>The problem is having to deal daily with the intrinsic unfairness of the capitalistic system.


>> No.10972689

Hes the flavour of the month. He'll be forgotten in 2 years time

>> No.10972708
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Turns out psychology is a cult

>> No.10972726

This is true, it takes the slightest investigation to see his theory is full of shit

>> No.10972773

>go to see a therapist
>therapist asks me what's bothering me
>tell him I can't be happy anymore after learning the concept of objectivity is a trick of the capitalistic hetero patriarchy to oppress us
>he asks me where I learned such thing
>tell him in my gender studies classes where I'm taught critical thinking
>he tells me well maybe this critical thinking thing is not so good for you because it's important for mental health to have a sense of structure
It seems we went to the same therapist, my fellow retarded anon.

>> No.10972806

he even falls into his own argument in certain areas
>environmentalists should just give up trying to save the planet because nature is trying to kill us!
guess that means we ought to stop trying to find a cure for cancer huh? After all, its just natural and trying to kill us

>> No.10972863

>I straw man arguments and think im right!

>> No.10972867

and what theory would that be?

>> No.10972878

>buttblasted Petersondrone
nothing personal kid

>> No.10972898

>cant conceive of an argument so proceeds directly to insults
sad, sad pathetic man you are.

>> No.10972904


>> No.10972911

>Doesn't counter my initial argument
>Just sprouts knee jerk logical fallacy reaction

Prove me wrong then

>> No.10972937
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Capitalism robs us of meaning. But firstly, this only starts when you properly enter the job market (with 20, say) and even if, it seems to me that the benefits of overproduction still outweight the harm. Harm being the living standard in any other form of living we know.
I'm also "against capitalism" but we all know that there's no good alternative.

Peterson is also just an ideology, but I think it helps people. The fact that he's straw manning intering frameworks like postmodernism is sad but we don't need much more of it (postmodernism) anyway. We need something new.

>> No.10972951

Capitalism is in need of an update. We can either continue along the continuum of corporate capital or we can try and evaluate and refigure a new form of social capitalism.

Paul Mason has an interesting book on this

>> No.10972956

your intial argument was a straw man. You exaggerate his stand point to make it seem he is a fatalist. But thats just predicated on your ignorance, and i detect a desire to detest peterson. A bias, an intention tp dismiss and discredit.

>> No.10972972

He has blatantly said that environmentalists are wasting their time, and that the quote I took was direct. Don't try and warp his words.

He generates strawman a lot, all his arguments on postmodernism is proof of this.

>> No.10972992
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That looks a bit wishful to me.
I'm involved with the the development of decentralized platforms and smart contracts and all, and what started out with a hacker culture is not filled with neo-rich capitalist. As long as money can buy free time, it will always be tempting to play the game as soon as you have any power. I.e. power corrupts and I don't see capitalism be beat without violence. I'm very Zizekian in that sense.

>> No.10972997

post modernism is a complex concept and he's over simplifying the aspects he feels are detrimental. Disagree all you want but there are elements within post-modernism that when falling into the wrong hands becomes destructive(as with any ideology) The impact environmentally that any one individual can make is so insignificant it is null. Governments and corporations are the only entities capable of making any significant chance. I suppose people can help guide these entities but only superficially. And no, because its null doesn't mean we shouldn't try to cure cancer, which was your straw man argument.

>> No.10973023

Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Leibniz, J.S. Mill, Kant.

>> No.10973037

Kant, Kierkegaard, Kennedy, Stirner, Angela Nagle

>> No.10973042
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Notice how these threads never have any critiques of JBP's magnum opus tome? Strange coincidence, one might say.

>> No.10973095
File: 84 KB, 640x438, ArtsyPommes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you implying that if you don't like someone, you have to find arguments against anything a man produced?

Besides, I think everybody thinks it's a tomb and you gotta take 3 weeks off to start that one - that's why. I'm certain it's interesting, but it's way down my list and I'd guess Peterson makes his most striking points in his lectures already.

>> No.10973099
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>> No.10973107
File: 104 KB, 326x326, 1523184913802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, this thread reminds me of that kid in school who kept reminding people the Iraq was for oil and how cool communism is. I hate you all.

>> No.10973128

What's wrong with Hume? He's perfectly lucid. His suplex on causality remains one of the biggest pwns in the history of philosophy.

That said, he borrows heavily from Berkeley, whom I respect a great deal more.

>> No.10973140

>he can't into Nietzsche
unless you consider him a poet rather than a philosopher, in which case you're excused

>> No.10973165

When will JBP address the JQ?

>> No.10973186

>everyone who disagrees with me is a gommie :(
go back to your safe space, mutt

>> No.10973189

It shouldn't boil down to corporations (who cant be trusted) and governments to try and aid the dying earth. People need to be informed and understand the necessities and complexities of environmental protection and climate solutions. As well limit their own consumption.

But no, now environmentalism is skewed as a "libtard" idea and people rallying around corporate lapdogs like Trump is the best idea because it pisses SJWs off

>> No.10973196

That's the tragedy of our situation. Where are the normal people today?

>> No.10973197

This. Modern right wingers are too obsessed with 'triggering SJW's'. I mean yea it's funny and all but we're really fucking up the environment here, even if you don't believe in climate change.

>> No.10973205

The insinuation was that they are posturing pseudo-intellectuals, actually.

>> No.10973208

Moses, Alexander of Aphrodisias, Abelard, Newton, Osho

>> No.10973217

Welcome to /lit/, everyone's least favorite subreddit. I miss the days when people here pretended to be Christian apologists instead.

>> No.10973255

he already did, explicitly referencing the people who ask the question you just did

tl;dr he says biological difference in IQ can explain their overrepresentations without need to resort to conspiracy theories

>> No.10973273

Oh most definitely but its nice food for thought. Mason being old-Labour it is a bit bright-eyed idealist, but really its a theory that so few are willing to flirt with.

>> No.10973316

But statistically speaking East Asians outrank every other race and ethnicity when it comes to IQ median rate. And their population far outnumbers the Jewish one.

>> No.10973318

Is this a quote by him?

>> No.10973323

Never mind

>> No.10973334

You mean like 2 months ago?

>> No.10973348

You supplied the definition of 'not reading a single book' for ''tried''. You have no idea what that "tried" meant to him, You are a hack as well. Seek change.

>> No.10973436

We've been raided by leftist for a while now but I think eventually things will go back to normal.

>> No.10973453

>hurr durr the problem with these boards are the leftists and not all the /pol/tards
you need to go back, fucking imbecile