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/lit/ - Literature

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10972063 No.10972063 [Reply] [Original]

Was he ready right?

>> No.10972079

if a dying society one in which millions of people are killed by their own government then no. Nazis are neither tolerant nor apathetic

>> No.10972087

Hello, /pol/

>> No.10972089
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>> No.10972091

totally, we tolerate too many dull illiterate obnoxious idiots who have a pretence of being adult, responsible modern citizens.

>> No.10972098

Was he ready, right?

>> No.10972106

Our societies are anything but tolerant. Don't mistake acceptance of niggers and others as actual signs of behavior. Tell people that you think working a job is for idiots and that the best course of action is to live on welfare and read literature, and see how long it takes until they gang up on you like villagers with pitchforks.

>> No.10972133

He was ready, right?

>> No.10972134

The western world seems to be pretty tolerant towards rapists and are so non apathetic that they send all the poor starving African 'children' to their own homes :)

>> No.10972146

Right ready he was.

>> No.10972148

this, so much
there is no real tolerance whatsoever

>> No.10972164

what in the fuck are you talking about? UBI is constantly being proposed these days

>> No.10972171

Calm down. It's none of your concern. Move on.

>> No.10972182

Ready? He was right.

>> No.10972211
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hehe alt-right drumpfkins just got nae nae'd epic style xd lmao dab on em

>> No.10972229

>Taking quotes out of context
>Applying quotes from more than two milennia ago to modern societies which deal with issues the Greeks could never have foreseen

>> No.10972240

they had forseen everything

>> No.10972256

you faggots openly embrace frat retard party culture, club man-whore culture, roids, drinking and smoking cigarettes, materialist pursuit of wealth (btc and the JBP wagecucking olympics on /pol/ and /biz/), casual sex, high technology, functional atheism, pragmatic materialist religion as opposed to idealist spiritualist religion, brother wars, corporate fascism, mass media and social media, meme culture, and trash rap

>> No.10972265
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the absolute fucking state

>> No.10972269

I hate /lit/

>> No.10972281

All intellectuals smoke cigarettes bro

>> No.10972307

>Greeks could never have foreseen
t. never read The Republic

>> No.10972318

Take this unfunny piggybacking of shit jokes over to Reddit, faggots. You may get some upvotes over there.

>> No.10972347

Epic, worthy of reddit gold

>> No.10972357

>expecting anything other than ribbit tier faggotry in a ribbit tier thread

>> No.10972413

Where exactly did he say that?

>> No.10972418
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>didnt get the joke

>> No.10972441

kill yourself

>> No.10972468


>> No.10972481

Which work of Aristotle's is this from?

>> No.10972512

Tolerance and Apathy is blindly following misattributed quotes to Aristotle.

>> No.10972520

It is also worthy to ask if there are different translations of the quote, and what is the original Greek text saying. "Tolerance", particularly with its contemporary implications, is not a word that I've seen thrown around often in ye olde greeke texts, so I'm kind of suspicious about the verity of this quote that, by some weird coincidence, wonderfully aligns with the political views of some people two and a half thousand years later.

>> No.10972532

by tolerance, he didn't mean tolerance for people with opposing ideas and beliefs, but a tolerance for apathy and nihilsm.

but conservadumbs hijack this to appeal to their base

>> No.10972535

Your self, kill

>> No.10972547

All the people taking this quote seriously and explaining what Aristotle really "meant' by this fake quote really throws light on the other opinions expressed on this board.

>> No.10972557

OOOhhhhh lol i get it now.. now THAT is good stuff :^)

>> No.10972579
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you tell 'em brother

>> No.10972615

>Miles Dejong

yup because I really take the societal and political analysis from a video game playing keyboard warrior

>> No.10972620

Where does he say this?

>> No.10972648
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The sheer amount of reddit itt speaks volumes about the state of this board.

>> No.10972654
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>complains about reddit
>posts the most reddit """comedian""

>> No.10972706
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Fuck off pinko scum.

>> No.10972728
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It's been a while since I've seen such inarticulate shit flinging

>> No.10972739

that's not a real quote

>> No.10972755

>Nazis are neither tolerant nor apathetic
how do you know? sure their agenda was wrong and they did awful things under command but to say they didn't have tolerance or apathy at all is presumptuous.

Not sure why i'm sticking up for the Nazis but whatever

>> No.10972760

I wish people who haven't actually seriously studied Aristotle - or at best did so piecemeal - would stop mindlessly invoking him.
I don't even particularly mean it in relation to this thread. It is just so infinitely frustrating to see people so carelessly or dishonestly abuse the work of such
an intelligent and thoughtful man, ironic or not.

>> No.10972777

Losing a war isn’t the same as a dying society.

>> No.10972955

>Nazis are neither tolerant nor apathetic
Actually considerably more tolerant and apathetic than most of the world at the time.

>> No.10972970

>Nazis are neither tolerant nor apathetic
Having an entire population genocided under everyone's eyes with no one doing anything is the definition of being apathetic
But being suicidal is

>> No.10972973

Nazi germany wasn’t a society that was dying. It was thriving. It was killed instead.

>> No.10972991

Kek maybe not tolerant but they were apathetic as fuck

>> No.10973002

>>by tolerance, he didn't mean tolerance for people with opposing ideas and beliefs, but a tolerance for apathy and nihilsm.
The two are the same thing.

>> No.10973006

Isn't that a fucking Ayn Rand quote?

>> No.10973010

The German people certainly tolerated it.

>> No.10973873

I agree! All them commie lovin' conservatives better pack up and move to russia where they belong.

>> No.10973924

About 5 minutes of googling found that this is a false attribution, Aristotle never said it. It first came up in a rant by an evangelical minister, named D. James Kennedy, back in 2007, on a web site called "The Christian Post". It has been spun by various wackos and propagandists to mean whatever they need it to mean to fit their needs ever since. There are no primary sources proving that my buddy, Ari, ever said this.

>> No.10975484

Read Der Untertan, moron. The German spirit has been fundamentally apathetic since the 18th century.

>> No.10975517

Jesus, what an embarrassing post. Stop thinking that more ironic = cooler.

>> No.10975552
File: 64 KB, 700x559, john-green-quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop misattributing that quote to Aristotle. It is John Green who deserves to be known for it.