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/lit/ - Literature

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10971362 No.10971362[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why is this board becoming so rude lately?

>> No.10971375

Sorry it's my fault

>> No.10971378

Because homos must get out!!!

>> No.10971382

I forgive you. Let's go back to being friends and reading quietly.

>> No.10971391

We know you're homo, Brian, it's okay; it's 2018, bro, year of the semicolon; nobody good has time to persecute you under these circumstances.

>> No.10971397

>brian with an I
Bryan is a y, you.

>> No.10971398

It's not becoming more rude, you're just becoming more sensitive thanks to menopause. Roastie >>>/out/

>> No.10971405

Sorry, Bryan is a y isn't home right now, can I take a message?

>> No.10971412

Haven't noticed that I think you are just mad because someone called you a pseud. Would you like to talk about it anon?

>> No.10971414

you are the homo

>> No.10971415


>> No.10971420

>lesbians being mean to each other
OP if you mean this, that's just their mating behaviour. Read Well of Loneliness. She likes you :3

>> No.10971424

Well, I'm hardly the definitive article.

>> No.10971430


>> No.10971435

>/pol/'s too dumb to know it's about to get its dick sucked
bby, could you try to reach that top shelf of loebs, there's some of the symposium i need to annotate for you

>> No.10971440

Gay Gay Gay !!!
I don't speak homo language

>> No.10971445

dude are you a homo

>> No.10971446

quite honestly, the /pol/ invasion. the level if civility and quality of discussions on this and other forums has noticeable declined in the last couple of years.

>> No.10971448

it's the feminists I think. they got rilled up or something and now direct their vitriol in all directions at all times.

there are still some really good lit posters who try and keep things quality. but they need to sort out their own ranks if they want to succeed.

>> No.10971450

I think it can be determined on a temporal basis.
The lit's crowd changes round the clock.

>> No.10971453
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shut up cunt we're perfectly civilized. Put a stick of dynamite up your ass motherfucket.

>> No.10971454

Pol are a bunch of pathetic incels

>> No.10971455

That's why you're getting annotated Greek through German, lover :3 Jetzt, Ruhe, bitte, Schatz.

>> No.10971456

No The Holy Book says that homos burn in Hell !!!
Sodomites must perish

>> No.10971457

Because it's been so goddamn fucking boring for about 6 months, people are starting to just throw out random insults in order to liven things up a bit

>> No.10971463

rangebanning north america would really improve the board.

>> No.10971466

Sodom was guilty of being stingy with its bread and hospitality, not homoness. Read the fucking Bible, heathen.

>> No.10971468

isn't it a North American board though

>> No.10971473

Influx of pol and leftypol flinging shit at each other

>> No.10971475

You learn the definition of Sodomite, regardless of the city .

>> No.10971476

no when north america's asleep, there is no /pol/, there is no /v/, there is no /soc/, and people who actually read talk about things they have missed from a common opus to gain better understandings of the work.

>> No.10971482

I'm sure you just told me I was well versed in that, why would you be an authority on the matter, then?

>> No.10971486

No /adv/ either

>> No.10971491

Oh I don't doubt that .
If I'm not tho, at least bring the definition in

>> No.10971495

Actually there are no mentions of sexuality or sexual practices
>the Sodomites expelled the angels from their City
What does that mean

>> No.10971498

With high intelligence comes high level shitposting

>> No.10971500

cry more blowjob bitch ass fuck, your tears are delicious.

>> No.10971502

You need to leave this board, you're hypocritical prescriptivist scum without even the good grace to have a backing in Classics or AngloSaxon English. Even faggots wouldn't fuck you.

>> No.10971503

Well I'm just spitballin here but
/pol/v/reddit found out about brainlet memes and epic intellectual BTFOs and came here from /sci/ and /his/ they don't know how to be nice without upvotes and downvotes and moderators.
This board was always cruel but it was tsundre, now it's being flooded with spitefull idiots.

>> No.10971507

They sent visitors into the desert. Later books mention their poverty of sharing bread and other violations of hospitality as their chief indictments.

>> No.10971511

Lol the homo is angry

>> No.10971514

I miss when this board was mostly well read [s4s] with /a/ level /a/utism about spoonfeeding.

>> No.10971521

>Someone points out you're shit
>They're angry
I think the word you're looking for is "objective", darling.

>> No.10971527

Rudeness is just the natural defence mechanism to maintaining the board's elitist culture and to prevent reddit-types from undermining the patrician-plebeian dichotomy.

>> No.10971534

The thing is, it was always rude really, but people put effort into their insults. With /pol/ came low effort bating, as it has become modern there over the past few years.



>> No.10971551


Who are you calling darling faghead?

>> No.10971555

Dorks whining about muh board. This website was shit as it will continue to be.

>> No.10971557

You, darling. I can call you Captain Darling if you like.

>> No.10971562


Okay that's enough. Have a good one dude

>> No.10971566

Well, I have you, and we've already worked out you're not a good one, Darling.

>> No.10971576


bitch plz, ur obviously a newfaggot, those pathetic "tone policing" tactics don't work and have never worked here, fuck off

>> No.10971580

someone's grumpy and needs a cupcake.

>> No.10971588
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sweetheart, i've been coming here since 2012. i'm an oldie through and through.

>> No.10971601

that timeline is depressing as hell

>> No.10971604

Sweetie, I've had my best exchanges on here with homos

>> No.10971610

Can affirm. More time to read with less 3DPD bullshit.

>> No.10971614

redditdotcom might be just what you’re looking for....

>> No.10971616

ftw you count as oldfag now.

>> No.10971617

>oldfags are from 2010 to 2012

gtfo newfag

>> No.10971624
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Like if shallow minded degenerates lusting after Androgynous Nature fucks were not a problem.

>> No.10971625
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Ive been on /lit/ so long I remember when people used this board to talk about popular books like Harry Potter. Of course we scared em off to /tv/

>> No.10971628

>hating lotos eaters
I think that's your problem, tbph.

>> No.10971629
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>> No.10971636

holy shit i am considered an oldfag now ;_;

>> No.10971638
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I guess I found one.

>> No.10971642

I can't believe I've been coming to this website since 2006

>> No.10971644

I wish I were written by Tennyson and Elgar, but we all have our own burdens to bear.

>> No.10971656

Agedfags ftw

Ancientfags are too nerdy/shouldn’t be here

Everyone else is a newfag

>> No.10971660

>oldfags keep pointing out i'm a newb
cry moar n00b

>> No.10971752

I’m a newfag to this board. /pol/ since 2008, /fit/ since 2012. Of all the boards I’ve been on this one is undeniably the most bitter and vitriolic; It makes /pol/ look civil. People here have that 4chan instinct to be nasty to anyone at any chance they can get, however I think it’s amplified here by narcissistic tendencies. The desire for individual authenticity is highest here and that leads to overkill levels of ad hominem any time anybody makes an opinion. Why? Maybe because they posted their opinion on a previous thread and somebody did it to them, and even though it’s anonymous, their ego desires that they reframe themselves as being above the “pseuds”.

>> No.10971758

It could be you're just wrong and needed to be told you're wrong. Just sayin'

>> No.10971761

>guy who's been on /pol/ for ten years tryna police our tone

kill yaself my man

>> No.10971793

Who are you to preach?

>> No.10971794

no, it´s my fault.

>> No.10971796

I never said any of it was directed at me. You’re right though. People can be wrong an should be told so. Doesn’t need to be done in such a bitter way though.
Why are you so offended?

>> No.10971807

>/pol/fag actually says something intelligent

>> No.10971814

Are homos okay to be friends with if Im straight

>> No.10971815

what makes u think im offended? i just think ur a dumbass

>> No.10971820

I find the people who are wrong are more bitter about it. They need more telling

>> No.10971822


>> No.10971830
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>> No.10971837

Because either I offended you enough to tell me to kill myself or you are that unaware of yourself that you jump to prove my point

That’s also true, but perhaps the butthurt wrong people go onto other threads and behave reprehensibly

>> No.10971841

>That’s also true, but perhaps the butthurt wrong people go onto other threads and behave reprehensibly
Or maybe you were wrong twice.

>> No.10971848

If they find you attractive they will constantly be trying to convert you. It’s abrasive. If you’re uggo then go ahead. Gays are just like men in terms of sexual desire but because they are already sexual deviants in the eyes of society they have reduced inhibition and will behave more predatory. So it’s like when guys want to turn lesbians but worse

>> No.10971849

ya steal their writing and get dick sucked. good drug sources too

>> No.10971854

maybe he wants to get raped tho?

>> No.10971855

Idk if this is some low-level trolling but you seem unsure of your own flow of argument

>> No.10971867

then he should seek out his sexual desires and pray for forgiveness afterwards when the shame sets in

>> No.10971869

You're presuming anon shits on you because anon is all one person. It seems more likely multiple anons thought you were wrong.

>> No.10971879

very /lit/, i approve

>> No.10971912

>this one is undeniably the most bitter and vitriolic
/qa/ here, you are wrong.

>> No.10971921

Tell me grampa, was it always bad?

>> No.10971936

I’ve never really lurked on /qa/, what makes it so bad?

>> No.10971957

I think the most annoying shitposters go there, never saw them having a discussion leading to anything. The autism and endurance of their shitposters is legendary.

>> No.10971967

Because people like you keep making shit threads like this

>> No.10971969


>> No.10971973

/lit/ has a longer fuse, but it still has deep autism. most of the entry level bait and shitposting doesn't touch it, but sometimes it goes all bay of pigs from the russian point of view. it's a far more beautiful thing but rare.

>> No.10971980

Then you get idiots who make stupid posts like this

>> No.10971983


>> No.10971998

this is now a shitpositng thread.
Where on 4chan can I find the best shitposting guys?
My bet would be on /4ccg/

>> No.10972005

Moron shills and shitposters come from Europe and Canada ect en masse though. This fiction that only America has dumbpsters in the extreme and everywhere else is this oasis of critical thought A has no evidentiary basis on this anonymous woodcarving forum and B is likely just salt over America's still relative merit.
I fucking despise most of my fellow Americans but would despise my state cocksucking fellow Europeans even more.

>> No.10972043

north america includes canada, and europoor hours are about literature instead of random shit that should be on other boards. you should be rangebanned with the rest of them

>> No.10972057

But Im a better writer than everyone I know

>> No.10972062

ya but you're a lonely faggot who hasn't met other faggots. it's a sampling bias

>> No.10972105


>> No.10972408

It's a bit sad to think that I'm an aged fag now. I've been on here for so long my main board is esfores (which is the nicest board, with maybe /fit/ [despite the weird homoeroticism]). Nice dubs btw

>> No.10973027

eu nightime /lit/ is legit cancer