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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 50 KB, 759x525, plebs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10969110 No.10969110 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10969133

> moby dick is boring

>> No.10969191

Everything on this board

>> No.10969198
File: 54 KB, 1194x250, pseudsinthewild.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found on other boards

>> No.10969202

>I like Jordan Peterson
>clean your room
>lobsters lel
>clean your penis
>why aren't you X
>who is the X of Y

>> No.10969206

Anything posted by anyone from /mu/, frankly.

>> No.10969240

This board is a club for strangers to get together and validate each other's sense of superiority while simultaneously engaging in individual competition.

Waste of time

>> No.10969247

Did Peterson actually tell people to clean their penis or is this a meme?

>> No.10969266

Too scared to tell them they're plebs from your account so you come here for validation, huh?

>> No.10969652

This hurts me

>> No.10969698

what website is this?

>> No.10969728

Post cleaning pics desu

>> No.10969759
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>Nietzsche was a nihilist
No but if he did people would think it was groundbreaking

>> No.10969768
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>> No.10969884

hurts to read

>> No.10969892
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>> No.10969895

I agree with all of this apart from clean your penis. You really should clean your penis.

>> No.10969896
File: 29 KB, 616x107, Screen+Shot+2017-07-20+at+11.28.50+pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche was a nihilist and even refers to himself as such, poltard..

>> No.10969900
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>> No.10969910
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>> No.10969912
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>> No.10969923

You haven't read Nietzsche. He hated nihilism and its proponents: e.g. Christianity.

>> No.10969952

>He that speaks here, conversely, has done nothing so far but reflect: a philosopher and solitary by instinct, who has found his advantage in standing aside and outside, in patience, in procrastination, in staying behind; as a spirit of daring and experiment that has already lost its way once in every labyrinth of the future; as a soothsayer-bird spirit who looks back when relating what will come; as the first perfect nihilist of Europe who, however, has even now lived through the whole of nihilism, to the end, leaving it behind, outside himself.

>On the genesis of the nihilist:
>It is only late that one musters the courage for what one really knows. That I have hitherto been a thorough-going nihilist, I have admitted to myself only recently: the energy and radicalism with which I advanced as a nihilist deceived me about this basic fact. When one moves toward a goal it seems impossible that "goal-lessness as such" is the principle of our faith.
The Will to Power (25) Spring-Fall 1887

>> No.10969968

But he's right anon

>> No.10969977

It shows why he is not a nihilist.

>> No.10969986
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>> No.10970079

>unfiltered life
Joyce did it better than him and he's the most obvious one among dozens of others.

>> No.10970087

>It's about Death

Great Gatsby
>It's about the American Dream

hmm so this is the power of college education

>> No.10970089

Nice way to refute yourself, mong.

Both of those are themes present in works you listed.

>> No.10970097
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>pinkerson is good

>> No.10970114

I honestly find it hard to believe a widely published "public intellectual" could write and proliferate something so embarrassing.

>> No.10970119

"Themes present" doesn't encapsulate the entirety of a work and makes you sound like a psued when you smugly make a definitive statement like that.

>> No.10970122

Not even D'Annunzio was this bad at reading Nietzsche

>> No.10970124

They are also "I barely read the book and skimmed coles notes" tier analyses.

>> No.10970145

>that Oswald Mosley dp in the last comment

Fucking hell

>> No.10970168
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>10 Commandment's? Pfft, I follow the 12 Rules.

>> No.10970178

A theme present can mean the dominant theme, spud. The most famous passages from Hamlet are about death, sin, afterlife, and time. Even the biggest of pseuds who've only read a single soliloquy know it's about death.

The same goes for Gatsby and the American Dream/Roaring 20's.

>> No.10970182
File: 314 KB, 1850x1276, Снимок экрана 2018-04-04 в 21.39.18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most plebbiest opinions are from murricans

>> No.10970183


>> No.10970187

What are those books about then, genius?

>> No.10970190

>t. undergrad

>> No.10970200

He’s not a nihilist you spazmoid. His whole philosophy revolved around finding meaning of life in a world where God is dead. What you mean is that he is an existentialist.
As you accidentally prove here >>10969952

>> No.10970216


>All the biggest of pseuds who've only read a single soliloquy "know" it's about death.

Fixed that for you. Fuck off with the surface level analysis.

>> No.10970243

subscribing to the cult of peterson is pretty pleb and weird desu

>> No.10970777

The more whining about Peterson I see on this board the more I realize people hate him more for being overpopular and for his fanbase than his actual ideas. He doesn't say groundbreaking things because his life and brain have been wasted arguing with people who unironically think calling someone he/she should be made illegal.

>> No.10970782

his life and his brain have been wasted creating an autistic system to prevent his sanity from collapsing

>> No.10970885

It's from like Jan 2017.

>> No.10970893

Wheres that from? What video?

>> No.10970901

have you even read carl jung?

>> No.10970909

Whats their deal with postmodernism?

>> No.10970924

>at this pace he's gonna start his own religion.

>> No.10970953

Ayn Rand is good.

>> No.10970959

Well, they're not wrong about Palahniuk. Maybe he's not a total hack but there's much better stuff out there.

>> No.10970998

There are plenty of valid criticisms of him.

>> No.10971143

Did you even read what you posted or did you just copy and paste the first two mentions of nihilism by Nietzche that you could find?

>> No.10971150

Didn't you know Anon. Nietzche was a nihilist Nazi.
>there are people that seriously believe this

>> No.10971162

>coelho is the best brazilian writer
Fuck em

>> No.10971210

what the fuck is this retarded shit

>> No.10971228

Brilliant post

>> No.10972046

up there with
>typing laughter with a b or p as the first consonant


>> No.10972114

Brainlets will condemn this as postmodernism while pretending to read Nietzsche on mongolian basketweaving forum

>> No.10972138

What the fuck does Kuraev has to do with the thread?

>> No.10972234

Not him, but Great Gatsby is more about his love and lasting dedication to a woman he can no longer have, and how this contrasts to the vapid people and meaningless things that he’s surrounded by.

>> No.10972319


>> No.10972328

>It's amazing to me that anyone in the first world continues to believe the Bible is anything more than myths and stories told by men less educated than your average 6th grader today.
Some guy in reddit.

>> No.10972329

the elementary particles is nothing special. good piece of social commentary, mediocre fiction

>> No.10972343

A couple of years ago someone in my English Lit. A-Level class said their favorite author was Lemony Snicket. That same person wanted to go on to do English at Oxbridge...

>> No.10972345


>> No.10972366

Atomised is indeed garbage

>> No.10972407

contrarian piggy
it doesn't work on Sunday

>> No.10972612

Woah, his entire life and brain has been wasted over something that happened 2 years ago. damn.

>> No.10973534

'10 years later.' - HAHAHAHAHA That was the same day.

>> No.10973539
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>> No.10973540

Did peterson tell people to clean their rooms? What good will that do me exactly?

>> No.10973562

>let's mutilate a book xD
jesus, fuck, this is the king of the plebs

>> No.10973568

Maybe a "clean your room, clean your mind" type of thing.

>> No.10973569

Try it and find out.

>> No.10973606

Well I do clean from time to time and it does feel a bit better.

I think i'd have to do like a 4chan detox to clean my mind. /lit/ isn't too bad though some stuff from other boards creeps in.

>> No.10973611

someone saying Nietzsche was a christian because of Jordan Peterson

>> No.10973615

That Derrida and other French philosophers are responsible for cultural decline in some super edgy conspiracy theory.

>> No.10973624


>> No.10973714
File: 16 KB, 320x222, neil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a plebby LIT opinion that I GAURANTEE at least 30 percent of you have said, and at least 60 percent of you that have read Nietzche have probably said something along the lines of,

"Wow, you clearly have misunderstood Nietzche because you didn't come to the same conclusion that I did"

I am so sick of seeing this, how can someone be revered as mystically profound while almost everyone that reads him forms a different understanding. If this applies to you then, Newsflash asshole! Nietzche has been interpreted differently this entire goddamn time!

>> No.10973725

and yet here you are

>> No.10973814
File: 450 KB, 1797x5174, Youtube Scientism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Kurzgesagt youtube comments section is always a goldmine.

>> No.10975332

>christianity advocates for nihilism

Surely this is ironic. No-one can unintentionally be this autistic.

>> No.10975363

They think it's a smart way to say SJW.

>> No.10975419

Protestantism does tho

>> No.10975463

But all that stuff sounds really comfy

>> No.10975475

>What good will hygiene do me?
Try bringing a girl back to your dumpster fire of a room so you can watch the respect drain from her eyes.

Peterson says it in retort to the activist students that waste their time on social justice when they cannot even hold down a job or keep their own rooms clean. It's a metaphor for 'sort yourself out first before trying to change the world' except cleaning your room is a good thing anyway.

>> No.10975500

who are you to ridicule someone's subjective experience of a youtube video? why does it matter if it has provoked warmth and comfort in people? stop being pretentious.

>> No.10975507

And they really are that autistic.

>> No.10975541

anti-elitists are the greatest force for evil in this world...

>> No.10975826

I respect your opinion just as much as I respect the opinion directly opposing it anon

>> No.10975975
File: 177 KB, 540x922, Screenshot_2018-04-03-07-18-05-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10975981

>who are you to ridicule someone's subjective experience of a youtube video?

>> No.10975986

>unlike, say, Democritus or Epicurus
the worst thing is, he wouldn't be so intolerable if he didn't write like a faggot. it is utterly natural to prefer some of the presocratics over the "errors" of platonism... but... "wrong about pretty much everything" ugh! you can tell this man only likes democritus and epicurus for their resemblance to his easily received materialist hedonist apathy...

>> No.10977521

lmao. the /lit/ board is the most accesible way for me to conveniently share my opinion on intellectual topics I know nothing about

>> No.10977541

The fact that you have to ask this only goes to show how fucking stupid Peterson is.

>> No.10977561

He's not stupid. Just a bit too accommodating to his mentally handicapped fans. He's got some worthwhile insights imo and is a talented orator.

Listen to his lectures on non-meme subjects.

>> No.10977577

>Don Quixote was the first and best novel ever written!
>Philosophy was all downhill after Plato!
> Shakespeare’s so overrated!

>> No.10977581

Your brain on soy.

>> No.10977603


>> No.10977649

Was that a quote from Nieztsche?

>> No.10977756

Christianity is anti-life, it's the truest form of nihilism.

>> No.10978280

Holy shit.

>> No.10978300

this is all of reddit condensed into one smug little post

>> No.10978320


gentleman, meet homo utilitaricus

>> No.10978428

>Christianity is anti-life

>> No.10978455

best post itt

>> No.10978502


>> No.10978674

>he doesn't say groundbreaking things because his only intellectual peers are people who unironically think calling someone he/she should be made illegal
ftfy brosecco

>> No.10978728

>Philosophy was all downhill after Plato!
Unironically true.

>> No.10978781

You know damn well colleges have been far left and against open discussion long before his little rise-to-fame controversy.

>> No.10978868

Gatsby is about nostalgia. It's an incredibly accessible novel, but still universal and frustrating. Taking it as an allegory about America makes it a boring and dated read

>> No.10978901
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>> No.10978914

E-books are superior only in that they are free.

Rest of his comment is just typically condescending reddit shit.

>> No.10978917

Absolutely not.

The universal parts have to do with assimilation and being a perpetual outsider. This sort of has to do with the American Dream but there's more to it than that.

>> No.10978949

This is accurate though

>> No.10979035

What an offensively plebian opinion.

>> No.10979114
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>> No.10979174
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I blame him more than I blame Hegel for every disastrous school of thought to emerge from the 19th century.

>> No.10979191

Please find a cliff and jump off

>> No.10979204

>t. Continental materialist

>> No.10979272

subscribing to Nietzsche

>> No.10979281

>dammit it's anti-life because I don't like it! For some reason the will is life affirming!

>> No.10979289

fuck off christfaggot

>> No.10979292

no nigga, it's about shitting on richies

did you not see Daisy taking no responsibility at all?

>> No.10979306

just as compelling as me saying "fuck off neetchee"

>> No.10979349
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>plato was wrong about everything
>unlike democritus or epicurus

>> No.10979852
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>> No.10979977

>trying to defend your misunderstanding of Nietzsche this hard