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/lit/ - Literature

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10968831 No.10968831 [Reply] [Original]

Genuinely curious. I know a lot of you guys are working on novels, or interested in writing something. Surely someone knows some programmers and artists. Why hasn't anyone on the board ever come together to make a story and lore rich RPG, or an adventure game? Or has /lit/ worked on a game already / is working on one in secret?

>> No.10968834

women are awful

>> No.10968843

seems genre fiction specific. could you remove the roleplaying and game aspect of your idea and repackage it as just a book?

>> No.10968848

Writing a book is very different than writing for a game. Plus, there's things you can do with games that you can't do with books, but which still pertain to writing.

>> No.10968935

/lit/ disparages video games and those who play them on a regular basis. It's not surprising that one hasn't been made.

>> No.10969043
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Making a book is infinitely easier than making a game
First you need to learn how to make one, using an engine and the like, then you need to figure out what you can do best; turn based, FPS, walking sim, text adventure, etc. Finally you need to make a story that fits in and integrates well with the gameplay. Gameplay comes first and foremost, with story coming second, music third and graphics last. Also when making a RPG you can’t make it linear, so you have to live with the fact that some will never find that little snippet of love you put in, that the story will go over people’s heads, and that some will criticize you for other aspects and not appreciate the story if you fucked up the other parts. I want to be a game dev but it’s even worse than being a starving musician or artist because you have either amazing technical skill but shit imagination or a creative mind but can barely us html

>> No.10969061

>tfw i can do both

i always wanted to make "serious" apps like silicon valley stuff, because i felt like games were just trivialities that create no value, but after working on that kind of shit for couple years i now see its almost impossible to make those kinds of apps a success without outside investors and capital, but there are many successful indie games and small boostrapped game studio so now i'm like fuck it i'm going full game dev, its the one place i can use my literature and art background as well as my tech autism

>> No.10969094
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Go for it man
I'm trying to catch up on the technical stuff but try these games. I know the title is pretentious, but it's a good list regardless
Also the more trendy indie games have something to show for it, like undertale and Lisa
The most underground game is played is either E.Y.E or the void, but they are great too

>> No.10969098

Oh and 3 more indie games I love
Hotline Miami
A hat in time

>> No.10969127

kingdom come is indie? lol that shit looked triple a as fuck

>> No.10969147

Kickstarter man
It’s pretty good aside from the horrendously awkward combat and a promise of a large scale battle unfulfilled. Bohemian feels real and the characters are all likable, even Henry who looks like he has alcohol fetal syndrome

>> No.10969151

It’s only in there because it was made by some alt right twitter poster

>> No.10969165

The days of pumping numbers of rpgs, dozens of novels are over. That was the case in 90s, where TSR shat a lot of bad but also some good novels, settings imho were either okay or great.
Problem is I think, that it became too costly to publish them. That's just my guess but I think something holds Wizards back from publisihng stuff, they want to play safe and don't want to take big risks. Maybe they were really hurt by 4e? I don't know.
In anycase I would really love new settings to be made and old settings to be revived. Although I wish they hired academics, phd students etc to write their RPG's, kinda like Ars Magica. I feel that Wizards have too much b.a. with english degrees, which kinda shows in the rare few books they publish.

>> No.10969175

A cool idea idea I thought up was a multiplayer RPG focused more around the actual role play than just grinding monsters. Player interaction being the main focus would be cool to see in action, and making it the core of the experience rather than just something like a casual WoW server.

>> No.10969178

genre fiction is still literature, you haploid

>> No.10969181

its already been done its called second life and/or whatever the fuck that shit ugandan knuckles was from

>> No.10969185

Go back to r/books

>> No.10969196

>VR and voice chat rooms are writing
Does anyone even actually try and stay in character in those? I just see shitposting and ERP from places like that.

>> No.10969207

I think we should like a really expansive RPG that expand the possibilities like ones in Undertale.

I only took Basic C++ in college as part of the requirement for my degree, loving it so much but I never took the advance class after that.

I really had been too busy writing/reading, haven't had the chance to learn more coding/anything that you need to develop a game.

The things about most games are that they were employing action/mechanical means,
it's not rather like living the real life, in which you are required to think and more pondering upon something.

Most horror games (probably) can work really well to evoke fear and terror by the means of good visual, gameplay, and storytelling.

>Anyway I think the world needs more good games that function beyond the good visual and old/formulaic gameplay,

beyond repetitive grinding/fighting sequence in most MMORPG/arcades,
beyond to be just an imitation, a simple simulation of real life in FPS/TPS,
beyond strategic competitiveness that can be just simply be imitated by A.I/program in chess or Starcraft/Civilization/etc,
beyond ordinary adrenaline thrill pumping, in horror or racing games.

Honestly you can make a really 'good' game but if it's too hard or complex then hardly anybody actually wanted to play, or stick with it until they reach a point that it is 'entertaining'.

>I think games that incorporate GPS, played at real time would be really interesting,
eg. a-la laser tag, but you have to 'kill' another player from city to city.
Any player can go anywhere in the country but not overseas.
Any player is tracktable by GPS, and must set on all the time or lose.
For more obscure places of checkpoint/territories/hiding, the players get more point.

Of course you need to cross/climb some gates/houses and lockpicking to reach/'kill' other player.

It will be very good if you could message other player to trick, lure or bribe them, whatever psychological manipulation that works for you to win.

>> No.10969353


>> No.10969366

>not mush

>> No.10969377

/lit/ should collab on a module for Neverwinter Nights/2.

>> No.10969391

whatever they talk about on r/books is still literature as long as it's actually books, you mongoloid

>> No.10969500

You're not going to get anything beyond another Katawa Shoujo from do-it-for-frees