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/lit/ - Literature

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10968008 No.10968008 [Reply] [Original]

Write the opening paragraph of your book.

>> No.10968030

This is the world. It's not the one we were supposed to have, but it's the one we made. We did this. We did it with open eyes and willing hands. We broke it, and there is no putting it back together.

>> No.10968036

A year after the Broad Street, Birmingham, rape and three months after police released CCTV images and appeals, police are no closer to tracking down the attacker - or the witness, known as Kevin, who has dwarfism. He was born with dwarfism and no eyes and spent his younger years in a puppy mill before being rescued and trained as a therapy dog.

>> No.10968038

He awoke. He sat up and looked around.

>> No.10968046

A small glass of luke warm urine sat teetering on the edge of Madame Melanie Elphine's drawing desk as she let out a sigh, looked out the window, and with an absence of chalance swept her fingers upward as if to flick a fly toppling it into a shatter on the oriental rug and hard wood floor. Her heart imediately began to slightly race as she thought what her husband Maurice might think about this display when he arrived home.

>> No.10968050


what is going on these arent paragraphs

>> No.10968052

'Was old Sebastian as bad as they say?' Thomas asked.

>> No.10968063

A barometric low hung over the Atlantic. It moved eastward toward a high-pressure area over Russia without as yet showing any inclination to bypass this high in a northerly direction. The isotherms and isotheres were functioning as they should. The air temperature was appropriate relative to the annual mean temperature and to the aperiodic monthly fluctuations of the temperature. The rising and setting of the sun, the moon, the phases of the moon, of Venus, of the rings of Saturn, and many other significant phenomena were all in accordance with the forecasts in the astronomical yearbooks. The water vapor in the air was at its maximal state of tension, while the humidity was minimal. In a word that characterizes the facts fairly accurately, even if it is a bit old-fashioned: It was a fine day in August 1913.

>> No.10968068

It's just a general direction, doesn't have to be a full paragraph.

>> No.10968104

As semen trickled down her red cheeks, I wondered whereupon have I encountered this phenomenon before? It was the month of June in 1933 and I felt lost in her crystalline gaze. Did it sing of victory or defeat―I could not know. Remembering meeting her at that moment felt as if being wrapped by celestial blankets. Single child, without a parent, lost to wander.

A loud thud. Haymac had dumped the body with the rest. "Fourth one this year" he laughed. But somehow, I felt different.

>> No.10968199

to break the pedantic putty of academic prose: this is the quest-ion of a liberated woman

>> No.10969844

He hasn't talked to anyone today. Or yesterday for that matter. In fact, he could not remember the last time he had talked to another human. At this point he did not even know if such a time existed and if it did it he knew it lived in the realm of a far off fantasy.

>> No.10969855


>> No.10969870

Suddenly, I was awake. Or was I?

>> No.10969887

I'm the devil and I advise You to trust me.

>> No.10969902
File: 78 KB, 1000x756, Colonial India.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"How can one so malodorous behave in such a genteel manner? I'll tell you Humphrey, these colonials never cease to amaze me."
Humphrey Bigsby looked down at his shoes and followed the patterns of their broguing. The twirling, looping waves of leather occupied his attention and acted as an apt diversion from the waves of spiel he had been subjected to for the past ten minutes.
"And I'll tell you, when there aren't enough footstools about at the Bangalore these wog chappies are more than happy to hit the decks and do a good evening's work. I'll tell you Humphrey, their race is a..."
By God, how Humphrey hated these damned colonial excursions...

>> No.10969924

This paragraph has no quality!

>> No.10969944
File: 796 KB, 1280x800, Definitely Will Self.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ewww, less adjectives - and that first sentence is too long for my liking. Keep it uncluttered; prioritise flow.

>> No.10969967

"I'm an Irish Catholic, you fucking moron. Don't go lumping us in with those Italians and Spaniards. When I heard God and Benjamin Franklin were murdered, the first thing I did was buy a drink, call my mother and convert to Islam. That's a real man's religion"

- "That Mohammed's really coming up. You know he models now?"

"With a face like that I'm hardly surprised. Guy's got some cheekbones."

-"And those deep jasmine eyes, with that stern hooked nose, by the flat eyebrows and sable hair? Oh, just thinking about that sunken brown profile, the oiled sand greased all over, smeared against that shining royal nose, oh, Tim, it just makes me second orgalisack just tremble."

>> No.10969998

flow like kanye

>> No.10970018
File: 970 KB, 500x305, 1506136043322.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My feet are freezing while the rest of my body is heating. Am I bleeding? I can't even tell if my heart is still beating. But I still got to keep reaching. I got to go all the way, past the gold. To get there I got to be more brash, more bold. But how am I supposed to do that when everyone already saying I'm too cold? Their lies are creeping like a mold. All I can say is, when I finally reach the top, don't say you ain't been told.

>> No.10970142
File: 497 KB, 2130x3200, 1509836803923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had been seeing Aubrey causally for about a month when I found myself waiting in the foyer of her apartment building. The room was just a corridor with elevators to one side and small post boxes on the other. It smelt faintly of bleach and urine. Perhaps someone had slept their night off here recently.
Just as I was considering calling her room again the elevator croaked into place and its doors began to open. Out stepped Aubrey, pretty and pale with dark hair and dark eyes. We had planned to get a cider at the bar just across from her building, but seeing her now I knew she must have had something else in mind. It was after lunch and she was still dressed in Hey Arnold pyjama pants and an old Osaka Hard Rock Cafe t shirt, two sizes too big.
"Coming like that are you?" I asked in an awkward attempt to be humorous.
"I don't think so."
The elevator doors closed behind her.
"So what then? Feeling a tad under the weather?"
She shook her head and I noticed a frown creep across her face.
I suddenly felt a thick knot in my throat and a heavy sinking sensation in my gut. The smell of detergent was suddenly overpowering. I knew exactly why she didn't want to join me for lunch drinks but I was still too anxious to admit it to myself.

>> No.10970161
File: 191 KB, 1242x1164, 1520985406761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"You left your laptop here"
And there it was. I could picture the scene immediately. She had been using my computer to work on her assignment, and had been privy to my private and lurid conversation with our mutual friend Alicia thanks to Facebook Messenger pop ups. How could I have been so stupid.
After a brief pause I started again.
"Could I get my laptop? Or perhaps I'll get it later." I struggled to find a more delicate way to deal with this new information.
"I'll give it to you later, it's upstairs."
"Could we go up and get it and maybe talk?" I asked.
"I don't think so. Alicia is upstairs."
I felt a little betrayed. They were both here, consoling one another and ganging up against me.
"Why is she here."
"Why are you such an asshole."
I couldn't argue with that. I considered saying sorry but felt like it wouldn't help the situation, so instead I just stared at her.
"I'm gonna go back up. I'll give your laptop to Jack and he can give it to you."
I thanked her and turned to walk away, hoping she might stop being so listless and actually engage me about what I had done. I heard the elevator doors clonk open again and saw her stepping into its steel maw as I looked back.

All in all I considered myself lucky to escape without a fight or even any noticeable tears. I was deeply uncomfortable that they still had my computer, but she had assured me I'd get it back. Nothing gained nothing lost I thought to myself as I crossed the road and entered the bar for a cider.

>> No.10970766

I catch the Sobu. Shove my way on board and fight for a seat and get nothing. The neon of the city has burned out. Morning is glowing. Hazy. My head is still heavy. Beer smell. Stale. The man on my left has his fly down. The off white of his button down sneaking through. I lean my head on the hand strap and doze.

>> No.10971063

What did he say to Alicia? Was he two-timing them both, and that's why they got together, or was Alicia fully aware of Aubrey? Who's Jack?