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10965479 No.10965479 [Reply] [Original]

Any lads here that can give me a good libertarian reading list? I am interested in it. Where to start? Thanks.

>> No.10965482

Start with proudhon.
What is property?

>> No.10965488

Hoppe. But libertarianism is over, all the former libertarians are white nationalists now.

>> No.10965490

The Fountainhead is a good novel that's worth reading. So is The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress.

I'm not libertarian, but I found both of them to be interesting page-turners.

>> No.10965503

Thanks. I'll look into it.

I was thinking non-fic.

>> No.10965506

This then
God and the State by Bakunin
The Conquest of Bread by Kropotkin

Then realise anarchism is bullshit and become a libertarian Marxist. Then realise that Stalin did nothing wrong and become a Marxist-Leninist.

>> No.10965531

Don't discount them just because they're fiction. They're foundational libertarian texts.

>> No.10965543

Avoid this response unless you're jewish or want to be led astray by jews.

>> No.10965552
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right-libertarianism: picrelated, crappy OC im too lazy to update
also a free read for ancaps:
pleb/normie tier would be mises&rothbard, which are also bad / noneconomists
A debunking of the two former:
And of course, a more economic angle

>> No.10965553

I thought he was memeing anyway.

I am not discounting them or implying I wouldn't rad them. I am just more in the mood for non fiction is all.

>> No.10965562

Meme response for a meme ideology.

>> No.10966346

>The Fountainhead is a good novel that's worth reading
This isn't true.
The only good sort of Libertarianism is Left Libertarianism

>> No.10966549

Read guys like Proudhon and Bakunin if you want left libertarianism. Read Rothbard and Hoppe if you want right libertarianism

>> No.10966560

Concise post. Nice.

>> No.10966582

Libertarianism is fucking retarded.

>> No.10966590

Not sure why it only posted my first sentence.
>Also this isn't /pol/, fucking go back.

>> No.10966831
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>> No.10966849

Left libs read bookchin

>> No.10966880

Stefan Molyneux. Filter out all the other flags on pol.

>> No.10966913


>> No.10966943


>> No.10966974

>politics shouldn't stay on /pol/

>> No.10967092

The thread is about political theory (literature), not elections/policies/etc. I'm fairly certain this is permissible.

>> No.10967179

Are there books about whether if ideology of freedom makes sense if most of people's actions are dictated by the environment or what they got from birth? Does this even matter?

American libertarians (not the party) never win any elections but are extremely powerful politically. Is this intended, in their playbook? Are there any books that tell the history of the American libertarian movement?

Has Ayn Rand been that influential? Even though not many in us identify as libertarians, americans seem very much libertarian compared to people in Europe.

>> No.10967697
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Fuck off pinko scum.

>> No.10967709

>good libertarian reading list
No such thing. Libertarianism is a meme.

>> No.10967849

America squishes all of its parties into two preconceived ones with no room for outside power. As a result, libertarians make up a reasonable chunk of the Republican party, which is where they actually exercise whatever power they have. The libertarian party is a sad farce. It helps that a traditionalist interpretation of the bill of Rights is fairly libertarian

>> No.10968525
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>Are there books about whether if ideology of freedom makes sense if most of people's actions are dictated by the environment or what they got from birth?
Well no. The trouble is, once you accept biological determinism, then political theory becomes, at best, an exercise in what you want to see. More often than not, it is a waste of time.

>Is this intended, in their playbook?
No, it's just that the nominally libertarian party is too weak to be of any use, not to mention it's been destroyed by pandering to non-libertarians, and the subsequent subversion caused by those people.

>Are there any books that tell the history of the American libertarian movement?
If you interpret the phrase "libertarian movement" as is, read a history of the revolutionary war, as well as any works by Washington, Jefferson, Paine, Franklin, and Henry. If you mean the contemporary one, I would recommend anything covering either the life of Murray Rothbard or the many campaigns of Ron Paul.

>Has Ayn Rand been that influential?
Yes, albeit not as much as non-libertarians would have you believe. Her fiction is most certainly the most popular gateway to libertarianism, but many usually drop her once they find out about the classical liberal tradition, old-school anarchists, Austrian economics, etc. If you were to venture into /lrg/ on /pol/ (or /liberty/) you wouldn't find much talk about her. Objectivism is seen as its own thing by libertarians and objectivists alike, though they may agree on a handful of things.

>americans seem very much libertarian compared to people in Europe.
The USA exists because of a libertarian revolution; it should come as no surprise that liberty is very important to most of us. Even hardened democrats and neocon republicans think they hold freedom to be a high good, even if they sometimes use it as a buzzword to get some anti-freedom policy through (wars abroad, single-payer healthcare, etc.).

In any case, this discussion appears to be spilling out of the theory/literature and more into the actual politics.
^You won't find many libertarians there, but I'm sure they'd be willing to answer more of your questions.

>> No.10968566

Please explain why the 2008 stock market crash happened at what anarcho capitalism would prevent it.

>> No.10968606

>fugin gomunisds
You probably don't understand collective thought and I wouldn't expect you to. Come back when you don't get your ideas from libertarian forums and war movies.

>> No.10968619

>single-payer healthcare
>anti freedom
What the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.10968629
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Did you know Nabokov identified as a 'classical liberal in the pre-revolutionary Russian mold'?
Some things never change.

>> No.10968821
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American Libertarians should read less Rothbard, Mises and Friedman and start reading Pierre Clastres, Murray Bookchin, Gregory Bateson, Guy Debord, Giorgio Agamben, Marx, McLuhan, Deleuze Plato, anything but fucking neokantian bowtie autists.

the state is not opposed to the market, they are one and the same. the state is a product of unchecked exhange. Exchange has come to dominate every aspect of our lives, data exchange, the state of fictitious blockchain commodities, the stage of highly specialized finantial products that are probably not worth nothing at all. War, as the atithesis of the state, is the only thing that can keep in You are never going to be a Jeffersonian Yeoman homesteader in a dainty 18th Century whig representative democracy, so you might get over it already La Creatura. The way things are going you will never get to own your own house or start your own family you'll die alone in a decaying trailer park nuclear garrison state ruled by Donald Trump, souless technocratic bugmen, the military industrial complex and blue haired managerial class women, all the while Rick Morty and countless ads for psychiatric drugs andclass action lawsuits mostly related to the ill effects of such psychiatric drugs flicker on the tv screen, . The Federalist Papers are Harry Potter for Debate club dorks. According to Clastres Amazonian tribal societies exist in a constant state of war, not because they lack the technical means to develop a state but because their very collective form ofBeing is a Being Against the State.

Chad Clastrean
Rousseauian Nietszchean Noble Savage Ubermensch Indiana Jones-esque Levi-Straussian post-structuralist anthropologist Guy Fawkes Anonymous hacker insurrectionist waging 4th generation nonlinear warfare against the state everywhere.

Virgin Austrolibertarian

Calls himself a 'race realist', because he's too much of a pussy to be an all out alt right pseudofascist LARPer. muh tru liberalism. still believes in praexology( any economics that claims to be 'scientific' is basically just religion for people who are too emotionally autistic to get into religion.) The Ancap is Either one of the less clever Vienese Jews, as autistic as Wittgenstein or Weininger but much less interesting, a post protestant mgtow fedora tipper, who left behind the protestant faith of his suburban lab rat calvinist ancestors for the next moronic totalising ideology that came along, or a literal pedophile who rapes underage children in the philipines. Muh Market/ Praexology is basically the Calvinist god except he won't judge you if you spend all day jerking off to furry bondage porn and hentai, the only thing you have to do is post based helicopter frog memes on the interwebs.

>> No.10968856
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>being forced to pay for other people's healthcare at gunpoint is compatible with freedom

>> No.10968866
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>War, as the antithesis of the state, is the only thing that can keep it in check. We can build a global utopia based on noncapitalist social relations, relations that go beyond the war-exchange dyad inscribed in the form of the state. Look into the origins of hacker counterculture (possible connections with ''our'' own imageboard culture?) in both the military industrial complex and the psychedelic scene counterculture. Tons of overlap between hippies and spooks. MKULTRA conspiracy theories are folk myths about the cold war deep state, the reality is even stranger.

>> No.10968886

if socialized healthcare did not exist in first world countries, people would die from being poor.

>> No.10968890

And? I never said that socialized healthcare was necessarily a bad thing. It's just incompatible with freedom

>> No.10968891

>wants his nation to be healthy, but won't even assist in supporting the actual health of its citizens
>proceeds to continue complaining about how figuratively and literally sick nation is
[poorly drawn image of character with brain concave]

>> No.10968898

See >>10968890

Any kind of taxation is incompatible with freedom. Period.

>> No.10968907
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>> No.10968910

That you would choose avarice over health is emblematic of the current spiritual state of the nation. Period.

>> No.10968913

Also stop putting words into my mouth. I never complained about anything. I'm a different anon

>> No.10968915

That is retarded. The technological things you use, yes were spurred on by war, but targeted investments through the government is what spurred some of these things forward. The investment multiplier exists for a reason: if we let people just invest wherever they wanted there would literally be less of a job gain than if the government directed the investments.

>> No.10968916

And I'm not saying that you need to be in support of the current iteration of these things, just to clarify. But that typical libertarian screed is myopic.

>> No.10968917

Fuck off and see >>10968913

>> No.10968924

What the fuck are you going on about now? I said nothing about technology or advancement in any context. My argument isn't a pragmatic argument; it is simply that taxation is incompatible with freedom

>> No.10968925

>Any kind of taxation is incompatible with freedom.
You are literally taxed biologically on a cellular level as the years go on. This is an empty platitude.

>> No.10968933

And I’m saying that you’re incorrect because if there is more wealth mobility (I.e. higher coefficients of production for labor) then people are more free, and their fortunate situation is less determined by birth or luck and becomes more based on physical exertion.

>> No.10968950

Physical or mental exertion, sorry. Many jobs are a combination of both

>> No.10968953

>You are literally taxed biologically on a cellular level as the years go on
And? That has fuck all to do with freedom in this thread's context
>This is an empty platitude.
Identify the contradiction in my argument or fuck off
Literally what the fuck are you going on about? Wealth mobility? Wealth has nothing to do with what I'm saying.

If a state of freedom is one in which all are able to physically exercise their will without restraint, then any form of physical violence is contradictory to this definition. If taxation is involuntary, it is enforced violently; ergo taxation is incompatible with freedom.

>> No.10968962

Being in a state means someone does a lot of things that you wouldn’t want to leave to competition.

I’m not going to argue that the inherent nature of taxation is enforceable by violence.

However, just look at your argumentation style. You somehow think that every point someone brings up is unrelated to what you’re talking about. That other anon raised a valid point and you shot him down.

>> No.10968981

>Identify the contradiction in my argument or fuck off
>>Any kind
Wow that was hard. And this might seem like semantics at first, but it's important to mention that biological taxation takes place regardless as it reminds one that taxation as a process is inevitable within the temporal - which is nothing to say of the spiritual. I'm not sure if you're inclined toward that, so I kept it within the general milieu.

The point is that taxation is inevitable in *some* form within all grades of life, no matter how much "freedom" you mistakenly feel that you possess, what we do have a choice over however is what form and to what degree that needs take. But that platitude itself is meaningless.

>> No.10969663

>political literature (especially libertarian) and theory belong with the autistic LARPing and memery on /pol/

>> No.10969689
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>> No.10969692
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>> No.10969747

The only sort of actual libertarianism is right libertarianism

>> No.10969783

Just read some Guenon or Mussolini, all lolbertarians are fascists anyway

>> No.10969865

Ancap is a contradiction.

You cannot abolish power hierarchies by enabling companies which have huge influence on the lives of millions yet zero obligations or oversight by the people they serve. That is called a dictatorship or autocracy. In the case of shareholders then oligarchy

>> No.10969869

Start with being a retard

>> No.10969889

Why do libertarians get along so well with nazis? Always confuses me.

>> No.10969904

that creature looks like a kiwi fruit

>> No.10969945

The cockheads that started the movement were pissed off faggots trying to reinstate the Habsburg monarchy in Austria in '45. when that fell through they argued for antistatism all the while being authoritarians out of spite. Lolbertarians are just a collection of autistic spiteful fucks.

>> No.10970234

This but ironically

>> No.10970235

>This metaphor for genetic damage is literally taxation

>> No.10970568
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>> No.10970574
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>> No.10970659

Ayn Rand's work isn't really libertarian though. In the Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, you see that Rand believes in intellectual property and patents. The "hero" of the Foutainhead fucking blows up somebody else's building just because he is butthurt that they didn't use the exact design he had drawn up.

>> No.10970986

>The only freedom that counts is freedom with respect to capital
It's American alright

>> No.10971065

Less Rothbard sure but Mises is a godamn titan of liberty of the same order as Ayd Rand. The latter even forgave the former for his lack of philosopically integrated ethics, as his economics were so irrefutable virtuous and excellent.
Rothbard was a fucking insect.

>> No.10971075

LfCap>AnCap because Minarchism>Anarchism and in turn because Objective Law>Polycentric

>> No.10971080


>> No.10971219
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>> No.10971547
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Pretty much proves my point. You're just using "freedom" as a synonym for "good thing". Not only are you conflating the definition of freedom, you are smuggling in the idea that freedom is inherently good (and/or that universal healthcare is good).

>> No.10971559

Murray Rothbard and Ludwig Von Mises don’t understand how marginal utility works. It’s hilarious

>> No.10971632
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Why is there so much hatred for peaceful people?

>> No.10971664

No one has mentioned Alfred Jay Knock's "Our Enemy the State." It's pretty much the foundational text of modern american libertarianism. I'm surprised to see so many people naming obscure fringe manifestos by the possibly schizo, but not this classic thinker

>> No.10971754

I read Nock's State of the Union a while back. He's a very witty writer, but I don't think of him as great theorist like Hoppe or Mises. I think he (along with Mencken) is a better read for those looking at libertarianism from the outside, because most of the other stuff is either horribly written (Rand, Rothbard, etc.) or else requires too much prior knowledge (Nozick, Hoppe, etc.). Nock and Mencken, meanwhile, are just cultural critics who happen to be libertarians.

>> No.10971905

Go back to /pol/

>> No.10971939

Fun fact, I watched an entire population of timber rattlers(very rare in my area) and a rocky Glade(critically endangered habitat) disapear. The land was cleared and put up for sale after it had been defiled.
The guy doesn't even live here, like most property owners. I guess Walmart executives need space for vacation homes.
Property is a state insured free pass to steal and murder.
Fuck an caps, you are almost as bad as liberals.

>> No.10971982

On the other side of the hill it happened to the last existing canebrake in the county. Ive watched a few beloved streams die too.
Property is not justifiable, only possession actually matters.

>> No.10972048

Libertarianism is a meme ideology

>> No.10972436
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Found this over on /lrg/.

>> No.10972442

>Murray Rothbard
Kek, enjoy your free market where children can be bought and sold

>> No.10972445

If that is the case, why don't you go and take his land? I'm sure you could put it to better use than he does.

>> No.10972455
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>> No.10972486
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>> No.10972577

I know why. It's because it only posits political injunctions and none about Metaphysics and Epistemology. Liberty is king but the mistake occurs when one attempts to rest upon it as if it has no more fundamental bases. Like man's rationality and conceptual nature (in epistemology) and an objectively measurable absolutely knowable universe (in metaphysics)
"Libertarianism" is simply incomplete Objectivism.

>> No.10972835

>what is adoption

>> No.10972846

how in the flying fuck do you propose he do that?

>> No.10972930

1: can't
2: I don't want to take anything, I want the things that actually live on the land to own it.
3: I already manage what land I can care for, culling noxious weeds and spreading seeds and what have it.

>> No.10973411

Freedom within the confines of capitalism will never be atainable.

>> No.10973863
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>Freedom within the confines of voluntary association will never be attainable.

>> No.10973880

It's just classic liberalism.

>> No.10973950

Damn well you sure got me, except social welfare is a progressive capitalist idea not a socialist or left one.

>> No.10973977

>Left Libertarianism
another stupid commie, the lef cant be libertarian.

>> No.10973991

i like rand way more as a writer than i do as a philosopher
and if you never read her books and just want to parrot the buzzfeed article with 7 reasons why she was a bad writer please dont bother

>> No.10974006

>Like man's rationality and conceptual nature (in epistemology) and an objectively measurable absolutely knowable universe (in metaphysics)
"Libertarianism" is simply incomplete Objectivism
So this is what I've been missing with Ayn Rand.
Lol good. I've already done all of this but with anarchy and pragmatism.

>> No.10974023

"Libertarian" used to mean "anarchist" before Rothbard and his ilk stole the word, and still means that outside the US. Fucking Amerimutts.

>> No.10974064

>lets use violence to inforce my peaceful ways on everyone, im a great libertarian, work harder non academic slave you belong in the fields

>> No.10974074

Epic troll, have a you fren

>> No.10974076
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>having capital I earned taken from me is somehow compatible with freedom
Spotted the retard
Freedom in a political context has nothing to do with your biological condition but how much the government interferes with your life, so your point is retarded. Biological taxation is an inevitability, while taxation in the context of this thread isn't, so fuck off idiot.

>> No.10974092
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is lethal without spilling blood

Let's kill the cops tonight

>> No.10974101

>why do comunism always fails?
>capitalism is anecesary step towards comunism, we need torevolutionize the workers to expropiate the means of producction from the only people in society able to manage them
>why does socialism always ends up creating dictators instead of transitioning into comunism
>every conflic in human history is nothing but a power struggle between opressed annd opressor

was it autism?

>> No.10974108

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10974113

greentext isnt only used for quoting tho

>> No.10974127

What are you using it for then?

>> No.10974135


>> No.10974149

Who are you mocking? I don't get it none of those things apply to me or whatever I'm talking about and still wouldn't make sense if they did.

>> No.10974157

since you neveer really made an argument im mocking the average socialist moron

>> No.10974158
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communism is not an ideology, it is the collective form of Being of a liberated humanity, beyond all labels and determinations. Communism is not dogma, but praxis, even now I am living in communism, I have ascended to a higher plane of consciousness beyond the false gods of Capital and the State, i am a citizen of the world, a born again Communist in a state of grace, even now living the communist utopia, nothing human is alien to me, infinite love for all humanity, forever, walk out of postfordian post-neoliberal surveillance state hell, don't bother closing the door after you, this is the first day of the rest of your life. Thesis:1918 Antithesis:1968 Synthesis:2018

>> No.10974160

Off the top of your head can you even explain what socialism is?

>> No.10974170

What the fuck is this new age flowery shit.
It's not horribly wrong or anything it's just so unorthodox for 4chan.

>> No.10974218
File: 52 KB, 620x350, glenn-beck-l-insurrection-qui-vient-fox-news-4209758nfbfc_1713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to get at the truth you have to pass through kitsch and self parody. We've been conditioned to not take life seriously, to be cynical, to loose ourselves in a stream of flickering images and endless stimuli, to forget the boundaries between self and world, to be reduced to narcissistic monads with no past and no future, neither individuals nor part of any true community. the flow of time is irreversible, you only got one shot. do something.

>> No.10974229
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>> No.10974292

It's not that far off. We literally have to eat, to get food, hence to work. The first tax we pay is on our time.

>As we grow older, money will prove helpful for inevitable health decline.
>If you don't have any for some reason, you'll die, or worse.
>In a healthcare society, you might not die just then.
>You have to work either way.

Taxation has nothing to do with freedom. It can even prove healthy. I've lived in the USA. Now I live in a healthcare society.
I prefer this one.

>> No.10974365
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>accept biological determinism

>> No.10974393
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I think it's way easier to become a communist if you grew up a nihilistic psychologically abjected edgelord. I always felt repelled by my own society, the edginess was always a means of self defense, a refusal to be assimilated or institutionalised. postwar liberal society is crumbling under the dead weight of its own contradictions and we got first row seats for the apocalypse.


>> No.10975802

>capital I earned
that's why you're wrong kiddo. also capitalism was only possible after committing the original sin of espropriating common lands with state backed violence against the rural communities

>> No.10976010
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>"Libertarian" used to mean "anarchist"
Hey, guess what? It doesn't anymore!

>> No.10976018
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>not accepting biological determinism
Really? The universe has all these material pieces that follow a specific, observable set of rules, yet because you can "experience" it, you are somehow exempt from those rules?

>> No.10976297

I don't take political advice from people who take Ayn Rand seriously as an author

>> No.10976305

Still does outside of the United States you silly goose

>> No.10976318

That's not what biological determinism means brainlet

>> No.10976341

>Biological taxation is an inevitability, while taxation in the context of this thread isn't, so fuck off idiot.
Outside of the biological analogy taxation still remains within the context of this thread so long as we have a fiat system to contend with in the real world. I don't know why you're being so emotional. This precious thread context that you keep harping on about means little compared to the reality of this fiat system that will still be there when the thread 404s.

>> No.10976347

any of you guys can recommend some basic stuff about macroeconomy?

>> No.10977000

>voluntary association
If you were paying any attention, you would have noticed that countries and companies have been dominating markets by violent force since merchantilism.
Power gets used wherever it occurs. The distinction between corporate and government power is pretty fucking stupid desu, and only serves to prop up a bunch of dumb thought experiments and shitty closed models

>> No.10977199
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>The distinction between corporate and government power is pretty fucking stupid desu

>> No.10977269

We're you trying to get at anything with this ridiculous strawman or did you just want to share your stunning ignorance of geopolitics and history?

>> No.10977526
