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10963614 No.10963614[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

List an actual critique of Jordan Peterson. Don't critique his fanbase or his way of speaking. Critique what he actually says. Why is it wrong /lit? You can do that... Right?

>> No.10963615

he's a conservatard and a nazi

>> No.10963621

he says i need to get a job fuck that I control MY DOMAIN I don't need to pal around with stacys in a godforsaken office

>> No.10963624

He is just rehashing what Campbell and Jung already explained.

>> No.10963628

Cards on the table: I've read most of the Ballantine Adult Fantasy series and all of the Newcastle Forgotten Fantasy series. I'm basically asking if, having gone through those, there's anything missing? Surely Lin Carter isn't THAT good, right...?

>> No.10963633


Okay? Why is what Campbell and Jung said wrong? Being unoriginal doesn't make someone wrong.

>> No.10963639

He categorizes post-modernism through a strawman, and discounts all of what it holds, regardless of whether he has read it or not. He has read some "post-modern" philosophers, but much of what he says regarding the topic show he has not engaged in a thorough study. Foucault, Deleuze, etc have interesting things to say and are in no way responsible for the sickness that we see plaguing modern society. I don't mind Peterson though, I can see him being useful for the epidemic of young men simply giving up and becoming NEETs, although much of what he says is rather obvious, he is inspiring to many. The MGTOW following he has is cringy, but he cannot be faulted for that.

>> No.10963646

He's an essentialist who simply points to "post-modernism" as the vague, undefined enemy of all that is inherently true.

>> No.10963647

yeah this doesn't jive at all with the vitriol coming at him from the left

nobody cares that he synthesizes older thinkers, nobody cares that he over-generalizes what postmodernism is or that he is too vague with his mythological explanations

you hate him because he's an intellectual that appeals to the other tribe. that's it.

>> No.10963650

Stop fucking posting him on this board

>> No.10963656

He believes Frozen is propaganda meant to convince little girls to abandon men.

>> No.10963678

The critiques have been posted and discussed for weeks/months at this point. Stop posting Peterson.

>> No.10963700

He's a psychopath and gives horoscope tier advice.

But people bought the hype because they're morons. What's new?

>> No.10963701

why do you need to protect him so much?

is having a cult is not enough for an achievement?

why do you need /lit/ validation so much?

>> No.10963707

It definiately devalues it.
I don't dislike him. It's just nothing mindblowing. I think he is doing a good job helping young men find themselves. It's just that I had already read Man and his Symbols and Myths to Live by by the time he appeared on Rogan and I already knew everything he was talking about from them. It's like watching Total Recall after Forbidden Planet.

>> No.10963714


I'm not trying to "protect him". I'm literally going out and trying to find out why he's wrong. Literally no one has put forth a convincing argument.

>> No.10963715

His books are basically the worst distillation of self-help, monomoything and mixed animal metaphors. His 12 Rules was about as insightful as "I don't know why I'm depressed" startpack pictures, his translation of animal hierarchy did little beyond stumble over his own point in lumping animals together.

>> No.10963716


Why would restating something devalue it? Why is content devalued depending on who speaks it? The content is still the same.

>> No.10963722

if you can't find out why he's wrong. then you should ask Peterson apologist why he's right.

gathered all of his insight that are appealing to his audience and judge him yourself.

go make up your own mind.

>> No.10963726

Because remakes will never be as valuable as the original film. It's like comparing Peter Jackson Kong to the real Kong.

>> No.10963728

>teachers shouldn't teach
really made me think

>> No.10963732


There is value in the newer version. It still hits the same points and exposes the old stuff to a newer audience. Far more young people are learning about Jung, Piaget etc...

>> No.10963734

His use of of the term postmodernism is a misnomer

>> No.10963738



>> No.10963742

because you lose resolution and people think they understand the idea in a diluted form. Its the difference between Gnosis and being baptized and taking communion. or listening to stephen hawking be a fag and discuss standard model, versus going to Leonard Susskind lectures and taking notes while being competent in the requisite maths. He does this with Nietzsche and he edits Nietzsche’s views for his own devices which is troubling since you have Christians adopting Nietzsche but refusing to read Genealogy of Morals or The Anti-Christ which are basically polemics agains the faith and point by point assail the tenets of Christianity

>> No.10963744

List an uncritiquable point of Peterson's. Why is he right?

>> No.10963751

He's a Jungian, therefore a charlatan.
I mean, explanations like
>feminists support muslims because of desire for "brutal male domination"
is no diffirent from "collective unconscious", "Oedipus complex", "toxic masculinity", "authoritative personality" etc. It's all bullshit.

>> No.10963758

His basis for objective morality is essentially formed on pragmatic grounds.

>> No.10963761

Then try looking for that argument before making another thread about this nobody and shitting up the board.

>> No.10963771

What he's referring to when talking about "postmodernism" and it's adherents are mostly just dumb liberals and moral relativists. Postmodernism is a scholarly and academic term that refers to a number of European philosophical movements of the late 20th century.

>> No.10963774


I am looking for an argument. I made a thread in the board that houses his most ardent detractors hoping to find any criticisms.

>> No.10963776


if you think he's right and you want /lit/ to validate your amusement for having Peterson as your idol,
you should bring some arguments on why he's right, and not by saying "there's nothing wrong with this guy", this way at least it can lead to meaningful discussion.

if you want more support as Peterson apologist I suggest you better claim them from /pol/ or any niche Peterson forum/youtube channel/discord/etc.

literally this.

>> No.10963778


>> No.10963780

I'll also add that I don't dislike him. I'm sure he's a brilliant psychologist and can help people with practical problems. But when he brings philosophy into it he's getting out of his area of study and it shows.

>> No.10963785

>brilliant psychologist
what a load of fuckin crap, giving people chemical castration pills and mk ultra treatments developed by deep state connected kikes. fuck off. worse than priests

>> No.10963786

Then how about you fucking lurk?
People like you are so fucking annoying because you feel entitled to make threads about whatever you want and you completely ignore the fact it massively decreases the quality of the board. At least shitposts are funny but seeing the same e-celeb over and over is infuriating.

>> No.10963793

It's shocking to me that you find Peterson makes 'convincing arguments'. Worse still you seem to think that no one wasting their time writing a critique to your unreasonable standards means that there is no criticism possible to be made. Imagine if you asked 'why' to any point made by Peterson and you'd be unconvinced of his baseless rhetoric as his detractors.

>> No.10963800

I see Peterson on the same sort of level as Alan Watts, rehashing old ideas but from a different perspective in this case Jung philosophy/psychology. He thinks too highly of Jung, Jung is interesting but alot of the work he has produced isn't exactly grounded and I mean mostly his views of dreams or the subconscious. I'm critiquing Jung because alot of his ideas are seem more like theory's.

>> No.10963802

i don't know that much about psychology or what he does. but i'm sure he's good at it or at least competent to be working. which is more than i can say for you, you ugly little bitch, you idiotic little whore. you want to come and suck daddy's fat pimply dick or what?

>> No.10963806


What's wrong with making a thread? No one has to respond to it. Instead of lurking for weeks trying to find any legitimate criticisms hidden among low effort memes I created a thread to find critcisms directly. If you want the board to house a certain kind of content then create your own content.

>> No.10963809

I've listened to his lectured and read Maps of Meaning, it's a fantastic book. He said it took him 15 years to write, the 12 antidotes is trash next to it because it's made for the general audience. Maps of Meaning is about as thick as you can get, a practical sense of looking at the concept of meaning and how it works and is created by societies. He uses the pop-culture movies well to explain his theories, which are mostly applied psychology.
Despite my personal feelings on the merit of his work, I also have considered where his arguments are weak.
First of all, anyone anti-SJW gets a lot of attention because the mainstream culture views the SJWs as immature and naive youngsters who have no sense of what real life is like. JP is singing to choir unintentionally by just being against the SJW types. The argument he brings to the table is actual concern for the person involved, rather than seeing whatever cause as a social issue. This is where the SJWs actually get a point, because the most effective way to change the public and culture at large is government legislation. This is how blacks got accepted so quickly, and also why there is great resentment towards blacks on the internet. People resent being forced by race lawsuits and special protections to respect a minority that hasn't earned their trust. This is what the SJWs are repeating, they believe that once they get their legislation and lawsuits in the government cookbook that everyone will be forced by public pressure to accept their behavior as normal. Whether or not if you believe that this is a good way to change the culture, it's effective, so it's definitely a viable option for the outcasts.
This is important because his entire system of belief relies on enduring struggle. Embracing struggle, but what he says to struggle for is relieving the suffering of others. It's an endless loop, you struggle to end suffering. Isn't this exactly what the SJWs are doing? His main concern that he goes back to again and again is that the SJW legislation lead to authoritarianism, however that isn't necessarily the case. In the whole western world, all governments gained massive increases in authority over the past 30 years, and yet he does not address that at all. He instead voiced concern at speech laws, that's what he's know for. Yet, I haven't heard anything he's said that argues for a smaller government at all. He said that when he was young he was a socialist, and his position doesn't seem to have changed that much. I think that what he's hoping for based on what he says is a very liberal government with lots of power, yet for some reason they hold off on free speech specifically.
That's utter nonsense. A government that grows will always be more involved by definition, JP expects the government to be active in people lives but wants to pick and choose how. His entire system of beliefs center around responsibility, yet he spends a great deal of his time helping people with themselves.

>> No.10963813
File: 13 KB, 308x400, 1523001618097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the brainlet trannies who criticise JBP haven't read his 500 page magnum opus and they can't even ejaculate because of all estrogen injections and tablets they consume.

>> No.10963814


Why is it shocking to you? What arguments do you feel aren't convincing? Why aren't they convincing? Can you provide me with an actual answer instead of acting so goddamn conceited cause you don't like someone that's popular.

>> No.10963817

>What's wrong with making a thread
It pollutes the board.

Reminder there's no real reason to read some random nobody psychologist who has only become popular because appeals to pathetic losers on the internet.

>> No.10963820

lol what a fucking faggot

>> No.10963821

The only way to truly relieve suffering is to give up all earthly desires and become an ascetic. So isn't he advocating for others to give up their desires in a way, so he can give up his own as well?

>> No.10963830
File: 349 KB, 609x677, PAT4C.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Then make your own thread. Fill the board with better content.

He's literally trying to appeal to people on 4chan. "Pathetic losers" is you.

>> No.10963839

You don't understand how slow boards work, which makes me think you're either from /pol/ or you're just a newfag. Either way lurk more.

>> No.10963842

peterson ends up at post modernism just like post modernism ends up at peterson. if you cut out the camp followers, the real intellects are not at odds with eachother, just preferring to start from different positions and end up talking past eachother. not because there's a literal dialogue but because the intellectual bodies of work represent different, but not fundamentally opposed perspectives. its all real, if there is a substantial debate its over the preferred language to capture reality and not reality itself, although this fact seems to be only semi conscious to everyone involved. if you follow peterson's reasoning all the way down you end up with a sympathy for alternative points of view rooted in the individuals development of their own contradictory nature. if you follow the "post modern" view in the same way you end up at the individual who is at the root of everything, social constructions included. the bottom line is its a reformulation of the nature v nurture debate when in the final analysis is they influence eachother and transform one another over time and people prefer the accent in different places

>> No.10963851

You're saying to me you are unwilling to supply a single argument he has made that you have found convincing. You haven't even responded to all criticisms made in the thread. You know what you're doing and it's very clear it's not a fair and unbiased assessment of 'someone that's popular'.

>> No.10963860

Nah, that's eastern religion in a nutshell. That's where the 'shoganai' philosophy comes into play, china has a version of it as well but I forgot it's name.
With judeo-christianity, you carry the cross. JP has said it before, choose something that is worth suffering for. However, his whole argument falls apart if you don't want to suffer, hence eastern religion is probably he best counter to the self-sacrificing philosophy of the west.

>> No.10963869

just retarded tavern jabbering, don’t you ever get tired of being swine?

>> No.10963877

>The only way to truly relieve suffering is to give up all earthly desires and become an ascetic
Buddhist monks on average are significantly more afraid of death than the average person. Asceticism just leaves you a lot of time to ponder existential questions without answers which only contribute to anxiety and depression.

>> No.10963883


I never said I was fair and unbiased. I want to find the truth and so far have found that Jordan Peterson speaks a lot of it. He makes mistakes and does dumb shit (Saying Frozen is propaganda) but overall most of the stuff he's saying seems to be backed up with evidence. Every single time I try to find any actual criticisms of him it's just smug people saying "He's obviously terrible. If you don't see it now there's no need to explain it to you" or just some low effort memes.

>> No.10963888

>Buddhist monks on average are significantly more afraid of death than the average person
Cool source.

>> No.10963897

>I never said I was fair and unbiased. I want to find the truth

You want an unfair and biased truth?

>but overall most of the stuff he's saying seems to be backed up with evidence.

If you're already aware of how he can be criticised then why are you asking for further criticism? You have your truth, and the truth is independent of anyone putting in the effort to criticise him or not. Others in this thread already have offered some critiques and you've just let those posts sit there with no replies. You're demonstrating nothing.

>> No.10963901

There you go.

>> No.10963913

97% of the thread is people calling each other out with negativity, I post something that at least resembles coherent thought and I'm the swine here.
I doubt you were serious as you typed that. Most posts of 4chan look like the only thing they want to discuss is how much they all hate each other. It's rather amazing, is anger that entertaining? I was never like that, even in my early years of posting. Who is the retarded tavern jabberer, the one who tries to make intelligent conversation or the one ready to launch ad hominems and charges of empty platitudes?
>You're demonstrating nothing.
He's demonstrated a desire for substance, which is a mistake because most posters would rather ragepost. This is a fierce dick-sucking competition.

>> No.10963923

I'm not advocating asceticism. I couldn't do it personally because I enjoy my meaningless life too much. I think that's my problem with Peterson to begin with. I don't mind suffering meaninglessly, personally, if the end result is being able to live right now. I know that sounds like rambling but whatever. I also have a problem with eastern asceticism for what it's worth.

>> No.10963929

Neat. I guess even those monks have to stand naked in front of a mirror sometime.

>> No.10963948

Wait, you like living in the moment but you don't like religious practices that teach you how to live in the moment? That's like the entire point of most of Buddhism and yoga, the refinement to see reality as it is.
A meaningless life, essentially, is the life of a beast easily satisfied by momentary pleasures. Society will always appreciate those who put in the long term development for the good of all, so naturally that is what any upstanding person will promote in public. That's probably because the normal thing is to be a layabout who indulges in momentary pleasures and revels in regular existence without a direction, doing only as they are told. Maybe the resentment that people aren't doing better is a great source of rage amongst these people, it's like they are saying that nothing is of value in the world. They resent anyone putting in effort, because in truth they would like to try harder as well, but since they don't it reminds them of their own laziness. Does that sound right to you guys?

>> No.10963951

you have not made intelligent conversation. You think asking questions and gesticulating like a monkey imitating its handler is intelligence because you're swine. Most people on this board, especially the middling iq's but also many of the higher iq people who went to grad school and post detailed, in-depth responses with excerpts, analysis and critique, are swine. You have no standards, which is why Peterson appeals to you, which is why you don't know anything and which is why you're much older than me but still "just learning" like a placid herd animal. Most people are worthless ants, and should be ignored like you would ignore most insects

>> No.10963954

>That's like the entire point of most of Buddhism and yoga, the refinement to see reality as it is.
The entire point of Buddhism is "if I stand still and breath in a peculiar way while focusing on just that I start feeling weird things which totally means there is no personal identity and shieeet".

>> No.10963958

>Five hundred and twenty participants (101 Americans, 99 Bhutanese, 60 Indians, 60
Tibetan monastics, 200 lay Tibetans; 40.4% female
what a fucking pseud faggot you are

a religion with hundreds of millions of followers, and you picked this study and with 40% female participants. disgusting faggot christian

>> No.10963961

I hate JPB and Im and Evola Kaczinski chad. Fuck off fag

>> No.10963965

no that's not even what the Jhana's are, again you're an unthinking herd animal, just like the other Christians on this board. You go out of your way to not think, to be unfair to your opponents and to take hard positions on nearly unknowable questions. The signs of an a monkey

>> No.10963972

I'm not a christian or a faggot, and that study is has infinitely more evidence than you have (none).

>> No.10963978

There's literally nothing more pathetic than a Western man believing this mystic nonsense from the east.
>it's foreign therefore it's true!

>> No.10963979

These fucking threads are the critiques themselves

>> No.10963982

>word salad of buzzwords in poor attempt to fit in

>> No.10963984

that's some low quality bait for (you)

>> No.10963987

I don't mean live in the moment in a hedonistic way, just to enjoy stuff like golfing and reading and going to work, however meaningless. I guess you could call it positive nihilism.

>> No.10963994

Can you explain your position, I'm interested.

>> No.10964006

something more like from this poem

Of my mad years the vanished mirth and laughter
Affect me like a fume-filled morning-after.
Not so past pain-like wine is it to me
That as the years go by gains potency.
Sad is the path before me; toil and sorrow
Lie on the restless seaways of the morrow.

And yet from thought of death, my friends, I shrink;
I want to live - to suffer and to think,
To taste of care and grief and tribulation,
Of rapture and of sweet exhilaration;
Be drunk with harmony; touch fancy's strings
And freely weep o'er its imaginings...
And love's last flash, its smile of farewell tender
My sad decline may yet less mournful render. - my note A.K.

>> No.10964011

He doesn't understand postmodernism yet he blames on it all the evils in the world. He seems like a good man but he just doesn't know what he's talking about. He reminds me a bit to my dad when I was a kid and he would tell me videogames were bad for me but he didn't know anything about them and called every game a nintendo. To me it seems Peterson really wants to help but he's old and doesn't realize the kids are fine.

>> No.10964015

I have a little Crituiqe for Pete; It has to do with the supposed "objective" value of Truth preached by science and religion. I could call him a hypocrite for being a part of the university education system and only speaking the truth when it helps bring him attention but I don't really care about that.

>> No.10964034

well shit didn't expect this thread to have anything worthwhile in it, good job Pushkin

>> No.10964035

it is not legitimate evidence at all, the sample size is too small and its a psyche study not a neuroscience study. not that either of those are legitimate sciences, nothing outside of physics and chemistry is science to me.
(You) believe that Christ is Lord because a tall nice looking community leader and your father told you this was the case, you read a book that repeatedly uses sigil phrases to engulf your rational faculties and render you submissive. I read thousands of pages of Buddhist texts and commentaries and did hundreds of hours of meditation. I'm not a buddhist but I understand what they're getting at perfectly.
>fit in
no I would be embarassed
>word salad
no that's not what word salad is at all you nitwit
no because a buzzword is something that's used in the media systematically as a campaign, organized by special interests, to light up people's attention to lend creedence a new measure, generally economic, political, martial or cultural. Things like "fake news" or "racist" are buzzwords almost always, but since there is no such thing as an essence, and science admits this, there are instances where fake news and racist are legitimate. For instance, Adolf Hitler was a racist, and CNN often airs fake news. Both of these are true.

A pill like Prozac is essentially a form of chemical castration as it literally shuts off parts of the brain as well shutting off the sexual organs and shutting off proper regulation of fat metabolism and sugar which causes weight gain and water retention.
Buddha was vaguely intelligent and the Self as the Christians and Humanists see it is a con based on a language game that's predicated on Subject structured thought and sentences. Its not anything substantial and it stops existing when we stop talking about it and referencing it. Your body is no escape because it can be mutilated in many ways, and either the consciousness will disappear or worse it will remain while the body is unrecognizable. There is no way around the loss of an underlying substrate to the mental world. The Buddhists used air tight logical argumentation to refute the Atma doctrine, which effectively negates the Christian and Humanist Soul/Self. This does not mean there could not be an agent, and their Sunyatta doctrine is a bit much for me, though I see the logic behind it and respect it greatly from a psycho-spiritual appreciation of the methods to get to total loss of phenomena. However, I don't think its legitimate. I think Selv's are ephemeral and emergent, often disappearing or becoming something else entirely, and that there is an underlying reality which is only wearing the Void as a mask.

>> No.10964036


He simultaneously holds that truth is utility following Nietzsche and that "the postmodernists" (as yet undefined) are bad because they relativize truth, thus exemplifying the very problem he identified with the same people.

I'm all for getting basementdwellers and sadbois to start showering, clean up their rooms and try to do something with their lives, but he is not exactly a profound intellectual.

>> No.10964064

He's the last New Age guru, his works are not up to the academic standards required by his position.

>> No.10964072

Old people are so out of touch. It's just like my father when he keeps telling me watching so much porn is unhealthy but he doesn't even know the name of a single porn star. Don't old fucks feel ashamed of talking about things they don't know anything about?

>> No.10964091

He can't say anything meaningful, and he says so himself.

>> No.10964179

he's right

>> No.10964219

because hes not saying anything a therapist wouldnt tell you if you wanted to get your life together

the only thing worth paying attention to is his belief that hallucinogens can be theraputic and insightful as a means of diving deeper into the human physche

somehow taking drugs made him believe in jesus so dont listen to all that

>> No.10964248

Most of what he says is unfalsifiable garbage

>> No.10964255

it made me believe in Atman so fuck you nigger (Self that thou art)

>> No.10964261

>somehow taking drugs made him believe in jesus so dont listen to all that
Why not?

>> No.10964268

He's a psychologist so that's to be expected

>> No.10964287

because I am Jesus, not him

>> No.10964298

Kek. Seriously though, unless you offer me a hierarchy of chemical compounds allowed to interact with my mind, and the hierarchy of the followups, I can't take your advice seriously.

Oddly enough, when Nietzsche preached the death of God, I think he was witnessing the death of man instead.

>> No.10964299

He's the idiots smart man. He reduces everything down with psychological terms like that science has any grip on reality past generalizations. *Hurr this guy has high openness and low confrontation*

>> No.10964302

>i don't understand a statistical distribution
>i don't understand rates of occurrence
>i don't understand how heuristics work
>i don't understand math and the scientific method
>i don't get why scientists ignore Hum with impunity
do whatever you want man they're going to simulate your consciousness for millionaires to torture endlessly

>> No.10964310

What's understanding, in the scientific model? Is it even needed?

>> No.10964311

Why is it an endemic of neets?
I work at a pub and there are plenty of men that come in that never married, never ha kids and will die alone the only difference is, is that true grew up without the internet.

>> No.10964333

psychology is not science

>> No.10964365

>Why would restating something devalue it?
Because leftists are dumb like that, anon.

>> No.10964370

I agree those traits can be found in genetic correlates and behavioral genomics/molecular psychiatry anon
what are you saying?

>> No.10964613

Are you phoneposting? On /lit/?
Good god man, have some respect.

>> No.10964635

He's so paranoid about left-wing totalitarianism (which is basically impossible in the west) that's he giving a fuckton of fuel to the right-wing totalitarianism slowly rising (and will probably end up gaining power within a few decades.)

>> No.10964647

>collective unconscious

Not anon, but whats the problem with this idea? Tbh a collective un/consciousness it is one I just kinda casually accepted a few years back, in mid teens, as it made sense as an abstraction of the general, casual thoughts attitudes and predispositions we all share unknowingly in a culture. What went wrong with my thinking?

>> No.10964648

maybe try these

>> No.10964650

His definition of truth is really interpretation + use value; he is a neurotic systemiser; he is a Jungian; he does not interpret honestly (that is, being open about his projections) but uses the myths and stories of a million disparate cultures for his own faux-perennial "truths"; his response to the death of God is inauthentic Christianity for the purposes of consolation and "meaning" divorced from true belief; he does not seem to engage or know any texts or philosophers beyond Jung, Nietzsche, Plato, whatever; he is a charlatan and his main problem is the way he handles his newfound fame, which is the worst aspect but also one of the least blameable, given how intense an experience it must be.

Yes, North Amerimutt leftoids get all histrionic when discussing him. That doesn't mean he is not shit.

>> No.10964654
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I guess it's kind of admirable to have even more retarded take on Godel than Girard did.

>> No.10964671

It's a complete fabrication with zero evidence to back it up.
>What went wrong with my thinking?
"It's sound right, therefore it's true (roughly speaking)".

>> No.10964684

Well fair enough anon, I'll look up more critique and try my best to rub out that concept from my thinking with one of those BIG MISTAKE erasers

>> No.10964712

comparing media and intellectual movements is idiotic and you should feel ashamed for thinking your comparison is valid

>> No.10964720

m8 your incessant whining is just as irritating.

Go clean your room!

>> No.10964728

he believes in rationally (materialsm) explaining irrational (immaterialism) "forces" which he provides no evidence for but cites faith as a pre-requiste for believing in.

it's a tautology and an argument in bad faith.

>Believe in what I say, because it's the definition of belief.

>> No.10964748

this post is the quintessence of /lit/ posting

>He categorizes post-modernism through a strawman, and discounts all of what it holds, regardless of whether he has read it or not.
What is postmodernism?
How does he describe it?
How is his description of it wrong?

>He has read some "post-modern" philosophers, but much of what he says regarding the topic show he has not engaged in a thorough study.
Ironiocally, the same can be said about you, still no answer as to what he says and where his shortcomings on the topic are

>Foucault, Deleuze, etc have interesting things to say and are in no way responsible for the sickness that we see plaguing modern society.
Why is that? They personally aren't but would you disregard any connection between their philosophy and the nihilism of today? (if that is what you mean by sickness)

>I don't mind Peterson though, I can see him being useful for the epidemic of young men simply giving up and becoming NEETs, although much of what he says is rather obvious, he is inspiring to many.
Yep a lot of stuff is pretty obvious, that's true. There's still some interesting things he has to say even if it's mostly gathered and interpreted psychological or neurological studies.

>The MGTOW following he has is cringy, but he cannot be faulted for that.

>> No.10964929

>It definiately devalues it.
Peterson is a fucking professor, not a philosopher. Are you saying every teacher can only teach completely original ideas? Idiot.

>> No.10965036

I hate him because he clearly doesn't understand organization theory and goes on about how someone being first in line means dominance hiearchies are implicit in human interaction.
Such a fucking brainlet.

>> No.10965041

He explains that in a some of his vids actually.

>> No.10965045
File: 678 KB, 720x2289, IMG_20180327_165936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a dumbfuck

>> No.10965050

>why is that? They personally aren't but would you disregard any connection between their philosophy and the nihilism of today? (if that is what you mean by sickness)
You have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.10965051

Peterson is a leftist