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10963351 No.10963351 [Reply] [Original]

Books that explain why everything seems so fucked up?

>> No.10963364






>> No.10963368

The Sickness Unto Death

>> No.10963370

Dangerous by Milo Yiannopoulos

>> No.10963372

Fancy with emotion for an extrapolation?

>> No.10963373

THIS OP, you won't be disappointed, it's other like he's Jewish to...

>> No.10963374

industrial society and its future

>> No.10963387
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>> No.10963395

You again... Didn't we btfo you hard enough in the other thread...

>> No.10963432

I actually read a great takedown of this earlier today.

Jewish IQ and urban proximity is enough to explain their over representation in intellectual movements. And the fact that they are over represented in intellectuals in general, not just of a certain ideological persuasion, is enough to make his alternate explanation that it's because of a group evolutionary strategy to weaken Western society to protect against Antisemitism look ridiculous.

debate me you coward

>> No.10963453

Karl Marx's writing writ large. Probably worth starting with secondary literature though, it can be rather dense at first.

He got a lot of things wrong of course, particularly the historicist aspect of his theory, but his account of the contradictions of Capitalism, the economic system that rules us now to an even greater degree, remains basically true.

>> No.10963454
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Funnily enough, a Jewish gay man, Marcel Proust, might be of assistance to you poor lost sad laddie.

(And it's not because he's part of any conspiracy, it's just because he was a genius. Unlike you.)

>> No.10963465


I'm afraid I'm too much of a brainlet to get the Proust reference, unless it's a complete non sequitur.

>> No.10963483
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>> No.10963506

Some great passages in the Seven Storey Mountain

Pascal's writings


>> No.10963512
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Understand and read about ww2 from each side.

>> No.10963513
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I think Saul does an good explanation of it through the corporatism structure and idea of narcissism individualism in the west.

Anyone other anons read this?

>> No.10963519

It's not a reference, really. Just read Proust. You'll recognize yourself there at some point.

>> No.10963527

i cant take this book seriously because of how absolutely tacky that cover is

>> No.10963583


(Let me give you a hint, you got fucking torched on multiple levels.)

>> No.10963652
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Mitchell Heisman's Suicide Note.

>> No.10963991

Simulacra and Simulation

Society of the Spectacle

>> No.10964003


>> No.10964016

Nah, dude. Jews are just nepotistic. They're extremely inbred, promote their own, and lack European man's meritocratic nature.

>> No.10964022

It's not merely a matter of their over-representation in matters of intellect, but rather their over-representation in matters dangerous to our civilisation and culture.

>> No.10964046

There's no reference to get. In fact Proust was a Dreyfusard, so the guy who tried to 'own' you clearly doesn't know what he's talking about.

>> No.10964122
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This book explains both why everything is so fucked up AND how to fix it.

>> No.10964132

The naked monkey and the humam zoo.

>> No.10964144
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I've got that and The Crisis of Globalism (I think its called) on my shelf, haven't read either, but plan to. Individualism is unnatural.

>> No.10964252
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Fuck off pinko scum.

>> No.10964270

It's about nepotism not IQ

>> No.10964274

>He got a lot of things wrong of course, particularly the historicist aspect of his theory, but his account of the contradictions of Capitalism, the economic system that rules us now to an even greater degree, remains basically true.
Exactly the other way around desu

>> No.10964305

The Book of Genisis desu :)

>> No.10964326

What books will delude me and enable me to pretend everything is alright?

>> No.10964345
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>> No.10964351

Harry Potter

>> No.10964352
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>> No.10964641

Das Kapital.

>> No.10964653

The bible, obviously

>> No.10964669
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>> No.10964729

t. brainlet

>> No.10964793


>> No.10964795
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>> No.10966285


Came to post this.

>> No.10966321

Tess of the d'Ubervilles

>> No.10966322

This fucking teleological nonsense is the dumbest fucking shit. An utter disease on modern philosophy.

The whole fucking system is tautological but treats its "findings" as absolutes. Only fucking retards think it is deep or even useful.

>> No.10966344

porque no las dos?

>> No.10966593


What would be the modern defence of his historicism? Karl Popper's essay, "The Poverty of Historicism" is a good criticism.

But really, can't we just look at the fall of the Soviet Union and the clear domination of Capitalism. Communism is nowhere in sight, and the regression of civilization through environmental change or nuclear warfare seems more likely at this point.

>> No.10966625

I addressed this. They are over represented in all sorts of movements on complete opposite sides of the aisle. Anti-Israel, pro-Israel, libertarian, neo-conservative, pro-immigration, anti-immigration.

>> No.10966631

Is this the young man who dropped his manuscript on the stairs of the Harvard Philosophy department before killing him self?

>> No.10966675

Yes. Getting published is hard these days.

>> No.10966686

T. Brainlet

>> No.10966691


Truly a forum for the philosophes

>> No.10966705

The Bible unironically

>> No.10966709

good work anon

>> No.10966747

In the spirit of this book, one should proclaim Kant and Hegel honorary Jews.

>> No.10966798

the Heart Sutra
It literally explains you why (finally, one uses the word 'literally' here in its proper meaning).

>> No.10968035

Hume's A Treatise on Human Nature

>> No.10968053
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We're fucked!

>> No.10968067

The DMS 5

>> No.10968223
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>mfw there are people who unironically think that Western civilisation will survive