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File: 55 KB, 240x226, Mencius_Moldbug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10962804 No.10962804 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10962835

Jewish subversive.
>it's "the cathedral," goyim!

>> No.10962836


>> No.10962845

He doesn't look Druish...

>> No.10962847

This. Has nothing on Hitler. Just another shill

>> No.10962860


>> No.10962955

He points out that WASPs can be pinkos too, which the "White Gentile DNA is magic" crowd can't accept despite all evidence to the contrary

>> No.10962961

i think hes correct in his overall assertion that democracy is a mistake, and that puritanism is alive and well throughout progressivism, which itself is a religion.

>> No.10962964

where do i start w/ yarvin?

>> No.10962972
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Another /pol/ thread oh great

>> No.10962979


>> No.10962993

Oh look, another Jew

>> No.10962999

Very much worth reading but has holes, largely stemming from too much Rothbard influence and a limited understanding of religion (an atheist could have a solid grasp on theology from a academic standpoint, but MM does not). Brad Gregory's "Unintended Reformation" is much stronger than "Puritan Thesis" in describing reformation's role in modern liberalism. Carlyle was a Calvinist heretic no less than any hippy Unitarian, just a very different kind of Calvinist heretic. Best insights are into modern prog Managerial state being non-democratic oligarchy by design.

>> No.10963008

Pro-whites have no problem dealing with our own traitors under the jewish puppet string first and just as harshly.

>> No.10963016

the obsession with jews makes right wingers look retarded

yeah they're powerful, insular, and use their power in their own interest, but they're not responsible for every bad thing

they wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for white deracination and white's inability to act in their own group interests

>> No.10963024

Is it true Moldbug and Peter Thiel are in a homosexual relationship?

>tfw Thiel-senpai will never cuddle with you while you browse /pol/ and listen to Death in June

>> No.10963029

You are simply at a lower level of understanding re the JQ than others. White deracination stems from jewish moralizing that identifying with such a thing is bad. That's where this stems from, chief.

>> No.10963035

Even if MacDonald et al are right their obsession with Jews is out of date. The damage has been done. If every Jew left the planet Earth for Alpha Centauri tomorrow the progressive-globalist machine would keep on humming like nothing happened.

>> No.10963049


I think you guys should legitimately see a psychiatrist. Just say the words to them that you type here. When they give you medication, take it!

You're welcome

>> No.10963061

SSRIs AKA 'ZOG Emasculation Pills'

>> No.10963070
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>Yes goyim, dope yourself with these pills to dull your mind, so you won't question anything!

>> No.10963074

Jewish psychopathogizing 101. Not going to work, Schlomo.

>> No.10963084

White people don't want to live like tribalistic rat men. We want a society of decent people
Something Jews wouldn't underetand

>> No.10963087

>see a psychiatrist

Oy vey

>> No.10963101

good thread guys, fascinating discussion

>> No.10963120

you don't get it, do you? it's simple. we get the bad people out in the yard, bash their heads in with bricks and all the evil in the world will vanish, as if a spell had been broken

>> No.10963138

This, but completely unironically

>> No.10963160


He's mostly a more baroque rehash of what he refers to as the Machiavellians (Pareto, James Burnham, Robert Michels, and Gaetano Mosca), Carl Schmitt, and a handful of colonial governors and soldiers, and Thomas Caryle for flavor.

The one writer I don't think he ever credited but I heavily suspect he based a large amount of his work after is Samuel Francis, particularly Leviathan and Its Enemies (seriously his fingerprints are all over Moldbug)

He moderated his stance on the Puritans-as-Progressives-as-commies and became more woke on the JQ over time if you're worried about that. I enjoyed his writing and I would very much recommend reading him mostly as an introduction to other thinkers.

>> No.10963570

Political Philosopher for people who tried being Libertarians but decided it just wasn't autistic enough for their tastes

>> No.10963576


It's the /pol/ thing where they just circle jerk each other to oblivion talking about the same. exact. shit. all. the. time. Cool, great, you're anti-Semitic and probably psychologically damaged, keep it in your containment board

In b4 replies, they love to reply

>> No.10963596

You know jews hate you, right? This isn't a cohort of whites who hate jews, it's a cohort of whites who have realized that jews hate them. You're simply too stupid to have realized this yourself.

>> No.10964026

This guy needs to write a book ffs

>> No.10964689
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>recommend reading him mostly as an introduction to other thinkers

I love him for introducing me to so much. Not just other thinkers either, but also interesting primary sources.

I've found little tidbits like these invaluable.

>If you’re concerned about international law, it helps to know something about the subject. I recommend the text that was the standard summary of international law for the 18th and 19th centuries, Vattel’s Law of Nations.


>The great unknown classic of the period is Edgar Lee Masters’ biography of Lincoln, written in the ’30s, Lincoln the Man. Masters was from Illinois and knew many people who’d known Lincoln. Imagine if a country’s leading poet wrote a biography of its founding revolutionary hero, it wasn’t a positive biography, it was almost banned, and 80 years later basically no one has read the book.

>> No.10964833 [DELETED] 
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It's fucking cringe that dark enlightenment types meme artists like death in june or burzum because they have relatively similar politics. Like wigga could you make it more obvious that you only listen to music as an accessory?

>> No.10964839
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It's fucking cringe that dark enlightenment types meme artists like death in june or burzum because they have relatively similar politics. Like wigga could you make it more obvious that you only listen to music as an accessory?

>> No.10964845

Smart but very autistic.

>> No.10964972

Not an argument. Anti-semites can't explain the cracks in the ceiling of their ideology. Why are Jews trying to flood Israel with Muslims? Why do Jews themselves succumb to "Jewish" propaganda? Why do you ignore the countless elite whites that are just as bad (and more numerous) as the Jews you criticize? Why are these whites doing the exact same thing that the Jews are doing? What exactly do the Jews have to gain by flooding Europe with people that hate Jews and will holocaust them if they get into power?

Anti-semites can never answer these questions. Moldbug's hypothesis fits better.

>> No.10964988

You're an idiot or a liar.
>Why are Jews trying to flood Israel with Muslims?
They aren't. The jewish % goes up every year, and the arab % down.

>What exactly do the Jews have to gain by flooding Europe with people that hate Jews and will holocaust them if they get into power?
Jew and arabs are both semites and have gotten along fine together in the past. They fought alongside each other in Spain against the Spanish after the jews let them in back then too.

Come back when you have some basic history under your belt.

>> No.10964998
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It's called the Oded Yinon Plan.

>> No.10965000

His blogs are basically books. Put together his longer pieces are around 300 pages long.

>They aren't. The jewish % goes up every year, and the arab % down.
Key word is trying. Actual percentages of ethnicity reflect nothing. Here's the biggest Jewish boogeyman of them all for anti-semites, Soros, actively campagining on not deporting Arabs and Africans from Israel.


Source on your claim by the way?

>Jew and arabs are both semites and have gotten along fine together in the past.
L O L. Are you sure about that?


>Nevertheless, pogroms spread through the Middle East and North Africa: Aleppo (1850, 1875), Damascus (1840, 1848, 1890), Beirut (1862, 1874), Dayr al-Qamar (1847), Jaffa (1876), Jerusalem (1847, 1870 and 1895), Cairo (1844, 1890, 1901–02), Mansura (1877), Alexandria (1870, 1882, 1901–07), Port Said (1903, 1908), and Damanhur (1871, 1873, 1877, 1891).[17]
>While antisemitism has increased in the wake of the Arab–Israeli conflict, there were pogroms against Jews prior to the foundation of Israel, including Nazi-inspired pogroms in Algeria in the 1930s, and attacks on the Jews of Iraq and Libya in the 1940s. In 1941, 180 Jews were murdered and 700 were injured in the anti-Jewish riots known as the Farhud.[19] Four hundred Jews were injured in violent demonstrations in Egypt in 1945 and Jewish property was vandalized and looted. In Libya, 130 Jews were killed and 266 injured. In December 1947, 13 Jews were killed in Damascus, including 8 children, and 26 were injured. In Aleppo, rioting resulted in dozens of Jewish casualties, damage to 150 Jewish homes, and the torching of 5 schools and 10 synagogues. In Yemen, 97 Jews were murdered and 120 injured

>Come back when you have some basic history under your belt.
Love how you ignored my other points too.

>> No.10965005
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>> No.10965008

but the best head smashers are bad people themselves, how do you make sure they get their head smashed too instead of taking power?

>> No.10965009

Nope, you've failed to address the fact that the same Jews pushing for multiculturalism in the West are pushing for it in Israel as well. There can be no "Oded Yinon Plan" if Israel is full of Arabs you idiot.

>> No.10965012

everything you said is wrong.

>> No.10965013
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>Political Philosopher for people who tried being Libertarians but decided it just wasn't autistic enough for their tastes
made me kek, and appreciate moldbug more at the same time

>> No.10965015

Then demonstrate it with facts you idiot.

>> No.10965023

>Are you sure about that?
Yeah. Those stats are peanuts to jews compared to the hundreds of expulsions at the hands of Europeans and muh 6 million. Jews are responsible for "antisemitism" wherever they are, but this is about Greater Israel. Jews can flee Europe anytime they want. Take your kikery elsewhere.

>> No.10965030

Israel is a far right ethnostate. No one cares about the dolts who are high on their own supply. You need to leave this site, jew.

>> No.10965055

Jews can flee Europe to where? The Arab infested Israel?

>Those stats are peanuts to jews compared to the hundreds of expulsions at the hands of Europeans and muh 6 million.

Because prior to Israel most Jews lived in Europe. If you look at who among all the ethnic groups that exist today hold the most anti-semetic views, it's Arabs. Did we also forget that most Arabs are Muslim, and Islam is fundamentally against non Muslims? Why would the Jews, if their goal was what you claimed it was, want to actively flood Israel with Arabs knowing this? You still haven't answered such a basic question. Lastly, you've still refused to address the entirety of my original post only bothering to try to rebut a portion.

Why don't you explain to me how this Oded Yinon plan can work if Israel is full of Arabs and risks getting outbred by minorities?

>> No.10965066

Can you read? This was already explained. Israel is more and more jewish each year because the arabs are being removed and pushed out.

Your lies don't fly on here anymore, jew. Get the fuck off /lit/.

>> No.10965073

No, this was not explained. You refused to provide a source for your claim and it doesn't relate to the argument. The actual standing of the country makes no difference at all, what we're concerned with is the actions of elite individuals.

There is an active group of Jews that are pushing for Israel to stop deporting non-Jews and allow more minorities into the country. How do you explain these people (like Soros) doing this if it's all part of some Jewish conspiracy? You still have absolutely no explanation, and it destroys your entire illogical worldview. Moldbug reigns supreme.

>> No.10965081

Oh and by the way, I'm not Jewish. I'm a white American.

>> No.10965093
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This was explained to you already, jew. Those people have no power in Israel, which is why those policies aren't enacted and the jewish population and amount of stolen land grow every year.

This isn't reddit, people here see through your lies and know who is pushing these policies on the west. You need to leave now, understand?

>> No.10965105
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>Oh and by the way, I'm not Jewish. I'm a white American.
what does this even mean?

>> No.10965114

No, it was not explained you low IQ moron. Can you understand the distinction between these two things?

>The actual state of affairs in Israel
>The intended state of affairs in Israel

>Those people have no power in Israel, which is why those policies aren't enacted and the jewish population and amount of stolen land grow every year.
First of all you still haven't demonstrated this, I've asked for a source on your claim that Israel gets more Jewish every year twice now and you have refused to post proof. So I looked it up myself, and you're wrong.


Look at the years from 2014 onwards the percent of Jewishness has actually decreased.

Moving on, again, please explain how there can be a Jewish conspiracy when Jews are actively working against Jewish interests? It doesn't matter if the Jews working against Jewish interests are successful (though I've demonstrated they are) what matters is WHY are there Jews acting against Jewish interests? How does this reconcile with the idea that demographic displacement is a Jewish conspiracy?

>> No.10965170

You realize that jews swamp arab lands day by day, right? There are no borders and Israel has the most strict demographic policies on the planet. It is a jewish ethnostate, the same thing the jewish diaspora attacks whites for lobbying in favor of for themselves. Jews are not working against jewish interests, as I've told you multiple times now, none of those people have power, moron.

>> No.10965214

>You realize that jews swamp arab lands day by day, right? There are no borders and Israel has the most strict demographic policies on the planet. It is a jewish ethnostate, the same thing the jewish diaspora attacks whites for lobbying in favor of for themselves.
Completely irrelevant even if true which you have not demonstrated to be. Has nothing to do with my argument.

>None of those people have power, moron.
Completely irrelevant. Answer the question.

How can demographic displacement be a Jewish conspiracy when Jews themselves are working to demographically displace other Jews in Israel? Why are the same powerful Jews you claim supporting immigration to "eradicate the white race for the Jews" attacking Jews themselves? How does this reconcile with the idea that it's all just a Jewish conspiracy? Oh yes, let's not forget the many white people engaged in this so called "Jewish" conspiracy too. You never addressed that.

Another question. Would you say that if white people didn't allow Jews to do what they are doing now, that Jews wouldn't be working against white interests simply because they aren't successful? That is effectively what you are saying now, that it doesn't count because they don't have power. Of course you haven't demonstrated this but that's beside the point.

I will not stop until you satisfactorily answer these questions. I can be here all day.

>> No.10965252

>How can demographic displacement be a Jewish conspiracy
There's no conspiracy, they do it openly.

>when Jews themselves are working to demographically displace other Jews in Israel?
The low-IQ jews drinking their own poison have no influence in Israel and their desires are ignored.

Stupid fuck. Leave now.

>> No.10965263

>has no arguments, or rebuttals, or even points past copypasted opinions from youtube
>tells others to leave from /lit/

haha fuck off

>> No.10965276

No, no, no. It's not simply that Jews are consuming propaganda meant for white westerners and believe it. It's that JEWS are actively making similar propaganda targeting OTHER JEWS, namely Israel. That's the problem. Did you even bother reading the article I linked? Soros himself is targeting Israel, and he's not alone. Look at these Jewish organizations...


>> No.10965284

I've explained everything to you three times. Just go.

>> No.10965316

No you haven't explained shit. You're too low IQ and keep conflating the actual demographic status of Israel with the intended demographic status of Israel. There are Jews right now that want Israel to open its borders to Arabs and to stop preserving Israel's status as a Jewish ethnostate. I finally got you to admit it but you basically just said "it doesn't count because they aren't successful" which doesn't actually matter. The fact is that they are TRYING, and the same people pushing for it in the west are pushing for it in Israel. This contradicts the idea that this ideology is a Jewish supremacist ideology. You can't admit this because if you do your entire retarded IT'S THE JEWS ideology falls apart.

Ah yes, let's not forget that the anti-semitic stormtards ignore that there are a shit ton of elite whites pushing the same shit, just calling them traitors. You have to answer the question then.. if they're not Jewish and not motivated by a pro-Jewish agenda, why are they doing it?

>> No.10965342

>if they're ... not motivated by a pro-Jewish agenda, why are they doing it?
Because they're motivated by a jewish agenda. Go. Now.

>> No.10965370

>Obviously, if the witches had any power whatsoever, they wouldn’t waste their time gallivanting around on broomsticks, fellating Satan and cursing cows with sour milk. They’re getting burned right and left, for Christ’s sake! Priorities! No, they’d turn the tables and lay some serious voodoo on the witch-hunters. In a country where anyone who speaks out against the witches is soon found dangling by his heels from an oak at midnight with his head shrunk to the size of a baseball, we won’t see a lot of witch-hunting and we know there’s a serious witch problem. In a country where witch-hunting is a stable and lucrative career, and also an amateur pastime enjoyed by millions of hobbyists on the weekend, we know there are no real witches worth a damn.

>> No.10965548

>WASPs can be pinkos too, which the "White Gentile DNA is magic" crowd can't accept despite all evidence to the contrary
This is going to be wrong after white liberals disappear into the mixed-race hoard, after which white people will exist as a sole entity contrasted with non-non-white people.

>> No.10965579

liberals are already not reproducing, they still manage to snatch intelligent people from rural areas and brainwash them in their cities and universities to increase their numbers

>> No.10965587 [DELETED] 

That doesn't make sense, this is all ultimately about reproduction.

>> No.10965608

That doesn't make sense, this is all ultimately about reproduction. You can't "increase you numbers" by converting other people, what exists is completely a matter of what those from the last generation left as the next generation. If something can't reproduce it doesn't exist after its generation ends.

>> No.10965617

how does it make no sense? having kids won't help you if your political adversary is in charge of educating them and setting their path in life

>> No.10965619

liberals first didn't exist and after a point in time started existing, by your theory that's impossible

>> No.10965924

lmao, no brainlet

>> No.10965931
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This isn't even true. Right now it's racist for Tucker Carlson to point out the imminent change of American demographics, but if there weren't a Jew at every corner to shut him down it wouldn't be so impossible to speak the truth plainly. American politics is layers of symbols obscuring the true essence of what caused the disturbance responsible for the particular existence of the symbols themselves (e.g. news segments on illegal immigration, migrant crime, etc.), phenomenally manifesting as "politics" a confusing joke that no one seems to get, but we're all told is necessary.

>> No.10966223

This map is wrong, blacks actually have a declining birth rate

>> No.10967200

Puritan thesis is absolutely retarded and based on cultural tropes+caricatures and residual catlick butt hurt about the reformation as opposed to an actual understanding of history and theology. Other than that he made some good points.

>> No.10967472

>What exactly do the Jews have to gain by flooding Europe with people that hate Jews and will holocaust them if they get into power?
Yeah, it's a strange theory. One the one hand, we're supposed to believe that Jews are a parasitic hive-mind race of schemers who exploit whites. On the other hand, we're supposed to believe that this hive-mind is deliberately trying to replace whites with dumb, violent non-whites. Not only is the whole idea that Jews are a scheming hive-mind pretty suspect to anyone who's actually known Jews in person, there's also a question of motive.
Why would Jews do all this demographic replacement? They're doing, on average, really well in white societies. They blend in well and have lots of money on average. In non-white society they would stick out like sore thumbs. Yes, this includes Arab society. Ashkenazi Jews - and those are the ones we're really talking about - usually look and sound a lot more European than Arab. In non-white societies, there would be probably more and more open anti-semitism than in white societies (unlike Europeans, many other cultures have no inhibitions against hating Jews), and Jews would find it much harder to blend in.
Why would a parasite want to kill its own host and replace it with an inferior host, a host that also has no inhibitions about being hostile towards the parasite?
Makes no sense.
There's the sub-theory that "oh, the Jews will live like kings in gated communities surrounded by oceans of mutts". But that doesn't make much sense either. Who the fuck WANTS to live in besieged gated communities? If I'm a rich-as-fuck Ashkenazi banker, I think I'd much rather be able to hop in a sports car and drive to a nice civilized seaside resort whenever I want, not have to take an escort of armored cars with me everywhere because for some reason I decided to turn the country I live in into a third-world mess.

>> No.10967541

>I think I'd much rather be able to hop in a sports car and drive to a nice civilized seaside resort whenever I want, not have to take an escort of armored cars with me everywhere because for some reason I decided to turn the country I live in into a third-world mess.
If you can afford the armed convoy then it doesn't really matter. Look at places like Haiti. Absolute shithole, and yet members of certain ethnic groups (Jews, Syrians, Germans, etc) went there because they knew they would be on top. Now, long term this never works out of course.

>> No.10968333

He started the alt-right faggotry. Fuck him.

>> No.10969078

>There is an active group of Jews that are pushing for Israel to stop deporting non-Jews and allow more minorities into the country
Gilad Atzmon would characterize this as Jewish controlled opposition, simply a bit of theatre.


>> No.10969190

we smash people's heads, we let God sort them out, then comes,the beginning of the rest of our lives in a newly re-sacralised earth purged of all corruption and wrong

>> No.10969320

My Jewish attorney, long after my trial, keeps in touch with me and genuinely cares about my recovery from alcohol. No, it's not insurance to keep me as a customer, he's said that if I get in trouble again he won't defend me because he can't watch people fuck up again.
He's a cool dude. Bought me a copy of Infinite Jest.

>> No.10969358

is he cute?

>> No.10969401
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>Why are Jews trying to flood Israel with Muslims?
They're not. Leftist Israelis advocating that the refugees should stay, does not mean they are advocating open borders for Israel. It's just an effort to make Israel look more humanitarian and not so much of a hypocritical ethnostate.

>> No.10969403
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>> No.10969416


>> No.10969420
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>> No.10969657 [DELETED] 
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>posting fake news

>> No.10970022

>This is going to be wrong after white liberals disappear into the mixed-race hoard
You aren't even close to realizing the depth of suicidal programming that the whites have inflicted on themselves, beginning with Ancient Christianity.

>> No.10970029

I would accept that reasoning and summarily dismiss Moldbug as "just another Jew" if someone could give me a sample of writing on current events by a Gentile as erudite as him.

Alas, no such gentiles are to be found, so I will consider anyone who dismisses Moldbug as a mere Jew to be actively harmful to the cause.

>> No.10970053

>White people don't want to live like tribalistic rat men
and yet that's pretty much what WNs advocate for.

The damage has been done. If every Jew left the planet Earth for Alpha Centauri tomorrow the progressive-globalist machine would keep on humming like nothing happened.

100% this. You can see this machine already humming in the form of anti-Semitic Labour party in the UK that nevertheless gladly accepts Muslims and gender-queer programming.

> White deracination stems from jewish moralizing that identifying with such a thing is bad

The younger generation (Millenial and Z) doesn't understand how the Holocaust question was used. I think that a lot of misunderstanding comes from this. It wasn't only *Jews* who were pushing "Holocaust classes" on everyone. The *white progressives* thought Holocaust was a great way to "teach" the unwashed a "moral lesson." So it's really, tragically the other way around to a large degree. The Jews were powerful, yes, but it was WASPs who invited them and gave them keys to the castle.

>> No.10970908

There are two valid criticisms of Jews from the Right; the ethnic biological criticism levied by confused National Socialists and the spiritual criticism levied by the esotericists. Even Hitler was among the latter and didn't put literally anyone with Jewish blood in camps and allowed his friend Emil Maurice to serve in the SS despite his Jewish heritage.

Jews are the living component of an idea, and that idea is the surviving remnants of a long dead culture. Judaism is a culture of subversion and infiltration and materialism. The CULTURE must be dismantled, the genetic components are irrelevant to politics.

>> No.10970913

i genuinely like death in juju. btw, that's what i call them: death in juju

>> No.10970989

>labour party
ffs jew

>> No.10971010


>> No.10971381

When all else fails sow uncertainty and divisiveness. And when that fails talk up the importance of IQ.

>> No.10971417

>The Jews were powerful, yes, but it was WASPs who invited them and gave them keys to the castle.

funnily enough, guilt culture is a largely catholic invention. the fact that prots worked so hard to push it in the west is just another instance of history repeating itself with an ironic twist.