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/lit/ - Literature

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10962153 No.10962153 [Reply] [Original]

What are you planning on reading this summer, /lit/?

>> No.10962162

My aunt bought me War and Peace and she's making me read it before I start law school

>> No.10962281

my dad’s a lawyer and he has esophageal cancer. I wouldn’t recommend it

>> No.10962376


>> No.10962380

Gonna reread Whitman a couple of times and try and pick up some more Bernhards

>> No.10962390

complete shakespeare

>> No.10962438


>> No.10962496

complete my Murakami marathon. 1q84 and Kafka on the Shore plus the short stories collection left.

>> No.10962518

There are still a lot of /lit/ "starter kit" books that I haven't read. And I haven't read any of the "door stoppers" yet so I guess I oughta do that.

>> No.10962521

why dont you buy some chicken nuggets too and some faggot cripss for ur faggot lips kek

>> No.10962523
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>> No.10962526
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>tfw he fell for the Constance Garnett translation meme

>> No.10962543

I think I'm going to read Suetonius, Polybius, Caesar's Gallic war, Ammianus Marcellinus,... all that good shit, not sure about Livy tho...

>> No.10962566


I've decided to stop buying until I finish my current stack:

Just finished: Lives of Girls and Women (absolutely great, btw)

Next: Finishing Travels with Charlie
>Novels and Stories by Jack London
>Homage to Catalonia by George Orwell
>finish Brave New World
>Naked Lunch
>Complete Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant
>then getting back into Faulkner (novels 1957-1962)

Hope to cap this all off by September when I go back to school.

>> No.10962635

Books, mostly

>> No.10963098

A cuntload of Cioran, Houellebecq and UG Krishnamurti.

Purging the inner normie.

>> No.10963163
File: 162 KB, 1690x640, summer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Golden-age Islamic Algebra.

Where it all began.

>> No.10963245

How long is summer break for Yanks?