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/lit/ - Literature

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10961413 No.10961413 [Reply] [Original]

What are you currently reading /lit/?

>> No.10961421

Sidarta by Herman Hesse is the one I am reading the most

>> No.10961424

there's already a thread for that.
Also you could specify what you are reading as well

>> No.10961446

Im currently reading:
-Foundation by Asimov
-Notes from Underground by Dostoyevsky

>> No.10961608

Skinny Legs and All
- Tom Robbins
All Fine Nonsense
- Jess Starkey

>> No.10961617

Nice very revolutionary reads anon

>> No.10961621


>> No.10961622

Violence and the Sacred by Girard is my "main" book at the moment, on the side I try to read at least a couple of short stories and some Futurist manifestoes (got a collected edition) every day.

>> No.10961629


>> No.10961639

The Growth Of Soil by Nut Hamson
Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Nietzche
The Zhuangzi

>> No.10961650

Sustainable Energy- Without the Hot Air

Moby Dick

Various short-stories derived from The Night Land.

>> No.10961808

I'm also reading Violence and the Sacred. Though, that's my side book and War and Peace is my main book. How far are you? I just got to the Dionysus chapter yesterday. Girard's ideas are pretty interesting.

>> No.10961833

Not that anon, I'm only about 100 pages in but its been worth the effort thus far. A pleasant surprise, I was expecting to burn out quickly with the psychologized semiotic anth logic

>> No.10961840

I'm reading The Vicar of Wakefield for a class. It's incredibly contrived.

>> No.10961849

Eh, I've read it for just a couple of days - I'm around page 70, and as of now it's been great. His ideas on sacrifice are some of the most potentially "vital" concepts I've come across in a while. Can't wait to get further into it.

>> No.10961857

I'm reading Moby Dick too after hearing so much about it; what do you think about it so far?

>> No.10961865

Faerie Queene, Stoner, Nicomachean Ethics.

>> No.10961883

Moby Dick is entertaining, I only started to read it, I love the character ans setting.,

Also I like people that volunteer to murder whales even knowing they wo't get paid anything and work so, so hard. Only to kill whales for a mad-man.

Like, "OH BOY, GUESS I"M GONNA FUCKING DIE BROKE" cause Ahab ... ah, read the book yourself. Evryone in absolute misery decided to go hunt that fucking whale Ahab wanted to hunt. Real sad.

>> No.10961891

Just started The Story of the Stone (AKA Dream of the Red Chamber) earlier today.

>> No.10961897

How's the Faerie Queene? I'm in a class on pastoral poetry right now, and we're currently making our way through The Shepherd's Calendar. I'm really enjoying it, and I've always wanted to read Spenser. Looking forward to tackling his big work over the summer.

>> No.10961899

One of my friends is a MASSIVE Melville fan, and when a mutual acquaintance called Moby-Dick "boring," my friend exploded, "THERE'S NOT A SINGLE BORING SENTENCE IN THE ENTIRE BOOK!!"

>> No.10961905

The good parts of the Faerie Queene are excellent, but a lot of it is dry, dull, and obscure.

Definitely worth reading, but virtually no one is upset that Spenser never finished it.

>> No.10961906

The illiad

>> No.10961939

just finished
>Freud's Introduction to Psychoanalysis lectures
currently reading
>Meditations on the Tarot: A Journey into Christian Hermeticism
(saw that one here, really having a blast with it, I picked it up because we are doing a closed reading on the waste land, but damn does it make Persona 5 more enjoyable)
>will read tomorrow
Webster's White Devil
>for next week

>> No.10962002
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Wow super edgy

>> No.10962069

short stories by Felisberto Hernandez
l don't like it so far desu

>> No.10962090

Canterbury Tales
Taking forever because the style is exhausting to read.

>> No.10962098

>after hearing so much about it
What a silly reason to pick up a book. You should have started to read it because it's one of the best books in the English language.

>> No.10962102

You're friend is entirely justified

There's nothing edgy about those...

>> No.10962173

Just finished "The New Human Rights Movement" by Peter Joseph. Very mixed feelings on it. Used to be a big Peter Joseph fan but after this book, I really don't know. Yes the world and the current system is filled with problems. He has a very leftist way at looking at the world, blaming most of the worlds problems on the "White man". Reading it, I sometime felt like I was getting lectured by typical SJWs on racism etc.

>Poverty=Lower IQ
I really couldn't take him seriously after reading stuff like this.

I just started Benjamin Button, really needed some fiction after all the headache that Peter Joseph inflicted on me.

>> No.10962307

Less Than Zero - BEE
The Pale King - DFW
also been trying to knock off one book of the Iliad every day, but have skipped the past few.

>> No.10962353

2/3 through Blood Meridian. Then I'll either start Brothers Karamazov or Storm of Steel.

>> No.10962381

>>Poverty=Lower IQ
But that's true...

>> No.10962404


>> No.10962513

yeah its dense, and there's a bit of joking going on but it's not necessarily funny

>> No.10962580

Not when you live in the first world, then that's not true, but he kept arguing that it is true even in the West.

The real truth is that in the West: Crime=Poverty and Lower IQ=Poverty. NOT vice-versa.

>> No.10962586

To The Lighthouse and I am pretty much disliking it so far

>> No.10962592

you don't understand mathematical logic and neither does the anon you're replying to

>> No.10962598

we haven't even established what algebra we're working in you pleb

>> No.10962611

Snow Crash - Stephenson, great atmosphere and bold start that piddles way into nothing in the end. Still love Cyber-punk and the Metaverse, enjoyed the Sumerian history but yeah.
V - Pynchon, few pages in looking forward to just having a read and not trying to get too caught up in the Pynchon meme. I liked Lot 49.
The Ticket that Exploded - Burroughs, been a while since I got around to him and I wanted to follow a few ideas in his books.

>> No.10962637

stop it is for edgy teens

>> No.10962778

>The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea by Yukio Mishima

Currently reading
>Kokoro by Natsume Soseki
>Corpus Hermeticum
>Nietzsche by Walter Kaufmann

>> No.10962838
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You're an idiot.

>> No.10962841

Snow Crash is straight garbage and you should kill yourself for enjoying it.

>> No.10962853

Someone post the REAL image to lead OP in the right direction. Stirner is at the top.

>> No.10962863

the sayings of the desert fathers

just finished waiting for godot

>> No.10962884


>> No.10962890
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Get off the edge NOW!!

>> No.10962914


>> No.10962916

Yes, you are actually right. Because I once only had 1 dollar in my pocket and I was very hungry. But I didn't steal, I didn't fight. I worked hard, and made a plan for myself. I wasn't born rich, my mom and I were poor when I was a kid. What I really should have done was to steal, but I didn't because I'm an idiot. I have impulse control, unlike most poor low IQ monkeys who create havoc in this world.

You fucking degenerate scum! Blaming all of your misfortunes on other people.

Peter Joseph is cherry picking his facts the whole time. Funny how he praised Swedens "Low-crime" rate as a result of equality, when 3 years after the release of his book, Sweden now is the rape capital of Europe and murders have gone thru the roof.

He never once brought up Culture or IQ. Blaming everything on the White man and poverty, are you fucking kidding me? HAHAHAHA.

>> No.10962958

Oh sweet, some fresh pasta. Thanks.

>> No.10962967

histories and alice's adventures in wonderland

>> No.10962971
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>> No.10962973

Devils by Dostoyevsky

It's been extremely entertaining, I don't want it to end.

>> No.10962985

>books give you a better perspective
There's no such thing as a better or worse perspective; there are only different perspectives. I hope whoever wrote that doesn't call themselves a democrat.

>> No.10962992

A more well informed perspective is inherently superior to one uninformed perspective.

>> No.10963001

Is knowing you're going to die soon superior to being completely unaware?

>> No.10963014

the moon is a harsh mistress. I'm gonna follow it up with the prince, and then finish reading dune messiah(stopped towards the beginning because I lost interest).

>> No.10963137

Sorry to hear anon. You can do it I believe in you.

>> No.10963158

Finished The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind
In the middle of Gulag Archipelago

>> No.10963187

I have to read Ridley Scott's Alien and John Carpenter's The Thing.

>> No.10963193

I got bored of Dune 2: Hyperdune as well.

>> No.10963206
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>> No.10963486
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Main squeeze: war and peace
Side hoes: couple of Mark Fisher's, Ordinary Men, Focault - Madness and Civilization, Mark Twain short story collection.

>> No.10963488
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Finished last night. Was amazing.

>> No.10963529

Poetic Designs by Stephen Adams
Yeats is a fucking madman holy shit

>> No.10963535

finishing in 30 minutes...nice

>> No.10963547

I'm about 80 pages into catch 22. It has been a very long time since I laughed aloud to a book.

Thanks /lit/ for the rec.

>> No.10963564

>Volume 9 of F(r)iction
Just about done; enjoyed it overall.
>Volume 00 of Vestiges
It's solid, but given that it's just the initial volume (from 2015), you can tell they're figuring out where to go from there.
>Great Gatsby
Re-reading, since it's been years
>Postcapitalism by Robert Mason
About 100 pages in. I didn't expect it would be this dry and rambling. Seems like he's still laying down preamble to a point that (I assume) will eventually come. I'll be disappointed if it turns out to be just an amped-up version of babby's first dissection of capitalism.

>> No.10963585

Just finished The Laws, gonna be reading The Timaeus tomorrow in its entirety (or at least try to)

>> No.10963648


you mean 14.5 hours ago

>> No.10963660

-Bhagavad Gita
-Mein Kampf

>> No.10963668

Thor: God of Thunder Vol. 2: Godbomb

>> No.10963741

You might find this hilarious:

Jones was butthurt that he wasn't the only conspiracy film maker in town and they pulled a bunch of dirty tricks on him during the interview (like fucking around with the bumper music).

Truly AJ at his most insecure

>> No.10963754

wow you’re really smart, reading one part of the hindu epic and then a propaganda book of speech material recycled by ghost writers. what a brain you have

>> No.10963766


>> No.10964002
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Finally made it past the preface yesterday

>> No.10964662

Meddlers in Time, had it recommended to me by a friend

>> No.10964954

I saw that when it got release many, many years ago. Very funny. I'm telling you, I used to be a big Peter Joseph fan. I agree with him that the system is flawed, big time. What I seriously disagree with him on is his proposed solutions and him blaming "whites" on all the worlds problems regarding inequality etc.

>> No.10965068

Do you find that reading more than one book at a time is better or worse for your understanding?

>> No.10965373
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***Poseur definitely a poseur***

>> No.10965419

I'm reading interpretation of dreams by Freud and Jew Diary of Anne Frank.

Justin finished the UnaBomber Manifesto and "Crime and punishment" the day before yesterday.

>> No.10966077

Pride and prejudice