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File: 27 KB, 400x300, Reading_Ayn_Rand's_Atlas_Shrugged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1096131 No.1096131 [Reply] [Original]

What is the progressives counter to Atlas Shrugged?

>> No.1096144


>> No.1096145
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Anything by Glenn Beck?

>> No.1096150
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>> No.1096152

the Manifesto, of course

>> No.1096297


Of equal literary and analytical merit to Rand, I should say.

>> No.1096309
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>What is the progressives counter to Atlas Shrugged?
I'd suggest this

>> No.1096331

take a look out the window.

>> No.1096335

Some unrealistic scifi novel that will never happen

>> No.1096352

Something by Bertolt Brecht, probably, like "The Good Person of Szechuan". I mean, in terms of a clean well-argued anti-capitalist parable.

>> No.1096355

Fucking nothing man.

Just finished reading it.
Holy shit.

I am a liberal I only read it cause my girl is a pushy republican but god damn you take a look at what the world has turned into and Ayn Rand was spot on.
I may be losing faith.

>> No.1096356


This, or Brecht. Try the Threepenny Novel.

The Dispossessed good too. Unlike Rand, LeGuin can step back from her preferred ideology and treat it and her characters in a critical, level-headed way.

>> No.1096363

>>I am a liberal I only read it cause my girl is a pushy republican but god damn you take a look at what the world has turned into and Ayn Rand was spot on.

Are you smoking PCP? The current economic climate was fucking CAUSED by Ayn Rand's shitty fiction.

Her ideas were crypto-totalitarian and ultra-simplistic, not to mention that they allow the idiots who read them to be ruthless without a bad conscience.

Not to mention the American economy was in the hands of Rand's chief disciple, Alan Greenspan, for the past few decades. So you can thank Rand for the fact that the Bush Administration was able to fuck the American economy into a cocked hat.

>> No.1096367

Also, if you'd like to read a *right-wing* response to how shitty Atlas Shrugged is, here is Whittaker Chambers panning the book for William F Buckley's "National Review":


In other words, The National Review considered Rand to be an offense to sane conservative thought.

>> No.1096381

interesting question. what could be so bad yet leftist. hmmmmmmmmmm

stalinist manifesto? i dunno

>> No.1096388

The Bible

>> No.1096389

Any actual serious book about economics, like Paul Krugman or "23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism" by Ha-Joon Chang.

>> No.1096393

Successful troll is successful. Fuck this board.

>> No.1096398


Thats like calling glenn beck the model libertarian. greenspan had some cred back in the day, but he's mostly known in libertarian circles as a shill

>> No.1096404


Glenn Beck is a Christian, that means he fails at being a libertarian.

>> No.1096405


not necessarily though I do agree he is far from libertarian

>> No.1096411

You're ALL wrong about what you believe in politics.

>> No.1096412


>believe in the ultimate authoritarian universe
>think this is the only moral world view
>de facto strife to control other people's lives

Yeah I'd say being a Christian pretty much excludes you from libertarianism. Unless it's spelt with a capital "L"

>> No.1096416
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There's no overabundance of Christian libertarians, no doubt about it.

>> No.1096423

Libertarian here. Libertarian with a capital L is just an excuse for the Republican party to have two candidates.

>> No.1096439

not all Christians are overbearing militant assholes. believing in something doesn't mean you want to cram it down everyone's throats. if you're a christian libertarian you believe in freedom of religion and happen to be christian. there's nothing inconsistent with libertarianism about being religious so long as you dont violate the nonagression principle of course.

>> No.1096446

The iron heel by Jack london, sometimes i think that he was the closest in predicting the future, it's kinda creepy, the whole "mercenaries" and corporatistic oligarchies destroying the middle class seem to be taking shape in front of our eyes today.

>> No.1096448
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Fuck, I knew it. Happens every damn time someone changes my mind about politics. Turns out I'm always wrong.

It keeps happening

>> No.1096450

Retarded here. What's the difference between libertarianism and liberalism? In hurrdurrable terms, if possible, thanks in advance.

>> No.1096454

>Liberals believe in personal freedom and a regulated business economy.

>Libertarians believe in personal freedom and an unregulated economy.

>> No.1096455

sorry but liberalism and libertarianism are terms that have morphed and changed meaning throughout history, having been appropriated by varying political groups and thus have multiple, sometimes contradictory meanings. I mean they both come from the word 'free' in latin, so no wonder everyone wanted to lable their ideology after a word that basically says "freedom-ism"

>> No.1096460
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>> No.1096462


I was just saying that if you think the moral and rightful state of the world should be as an unchanging suzerainty that it's a bit silly to boast as a libertarian.

A monotheistic world is pretty much(?) the anti-thesis of a free world.

>> No.1096463

Liberals believe in personal freedom but very regulated economic freedom
Libertarians believe in personal freedom and economic freedom

>> No.1096465
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I wonder what Rand would have thought about bailing every shit head that couldn't run a company and the leeches that are doing everything they can to not work and live better then I do.

Greenspan was in charge and turned us into an economic superpower fucktard.

If we hadn't spent billions of dollars in pointless wars, welfare for the worthless, and bailouts for the bankers. We would still be in pretty good shape.

>> No.1096467


whatever, Im not going to debate your view of Christianity.

>> No.1096469


Stop saying freedom (especially in regard to the economy).

>> No.1096472

>the leeches that are doing everything they can to not work and live better then I do.
>welfare for the worthless

You must live under a bridge.

>> No.1096476

>bailing every shit head that couldn't run a company and the leeches that are doing everything they can to not work and live better then I do.

now you understand why socialists hate capitalism, it's impossible for most of the heads of large corporations to remain the superior competitive ubermenschen that Rand masturbates over because once they get large enough they get into bed with the government, manipulate politics and carve out a cozy niche for themselves in the corporatist oligarchy that runs most modern late capitalist nations.

im not exactly a socialist either but this is pretty obvious. No one can believe Rand's bullshit after seeing the heads of all those major failed banks getting millions of dollars in bonuses.

>> No.1096481

How come only the corporations get socialism?


>> No.1096484


No yet but soon the way this shit is going.
I work in a factory making 8$ an hour I work with this one nigger who was only there to put in some time before he could quit and get back on unemployment He also sold weed. He has 3 kids to 3 different women 2 of whom he is still fucking. They collect welfare of course. His one girl gets 650$ a month for food and he tells me that she can;t even spend it all by the end of the month sometimes so they go out and buy steaks and shrimp and frozen things to store cause if she doesn't spend it they may take it off of her.

They also get an allotment for rent but there is actually 8 dollars less then the allotment so they get paid 8 dollars to live in a decent place. Not great by any means but I've got about the equivalent and I pay 425$ a month.

I sometimes wonder how many of you really are just still living with parents and shit and don't understand how things work out there.

>> No.1096485

Capitalism is like spawn camping. The second someone gets ahead they sit somewhere nice and comfy and blast everyone before they have a chance to offer resistance. There is maybe a small bit of competition at the beginning but it is mostly one asshat ruling over everyone else. Skill or not skilled, he has found a way to break the system and is abusing it. And it happens damn near every game.

>> No.1096486

>Liberals believe in personal freedom but very regulated economic freedom
That sounds contradictory. Personal freedom is not possible without economic freedom.

>> No.1096491


>He also sold weed.

You mad he had the entrepreneurial spirit and you didn't?

>> No.1096494


Personal freedom is only possible without economic freedom. Economic freedom leads to oligarchy which leads to oppression.

>> No.1096495


Socialism is alive and well in America its what pays government workers more then you, Union workers more then you, and welfare recipients more than you.

Your left standing there with your dick in your hand still thinking were capitalist.

>> No.1096497

>gets it

>> No.1096498
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>I know one guy who gets welfare he doesn't deserve, therefore the whole welfare system is bullshit

>> No.1096499

i love you anonymous

>> No.1096503


>what pays government workers more then you

Yeah. All the teachers I know drive two Ferraris. It's appalling.

>Union workers more then you

So join the union.

>welfare recipients more than you

So give welfare to everyone.

>> No.1096504

Freedom is being free from interference. Nobody forces you to work for anyone. But if someone restricts your economic freedom he violates your freedom. Besides, economic freedom doesn't have to lead to oligarchy.

>> No.1096506


No I just wish they would tax his fucking weed. maybe make him buy a license to sell you know all the other bullshit every person who has a product to sell goes through.

He makes enough money selling weed he doesn't need welfare. It pisses me off that taxes go to this asshole.

I'm for a VAT tax only system like Switzerland. End the fed. Get rid of the IRS. Even taxes for everyone.

>> No.1096509

NJ Teacher who complained to Gov. Chris Christie she deserved $83k actually makes $86k


>> No.1096510

i don't understand the people on here complaining about how they work so hard for so little and boohoo the poor people are fucking me over because i work in a factory but this brown person next door gets everything for free.

I came from a middle class family, with parents who instilled in me a value for education and personal financial responsibility. I went to college, worked, saved money, and bought a building with my wife and brother. We were never especially rich or privileged. Everyone here complaining about how they're being fucked over by the system ought to take a closer look at their own personal life choices.

>> No.1096512

No, personal responsibility is for evil capitalists.

>> No.1096514

blaming the system for the shabbiness of one's own circumstances seems more anti-rand than any federal economic policy

>> No.1096515

Alright well I am going back to /new/ where people aren't quite so willing to talk out their asses.

>> No.1096516

>Freedom is being free from interference. Nobody forces you to work for anyone.

You have to work for someone. Usually that "someone" is a business which extracts the maximum amount of value it can out of your work. Good thinking there's freedom in this.

For instance, sub-contractors who vastly inflate the cost of labour but only pay their hired workers the minimum awards rate. It's not as though those workers are in a position to complain, if they're only happy to get the work at all.

>> No.1096517

You are the dumbest mother fucker in history. Freedom means freedom for everyone, including the freedom to take things from you. You are denying that person the freedom to economically abuse you.
tl;dr Freedom is bullshit and you are a fucking moron for still believing in it.

>> No.1096520

>You have to work for someone.
No, you don't. Well, you have to work to live, but you can't blame anyone for that, that's nature and is unrelated to the system.
>Usually that "someone" is a business which extracts the maximum amount of value it can out of your work
That's regrettable, but you don't have to work for that someone.

>Freedom means freedom for everyone, including the freedom to take things from you
No, taking things away from me would violate my rights and therefore, it's not really covered by "freedom".
>economically abuse you.
What? Why would you let anyone abuse you?

>> No.1096521

well, this whole discussion seems strange. the vast majority is arguing that their lives suck either because of "well-fare leeches" or because of "wallstreet fat cats."

"Pull myself up by my boot straps?"
"Does that just sound stupid to you?"

>> No.1096523

I take the existentialist (sartrean, et al) view of freedom, e.g. we are ultimately free and responsible for our existence. Ideas such as those expressed in rand are defeatist, they establish a near metaphysical reverence for the perceived hegemony of the state, etc. Rand will have you quickly abdicating your ultimate freedom/responsibility and to justify this action of bad faith, she has presented a straw-man state. The truth is that, no matter what, we are free. There are consequences to our actions, there are people who abuse power and oppress their fellow man. Nevertheless, nothing compels us to act within the law, within the confines of prescribed behavior. If we choose to do so, we should not blame an oppressive state structure or ''mankind'' or any other deified value or quality we can come up with.

>> No.1096525


I am the asshole working in the factory and I have school 3 nights a week I am going for an associates in networking. I am complaining yes but I am swimming upstream here. I could just do like the rest of these people have done, knock my girl up, start collecting welfare but I believe the same thing that you do, Hard work and persistent will get you through the tough time (your times didn't sound quite so tough).

But when I get there and you wanna take 40 percent of my income to pay for this assholes new shoes, (BTW why do niggers* never have a car but always got new shoes)

I will rage and then I will shrug I will quit my job and join the leeches and dregs of society til the whole thing breaks down.

* I use the term niggers not only as a racial stereotypes but also as a term for every worthless piece of shit that wont pick up a shovel to do a job but stand there with a hand outstretched waiting for the mercy of our government overlords to reach into someone elses pocket to give them some fucking change.

Please don't preach to me about the hardship of growing up in a middle class family some of us aren't that lucky.

>> No.1096526
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>> No.1096528

>The truth is that, no matter what, we are free.
Well, in that sense, we certainly are, but we should try to maximise the actual freedom that we can have without living with consequences that some oppressive authority forces upon us.

Being theoretically able to do what we want is nice and all, but it doesn't really help when we can't enjoy that. The only limit should be the freedom of others.

>> No.1096530
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>What is the progressives counter to Atlas Shrugged?

>> No.1096533

it's your fault for choosing the sort of stability that is provided by selling your labor. also, you fail to recognize that taxation is the least of your problems, that you are screwed from the start because the value of your labor is not what you receive in return for it. You couldn't go to a store and pay half price for an Ipod but that is essentially what is done to your labor. What i'm saying is that you are choosing to live this life. You may say ''well i have to eat'' etc. But you don't HAVE to do anything. I grew up poor my entire life, and will probably always be poor. I don't suffer under the delusion that hard work and persistence will somehow improve my situation appreciably, elevating me to the bourgeois class, and even if it could I would not desire such an outcome. In stead, I devote myself to art, to drugs and to love. These things I get by my cunning, my social skills and my willingness to act bravely.. I have no stability in my life, and am often on the run. This is the consequence I suffer for not getting a stable job, and believing in hard work. You don't seem happy with your lot, but you go on to project this unhappiness on an ''unfair'' system. The system is unfair, but you are letting it be unfair to you. It is your responsibility.

>> No.1096537

You're a fucking depressing person.

>> No.1096538
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Don't believe me? It's all in the numbers.

>> No.1096540

duly noted. my point is: i've had it better than some, and others have had it better than me. looking to the left and right and fretting over that is fruitless, and setting ultimate blame on a "broken" system is just a form of self delusion. any system will be imperfect, and this is because a system attempts to apply a set of rigid rules and policies to a group of individuals. so while the system now allows for some asshole like your coworker to fuck off and still have a decent lifestyle, if we had a different system in place, someone who actually needs and deserves support might be fucked.
i'm not preaching about the "hardship" of growing up in a middleclass family. im preaching against preaching.

>> No.1096541

it isn't theoretical, you can actually do what you wish at any time. there are consequences, but the idea that there would be no negative consequences without an interventionist hegemonic power like the state is clearly delusional. the consequences are bad today, in a different world we can only speculate. I have a personal frame of reference for this. I am a drug user, and not a ''hey pots not a drug man'' user, I use heroin. I do this, and I am aware that the state unjustly oppresses people who do so. Then again, even if it were not so there would be potentially negative consequences for my actions. I choose to do it in spite of all that. If something hard or painful comes my way as a result, I have no choice but to deal with it. There will never be a cure for the pain and difficulty of life. Abolishing the state, although I advocate it, is not some ultimate solution.

>> No.1096545
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>No, you don't. Well, you have to work to live, but you can't blame anyone for that, that's nature and is unrelated to the system.

The nature of a market economy for someone in no position to attain capital (perhaps ever), is to find work plain and simple. It's either that or the dole queue, or a van down by the river.

>> No.1096548


Or prison. There's no shortage of that.

>> No.1096549

You're right, of course there will always be consequences. I just thought that when we have unlimited freedom with unlimited consequences and limited freedom with "harmless" consequences, we could as well try to make our limited freedom more enjoyable. It won't change the big picture and there will always be enough dire consequences we have to live with, but at least we get rid of those that we can control.

>> No.1096552

And I wouldn't wish anyone such a fate. The point is just that you are still as free as you can be if you decide not to work (and live with the consequence of being homeless or worse). So nobody really forces you to work.

>> No.1096553

also, points for using the term nigger to describe any ignorant piece of shit, regardless of race.

>> No.1096554

see to me, and this is just my values i guess, minimizing the consequences would actually make life less enjoyable.

>> No.1096555

nigger is a racist term no matter what context. deal with it.

>> No.1096557


You're both right so shut up already.

>> No.1096559


I still say there is a lot to be done about the current welfare system (that includes this bullshit corporate welfare). And the idea of giving up on trying to find solutions is deplorable. I also think breeding government dependency is the road to slavery.

And since this is /lit/ let me surmise with a quote from one of my favorite books

In summation: he said, I see two alternatives before us. We can write morals into law, and enforce those morals harshly, or we can return to a true Free Enterprise System, which has the sink-or-swim justice of Ceasar Augustus built into it. I emphatically favor the latter alternative. We must be hard, for we must again become a nation of swimmers, with the sinkers quietly disposing of themselves. I have spoken of another hard time in ancient history. In case you have forgotten the name of it, I shall refresh your memories: "The Golden Age of Rome," friends and neighbors, "The Golden Age of Rome."

>> No.1096561
File: 52 KB, 421x700, god-bless-you-mr-rosewater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot my pic

>> No.1096563


If you don't have a need to be halfway comfortable and secure - in a present and future tense - then no, you don't have to work. You're free to catch hepatitis and die in a wastebin somewhere. That thinking doesn't apply to 99% of people however. In fact there's been no material need for such thinking in regards to human beings since approximately 1900.

>> No.1096564

I don't think that hypothetical free society would lead to such circumstances, though. For those who can't work, there might be charity, people aren't absolute assholes after all. (Don't laugh, some experiments indicate that)

>> No.1096566

uh...i am dealing with it? i dont really give a shit. personally i feel that nigger characterizes anyone who is criminally ignorant, lazy, irresponsible, etc. but if someone else feels otherwise i'm fine with that.

>> No.1096569

you just happen to be on the wrong side of language in common usage. there are better, less insidious ways to communicate the laziness or ignorance of a person. you use 'nigger' because you are racist, or trying to be edgy.

>> No.1096570

i agree with you, and i owe you an apology. the thing is, i know a lot of people my own age who were relatively privileged, and through a lifetime of retarded choices, are now in debt, out of a job, or whatever, and blame things like wellfare. a girl i know put her family 32k in debt by spending nothing, didnt finish college because she didnt want to take an algebra class, got laid off because, w/o education she was a nonessential employee, and now acts like a victim.
my father in law's son is a total fuck up, and when assessing his kid's situation, somehow always blames illegal immigrants.
you probably aren't like this. the initial flood of details just made me rage.

>> No.1096571

>people aren't absolute assholes

That we agree about this should be obvious and besides the point. By the way, anyone in a position to receive other people's money will tell they'd rather to get it through a government agency. Not Christaid, Salvation Army, or what have you. Charity blows.

This thread is nonsensensical by the way. How is "nigger" not a racial epithet? That's to say Negroes are inherently "criminally ignorant, lazy, irresponsible, etc." Must be 14 years old.

>> No.1096575

well, maybe, i dont know. its not like i go around throwing that word in people's faces, but i think that theoretically, repurposing the word in that manner would be a good way to use it while at the same time diffusing its racist history. ie, calling a racist white trash piece of shit "nigger."

>> No.1096578

well, "cracker" used to mean white person, but now it refers to a flaky, salty snack you can eat with cheese.

>> No.1096579

you might be right, and the word nigger did originally mean what you intend it to mean. i don't know if words can be successfully reclaimed like this, but i'm sure it has happened before.

>> No.1096583

>language in common usage
Yes. Context. In 4chan, the common usage of nigger is as a pejorative term aimed at a person that doesn't need to be (though often is) black. To me, saying nigger is even cathartic, having grown so used to it here. Fucking faggot is still better phonetically imo.

>> No.1096585


No, it only makes you sound uneducated. Then again, this thread is seriously proposing that labour exploitation doesn't exist. Perhaps never existed (otherwise, what would be this free market "golden age" talk).

>> No.1096586

"What is the progressives counter to Atlas Shrugged?"



>> No.1096588


>> No.1096589


>diffusing its racist history

Whitewashing history is a bad idea

>> No.1096597

that's true. look, the language thing is a complicated, and i am after all just talking shit on the interwebs, so whatever. it's just an idea. i dont think i'm the only one that's had it, i dont think white people are the only ones that have had it. i'm not so sure that diffusing that word would necessarily "whitewash" history, but i'm not so sure of anything when it comes to that issue.

ultimately, i'll take the lead of those who have been and might potentially be most hurt by that word. darkies.

>> No.1096601


Darkies are super conscious of the history of the word and have appropriated it for in-group use only

>> No.1096607

i know some for whom that's the case, and others for whom it's not. i dont think it's a settled issue, but i dont see why the hell im arguing about it on the internet.

>> No.1096608

You know what, to me, somehow, you're sounding more and more like a samefag arguing with himself. I dunno.

>> No.1096615


I capitalise and punctuate my shit.

>> No.1096616

or do i

>> No.1096637
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>> No.1096644
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>> No.1096649

great gatsby

>> No.1096733

The problem with sink or swim is that once someone starts to sink they often drown. Can a society really be considered enlightened if they spit on the less fortunate and condemn them for not exploiting the opportunities they never had and will never get?

Also during the "Golden Age of Rome" (44-38 B.C.) most people died in their thirties, women were considered property, 25% of the population were slaves, the head of a family could have other family members executed, the poor would never eat meat because they couldn't afford it, and the Government had to give out free bread to the hungry to prevent them from rioting. In every Golden Age it is only the richest who benefit, everyone else suffers the same as they always did.

>> No.1096752

Sink or swim kinda fucks over those who were born underwater.

>> No.1096768

I can't think of a book off hand, but the film, "Salt of the Earth' is a pinko classic.

>> No.1096803

i don't know but my taxes will probably buy it for you.

>> No.1097527 [DELETED] 


lol u mad

>> No.1097658

>gets it

>> No.1097688



>> No.1097719

well if ya'll weren't so short-sighted and narrow with your freedoms, we'd all be in a better place.

>> No.1097725

>Of equal literary and analytical merit to Rand, I should say.
A bunch of random doodlings on a scrap of toilet paper.

>> No.1097750

>copyright anil p
>anil p
>anal pee
Do you guys remember when you used to think girls peed out of their butts?

>> No.1097782

/new/ - majority randfags
/lit/ - majority liberals

Take that how you will.

>> No.1097799


>people who actually read books

Go figure.

>> No.1097803

Fuck that. I'm from /new/ and I fucking despise that little kike bitch.

>> No.1097808

whiiite powar

>> No.1097817


>> No.1097850

Bullshit. There's no majority on /new/. It's a fractured assortment of every ideology you can think of, half of which are opposing ideologies false flagging just to troll. You'll find half-serious discussions about everything from Existentialism to Nazism. And even then, obectivism is just a total fucking joke on that board, all the time, no exceptions. Also, she's a jew, and that's just not /new/.

>> No.1097879
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Apparantly anti-semitism is /new/.

>> No.1098015

A thread that isn't a raging leftist echo chamber? Perhaps I underestimated /lit/.

>> No.1098067
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>What is the progressives counter to Atlas Shrugged?

>> No.1098083


Protip - Just because a board isn't shamelessly liberal-leaning doesn't mean they're all Atlas Shrugged thumping Randroids.

>> No.1098120

White supremacists, or people posing as them, are the majority on /new/.

>> No.1098121





Rome achieved great glory under Octavian/Augustus. He restored peace after 100 years of civil war; maintained an honest government and a sound currency system; extended the highway system connecting Rome with its far-flung empire; developed an efficient postal service; fostered free trade among the provinces; and built many bridges, aqueducts and buildings adorned with beautiful works of art created in the classical style. Literature flourished with writers including Virgil, Horace, Ovid, and Livy all living under the emperor’s patronage.

The empire expanded under Augustus with his generals subduing Spain, Gaul (now France), Panonia and Dalmatia (now parts of Hungary and Croatia). He annexed Egypt and most of southwestern Europe up to the Danube River. After his death, the people the Roman Empire worshipped Augustus as a god.

>most people died in their thirties
common for the time
>women were considered property
>25% of the population were slaves
again common for the time
>the head of a family could have other family members executed
again common
>the poor would never eat meat because they couldn't afford it
again common
>and the Government had to give out free bread to the hungry to prevent them from rioting
awfully altruistic of those bastard rich people

Saying these this was a terrible time because these things were happening is like saying cavemen must have been evil because they clubbed women and killed their rivals.

I can't believe this thread is still alive from this morning.

BTW: Objectivism is the bestivism

>> No.1098130
File: 48 KB, 621x499, atlas-shrugged..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1098143

When are they gonna make this into a movie cause I would like to see it reach so many more people.

I don't know how someone can read this and not give up the liberal fantasies that your helping people.

Your breeding dependency. you encourage unsustainable procreation. You turn a capable human being into a slave.

>> No.1098148


Here you go.


I heard about it before. I thought Angelina Jolie was gonna be Dagny but I guess she read the book and realized it didn't fit in with her mind set.

>> No.1098157

I just came in my pants so hard.

>> No.1098194

God, I remember Ayn Rand. That shit set me back socially so fucking much in high school.

>> No.1098200


I went on a few dates with a guy who was a big Rand fan. He completely lost interest in me when he discovered I volunteer at an HIV clinic.

>> No.1098209


He probably thought you caught HIV.

>> No.1098216


If he thought I could contract HIV from handing out clipboards and answering a phone, he was stupid.

Almost as stupid as being pissed that I did volunteer work.

>> No.1098224
File: 16 KB, 601x177, WTFcaptcha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God that cover is terrible. Good thing I already know how awesome Ursula is.

as >>1097803 evidences /new/ is more about general bigotry than objectivism.

My captcha was borompr ... wtf is this shit.

>> No.1098806


Technically, modern societies turn people into slaves by robbing the individual in said societies from acquiring the essentials of survival without entering a labor market with little capital trying to bargain with entities that have far greater leverage in terms of capital accumulation. And this just to survive!

>> No.1098825
File: 213 KB, 380x649, 1955-The-Acquisitive-Society-Cover-Paul-Rand_blog_sized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1098831

Why should I care that I'm taking away potential customers?

I don't give a fuck about some petty-bourgeois cafe owner and his business.

>> No.1099824


Yeah, that's why he left you. It's not because you're a complete whore