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File: 91 KB, 615x615, thinkers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10960572 No.10960572[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who's YOUR favorite modern intellectual /lit/?

>> No.10960580

Whoever is most against liberalism, athetism, women, jews, and nonwhites

>> No.10960582

A thread died for this.

>> No.10960583

Who's the guy on the top left?

>> No.10960587


>> No.10960598

Varg no but Peterson literally has a PhD.

>> No.10960602

> liberalism,
> jews, and nonwhites

>> No.10960606
File: 57 KB, 1200x675, 1430685818890721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nick Bostrom. His incoprporation of futurism and philosophy shows the new frontier of philosophy.

>> No.10960611

Think I'll stick with Schopenhauer and Hitler, m8.

>> No.10960613
File: 118 KB, 236x300, AI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude Weed AI LMAO

>> No.10960614

Pete Stinker

>> No.10960618

varg literally smartest man alive. have you seen his youtube?

>> No.10960623

why, my peenus weanus of course :)

>> No.10960624

Lead vocalist of animal rights philosophy

>> No.10960642

For me, its Jordan Peterson.

>> No.10960643

Is Autism regarded as intelligence now ?

>> No.10960706

Steve Pinker

>> No.10960727

Nick Land

>> No.10960748

you fucking faggot

>> No.10960752

Varg is an unreliable narrator though. His intellect is always shrouded by tricks.

>> No.10960757

Is there anyone under 50 that is making a name for themselves?

>> No.10960762

Jonathan Haidt has some interesting analyses of the political divide without being a partisan hack.

>> No.10960765


>> No.10960768

Yuval Noah Harari

>> No.10960793

The guy who writes Slate Star Codex

>> No.10960805

>Varg is an unreliable narrator

this is what makes his youtube channel a true masterpiece. what is he going to do next? replace something on his car? teach his children how to plant trees? buy his wife more blonde hair product and subtly leave the box on her pillow? recreate the hobbit as it should've been filmed, scene for scene with his captive audience family?

he's normie tier internetweird so super accessible. when you start going deep down the rabbit hole, the homeless drifters who carry weapons and upload from mcdonalds wifi hotspots every 6 months and its hours of content of them hitchhiking and meeting fellow travellers- youtube is the stuff of absolute artistic expression.

>> No.10960812

i love varg but im too invested in the jewish system to drop out right now. by the time i'm 35 ill have a few hundred grand socked away and i can go buy land, get myself a wife and get on welfare.

>> No.10960820

Luke Skywalker is the only one here, that I know.

>> No.10960826


Peterson does a good job at conducting himself and he is a pleasure to watch debate even though I don't agree with all his views. Nonetheless, his psychology lectures are fascinating, and as a psychology student who is planning to go into clinical psyc for grad school his lectures are a must watch especially his lecture on discrediting Emotion Intelligence (EQ).

Zizek I agree with more, especially his views against neoliberalism.

Varg is a hack and hypocrite who hates the French government but collects neetbucks because his wife apparently has autism (which he claims to have cured somehow naturally because science is a Jewish invention).

Not familiar enough with Pinker.

>> No.10960832



>> No.10960835

Can you post examples of these homeless videos?

>> No.10960837
File: 321 KB, 1200x1508, Kwame_Anthony_Appiah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Kwame Anthony Appiah

>> No.10960840

Holy shit is the Pinker/Singer thing a meme cause I'm getting triggered af

>> No.10960844

not him but look up terry a davis

>> No.10960848

Probably a common mistake because they have similar names and are both atheist utilitarians.

>> No.10960849
File: 114 KB, 450x339, 2010-12-10-Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realize varg is more of a philosopher than peterson

>> No.10960850
File: 50 KB, 400x534, 1494097416831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Unironically this, if only because he fleshes out what he's thinking and backs it up.

>> No.10960855

Wait is she actually autistic and he makes money out of it ?

He's actually a manipulating scumbag

>> No.10960862



>> No.10960864

all of these except atheism

>> No.10960866


I think so yeah. Like apparently she has some form of developmental problems I don't remember what though. I feel bad for his children desu

>> No.10960867

the wife is not autistic shes actually from a high class family as well. they write books and he gets music royalties, they probably have an income far above average. they take welfare (and encourage others to)to "damage the system" in hopes of accelerating a collapse.

>> No.10960870

contemporary or modern? I'm getting sick of you pseuds throwing "modern" around like you don't know better.

>> No.10960872

I agree. I think that most people could watch his lectures and feel like he understands their side. His "Moral Roots of Politics" or whatever was a good talk back in the day.

>> No.10960893

None of them. Modern intellectualism is dead, and it's corpse buried beneath an avalanche of misdirection and useless rhetoric. Out of all these, Zizek is the only one I lend any degree of seriousness towards, and even that is far overshadowed by the towering intellects that preceded him.

>> No.10960911

overexposure and the giraffe problem (all the low hanging branches have been picked clean).

it's also way more important now to be presentable and a good speaker, something previous generations could avoid completely by being shut in hermits who devote 30 years to some piece of work. does anyone seriously think today if they sat down and wrote and thought and experimented for 30 years in isolation they would be relevant in 2048? no, we have moved beyond the genius of man, computers eclipsed our ability to memorise and do symbol matching and today you need to be a collaborative and social dynamo to do any productive work- and that work is sort of like removing the scaffolding and clearing away the paint cans from some freshly painted masterpiece. the only true value left is in the idiot pleasure of doing things for mechanical enjoyment, which is what you see in peak civilisations, the religion of the empty mind always just before the final spark of life goes out.

>> No.10960926

ur mom gay

>> No.10960941

That's the same reason why I plan to use EI. That and I am a lazy university graduate that doesn't want to work.

>> No.10960967

how can you not like him?

>> No.10960986


>> No.10961083


>> No.10961091

He's the archetypal anglo

>> No.10961105
File: 143 KB, 608x1024, 1521901973562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it even a question. We are already all the time eating from the trash can, and only one man is bold enough to confront it