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10960538 No.10960538[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, this is not literature related but this is the only board I browse. Please be tolerant.
So I've been dating this awesome girl for nearly two years now, but we're having trouble. She 20 and I'm 27. Yesterday we had our first real break up. But got it together again, after both crying and coming clean.
I really want to spend my life with her but I'm really scared things are going to go back to being bad. We've both got issues from childhood. How do I break the habit of treating her badly? How do I tolerate her mistakes instead of getting triggered?
Books for this feel?

>> No.10960543

Post her feet

>> No.10960550

Post her feet

>> No.10960555

Post her feet

>> No.10960557

If she cheated on you there is no hope, no matter how repentant she is.

>> No.10960561

Post her feet

>> No.10960562


>> No.10960564

Post her feet

>> No.10960576

>tolerate her mistakes
You're supposed to punish her for mistakes you limp-wristed soylord

>> No.10960581

Do as he says

>> No.10960589

This isn't really the best board for this, OP. Just nip over to /b/ and they'll be more helpful.

>> No.10960595
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For once, 12 Rules For Life is the appropriate response.

>> No.10960596

She didn't, I just don't feel respected.

>> No.10960597

Dude. Elaborate on your relationship. We have very little to work with here.

And fyi, unless you are religious, you wont be together for ever.

>> No.10960599
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Cool blog faggot where do i subscribe ?

>> No.10960601

I have, it doesn't work it just breaks her down.

>> No.10960603

I don't have great advice I can only offer what I wish I had done back when I went through this and that is: ruminate on how profoundly lucky you are to have someone you love. The world is so lonely. You'll slip up sometimes and get mad, that's natural. But try to realize being with an imperfect girl that you love is so much better than bouncing off of countless girls that you feel very little for, or worse, being alone.

>> No.10960620

Chuck her out the door soyboy

>> No.10960626

No, I'm not religious. We both come out of broken homes. She didn't know her biological father until must later and my parents divorced. We are both single childs. Currently, we're both still studying. I started much later after touring. We both want to live healthy and be successful. But we're both super hardheaded and sensitive. We get in each others hair over stupid shit. I always want to talk it out but she sometimes surpresses her emotions. We're both honest though. We both want this to work. Life just got in the way.

>> No.10960629

t. has never touched a girl (or picked up a book probably)

>> No.10960633

Thank you.

>> No.10960648

She sounds like she fucks black guys

>> No.10960654

I've actually never picked up a girl (or touched a book)

>> No.10960658

Every girl does sooner or later. Doesn't mean she's doing that while dating OP

>> No.10960662

Yeah, I know. It's clear.

>> No.10960664

>or worse, being alone.
Can you imagine being such a pleb ?

>> No.10960672

Nah, she is pure in that way.

>> No.10960677

You'll learn more about life the farther you get from age 19.

>> No.10960684

maybe you ought not pull from the primordial jar of youth for a cohesive relationship you fool.

>> No.10960688

No way. Date young girls if you can while you can. Unless you have money, that window will close for OP in a few years.

>> No.10960699

I mean, seriously, you're 7 years apart, and you expect her to be in any way a fully functioning human being? I bet you still think you have some maturation to do left in your life. now think of how you were as 20. probably a childlike entity compared to your current form, eh?

seems like you're just going with an easy bet. appealing to her lack of experience and maturity. probably became a father figure on accident, and now you demand respect, like some fool. abandon this folly venture and find someone your own damn age.

>> No.10960702

Says the enslaved anon that has to place his happiness on someone else's presence.
I know life is dark and scary go curl up to moma everything is going to be fine.

>> No.10960705

or, alternatively this. pump her and dump her and find a new broad. isn't that the way of things? why try to salvage a broken relationship when there's new tail around the corner?
might as well be honest in what you're advocating from that viewpoint.

>> No.10960745

>unironically believing your pet roastie is pure

She's definitely gone black

>> No.10960761
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You the real first post.

>> No.10960772


>> No.10960773

Is she your first long term committed relationship? She is quite a deal younger than you, not that there is anything inherently wrong with that, but you're going to have to be even more responsible and patient with her than if she was older. What are you doing that you consider to be treating her badly?