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10957858 No.10957858 [Reply] [Original]

What should I read while on my first mushroom trip?

>> No.10957865
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the visuals alone will make reading very, very difficult. If possible plan a nice nature walk (with a sober guide along please be safe)

>> No.10957868

Any NO PARKING 2:00 AM TO 6:00 AM sign.

>> No.10957877

> reading a book
> on shrooms

Lol good luck

>> No.10957882


>> No.10957889
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Vegetation you fool.

>> No.10957893

It depends on how much he takes but so many people now that are so "into psychedelics" take the lowest possible dose and really don't experience the full potential of the drug as it was taken traditionally throughout history or even as it was taken in the 60s

Anyway, yeah I've tried reading before while tripping and I've never been able to get very far in while "coming up" and eventually have to put the book down

>> No.10957904

I like literature and all but it has its limits. Not so much can be expressed in words. You’re going to want to be in a calm quiet place free from anxiety and inducive to introspection and meditation. Don’t waste your time trying to read something, it won’t be worth it or perhaps even possible if you’re actually doing a solid dose and not a pussy one.

>> No.10957916

yes but no matter what dosage it's very advisable to have a "trip guide" around for safety, that's just common sense. However writing on mushrooms is very fun, I've produced some laughable nonsense I still read every now and then for sngs

>> No.10957923


>> No.10957944

Unironic bigotry

>> No.10957950

the culture of critique

>> No.10957959

Get your hands in the dirt. Explore. Draw. Listen to music. The fun part of shrooms is your own thoughts, not somebody else's.
If you absolutely have to read, read random parts of Finnegans Wake.
You'll find that you won't want to stick to any plans you made sober.
Have fun, man. Booms are a good time

>> No.10958020

You may not want to. Go out into nature, explore some woods, play with a dog/cat. You won't really retain anything that you read while on shrooms.

Enjoy tho

>> No.10958024

It would be safest to have one, although there is something to be said about going it alone and experiencing the trip on your own, which I did even initially. The trip sitter will always "color"/affect your trip.

As for writing, yeah it's a great tool for anything creative. You're opening "the doors of perception", after all

>> No.10958220

I tried telling a story while on shrooms and it ended up kind of like Infinite Jest: run-on sentences, non-linear, constant digressions (footnotes), and a cast of characters it was difficult to keep track of. You could just stay sober and read IJ.

>> No.10958233

once you do shrooms you'll realize that it's stupid to even try to bring high brow concepts to a trip. Words and complex ideas have no meaning there. Once you come down though, they'll have twice the meaning.

>> No.10958573

Has anyone tried LSA seeds and mushrooms? What is the difference? I've only tested LSA, 7 Hawaiian morning glory seeds, and I had visuals. But I was still in my usual headspace, no new ideas really. I just looked at stuff in my room, and then looked at stuff with my eyes closed.

>> No.10958647

Yes, a number of years ago now. I bought them from a smartshop at a friend's suggestion to try with him, who had never tried it himself actually. I ended up taking two packs of Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds, which are almost certainly the most vile tasting substance on earth, once chewed--worse than Mimosa hostilis or Acacia confusa in ayahuasca teas, worse than any cactus, plant, or powder I have tasted since.

It was one of my earlier psychedelic experiences, although I laid on my back and did not feel that I was tripping for a good while, I just stared at the ceiling from my futon, but I guess things got a little bit strange and I closed my eyes for a while, unable to speak, but was able to articulate to my friend that I wanted to be left alone, and so he left.

A little while later, I attempted to stand up and felt this incredible body-load and vertigo-type sensation as I opened my eyes and looked around. When my dog entered the room, his long curls of fur seemed to be flowing endlessly like a majestic river and I realized that I was tripping hard. Although, it was unlike any other trips I've had since--which includes all of the major classic psychedelics. The body load and strange visuals were almost dissociative in nature, being more akin to DXM or Ketamine

I tried maybe a year later with Heavenly Blue Morning Glories (which are significantly weaker than HBWR seeds), by performing a simply cold water extraction, although the results of the effects were negligible.

I've significant amount of more experience with mushrooms and, in some ways, like them most of all. The visuals can get pretty intense if you eat more than 1/8, which I recommend for a good dose if you're experienced with other psychedelics, if not, try with a gram or two. Your "headspace" will definitely change.

You might consider buying a San Pedro cactus too and cooking it down into a tea, extracting the mescaline alkaloids into a drinkable brew, although the taste can be unpleasant. It's very visual with minimal headspace fuckery unless taken in higher doses. Most nurseries will have San Pedro but if you can, get Trichocereus bridgesii

>> No.10958663

Best stuff to read BEFORE the trip:

>any Heidegger
>any Sartre
>maybe Derrida

These 3 really really really inhabit my head when I trip, never others

>> No.10960287

when high on something you should consume what you know you already like

>> No.10960560
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>he thinks physical chemicals will bring him enlightenment
>not being smart enough to find truth while sober

Have fun dwelling in illusion.

>> No.10960987


Reason is tripper than anything you can ingest.

>> No.10961838
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Kunstformen der Natur by Ernst Haekel

>> No.10961844

see also: On Growth and Form

>> No.10961904

really good option.
if i were you, i would do something you really enjoy, however it must be something that takes at least a little bit of mental effort. The best thing about shrooms is that you start using your brain in ways that you are not used to, so discovering a different perspective on some activity that you enjoy is really amazing

>> No.10962066
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>consuming narcotics other than opium derivatives
absolutely plebish

>> No.10962096

>When you feel so insecure around people who do or have done drugs that you force yourself into a thread you shouldn't have opened and shit all over the table
Really makes you think

You won't be able to. Just have fun and stay safe. Try writing perhaps?

>> No.10962213

Observe the trees. Read the wind.

>> No.10962294

>look at those morons partying and having fun
>they thinks physical chemicals will bring him enlightenment
>not being smart enough to find truth while sober

Have fun dwelling in illusion.

>> No.10963227

Ashtavakra Gita

>> No.10963229


>> No.10963238
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Opiates are for pussies with le anxietybipilardepression who can't face reality or confront their issues. They're the pussiest drug class. Psychs are pretty much the opposite of that shit. Opioids are a fucking security blanket for the forever a child.

>> No.10963259

Literally the Bible. Genesis or Revelations.

>> No.10963336

Just read anything you want really. It's not about reading something specific but about how you think differently about things while tripping so pretty much anything will be interesting and maybe bizarre.

I tried that once on 4aco-dmt and I felt like I could "get" what Jesus was saying better, like I gained the real understanding all of a sudden. Yes you might say that it was a delusion but I could actually understand the messages better and could connect dots faster and in more ways than I ever knew possible. I started getting nervous when I thought of how the devil is a literal powerful entity that is out there and that the battle between good and evil is hyper real in the sense that it permeates reality itself. Hard to explain but it made me extremely uncomfortable. I almost wanted to call everyone I know and tell them that I have unlocked the true meaning of the bible. Good times.