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File: 57 KB, 220x312, 220px-Gramsci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10954655 No.10954655 [Reply] [Original]

What do I need to know before reading Gramsci?

>> No.10954664

Machiavelli, Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche

>> No.10954668
File: 69 KB, 680x680, 3c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bEt YoU ArE DoInG pOl 150

>> No.10954839


>> No.10954852

Croce, Engels, Pareto, Macchiavelli, Lenin, Marx, Sorel.

>> No.10954968


>> No.10954972


>> No.10954991

your class

>> No.10955015

Will google translator work?

>> No.10955016

just read the guy, asshole

>> No.10955020

This plus Lenin and also >>10954839

>> No.10955021

Oh and Sorel. The influence he took from Nietzsche was mostly mediated by Sorel's philosophy.

>> No.10955028

So basically what >>10954852 said

>> No.10955075

My bad, only saw that post afterwards.

>> No.10955145

>pOl 150
What's that?

>> No.10955149

iq of the average /pol/ user

>> No.10955517

A good suicide method

>> No.10955544


>> No.10955559
File: 536 KB, 1772x1207, Gramsci_Pasolini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was the only one to figure it all out.

>> No.10955580

Does anyone know what he was trying to say with the The Fable of the Beaver?

>> No.10955587

Isnt this the Machiavellian Commie who killed millions?

>> No.10955684

He didn't kill anyone, retard. He went to jail because the fascists couldn't handle his intelligence.

>> No.10957187

bump for interest

>> No.10957475

bordiga>gramsci prove me wrong

>> No.10958256

Well anon, what did you read by Bordiga?

>> No.10959061

He was a Trotskyist.

>> No.10959066

A quadrillion billions to be exact

They mostly dealt with completely different problems.

Nigga what?

>> No.10959666


>> No.10959870


>> No.10959898

Satanic trips = Liar post

>> No.10959944

Yeah and?

>> No.10959949

>100 million dead is no biggie
You have earned yourself a free helicopter ride yu brain dead lefty

>> No.10959955

I bet you are a communist yourself trying to discredit the other side by posting dumb things.

>> No.10959960

Dont you have some feminist book circle to take part in?

>> No.10959961

Gramsci didn't kill anyone you fucking retard

>> No.10959970

He is at least partly responsible for the degeneracy of the West

>> No.10959983

You are more responsible than him tho

>> No.10960004
File: 7 KB, 236x214, 2018-04-06-09-44-21-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10960021

Slit your throat.

>> No.10960053

All communists thinkers share responsibility for its death toll.

>> No.10960104

Tbh mass industry and media has done way more to dumb down and homogenize culture than any Sekrit Jew conspiracy could ever hope to. You're on the internet m8, the call is coming from inside the house

>> No.10960111
File: 112 KB, 1000x1015, victims of communism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wen u goin 2 build a victims 2 capitalism memorial fggt

>> No.10960158

no, he realized no communist revolution will ever happen by itself so he argued that to bring it about they had to take control of culture, teaching and institutions to instil in people gradually the affinity to communist ideals.
did it happen? looking at the current status quo, probably.

>> No.10960174

poor victims of this age of unparalleled comfort and abundance in which its more likely to get fat than to starve.

>> No.10960226

Maybe in the handful of countries being propped up by the global network of sweatshops plantations and arms dealers. Economic systems aren't alchemy son, you think you could afford your computer if the minerals weren't mined by slaves and the parts manufactured in a sweatshop with suicide nets?

>> No.10960242

>he argued that to bring it about they had to take control of culture
Where does he write about that?

>> No.10960259
File: 86 KB, 800x1200, 1519226448150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>satanic trips
Leave /lit/, Luciferus.

>> No.10960281

This is the most brainlet thing I have read. At least in this thread.

>> No.10960303

>did it happen? looking at the current status quo, probably
Nigga when is the last time you even met a unionist? The left is dead as fuck>>10960174

>> No.10960305

I think he is one of those le sjw=marxist dude

>> No.10960306

Didn't mean to reply to>>10960174

>> No.10960346

Yeah we're totally headed towards a communist world. 100%

>> No.10960387

>did it happen? looking at the current status quo, probably.
How did you come to this conclusion? No seriously, I want to know.

>> No.10960412

Is there something wrong with the translation of his work?

>> No.10960469

A redpill.