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/lit/ - Literature

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10953063 No.10953063 [Reply] [Original]

How's the writing career coming, /lit/?

>> No.10953131

have to get published by 24
as long as i'm published by 24 it's all going to be okay

>> No.10953167

Got four short stories published last year, this year I've gotten one published and two short listed and hoping those get published too. Started writing under a pseudonym and self publishing some of my novellas and erotic short fiction on Amazon because its hard finding publishers who accept novellas and if things ever back fire or if I ever query for an agent I can distance myself from the Amazon shit. So I'd say for how long I've been writing (around two and a half years)and the fact I've already made a few hundo schmeckles from it I'd say it's not going to terribly.

>> No.10953346

I've written stuff for video games. It's not good and it's not much but it's better than anything most of you fags will ever do.

>> No.10953363

Uhhhh I’m applying to MFAs in poetry..... so pretty fucking bad.

>> No.10953397
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My university's newspaper will publish my article about Ravel next week, jelly?

>> No.10953419

i got a few stories printed in the old lit mag when i was in college. it's a good feel even though it means nothing isn't it
1 aggie
2 mary
3 weil

>> No.10953489

I've been writing a lot of poetry recently. This is a direct result of taking poetry classes two semesters in a row; nonetheless, I'm really enjoying it. I think I may have some talent, too, judging by the reactions my poems have gotten. I'm even going to have one published.

>> No.10953491

I write for myself; my mathematics career, however, is going terribly.

>> No.10953511

Don't tell me you listened to the memes and chose mathematics over engineering.

>> No.10953568

why 24?

>> No.10953576

At least he didn't fall for the CS meme

>> No.10953598


>> No.10953603

Guaranteed 300k/year, why wouldn't he?

>> No.10953605


CS being a meme is a meme itself, wtf are you talking about

>> No.10953612

There's a big need for technical writers out here but literally all English writing degrees of any variation can do this.

I'm just trying to win a lot of short story contests in the mean time

>> No.10953629

I’m going to be late for the deadline of the translation contest.

>> No.10953825


>> No.10953937

In a couple of weeks I'll be submitting a rewrite to an agent who expressed interest in my work. Might still end in rejection but it's worth the punt.

>> No.10953948
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I haven't read that much fiction or non-fiction.
I don't seem to have a natural "way with words" - I think my college essays are decent but little more.
I haven't witnessed the bombing of Dresden. I have never taken LSD. My parents aren't divorced.
I live my parents and go to college. I've never had a job aside from tutoring. The biggest external event I've experienced in recent years is that I had a gf last year.

Then why do I still want to write? It feels like I've got something to say, but do I?
But also: why don't I write? The ideas are all flying in my head but it's almost impossible to get myself to sit down and write something. In recent years I have completed ONE short story and it was just some quasi-stream-of-consciousness bullshit that I thought I'd complete in a sitting. Apparently not.

>> No.10954011

Back in grade 8 or 9 I made a blog with an ongoing story that I added to when I was bored. After the school year it had around 8k followers and people constantly demanding me for more. At the time this was actually a decent amount of people since youtube/blogger/etc wasn't a thing yet, monetization didnt exist yet really, people were just getting used to google, etc. Basically the internet was a whole lot less condensed, and things didn't really "go viral" except in their own niche communities. But anyways, I eventually got bored and just let it rot, left the story unfinished. I've been meaning to write an actual novel now for years, have tons of concepts and possible storylines, but I never know where to actually start.

Why was it so much easier when I was 14? I swear I used to be a better writer then too (obviously given the fact that I was able to keep an audience captivated with total nonsense). Even won a few contests and scholarships for short stories as a teenager, but now its like the tap's run dry

>> No.10954033


You have good predisposition to write a Stoner-esque novel.

>> No.10954039


If you don't know where to start write in chapters and then arrange them as you see fit later on when the story is more fully formed.

>> No.10954050

>Why was it so much easier when I was 14?
Probably because you took yourself less seriously which didn't cause you paralysis.

>an ongoing story that I added to when I was bored
>Actual Novel™

>> No.10954058

That's actually a really good idea and I feel like an idiot for not thinking of it. I always get so hung up on starting at the beginning, then get frustrated when I can't connect it to my main idea in a non-retarded way

>> No.10954280

Not as easy as it looks.
The publishing doors are nailed shut by feminist liberals who are all looking for the next YA dystopian Hunger Fuckery.
Self-publishing turns all your writing time into panhandling your work to the tiny percentage of the masses who can still read at an adult level.

>> No.10955469

>everything is the feminists' fault!
I'm glad you don't get published.

>> No.10955504

May I suggest the Robert Stanek method to fame, fortune, and worldwide acclaim...?

>> No.10955506
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Like the rest of my life; a complete failure.
I'll keep pitching myself "good" ideas, starting the first pages of mediocre novels only to drop them after a week and crafting cringy poems in fits of depression until I finally have the guts to kill myself

>> No.10955510

Which vidya anon? Or at least what kind?

>> No.10955536

>twelve hougs lateg

>> No.10955546

>people can't come back to the thread

Board is slow enough that there is a high chance he will see it

>> No.10955701

Honestly my poetry has improved alot over the past few months, Im 22, and started writing again in November, Ive always had a knack for it growing up, and it's always been a passion of mine. Stopped from depression but now Ive overcame that abyss, Ive really improved in every way.

>> No.10955787
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I'd tell you to have more confidence in yourself, but for all I know, they might actually be shit. If you really think that way, make an alias and write some mediocre fantasy and put it online. It'll do wonders for your confidence to see what trash the general populace will so eagerly consume. If you're scrapped for cash, write some mediocre fap-fiction. You sound like you take writing too seriously to actually have a "writing career."

>> No.10955873
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What if I told you a career in art required the god given gift of being able to correctly discreminate between varying levels of quality (by unconcious processes out of your control) and an ungodly work ethic? What if I told you that too much of the first is just as bad as too little? Wew lads

>> No.10955944

>What if I told you a career in art required the god given gift of being able to correctly discreminate between varying levels of quality
I've always had this, I think it's pretty normal. Don't know about the work ethic, though.

>> No.10955967
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>have 12 separate ideas for books
>been slowly working on them since 2011
>still have another 6 years to go
>tfw no one has ever paid me any attention

>> No.10955982


I have to write 500 words for the shitty Warhammer submission contest today, and then a summary. The deadline looms and if I don't do it today then it won't get done because I go back to being a wageslave tomorrow night and I won't have the energy to do it before the deadline when all I want to do is get home and sleep.

I highly doubt my story will be chosen but I've been thinking about it for a while (though some cunt did take my idea somehow and write about almost exactly what I was going to write about) and I've heard they only choose via nepotism. Worth a shot, though. I'm ready to show them some actual quality instead of that shit bolter pornography and Dan Abnett's military soap operas.

>> No.10955993

I only read

>> No.10955998

I'd say it's kind of rare amongst the people I've seen in my field of art (music) but if you do good luck mate and put in the work.

>> No.10956020


I applied for a commissioning editor job for Black Library, got rejected at the first stage. Only later did I read about their employee and writer choices being for the most part via nepotism. Fuck it.

>> No.10956022

are we all gonna make it, bros?

>> No.10956071

> pretending women haven't ruined literature

>> No.10956262

>Waaa waa waa

>> No.10956324

Not all of us will, but some of us will. I genuinely think that multiple great writers over the next century will turn out to have posted on /lit/.

>> No.10956327
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I think I'm finally done outlining and ready to actually start writing. It's my first novel and I'm going into this with the assumption that the finished product is going to be an publishable piece of shit, so I'm mostly approaching this as a practice book.

>> No.10956337


It is pretty disappointing. This is the only thing I've been interested in after starting my miserable job so I told myself I'd see it through.

>> No.10956370

you'll never get anywhere if you don't force yourself to sit down and write, so that's the first thing to take care of. there's a big chance it's going to be shit but that's the case for anyone who ever started anything.
also, does it have to be writing? maybe try making music/painting/whatever else.

>> No.10956379


Good plan. I started with a series of novellas and only ever thought of them as practice. I was proud of them at the time but they're fucking garbage, but I wouldn't do anything differently. They were invaluable experience.

>> No.10956390

I have lost every contest that I have entered. I am on the right track, I guess.

>> No.10956409


56k in. I'm thinking I should try to keep it under 75k just to keep it manageable.

>> No.10956544

>tfw I recognize this brief moment of light
>yet the moon rises unceasingly
get ready to be back down in there, anon

>> No.10957357
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97k in. Trying to wrap it up.

>> No.10957385

I'm looking forward to it :)

>> No.10957394

Published at 21 in a contest with a big judge. Ain't all that cracked up to be. I'm now horrified by the notion of future failure. I felt the envy from other writers... the fucking night I found out I won, I ran into some old people from high school, told them I was happy, tried to be the least annoying about it, then one guy proceeded to tell me about how his little hobbyist painting of a skull was in a local gallery for a few days, pulled out his phone, and began showing us pictures of his painting. I've been checking my Submittable page for a contest I entered back in October; they said it'd be judged by late March, yet there's still the "In-Progress" button next to my submissions.

Now I'm worried about the mindplay going on in my head now; thinking I've been short-listed, and feeling a semblance of anxiety mixed with excitement... but this usually leads to a crushing blow.

I'm too young and sensitive to these contests, man.

>> No.10957401
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Thanks. Gonna pop the top on this bad boy to celebrate the day I finish

>> No.10957414

I got hired on as a member of the IAPWE, but I haven’t taken any jobs yet and I’m panicking over staying at my shitty 9-5 or going to my old job at a shitty part time.

>> No.10957438

Still not published. Still writing.

A tale of mine has just been published in a literary magazine of my country, other than that, nothing.

>> No.10957449

>Still not published.
>A tale of mine has just been published in a literary magazine of my country

what? lol it's like your standards are inhumanely high, m8. What else do you need? A novel with a Penguin? you've done it, the first publication. be proud of that.

>> No.10957464

I'm proud of that, but it's not a book of mine published. I was very close last year, the book I wrote in 2016 made it all the way to the editorial department. Then, they made me wait 5 months all the while updating me on the progress and telling me the prospects were good. Then, an email saying "close but no cigar. If you write another book send us the copy".

So yes, I'm happy, but has you can see, after this horrible defeat, a published tale in a literary magazine with 500 printed copies doesn't feel as good as I thought it would.

But I'll celebrate. Thanks for reminding me that it's a good thing.

>> No.10957465

I missed out on winning a competition but the publishers who ran it said they reread my work and offered to publish something else of mine (shorts or a novel). I turned them down cos of higher ambitions, but also that I need to create more works and send them out to see who else wants me.

>> No.10957473

dumb move.

>> No.10957511

Nah, too small a publisher

>> No.10957519

I did too. I got all excited because I thought it was some big deal, but it's literally just a jobs board. I'm pretty annoyed.

>> No.10957524

Thats not how it works you idiot.
You build up a repertoire, they have contacts.

>> No.10957537

It’s a start, and something to put on the resume I guess

>> No.10957565

Can still do that, it's not like I told them to fuck off, just that I had no material at this time

>> No.10957574

You made it seem like you were to good for them in the post you pseud.

>> No.10957607

Same except more like 6 ideas. Although I'm finally taking one seriously and will probably start writing some pages in a few days. I'm just wondering what the process would/could entail in getting a book published when it'll be my first time.

>> No.10957632

>pretending women have ruined literature

>> No.10957646

there is pain in everything on earth. be like me (though i've a little more experience with despair than what it seems youre expressing) and write about surpassing everything on earth and achieving ethereal (maybe spiritual) ascention

>> No.10959405

I've been asked by a friend of my mom to write down the life stories of a marginally important dead gynaecologist as told by his 85-year-old son whom I would be interviewing. I'll be paid by the foundation in his name. I have no clue what the content of the stories are, how long the publication will be and in what way and capacity it will be published.
Does this count as /lit/?

>> No.10960027

Is the blog still online somewhere? I kind of want to see it.

>> No.10960319

Being "Published" isn't all it's cracked up to be, at least, it's not going to solve all the problems you think you have. Most writers find when they finally get that first good writing cred that the book offers and fan mail is just going to come pouring in, but are surprised to learn that basically nothing happens.

That's because there's about 100 tiers of success for writers, and just getting an actual credible writing credential is just tier 1.

>> No.10960394

Who here self publishes? I understand that you may not want to losing stake in your claim.... I've been thinking about e-pubing on amazon, and writing simple erotica... thoughts?

>> No.10960407

I dunno, I have one self published title that has gone basically nowhere so far.

>> No.10960432

I'm not sure I like the self publishing model, at least through amazon, I don't really know what other options are available. You're responsible for all the costs, editing, copywriting the book, getting cover art, all that. You're also responsible for all the marketing and advertising (unless you pay extra to amazon for their dubious advertising methods), and then they take a %50 cut. It seems kinda like you're the one doing all the work here, even most shitty vanity presses can offer better terms than that.

Also, the one thing I always hear self published fags say is that 99% of books published through a publisher never make a dime, but they never seem to mention that 99% of self published books don't make a dime either.

>> No.10960645
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I'm writing my novel by hand. It's a great way to ensure no distractions. Writing on a tablet or computer is a guaranteed way for you lose focus and start looking at stuff online.

Kinda like how I'm on my laptop pirating jazz music and watching Youtube vids of freight hoppers when I should be writing.

>> No.10960652

>build a website
>let people read the first 33% of your book for free
>if they like it they can pay for the finished thing
>advertise yourself online and irl at local places book enthusiasts might go
>stop worry about marketing and write your next work

>> No.10960801

I write futanari erotica set in an all futa college; it made about a hundred bucks so far

Is this what you wanted, Dad?

>> No.10961219


>> No.10961366

I’m excited about it. Only been writing seriously for about a year but I’ve been a reader all my life. Just finished a story and went over it with my writing professor, who was impressed with it, said I could send it out to a small journal and probably get accepted right now, but she felt I could still work on it and sharpen it even more. I’m hoping it will be my first publication outside my school’s literary journal.

I’m looking forward to writing stories, slowly racking up the publications until I get 5-10 maybe, and I want to shoot for 1-2 in more we’ll known journals, and then apply to grad school MFA programs. I know it will be hard as shit to get in but that’s my dream, even I was the worst writer in the program I think I would still enjoy it.

It’s definitely far off and I will probably spend at least 3-5 years after I get out of undergrad just writing and seeking publications, but I’m so excited by the idea. Ann Arbor, UW-Madison, Wash U in St. Louis, Notre Dame, Johns Hopkins and Cornell are my dream schools right now. But anywhere fully funded is good enough for me.

>> No.10961379

How necessary is having published short stories if you mainly want to write novels?

>> No.10961426

holy moly, someone's got some high aims

>> No.10961432

>fully funded

>> No.10961804

OK, this is really inserting to hear, I always see people on here say how they have self published and now make like 50 a week from it. I'm not expecting to have it take my career anywhere, but I think it would be a fun project.

Yes, son, very proud. nnn hot. I've heard that erotica is one of the few markets left that will make some money (esp. compared to the skill required) due to the nature of it.

>> No.10961979

>I always see people on here say how they have self published and now make like 50 a week from it.

I have no trouble whatsoever in believing that most of these people are just flat out lying. Unless they post a screenshot of their actual sales numbers, I wouldn't take them seriously.

>I'm not expecting to have it take my career anywhere, but I think it would be a fun project.

I actually have self published a book with the same idea. Didn't expect it to go anywhere, but I was just having fun with it, and trying to learn what self publishing is all about, but I wasn't expecting it to go anywhere. So...it basically has gone nowhere, and I'm really not convinced that self publishing is a good platform for any sort of serious work.

>> No.10962019

Self-publishing is pure vanity. You're paying a company to print your fucking book on shitty paper? Why? You just want to be known as a writer.

It reminds me of this one shitty 21 year old in my city... publishing pure nature blog wankery, sitting at Chapters with his dumb fucking book. I picked that shit up, flipped to a page, saw three adjectives strung together with an adverb... not even fucking lying.

You're going to be cast into a group of people who are killing art, anons.

>> No.10962042

Well one problem I have with it is everything I've read that's self published, so far, I could tell right away why the junk was never put out by a publisher. I mean, there's no mystery, the person had to self publish it because it's such trash.

I mean....if that sells, then whatever, that's cool. But from what I can tell most of it isn't even selling.

>> No.10962590

I know. My ego has probably been bolstered by the fact that every other English major at my university (which is a pretty good state school) who is serious about creative writing is noticeably worse than me, and the fact that I have professors interested in my writing, telling me I should apply to MFAs (who have written refs for other people who have gotten in places). But I’m sure it will be tough, I will not be surprised if I have to go through 3-4 years of applying and getting rejected by everything before I get in somewhere, but I’m hoping I can write enough and get published enough to give myself a solid chance.
I don’t understand. Why would you not want to go a program that will pay you to write and provide you with highly skilled peers and professors?

>> No.10962905
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It's good, though I wouldn't wanna do it as a career.

It's a great hobby, but there is no way in hell am I gonna make bank off of a book.

>> No.10963579
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>How's the writing career coming, /lit/?
if truth be told, I am currently adrift on what to do with my novel.

I'm done outlining and ready to actually start writing my novel. However, whether it is my self-perceived or actual mediocrity as a writer, I cannot go more than a week of writing before I erase it and start all over again. Hoping that the next attempt is more successful than the last, yet always finding myself in the same position no matter what I do.

More often than not, its the opening Chapter that is killing me. I just don't know what to do.

>> No.10963584

My general loved the last greentext i wrote and i aspire to nothing more than that.

>> No.10964125

why am I off my face?

>> No.10964332


Keep writing and don't look back until you're finished and getting to work on the next draft. Anything you dislike can easily be fixed the next time around, or however many edits you feel are required.

>> No.10964819


>> No.10966330


>> No.10966349

I’m articulate but I don’t have any writing skill. I can’t organize or structure my writing. when I improvise writing it is trash. how do I fix this? do I practice by writing my stream of consciousness and then editing it or by planning and organizing my thoughts beforehand? and I kind of wonder, because I can’t write well, am I necessarily a sloppy and undisciplined thinker?

>> No.10966367

Good. Published my second short story around Christmas. Wageslavery is impeding on my writing time, but I’m still getting close to halfway in my novel. I wholeheartedly believe I’m going to make it, even at this old age of 26.

>> No.10966992

Do NaNoWriMo but in May. As gay as it may sound, it helps you to get a necessarily shitty first draft out.

>> No.10967205

Guys guys guys

I officially sold

5 copies of my book on Amazon self publishing! In only 3 months!

>> No.10967403


>> No.10967573

I-I-I'm shy....

>> No.10967582

Just Post-it.

>> No.10967592

Is this a trick :( am I going to be banned for self-promotion?

>> No.10967604

Just Post-it.

>> No.10967618

I'm getting published in a physics journal in a month or two and I am quite happy about that

>> No.10967621

This isn't reddit ffs

>> No.10967664
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Pls be nice

>> No.10967696 [DELETED] 

Post the god damn link

>> No.10967716


>> No.10967733

kys stemfag
good job :)

>> No.10967749

Nice touch using a female name so you can get more sales, fjeldabe.

>> No.10967772

Mmhm I also thought it was a friendly-sounding pen name

>> No.10968571

Coming along fine OP!

Kind of.

I make enough writing to pay my bills right now with a bit at the end of the month for food. I'm hoping that this upward trend continues on till I hit a comfy level.

>> No.10968590

It's erotica isn't it

>> No.10968626

>its hard finding publishers who accept novellas

bruh. most small press publishing houses almost exclusively publish novellas, and you're obviously much more likely to get picked up by the small press if you're a nobody just starting out

>> No.10968632

Mixture actually. Got to go with what sells.

I have three pen names. One for erotica and whatever niche sells that week. One for genre fiction. One for self help guide books that are easy as hell to pump out.

For the Erotica I typically write novella length stories of about 20k to 40k words, put up 5k on instafreebie.com and shill em on a porn tumblr/twitter/wordpress blog I have.

For the Genre fiction I typically write a story in installments of several chapters at a time, and then just "bundle" them into a full length novel at the end and make the other chapters .99c while phasing them out. Marketing is done similarly as erotica.

Self help books I dont even need to shill. People see a .99c self help book that's mostly just regurgitated trash and think somehow it's going to change their life so they throw a dollar at it.

I also do blogging about art and stuff and write essay's occasionally. Doesn't make me any money, but it's kind of nice getting some interesting feedback.

Been at it for about a year, and while I want to phase out the porn because it's kind of boring to wite, and focus on genre fiction, Im afraid it's what's making me the most money right now. I also have a mailchimp e-mail list going to that has 3x as many e-mails as opposed to the genre stuff.

>> No.10968783

is wanting to design the cover of my books when i get published too much of a pipe dream?

>> No.10968974

I read an article that Amazon has taken erotica fiction off the main book page

>> No.10969044

Not in the Kindle Store. I still accessed it, and scrolled through, and even put in the keywords I used to see if I can find my shorts I put up.

They DID recently mess with ranking. So if you're not in the top 100 in a certain sub category it'll be harder to gauge where your particular books are, or if any strategies on getting noticed rank you higher or not.

>> No.10969072

Borges never left the house and wrote kick ass literature.

>> No.10970009


>> No.10970284

Does that affect the income that one earns from erotica?

>> No.10970822

Cause he is 23.
Anon, as long you actually write, rewrite, and write more, and actually learning from your mistakes, is never too late. Is just better to do it today than tomorrow.

>> No.10970891

Just got a job writing articles for some bullshit health site. Pay is decent but I have to commute nearly 2 hours each way. Worried that the 9 to 5 schedule will crush any authentic love I have for writing.

>> No.10972282

sounds like shit

>> No.10972310

why the fuck would u need to be onsite to churn a blog for a content farm, tell them to let u work remote