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10952669 No.10952669[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What I'm doing isn't working out. How do I become a Catholic?

>> No.10952672

Suck the toes of a black man.

>> No.10952685

start believing in a sky fairy and act like a schizo believing bread is someone's body

>> No.10952691

If that guy can do it so can you. Start by going to church. You can meet with the father if you like. Most of em I've met are pretty friendly and open. The church is always looking for new blood, they're happy to have any warm body in the pews.

>> No.10952697
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What are the main differences between Catholicism and Orthodoxy theologically and why do some ex-Protestants choose Orthodoxy over Catholicism sometimes? Is the anti-Catholicism they ingrain into Protestants that strong?

>> No.10952708

you might have to fuck an alter boy op

>> No.10952728

It's that easy? I might just start tomorrow then.

>> No.10952740

I would assume its partly anti-Catholicism, partly being uncomfortable with the idea of a Vatican and a Pope, and also I would think a reaction against the lack of supernaturalism, where they go full-on hesychaism, rather than less spooky Catholic mysticism

>> No.10952765
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>less spooky

I'm sorry, which Church has more apparitions? Catholicism is just as "spooky" as Orthodoxy, it just also has the benefit of a strong philosophical tradition. It has faith AND reason.

>> No.10952774
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Not too sure what you meant by those big boy words but just to be clear, the only reason a person would choose Orthodoxy over Catholicism is because they're triggered by the Pope right?

>> No.10952810

Do you believe that the current Pope is a Catholic?

>> No.10952835
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Ye he said so

>> No.10952846


>> No.10952858

Orthodox theology better tracks my reading of the Bible + debating brainlet Catholics online as a youth left a bad taste in my mouth. Generally, I prefer the negative theology of Orthodoxy, and on any issue where Catholics differ I've found I prefer the Orthodox approach; on the filioque, for example.

The Bible was written in Greek and the New Testament is essentially a Neoplatonist text. Papists have... Aquinas, who isn't nearly as impressive as you louts make him out to be.

>> No.10952867

>hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... only physicalist thoughts are real
>he's to retarded to hold more than one level of reality
jesus fuck how boring and simple is life as an athiest? Try diversifying your thought

>> No.10952877
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>the New Testament is essentially a Neoplatonist text

You missed the point.

>> No.10952885

>I've found I prefer the Orthodox approach; on the filioque, for example.
But this wasn't even a matter of theology.
It was a matter of philosophy. Surely you don't believe that the holy spirit DOESN'T proceed from both the father and the son? You're not a heretic anon, are you?
The Orthodox Church split because they didn't like that the Vatican simply added it to the creed without consulting anyone when they were trying to deal with the heresies of the time.

>> No.10952903

What does Aquinas botch?

>> No.10952909

God's light shone through the Achaeans.

>Surely you don't believe that the holy spirit DOESN'T proceed from both the father and the son?
Let's consult the Bible, shall we? *audible catholic gasps*
>If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever
the filioque sure was a goofy way to go about combatting arianism. catholicism stifles thought, you people scream heresy at everything.

>> No.10952910

>Get reborn
>Get baptized
>Eat ur first communion
>Get confirmed
>Stop masturbating

>> No.10952934

he was fat

>> No.10952967

Gee anon, it's almost like for most schematic issues there can be found scriptural pieces that support both sides.
Galatians 4:6 affirms that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the son.

I don't quite understand why you'd try argue that the Holy Spirit doesn't proceed from the son as well as the father.
In 1054, the issue wasn't whether or not Rome was theologically correct. The east just had an issue with Rome changing a creed on a whim.
So tell me, why is the filioque a bad way in which to combat Arianism?
>catholicism stifles thought, you people scream heresy at everything.
"LOL dude just accept diversity of thought. So what if Jesus and the Holy Spirit are merely subordinate to God? It's all the same shit bruh"

>> No.10953037

>burn Joan of Arc at the stake
>canonize her later to make up for it

The Nicene creed tells us that Jesus was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and of the Virgin Mary, so obviously Jesus was imbued with the Holy Spirit. Galatians says:
>God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts
The Spirit proceeds from the Father. It is present in us, just as It was present in the Son. Think: nobody would say that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Holy Spirit; that doesn't amount to a denial of sound trinitarian doctrine.

>> No.10953052

Become Orthodox and follow the Bible instead of following the Pope

>> No.10953060

>dismissing the recognition of Joan's saintliness

I sense in you a lack of respect for the reality of Eternal Life.

>> No.10953102

>follow the bible instead of the Church, either patriarchal or papal
Do you really think the death of Joan of Arc was anything but politics?
>"God has sent the Spirit into our hearts" implies the Father alone. Nice.
"Jesus was imbued with the Holy Spirit" isn't how I'd interpret the Nicene. As per the Angelus, "she conceived by the Holy Spirit", but the Spirit from the Father alone is rejected even by orthodox thinkers. I don't find the meaning of the filioque significantly different from "proceeds from the Father through the Son", just a matter of phrasing in opposition to a particular heresy.

>> No.10953127

What would you call someone who follows only the Bible and their faith, without wanting to belong to any "church"?
I believe in Christianity but organized religion has become a clusterfuck
Eastern Orthodox cross is the most aesthetic though

>> No.10953136

I love Joan, moron. I'm pointing out the fact that you guys are way too eager to condemn """heretics"""

>Do you really think the death of Joan of Arc was anything but politics?
see above

>but the Spirit from the Father alone is rejected even by orthodox thinkers
no it's not

>proceeds from the Father through the Son
If only that was what the official Catholic translation into English said.

>> No.10953138

>What would you call someone who follows only the Bible and their faith, without wanting to belong to any "church"?
ask any protestant and they'll say "my specific brand of protestantism"
hopefully you all find God one day.

>> No.10953143

Also is there anything wrong with following Christ without going to some kind of church and following specific rites?
You all seem more educated about Christianity than I am but I want to believe

>> No.10953148

I dont want to be any specific brand of anything though.
If I follow Christ's teachings it shouldn't matter, right?

>> No.10953163

it's good to be amongst believers. i strongly suggest visiting an orthodox church with an english language liturgy. go to coffee hour. eastern europeans are friendly and nobody will be pressing you over minute theological differences.

literally every protestant's thought process. we're not infallible and we need others to keep us accountable. it's harder to just pick up a Bible and imitate Christ than you would think.

>> No.10953179

I went to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception a few days ago. That place is a great advertisement for Catholicism. It made me want to get confirmed.

>> No.10953204

That's basically protestantism. The main difference there is that Christ left behind the apostles to carry on His work and commissioned them to spread the Gospel, only later was the new testament written and the bible compiled- by the Church.
An english subset of the Church accused someone of heresy for political reasons. Was wrong, but such happens.
If you deny "from the Father through the Son" you ditch half a dozen of the Church fathers. As the Son derives entirely from the Father, "From the Father and the Son" carries no more meaning than that, just a different emphasis. If the Spirit is not derived through the Son, but the Father alone, I fail to see what distinguishes the Spirit from the Son.
Seeking Christ's teaching is exactly right, all that we're quibbling about is who happens to be right about it. (In my view, both the Catholic and Orthodox are the true Church, just in a state of schism over largely semantic points, as above, but mostly the nature of leadership)
I'd advise you to talk to a priest about this for better answers. Short answer on the ceremony stuff: as we are sacramental beings, God chose a sacramental way to convey grace to us. Personal prayer alone is something I find unsatisfactory for the human person. As for why a church, see the first part of this post.

>> No.10953218

Would God really send me to Hell for not being part of a church even if I believe in Christ the Son of God?

>> No.10953222

Catholics have negative theology too, it's just that most Catholics have made such an idol of Aquinas that the negative theology of the neo-Platonistic tradition gets overshadows.

t. Platonistic Catholic with a Platonistic Catholic mentor

>> No.10953237

imo, no.
t. Orthodox guy

>In my view, both the Catholic and Orthodox are the true Church, just in a state of schism
more or less my view as well

>> No.10953244

you have no evidence for your assumptions you are literally conjuring them out of nothing

>> No.10953250

Do you observe fasts and not shave?
Serious question

>> No.10953251

Nice trips, my friend. May God bless you with many more besides.

>he only has five senses

>> No.10953253

Not according to Catholic or Orthodox teaching, at least assuming that you pursued the Truth in His teaching and died in a state of grace. We'd just argue that said teaching includes a universal Church. You would be in schism with His church, which is a mortal sin- if committed knowingly. If not, then you would not be damned for it.

>> No.10953260

Thanks guys. I need to start going to church, just the fact that there are so many here bothers me. I suppose as long as you live with Christ and believe, we're all brothers and have no irreconcilable differences.
God bless.

>> No.10953265

If I showed up to an Orthodox church with no beard would people judge me?

>> No.10953280

I haven't been strict about fasting as yet because I've only recently started attending an Orthodox Church (it's been about a year). I'm planning on trying to get confirmed next fall, at which point, by the grace of God, I hope to calibrate my life by the liturgical calendar as best I can. Nobody at my church has a beard btw. From my readings and observations, Orthodox really aren't so legalistic.

>> No.10953286
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Why do ever attend Orthodox Church if you’re not Russian/Greek? It’s strange for me.

t. Russian Catholic

>> No.10953288

I can see how it would be overwhelming at first. Honestly, the current schismatic state of the Church is a travesty and a scandal for precisely this reason. I'd definitely try to speak with a Catholic priest, and an Orthodox if you have one in your area. As well as others you might find convincing. And yes, following His teachings is the essential mark of the Christian, we're glad to have you. God help you in your search for Him throughout this.

>> No.10953297

No Orthodox churches in my area but I'll keep up till I can find one

>> No.10953303

I'm Russian/Greek and was raised Methodist
A lot of their interpretations have always seemed wrong to me
My father was raised Catholic but we've both kind of been churchless and doing our own Sunday readings for a long time

>> No.10953307

For the best people its because they believe it is the closet thing to the truth for the worst people because it is exotic (kind of like how westerners like Buddhism, and Taoism)

>> No.10953324

>just the fact that there are so many here bothers me
it bothers me, too. I wish we could all come together as one.

see the post right below yours. literally not a single guy with a beard at my church.

idk, maybe you're albanian, bulgarian, romanian.... or you Started With The Greeks (tm)

I was a churchless protestant for a long time too.

>> No.10953331
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I think it's true. I'll add - foreign churches seem less corrupted than main. I largely became Catholic because Russian Church is in absolute shit. Guess if I lived in Italy, I'll disappointed in Pope.

>> No.10953338

Dude Dostoevsky lmao

>> No.10953361

I don't even know why I go on /lit/ anymore.
So many retards here.

OP, you wanna become Catholic? God bless you. You should call a local parish and see if you can meet with a catechist(people who formally teach the Catholic faith to kids and catechumens) or a priest. They will be more than happy to help you and answer any and all questions(especially the catechists). I'm a convert myself, it's a great process. if you do decide to convert, you would go through RCIA. If you ever have questions regarding history, teachings, or Catholicism in general, go on Youtube and look up Catholic Answers. Or you can even type in your question/ topic with "Catholic" right after. I highly recommend doing that too.

Finally, pray about it :)

Hope all goes well friend.

>> No.10953370

this, especially
>Stop masturbating
it's fucking difficult..

>> No.10953394

You would not be missed if you left.

>> No.10953405

>go on Youtube and look up Catholic Answers
if it has any relationship with the catholic answers forum, that's terrible advice. those guys are retarded.

amen to that. i can quit for a month or two but always lapse. i need to join an accountability group.

>> No.10953410

>i can quit for a month or two but always lapse.
Start putting 5 dollars into a jar as a penalty every time you do it. I guarantee you'll stop soon.

>> No.10953418

>accountability group
Yeah I was thinking alongside this.
hey, that's a good ass idea. Thanks man!

>> No.10953421

The trick is to then donate that money to a cause you dont like at the end of every month.

>> No.10953435
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This is one of my major problems with the Orthodox Church. I get that they've had a bit of a hard time of it in the last thousand years, between losing the Roman Empire to the Ottomans and being oppressed by the Soviets. But even so, their missionary work has been pitiful, and they are, essentially, an ethnic church, confined to Eastern Europe and Russia. By contrast, Catholicism is global. Rome really did take seriously the notion that Christ intended the entire world to be baptized. And, consequently, some of the most devout and orthodox bishops in the world come from Africa, Asia, and South America.

>> No.10953497

Ultimately you need an organisation. The bible is so rich that interpretation of the texts is no easy feat by any means.
As you've read earlier in the thread, two guys were both able to supply scripture to support their opposing positions on a matter.
Assuming that one single human is able to fully comprehend the bible is foolish at best.
>pointing out the fact that you guys are way too eager to condemn """heretics"""
Earlier you seemed to have an issue with the the church branding Arianism as heretical.
Which of the formal heresies do you actually think are okay? Why do you arc up your back against the church making sure that people don't fall into false teaching.

>> No.10953500
File: 338 KB, 1826x492, the-whore-of-babylon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catholicism is Babylonianism. It is not Christian. It is the Whore of Babylon.

>> No.10953521

Catholics and Protestants are wealthy and have faced little persecution (except from one another). Orthodox Christians on the other hand have been fighting to survive. By all means, spread the Gospel, but all your charity has produced are overlarge third-world populations of mystic pagans who worship Mary and only grasp theology insofar as it relates to liberation. You've cast your pearls before swine.
>muh based cardinal sarah
is that all you have to show for yourself?

>Earlier you seemed to have an issue with the the church branding Arianism as heretical.
If that's really what you got out of my post you might need an MRI. Your aggressive tone and obstinate refusal to engage with what I've written puts on display your impulse towards burning the Other on a stake.

>> No.10953538

>Orthodox Church have been fighting
Let me guess - you’re from West right?

>> No.10953539

t. Luther

>> No.10953554
File: 104 KB, 463x600, 1513260532574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, can we stop this Christianity meme already? It's like 2010 /v/ went too far in making fun of fedora atheists.

>> No.10953566
File: 15 KB, 640x427, Cardinal_Joseph_Zen_Ze_kiun_departs_the_Pontifical_Urbaniana_University_in_Rome_on_Nov_18_2014_Credit_Bohumil_Petrik_CNA_CNA_11_19_14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cardinal Zen is not bad either.

>> No.10953581

Protestantism is also heresy. All so called "christian" denomations are not christian. There is no trinity, and baptism is only in Jesus' name knowing the gospel of Salvation.

>> No.10953583

i mean they've been hemmed in by catholics and muslims for centuries, and were still being genocided in yugoslavia and anatolia in the 20th century.

>> No.10953622
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>by Catholics
>by Muslims
Yes, but not because they're were Orthodox but because they support Byzantium

>> No.10953636

to the west?
>blah blah blah
who cares? the point is that missions eastward weren't going to be successful. how much luck have Catholics had in MENA? Yeah.

sounds like Integralism.

>> No.10953883

The priests will probably discourage you from becoming a Catholic

>> No.10953907


>> No.10953925

It's mainly because tsars have made Orthodox Church in Russia one of their political force to surpass their own population and justify every step they had made

>> No.10953934

What, why? Wouldn't the Church be happy more people are interested?

>> No.10953965

Is not liking Augustine and Calvinism legitimate grounds for joining the Orthodox church?

>> No.10953996


Stop mentioning him in vain.

>> No.10954013

No, they discouraged me from joining. One priest told me he only stays Catholic for the spirituality. Another said we don't need you, we want older middle aged people with lots of money. I talked to 5 or so, only one seemed to really believe in it and he was a weirdo, probably a closet gay.

>> No.10954015

>literally cucking yourself
lmao Catholics

>> No.10954123

You know, if I think about it, this doesn't strike me as that weird. The Catholic Church is a dusty old org, man.

>> No.10954162

although spiritual/non-physical thoughts are very usefull, i personally believe you should be very weary of large institutions providing those thoughts for you. reading literature, philosophy and scriptures about this level of thinking is usefull, and large parts of the bible contain very usefull knowlege that would be wasted by simply dismissing the whole thing as dumb hocus pocus. However, obeying all of the spiritual constructions of any institutionalized religion without second thought is also kinda dumb. as poorly phrased as OP was here, he has a valid point regarding the shaky foundation of the symbolism and dogmas of the catholic church.

>> No.10954187

The orthodox populations have been killing each other since Byzantium got started. One could argue it wasn't even the ottomans that defeated Byzantium, but rather Byzantium itself through endless civil wars that literally wiped entire cities off the map.

>> No.10954191

>How do I become a Catholic?

>> No.10954735

Only fundament differences are Papal primacy and the filliquoe. If you choose a church based on the later and you don't have a graduate level understanding of theology you have autism.

Prots who go EO get to basically be 99.99% Catholic, but still get to hate Catholics and be part of an obscure small church, like they were when they were a Prot.

Liturgical differences don't matter because Easter Rite Catholic churches (under the Pope) exist

>> No.10954745

EO think an ecumenical council could do literally anything Catholics think the Pope could do (i.e. infallibility), albeit logistically it would be more difficult