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/lit/ - Literature

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10950697 No.10950697 [Reply] [Original]

Learn to navigate

>> No.10950708


>On the Road

Get this shit outta here

>> No.10950714

its good if you are in highschool

>> No.10950721

shit troll, delete.

>> No.10950722

you must like it then.

>> No.10950743

Well, except fot on the road the list is correct

>> No.10950799

most of the books under average are actually good

>> No.10950803

OP you sound 18 and retarded

>> No.10950985 [DELETED] 

No Aeneid in god teir, I am disappointed

>> No.10950995

No Aeneid in God Tier? Cretin list

>> No.10951006

>1001 Nights
Since when?
No civilization was built on the Aeneid.

>> No.10951007

My nigga.........chiiillllllll

>> No.10951014

that would be in top human

>> No.10951028

I rate it above The Odyssey desu, not the Iliad though. It did inspire modern classics like Watership Down and helped cement Roman culture.

>> No.10951035

>helped cement Roman culture
It didn't.

>> No.10951046

odyssey is more important than iliad

>> No.10951072

Aeneid was of massive cultural importance for the Romans and was the golden standard for european writers until romanticism. Pretty important stuff, it really can be said that our civilization was built upon it.

>> No.10951083

>the memeid

>> No.10951093

>Aeneid was of massive cultural importance for the Romans
>and was the golden standard for european writers until romanticism
It wasn't written until the Empire. It was not a book on which civilization was based. It's literally that simple.

>> No.10951095

its not a heroic epic, but a political epic. Homers work, like the holy books, shaped the morality of the world by answering two most important questions: mortality and justice. Aeneid is just well written

>> No.10951107

>Aristotle, Metaphysics
>top human tier

a lot of delirant absconse shit intertwined with some brilliant paragraphs or sentences can't be a major human literary endeavor, nevermind how insightful Aristotle was, the guy can't write. It's literally the style of a student taking his teacher's class.

we must revere the elders, yes, but if it's that necessary to take a greek philosopher, Plato would be a good choice instead. At least the literary value does exist and is quite examplar, Timaeus for instance is one of the most beautiful things I've read

Also don't understand for which reasons the 1001 nights are basing anything, arabic folklore taken apart. So were the tales Perrault or the brothers Grimm heard and wrote.

>> No.10951112

This is list has almost nothing to do with quality and is based only on cultural impact. Not necessarily a bad thing but almost irrelevant for someone who just wants to read good literature.

>> No.10951132

themes of gardens, symetry inspiration for borhes, marquez, karahasan and many more. Its not studied wright in the world because only a couple of countries have the complete translation, and the muslim world is considering it haram. this is dying gold. trust me.

>> No.10951139

Don't you think that the complete works of Plato belong in the "books that civilizations are based on" tier?

>> No.10951142

you dont think the better the book the more cultural impact it has? By looking at cultural impact we create objectively good, not subjectively good lists

>> No.10951149

Yes I do!

>> No.10951282

Well it did. Alongside the works of Ovid and Horace, Virgil helped to build up the culture that the early Roman Empire would follow. Also, it gave the Romans a mythic origin - dated them back before Romulus and Remus.

>> No.10951288

>you dont think the better the book the more cultural impact it has
Only partly, there are much more important factors though. You can assume most works with an important cultural impact will have at least a certain level of quality, but you can't determine the quality of a work by its cultural impact (eg some novels or poems that are excellent but had little cultural impact due to social or economic reasons)

>> No.10951290

As if the Republic and Empire were the same thing

>> No.10951299
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>don't read 99% of books but also learn to navigate
How to learn to navigate?
>by reading books until you understand what's important about books.
How to choose books when you don't yet know how to categorise the importance of books?
>at random or by intuition or aesthetics

So - "read arbitrarily until you are able to not read arbitrarily" - gee OP thanks for the advice.

>> No.10951316

not really ops point i think...

>> No.10951321

the thing is, there are cultural markers, and its completly stupid to read random books until youve gone through all the classics

>> No.10951324

to be ashamed to like something on a novelty chart is tantamount to being a weak ass pussy faggot

>> No.10951341


Thanks for the insight, this has surely never been enunciated on /lit/ before

>> No.10951345

Gabriel Garcia Marques is shit.
t, native spanish speaker

>> No.10951403

Why? I don't like Gabo but I think it's really far from being absolute shit.

>> No.10951410

i dont understand something so its bad

>> No.10953047

On the Road is trash. Rambling glorification of travels through the United States. Fun for teenagers and “unique, free spirited” normies

>> No.10953236

To you, maybe.

>> No.10953240

He didn't make that up though, the myth was already established.

>> No.10953296

>Ulysses above Faust

>> No.10953501

>God tier

Get out

>> No.10953522
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>> No.10953552 [DELETED] 

>1001 Nights

>The Name of the Rose

GTFO you absolute pleb

>> No.10953563

>1001 Nights

>The Name of the Rose

GTFO you absolute pleb

>> No.10953573

Not a single Dostojevskij?

>> No.10953580

Scratch that not a single mention of Dostojevskij in this thread.

What has /lit/ become.

>> No.10953654

No. There are a lot of peculiar providential factors that go into what gets remembered or forgotten by history, not necessarily some indescribably "objective" quality. Given the raw numbers of books published, (not to mention things like book-burnings or the capricious tastes of critics and the book-reading public) most of the best books are probably buried by time. Honestly, I don't see anything wrong with this. It seems fitting that the best works of art (as conceptions of good are indeliblly tainted by the particular eyeballs that percieve a given work) a somewhat esoteric character about them.

>> No.10953675

>Hunger Games and 50 Shades are better than 99% of books
Believe it or not this is what a true patrician looks like.

>> No.10953695

The Quran is boring even for a religious book.

>> No.10953710

So what's the difference between bad and shit tier?

>> No.10953729

are you blind? it's right there in the middle

anyway, these lists are always the same: a slice of the western canon chosen by a literal who. fuck all of you

>> No.10953862

I agree with bad tier.

>> No.10953864

>can't even spell his name right
>native speaker

>> No.10953865

>It's literally the style of a student taking his teacher's class.
i wonder why.......

>> No.10953873

the story in the Bible sucks and the characters are super bland, what makes it god tier?

>> No.10953884

>Holy Bible
Abrahamic religions pls go

>> No.10953910

t.kristen stewart

>> No.10953936
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>> No.10953944


>> No.10954296

> fixed
> the quran is still there

Must be hard being fucking retarded, aye?

>> No.10954336

Step 1: Start with the Greeks

>> No.10954340

>space after memearrow

>> No.10954355

> no argument

>> No.10954356

>There is little evidence that the Nights was particularly treasured in the Arab world. It is rarely mentioned in lists of popular literature and few pre-18th century manuscripts of the collection exist.[91] Fiction had a low cultural status among Medieval Arabs compared with poetry, and the tales were dismissed as khurafa (improbable fantasies fit only for entertaining women and children). According to Robert Irwin, "Even today, with the exception of certain writers and academics, the Nights is regarded with disdain in the Arabic world. Its stories are regularly denounced as vulgar, improbable, childish and, above all, badly written."[92]

>> No.10954375

The alchemist is shit tho.