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/lit/ - Literature

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10948732 No.10948732 [Reply] [Original]

Who will defend the canon once he's gone?

>> No.10948738


>> No.10948745

Jordan Be Peterson. He will defend the canon from the postmodernists neomarxist with the power of Solzhenitsyn, Based Dosto and Jung.

>> No.10948753

I'm not sure Bloom even agreed with Jung..

>> No.10948766

Only thing I could find from Bloom on Jung was briefly saying he didn't like him with no elaboration

>> No.10948776

He's not a literary critic and nowhere near as erudite as Bloom though

>> No.10948824
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We will anon, we will.

>> No.10948829

The People's Republic of China

>> No.10949026

He's also far too much of a money grubber to do serious work any more.

>> No.10949198

He's supposedly using the money to develop some kind of humanities education program, but I have no idea how that's going. I hope it focuses on a Bloom-style great books curriculum that eschews tokenism, but who knows

>> No.10950519


>> No.10950528

All this stuck up old mummy defended was his own idea of the canon. Bloom is a nonentity outside anglo countries.

>> No.10950542

micheal silverblatt y fucks

>> No.10950591

dunno why this guy is memed so much outside of generic lit politics reasons, his criticism is laughably poor, his talk of shakespeare reads like fanfic. there’s no bogeyman saying shakespeare or shelley or stevens or dante, to use his examples, are being dismissed or undermined in contemporary academia, so apart from his meme remarks like “i can read 500 pages an hour” i’m not sure why he’s the subject of any legitimate discussion

>> No.10950691

I recall he's mentioned 'psychoanalyst' a few times in relation to his Freud's critique, and basically calls it a bunch of bullshit that took Freud's unconscious literary ambitions too seriously as clinical work.

>> No.10950744

Hopefully no one. The canon is a made up thing and at this point is only holding literature back.

>> No.10950765

This. The only reason Bloom is somewhat popular anywhere is because reactionaries are afraid of MUH SCHOOL OF RESENTMENT. Bloom's views on literature belong in the past and his work has no place in contemporary academia. Not for political reasons, but because it's just dumb.

>> No.10950769
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>> No.10950780

>belong in the past
>it's just dumb.
Then what's smart and worthy right now?

>> No.10950791

boring historical scholarship and class identity-based readings of texts

>> No.10950822

You don't understand the canon. It's not prescriptive, it's just a collection of influential works that might still hold some aesthetic value, which you might want to imbibe if you care about experiencing beautiful things. There's no one being held back by works they're not required to read or ancient authors whose example they're not required follow.

>> No.10950823

the current literary establishment is a joke. even bloom is miles ahead of what we have now

>> No.10950840

>unironically using the term "reactionary"
talk about things that belong in the past. what fucking year is it?

>> No.10950859

if it's not prescriptive then why does it need defending huh

>> No.10950877

Because it's taught by parochial retards in a prescriptive manner, who don't also teach why those works are worth studying

>> No.10950902

well they're only worth studying because they're famous and they're only famous because people study them

>> No.10950909

whoever it is i just hope he's not a jew

>> No.10950916


>> No.10950925

That's bullshit though. They were studied because people (other writers, not academics) found them aesthetically valuable, and they found them aesthetically valuable because the works either did something new, or did something extremely well. Books aren't canonized randomly.

>> No.10951698
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>> No.10951712

His taste is too idiosyncratic, too informed by his ideology.

>> No.10951738

>too idiosyncratic
It's just 90% Russian, for whatever reason

>> No.10952093

isn't this the guy who tried to have sex with one of his students desu

>> No.10952097

This jew gatekeeper should never have had any influence over the white/European canon. Anyone who lends him credibility should be suspected to be a jew supporting their own. Jews are aliens who are not a part of our culture and should have no influence over it.

>> No.10952100

Maybe, but who hasn't done that?

>> No.10952102

Literature is a non-entity outside of anglo countries

>> No.10952183

Boy, the quality of posts in /lit/ really drops once high school lets out for the day and /pol/ shows up.

>> No.10952190

u wish
also kill urself stupid roastie

>> No.10952217

If you're a jew or not aware of the jewish question you should be posting on reddit instead of here. We expect arguments and a higher level of discourse/understanding among the white posters here, and encourage nonwhites to exit this white cultural online space here.

>> No.10952226


i detect some reddit-tier faggotry afoot.

>> No.10952236

Idiots who can't capitalize their "I"'s are also unwelcome.

>> No.10952263

I'm pretty sure I'm whiter than you, and you're full of shit. Go back to kindergarten.

>> No.10952288
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The Canon will defend itself. The works didn't last all through the ages because of Bloom. They'll stand the test of time, and all this girl power and POC in literature is just a fad, won't stand a chance against Shakespeare, Dante, ect.

>> No.10952297
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>> No.10952336
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>> No.10952537

which books are actually in the canon anyway

>> No.10952544



>> No.10952581

Literally this. The shitty part is that our cultural references will change if less people read the canon, which will lead to people who do choose to study the canon feeling culturally alienated.

>> No.10952615


>> No.10952637

you are barely literate lol

>> No.10952651


>> No.10952800

Rick and morty. The office and iiasip will be the new canon.

>> No.10952808

There's no "whiter than," you mongrel. There's white and then there's nonwhite.

>> No.10952814

No one cares. Fuck off back to your hole.

>> No.10952824

This is a thread about the protection of the white/European literary Canon. Everyone who is white should care and those who aren't should leave.

>> No.10952830

Sensitive much, dude?

>> No.10952832

No it's not. Once again fuck off to your hole, Cletus. You're not welcome here.

>> No.10952838


>> No.10953339

>only reason Bloom is somewhat popular anywhere

>> No.10953813

>In reviewing The Western Canon, Denis Donoghue noted saliently that Bloom writes of Shakespeare's plays “as if they contained nothing but characters [personalities] and of those as if their supreme form of communication was the soliloquy.” Bloom himself, Donoghue continued, “shows no interest in literary form, structure, questions of narrative, style or tone, the fellowship of word and word, syllable and syllable.”


>> No.10953827


>> No.10953876

wtf its pronounced "Solzhenitsyn" you idiot

>> No.10954203

Bloom is a semite from the desert, he has different emotional, intellectual, and spiritual faculties than Europeans, which is why he isn't in any kind of position to be judging our culture and should be expelled along with the rest of his tribe for mistakenly thinking they have a right to such positions of authority within our societies.

>> No.10954206
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>> No.10954219

>our culture
Are your shitposts a part of your "culture"? Your ancestors would be proud.

>> No.10954231

He's a New Yorker actually.

>> No.10954263

New criterion is a cabal of retards

>> No.10954796

But Bloom is a democrat

>> No.10955655

Bloom definitely utilizes a lot of psychoanalytic theories on archetypes in his literature critiques.
I'm not sure what he thinks of Jung though.

>> No.10955667

no one is strong enough....the school of resentment is too strong....

>> No.10955669


>> No.10956068

I’m pretty sure cultural isolation is the number one reason for reading the canon in the first place.

I mean you have to be at least a little bit discontent with the world around you to spend a significant chunk of your life reading what amounts to monologues of men who’ve been dead for dozens of not hundreds if not thousands of years.

If you write, and you’re not part of some literary circle, you’re essentially writing for yourself and the few people like you that might pop up after you’ve died... I’ve often counted Nabokov, Borges, Schaupenhauer, etc. As among my most intimate friends. It takes a pretty profound loneliness to do that, to feel an emotional attatchment with ghosts that isn’t felt towards the exterior world.

And if it were felt for the exterior world I certainly wouldn’t spend so many days of my life hoovering over a book... nobody would, they’d go out on weekends, spend that time with the people around them, probably look on anyone willing to dedicate so much effort towards creating the self contained and interiorly focused monologue that is a literary text with a mixture of sustain and curriosity.

Maybe it’s for the best if libraries were just burned to the ground

>> No.10956072

>Solzhenitsyn, Based Dosto and Jung

Fucking kill me

>> No.10956079

His archetypes come from Frye, he also uses a lot of Freudian references.

>> No.10956084

You won't fool us Lizards. You won't fool God

>> No.10956085

Men of the world who value the Way all turn to books. But books are nothing more than words. Words have value; what is of value in words is meaning. Meaning has something it is pursuing, but the thing that it is pursuing cannot be put into words and handed down. The world values words and hands down books but, though the world values them, I do not think them worth valuing. What the world takes to be value is not real value.

What you can look at and see are forms and colors; what you can listen to and hear are names and sounds. What a pity! - that the men of the world should suppose that form and color, name and sound are sufficient to convey the truth of a thing. It is because in the end they are not sufficient to convey truth that "those who know do not speak, those who speak do not know." But how can the world understand this!

Duke Huan was in his hall reading a book. The wheelwright P'ien, who was in the yard below chiseling a wheel, laid down his mallet and chisel, stepped up into the hall, and said to Duke Huan, "This book Your Grace is reading - may I venture to ask whose words are in it?"

"The words of the sages," said the duke.

"Are the sages still alive?"

"Dead long ago," said the duke.

"In that case, what you are reading there is nothing but the chaff and dregs of the men of old!"

"Since when does a wheelwright have permission to comment on the books I read?" said Duke Huan. "If you have some explanation, well and good. If not, it's your life!"

Wheelwright P'ien said, "I look at it from the point of view of my own work. When I chisel a wheel, if the blows of the mallet are too gentle, the chisel slides and won't take hold. But if they're too hard, it bites in and won't budge. Not too gentle, not too hard - you can get it in your hand and feel it in your mind. You can't put it into words, and yet there's a knack to it somehow. I can't teach it to my son, and he can't learn it from me. So I've gone along for seventy years and at my age I'm still chiseling wheels. When the men of old died, they took with them the things that couldn't be handed down. So what you are reading there must be nothing but the chaff and dregs of the men of old."

>> No.10956090

I wasn't being serious you retards lol

>> No.10956094

The time came, however, when Virtue began to dwindle and decline, and then Sui Jen and Fu Hsi stepped forward to take charge of the world. As a result there was compliance, but no longer any unity. Virtue continued to dwindle and decline, and then Shen Nung and the Yellow Emperor stepped forward to take charge of the world. As a result, there was security, but no longer any compliance. Virtue continued to dwindle and decline, and then Yao and Shun stepped forward to take charge of the world.3 They set about in various fashions to order and transform the world, and in doing so defiled purity and shattered simplicity. The Way was pulled apart for the sake of goodness; Virtue was imperiled for the sake of conduct. After this, inborn nature was abandoned and minds were set free to roam, mind joining with mind in understanding; there was knowledge, but it could not bring stability to the world. After this, "culture" was added on, and "breadth" was piled on top. "Culture" destroyed the substantial, "breadth" drowned the mind, and after this the people began to be confused and disordered. They had no way to revert to the true form of their inborn nature or to return once more to the Beginning.

>> No.10956217

What's the difference?

>> No.10956245

If the books in the canon are so great then why is there a need to defend them?

>> No.10956353
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Because jews are attacking them and white culture generally. They also degrade our literary culture by promoting trash and now almost exclusively women and non-whites via their nepotistic stranglehold over our publishing arms.

>> No.10956505

I think you added the white part there, bud

>> No.10956530

Mortimer Adler essentially defined the western canon and Harold Bloom is one of its staunchest proponents, moron.

>> No.10956581

Is that what their tribesmen have told you? Start thinking for yourself and learning about the jewish problem or go back to r*ddit.

>> No.10956625

Oh, for fuck's sake, moron, Adler was one of the three editors who chose what was included in Britannica's Great Books of the Western World series. Bloom wrote the primary contemporary text about the Western Canon and still continues to write about it.

"Their tribesmen" told me nothing. This is all plain fact. If you ever actually read any books, you would know it, too.

>> No.10956666

The opinions of jews who promote themselves as a way to influence a culture they don't belong to don't matter. This is the problem. These people have no sway or authority over our culture and are alien outsiders who routinely undermine it, regardless of whether you understand that or wish to believe otherwise. You're just a shabbos goy.

>> No.10956671

>he's come in strong there, Bob
>You're not wrong Jeff, bold use of the Cletus haymaker right of the bat
>It's enough to make you wonder if he's got anything special saved for later in the match

>> No.10956675


>> No.10956685

>Facts don't match up with my opinion that the Jews are out to destroy us all so I'll just work around them.

Good luck, anon.

>> No.10956844

You have to be blind or have a low IQ to not realize that at this point.

>> No.10956935

Nah how dare he not include thus spoke Zarathustra and instead include Will to Power

>> No.10957495
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Woah , that was intense to say the least. No more simpsons for this goy.

>> No.10957533

Your welcome

>> No.10957543

I need to reread Zhuangzi.